TITLE OF THE PAPER (12-POINT TYPE SIZE, UPPERCASE, BOLD AND CENTERED) Author's Name (10-Point type size, Upper and lower cases, Italic and centered) Authors' affiliations (use complete addresses) Email address: (corresponding author only) (10-Point type size, Upper and lower cases, Centered) ABSTRACT The Final paper will be in two column format. For the body of your document, use Times New Roman font, 10-point type size. The whole document should be fully justified. Headings should be 10-point and upper-case, bold. Subheadings should be 10-point upper and lower-case and Keywords: 3-5 1. INTRODUCTION The Final paper will be in two column format. For the body of your document, use Times New Roman font, 10-point type size. The whole document should be fully justified. Headings should be 10-point and upper-case, bold. Subheadings should be 10-point upper and lower-case and bold. Sub-subheading are typed 10-point-upper and lower case, not bold but italic. Paper size: A4, Margins; top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm. Space between two columns 7 mm Justification: Full justification of the document No additional headers and footers, no page numbers. 2. METHODOLOGY/ANALYSIS/EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP The Final paper will be in two column format. For the body of your document, use Times New Roman font, 10-point type size. The whole document should be fully justified. Headings should be 10-point and upper-case, bold. Subheadings should be 10-point upper and lower-case and bold. Sub-subheading are typed 10-point-upper and lower case, not bold but italic. Paper size: A4, Margins; top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm. Space between two columns 7 mm Justification: Full justification of the document No additional headers and footers, no page numbers. 3. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION The Final paper will be in two column format. For the body of your document, use Times New Roman font, 10-point bold. Sub-subheading are typed 10-point-upper and lower case, not bold but italic. Paper size: A4, Margins; top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm. Space between two columns 7 mm Justification: Full justification of the document No additional headers and footers, no page numbers. type size. The whole document should be fully justified. Headings should be 10-point and upper-case, bold. Subheadings should be 10-point upper and lower-case and bold. Sub-subheading are typed 10-point-upper and lower case, not bold but italic. Paper size: A4, Margins; top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm. Space between two columns 7 mm Justification: Full justification of the document No additional headers and footers, no page numbers. 4. CONCLUSION The Final paper will be in two column format. For the body of your document, use Times New Roman font, 10-point type size. The whole document should be fully justified. Headings should be 10-point and upper-case, bold. Subheadings should be 10-point upper and lower-case and bold. Sub-subheading are typed 10-point-upper and lower case, not bold but italic. Paper size: A4, Margins; top: 2.5 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 2 cm, right: 2 cm. Space between two columns 7 mm Justification: Full justification of the document No additional headers and footers, no page numbers. REFERENCES References to published literature should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the journal format. You have to insert all tables and figures inside the text Instruction for References Reference to a journal publication: publishers year Authors Title Journal name Place/coun try Jahiru, I., 2005. Combustion characteri stics of diesel fuel , Energy , ElsevierSc ience , UK Volume33, 240 - 250. No.2 , pp. volume and issue number page number Reference to a book: Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 1979. The Elements of Style, third ed. Macmillan, New York. Reference to a conference paper: MacGill, I., Outhred, H., Nolles, K., 2003a. Market-based environmental regulation in the restructured Australian electricity industry, In: Proceedings of the 26th International IAEE Conference, Prague, June. References to online resources should also be quoted with the organization’s name, authors' name, title and URL. Instruction for Graphs, Tables, and Photographs Figures, tables, equations and references should be numbered sequentially throughout the paper. The examples are given as: Example for equation: x bc (1) Example for Figure: At 80 minutes At 100 minutes At 120 minutes At 140 minutes Temperature (º C) 75 70 65 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thermocouple points 7 8 9 10 Figure 1 Title 10-point lower case Example for table: Table 1 Title 10-point lower case Column Header Row name Row name Column Header 10-point 10-point