Using hyperspectral remote sensing for land cover classification Wendy Zhang1, Southern University at New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana 70126, USA Shobha Sriharan2, Virginia State University, Petersburg, Virginia 23806, USA ABSTRACT This project used hyperspectral data set to classify land cover using remote sensing techniques. Many different earthsensing satellites, with diverse sensors mounted on sophisticated platforms, are currently in earth orbit. These sensors are designed to cover a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum and are generating enormous amounts of data that must be processed, stored, and made available to the user community. The Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) collects data in 224 bands that are approximately 9.6 nm wide in contiguous bands between 0.40 and 2.45 m. Hyperspectral sensors acquire images in many, very narrow, contiguous spectral bands throughout the visible, near-IR, and thermal IR portions of the spectrum. The unsupervised image classification procedure automatically categorizes the pixels in an image into land cover classes or themes. Experiments on using hyperspectral remote sensing for land cover classification were conducted during the 2003 and 2004 NASA Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at Stennis Space Center. Research Systems Inc.’s (RSI) ENVI software package was used in this application framework. In this application, emphasis was placed on: (1) Spectrally oriented classification procedures for land cover mapping, particularly, the supervised surface classification using AVIRIS data; and (2) Identifying data endmembers. Keywords: Hyperspectral, AVIRIS, classification, endmember 1. INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining information about an object, area, or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object, area, or phenomenon under investigation. Remote sensing has become a powerful tool for land cover identification, the regional mapping of natural resources, and geological features3. Digital processing of remote sensing data has gained momentum in the last decade14. One important aspect in remote sensing is the characterization and classification of spectral measurements taken from satellites into various features of the land surface. Pattern recognition can be carried out if appropriate procedures are adopted for classification12. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Sciences program primarily focuses on providing high quality data products to its science community. NASA also recognizes the need to increase its involvement with the general public, including areas of information and education. Many different Earth-sensing satellites, with diverse sensors mounted on sophisticated platforms, are in Earth orbit or soon to be launched. These sensors are designed to cover a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum and generate enormous amounts of data that must be processed, stored, and made available to the user community. Imaging spectrometers are remote sensing instruments that combine the spatial presentation of an imaging sensor with the analytical capabilities of a spectrometer. Hyperspectral remote sensing involves data collection in 32 to 1024 spectral bands, with spectral resolution as narrow as 1 nanometer (nm) 13. Hyperspectral sensors acquire images throughout the visible, near-IR, and thermal IR portions of the spectrum. Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) is a proven instrument in the realm of Earth Remote Sensing. It is a unique optical sensor that delivers calibrated images of the upwelling spectral radiance in 224 contiguous spectral channels (bands) with 1 2; phone 504-286-5139; fax 504-284-5506; phone 804-524-6768, fax 804-524-5145 wavelengths from 400 to 2500 nm. AVIRIS has been flown on two aircraft platforms: a NASA ER-2 jet and the Twin Otter turboprop. Because of the large number of very narrow bands sampled, hyperspectral data enable data collection that was formally limited to laboratory testing or ground site surveys. The main objective of the AVIRIS research program is to identify, measure, and monitor constituents of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere based on molecular absorption and particle scattering signatures. Research with AVIRIS data predominantly focuses on understanding processes related to the global environment and climate change. AVIRIS data has hundreds of spectral bands, compared to broad-band multispectral scanners such as Landsat Thematic Mapper ™, which only has 6 spectral an 1 thermal bands and spectral resolution on the order of 100 nm or greater. Each pixel has an associated, continuous spectrum that can be used to identify the earth surface materials. Hyperspectral imaging is a powerful tool for many applications, including pattern classification for scene analysis. However, hyperspectral imaging can generate data at rates that challenge communication, processing, and storage capacities. Recently, numerous research with various approaches3,4,9,10,14,19,20 have been done for analyzing and improving information capacity and efficiency in hyperspectral systems. A spectrally oriented classification procedure, called endmember identification, for land cover mapping, using AVIRIS data is discussed in this paper. The term ”endmember” describes a substance or material that has a unique spectral signature. Endmembers may be a single substance or a composite of materials. It is expected that based on endmember spectra, the data patterns can be easily retrieved, and the most appropriate bands can be identified. The overall objective of image classification procedure is to automatically categorize all pixels in an image into land cover classes or themes. In testing the proposed endmember base classification algorithm, it has become clear that identifying the endmember plays a very important role. In Section 3, the process steps for identifying the endmembers are listed and the results using unsupervised classification and endmember-based supervised classification are compared. In Section 4, we draw conclusions and limitation from the results of our study. 2. HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGE SPECTRAL ANALYSIS AND MAPPING 2.1 Spectral Feature Fitting and Analysis Most methods used for analysis of hyperspectral data do not directly identify specific materials. They only indicate how similar the material is to another known material or how unique it is with respect to other materials. Techniques for direct identification of materials via extraction of specific spectral features from field and laboratory reflectance spectra have been in use for many years. Spectral feature fitting and analysis require conversion of data to reflectance and removal of a continuum from the reflectance data prior to analysis. A continuum is a mathematical function used to isolate a particular absorption feature for analysis14. It corresponds to a background signal unrelated to specific absorption features of interest. Spectra are normalized to a common reference using a continuum formed by defining high points of the spectrum (local maximal) and fitting straight line segments between these points. The continuum is removed by dividing it into the original spectrum. Spectral Feature FittingTM (SFFTM)17 is an absorption-feature-based method for matching image spectra to reference endmembers. Spectral feature fitting requires that reference endmembers be selected from either the image or a spectral library, that both the reference and unknown spectra have the continuum removed, and that each reference endmember spectrum be scaled to match the unknown spectrum 16. A “scale” image is produced for each endmember selected for analysis by first subtracting the continuum-removed spectra from one, thus inverting them and making the continuum zero. A single multiplicative scaling factor is then determined that makes the reference spectrum match the unknown spectrum. Assuming reasonable spectral ranges have been selected, a large scaling factor is equivalent to deep spectral feature, while a small scaling factor indicates a weak spectral feature. A least-square-fit is then calculated band-by-band between each reference endmember and the unknown spectrum. The total root-mean-square (RMS) error is used to form an RMS image for each endmember. The Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM)10 is a physically-based spectral classification that uses the n-dimensional angle to match pixels to reference spectra. The algorithm determines the spectral similarity between two spectra by calculating the angle between the spectra, treating them as vectors in a space with dimensionality equal to the number of bands16. SAM compares the angle between the endmember spectrum (considered as a n-dimensional vector, where n is the number of bands) and each pixel vector in n-dimensional space. Smaller angles represent closer matches to the reference spectrum. SAM matches unknown spectra to library spectra and provides a score with respect to the library spectra. The Binary Encoding classification technique encodes the data and endmember spectra into 0s and 1s based on whether a band falls below or above the spectrum mean16. An exclusive OR function is used to compare each encoded reference spectrum with the encoded data spectra and a classification image produced. All pixels are classified to the endmember with the greatest number of bands that match. Some pixels may be unclassified if the user-specified minimum match threshold is not exceeded. 2.2 Experiment Data and Reference Libraries The experiment was set up to find the appropriate endmembers to identify unique vegetation spectral signatures of Stennis Space Center using AVIRIS data acquired on July 29, 1999. The data file used was AVIRIS apparent reflectance mosaic data of part of Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, USA, calibrated using Atmospheric Removal (ATREM) atmospheric modeling software. The data covers the 0.3704 to 2.5101 micron (μm) range in 224 spectral bands and the image data file size was 984 megabyte (MB). The software used to complete this project was the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) version 3.6 running on UNIX systems. The spectral libraries employed were the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Vegetation Spectral Library (wavelength is 0.3951 to 2.56 μm and the wavelength accuracy is 0.5 nm in the near-IR and 0.2 nm in the visible), Jasper Ridge Spectral Library for Green Vegetation, Dry Vegetation, and Rocks, The John Hopkins University Spectra Library for Man Made Materials (0.42 –14 m), Man Made Materials (0.3 –12.5 m), and Vegetation (0.3 –14 m). 2.3 Methodology Traditional supervised and unsupervised classification techniques require very long processing times for hyperspectral data because of the number of bands of data (224). A more serious problem is the need to estimate class signatures, i.e., the mean vector and covariance matrix, when using algorithms such as maximum likelihood, based on second order statistics. When training supervised classifiers a minimum ratio of the number of training pixels to number of spectral bands is needed to ensure reliable estimates of class statistics are obtained. As the dimensionality of data set increases, the minimum number of training pixels per class must be increased to preserve the accuracy of the statistical estimates. Adding more spectral bands, as in the case of AVIRIS, is not helpful unless more training pixels per class are available. This turns out to one of the major limitations in attempting to apply traditional image classification procedures. Most methods used for analysis of hyperspectral data still do not directly identify specific materials. They only indicate how similar the material is to another known material or how unique it is with respect to other materials in classifying images using AVIRIS hyperspectral data. Image spectra were browsed and compared to the spectral library that was provided by different agencies and labs. When visually comparing and contrasting the corresponding AVIRIS spectra with the features shown in the laboratory spectra, we found how similar the two spectra were. A spectral profile was created by putting the image spectra and similar library spectra together. ENVI has a spectral matching tool, the Spectral AnalystTM 17. The Spectral AnalystTM scores the unknown spectrum against the library and provides a score with respect to the library spectra. The spectral analysis used three methods, Spectral Angle Mapping, Spectral Feature Fitting, and Binary Encoding, to produce a score between 0 and 1, with 1 equaling a perfect match. Equal weight (0.33) was put on each of the three methods when using Spectral AnalystTM to identify spectra. Regions of Interest (ROIs) were also used to extract statistics and average spectra from groups of pixels. We created the ROIs of pixels and then we examined and extracted statistics and spectral plots of the selected ROIs. We expected that comparing the spectral features of each mean spectrum could identify some unique characteristics. 2.4 Findings 2.4.1 Comparison of image spectra and spectral library We compared the pixel spectra in the spectral profile of SSC hyperspectral data with the spectra from spectral libraries and had the following findings: Figure 2.1 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: aspenlf2.spc Aspen_Leaf_B DW92-3 Plot File: Aspenlf2_plot.jpg Figure 2.2 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: grass.spc Lawn-grass GDS91 (Green) Plot File: Grass_plot.jpg Figure 2.3 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: bluespru.spc Blue_Spruce DW92-5 Needle Plot File: Bluespru_plot.jpg Figure 2.4 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: juniper.spc Juniper_Bush IH91-4B whole Plot File: Juniper_plot.jpg Figure 2.5 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: firtree.spc Fir_Tree IH91-2 complete Plot File: Firtree_plot.jpg Figure 2.6 Library: USGS Vegetation Spectral Library Spectra: rabbit.spc Rabbitbrush ANP92-27 whole Plot File: Rabbit_plot.jpg Figure 2.1 showed the spectra of aspen leaf. Figure 2.2 showed the spectra of lawn grass. Figure 2.3 showed the spectra of blue spruce needle, Figure 2.4 showed the spectra of whole juniper bush. Figure 2.5 showed the spectra of complete fir tree. Figure 2.6 showed the spectra of whole rabbit brush. We noticed from these figures that our image over Stennis apparent reflectance spectra best-matched the library spectrum from wavelength 1.5 –2.5. We compared our vegetation spectra to various spectral graphs from the USGS library in these figures. It was hard to identify any particular vegetation by just visualizing these figures. Figure 2.7 The Spectral Analyst Dialog 2.4.2 Result of Spectral Analyst The results from the Spectral AnalystTM were disappointing. Figure 2.7 Spectral Analyst dialog shows that the Spectral Feature Fitting (SSF) scores 0, meaning it does not match the pixel to any spectrum in the USGS Vegetation library. The highest score, 0.543, matches walnut leaf rather than grass the pixel spectrum presents. Figure 2.8 gives a better match with grass but the SSF scores 0. 2.4.3 Use Average Spectrum We selected an ROI and then extracted statistics and created a spectral plot. The outcomes of ROI were close to the spectral profile of individual pixels as showed in Figure 2.8. Our expectation of using spectra to identify vegetation endmember was faded. Figure 2.8 The Spectral Analyst Dialog of ROI 3. ENDMEMBER-BASED SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION Since AVIRIS data has hundreds of spectral bands, traditional image processing and data handling techniques face difficulties. The classification accuracy first grows and then declines as the number of spectral bands increases, which is often referred to as the Hughes phenomenon7. In supervised classification, if too few training samples are used then the class model may be very accurate for the training data and classification accuracy on training data can be very high. However, classification accuracy on testing data will be poor. In this case, the classifier is over trained and the statistics estimated are unreliable. This situation creates the Hughes phenomenon14. The difficulty lies in the small number of available training pixels per class compared with the number of wavebands used and is related directly to the Hughes phenomenon. It is not feasible to use regular classification methods to classify images using AVIRIS hyperspectral data. The experiment was set up to find the appropriate way to classify vegetation of Stennis Space Center using AVIRIS data. The data covers the 0.3704 to 2.5101 μm range in 224 spectral bands and the image data file size is 984 MB. The software employed for this project was the ENVI version 4.0 running on a Windows system. The following steps were used for this methodology. Step1: Data Preprocessing The high spectral resolution of hyperspectral data includes atmospheric absorption features will be detected and displayed. ATREM program overcomes a difficulty with the other approaches in removing water vapor absorption feature in AVIRIS data. Evaluate the ATREM correction applied to the AVIRIS spectral radiance to remove the bulk of the solar and atmospheric effect6. The AVIRIS data set used for this project was already converted from radiance to reflectance. We viewed the spectral profile to identify the atmospheric absorptions. Bands 1-4, 107-116, and 152-168 contained the atmospheric absorption windows. Figure 3.1 Spectral Profile and Absorption Step 2: Resize Data Spectrally and Spatially Much of the additional data recorded by hyperspectral sensors does not add to the inherent information content for a particular application. There is often substantial overlap of information content over the bands of data for a given pixel. Feature reduction would be an important preprocessing step to image analysis. Bands 1-4, 107-116, and 152-168 were subset out for spectral reduction. 192 bands remained. The specific study area was subset too. Step 3: Reduce Dimensionality of Data The minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation is used to determine the inherent dimensionality of image data, to separate noise in the data, and to reduce the computational requirements for subsequent processing17. The inherent dimensionality of the data is determined by examination of the final eigenvalues and the associated images. Eigenvalues for bands that contain information will be an order of magnitude larger than those that contain only noise. Applied the MNF transform to the subset AVIRIS data and viewed MNF eigenvalue plots to determine break-in-slop and MNF cut-off between “signal” and “noise”. Bands with high eigenvalue were selected to reduce the spectral bands from 192 to 30. Figure 3.2 MNF Eigenvalue Plot Step 4: Determine Purity of Pixels The Pixel_Purity_IndexTM (PPITM)16 is a means of finding the most “spectrally pure” or extreme, pixels in a multispectral and hyperspectral images in ENVI. Separating pure from more mixed pixels reduces the number of pixels to be analyzed for endmember determination and makes separation and identification of endmembers easier. The most spectrally pure pixels typically correspond to endmembers. Pure image pixels are identified by n-dimensional data cloud (n-dimensional scatter plots) onto a random unit vector. The extreme pixels in each projection are recorded and the total number of times each pixel is marked as extreme is noted. A PPI image is created in which the digital number (DN) of each pixel corresponds to the number of times that pixel was recorded as extreme. We applied PPI analysis to the MNF output by using the first 30 bands. The number of iteration was set to 10,000 and the number of iteration per block was 250 to ensure that some vegetation pixels were picked. Since there are few pure vegetation pixels, the ‘tolerance factor”, the threshold factor in standard deviation was set to 2.5. The total number of pixels picked was 82,199. Step 5: Define Region of Interest (ROI) of PPI To visualize pixels in the n-Dimensional scatter plot, a ROI from the PPI image must be defined. Our PPI image has a minimum value of 0 (pixels that were never identified as pure) and a maximum value of 668 (pixels that were identified 668 times during the PPI iteration). Traditionally the ROI would be one that includes all pixels with high PPI values. However, the vegetation pixels identified by the PPI, valued from 2 to 8 in our study case. All pixels that were hit between 2 and 8 times were selected and a ROI was created from them. DN # of Pixels Color 2 13387 Red 3 4564 Green 4 2074 Blue 5 1135 Yellow 6 712 7 499 8 378 Figure 3.3 RIO of PPI Cyan Purple Maroon Step 6: n-Dimensional (N-D) Visualization Spectra can be thought of as points in an n-dimensional scatter plot, where n is the number if bands. The coordinates of the points in n-space consist of “n” values that are simply the spectral radiance or reflectance values in each band for a given pixel. The distribution of these points in n-space can be used to estimate the number if spectral endmembers and their pure spectral signatures. n-Dimensional VisualizerTM 17 provides an interactive tool for selecting the endmembers in n-space where n is the number of bands of interest. The most important pixels, those best suggest the endmember materials, are the purest pixels, previously selected using PPI threshold. Those bands encompass almost all the signal variability and limiting the number of bands will improve the interactive visualization performance. We used N-D Visualizer to separate the pure pixels into a set of endmembers. Thirty bands from the MNF data were used in this process. Figure 3.4 N-D Visualizer Step 7: Endmember-based Supervised Classification and Unsupervised Classification The sensitivity to category variance can be considered by the range of values in each category training set. This range may be defined by the highest and lowest digital number values in each band appeared as a rectangular area. An unknown pixel is classified according to the category range, or decision region. The multidimensional analogs of these rectangular areas are called parallelepipeds. The parallelepiped classifier is a very simple supervised classifier14. Parallelepiped classification uses a simple decisional rule to classify hyperspectral data. The decision boundaries form an n-dimensional parallelepiped in the image data space. The dimensions of the parallelepiped are defined based upon a standard deviation threshold from the mean of each selected class. The parallelepiped classifier is very fast and efficient computationally 17. We used the established ROIs of PPI as the trained signature and set standard deviation as 2.0 in parallelepiped classification. Uunsupervised classification calculates class means evenly distributed in the data space and then iteratively clusters the pixels using minimum distance techniques. Each iteration recalculates class means and reclassifies pixels with respect to the new means. Iterative class splitting, merging, and deleting are done based on input threshold parameters. All pixels are classified to the nearest class. This process continues until the number of pixels in each class changes by less than the selected pixel change threshold or the maximum number of iterations is reached 16. We applied unsupervised classification on the MNF subset data. The first thirty bands were used to generate the image with ten classifications. Comparing image using the endmember-based supervised classifier (Figure 3.5) with the image using unsupervised classifier (Figure 3.6), Figure 3.5 gave much more detail of the vegetation. The area we were interested was well classified such as pixels of cogan grass were identified. Figure 3.5 Endmember-based Classification Figure 3.6 Unsupervised Classification 4. CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND FUTURE STUDIES Analysis of land cover is important for ecosystem and environmental management. When image data is available in digital form, spatially quantified into pixels and radiometrically quantified into discrete brightness levels, several approaches are possible to extract information. The image classification procedure automatically categorizes all pixels in an image into land cover classes or themes. This can be accomplished by performing unsupervised and supervised classification using software such as ENVI. Classification can be extended into agriculture research. The data collected through classification of study site can be applied in precision agriculture and management of invasive species control strategies. There is a gap between theory, methodology and application. Through these experiments, we have found, it is extremely difficult to identify vegetation species by spectral analysis itself. The spectra of vegetation changes due to season, climate, environment, and growing condition. As with the image restoration and enhancement techniques, there is no single correct manner in which to approach an image classification problem. Image classifiers may be used in combination in a hybrid mode. The particular approach one might take depends upon the nature of the data being analyzed, the computational resources available, and the intended application of the classified data. All of experiments were conducted in the computer lab. We did not have any true ground picture, timely image data, and hyperspectral vegetation libraries. Without ground truthing, there is no validation for our study. It is a great challenge for us to identify the vegetation species using hyperspectral data. We will seek opportunity to continue our search with colleagues in NASA Stennis Space Center. We need to acquire more timely data and ground sampling and truthing to verify if we can indeed identify invaded species such as cogan grass. The ultimate objective of our research is to increase the performance of image processing using AVIRIS hyperspectral data. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research project is supported by NASA Faculty Fellowship Program (NFFP). We are very grateful to Dr. Ramona Travis, University Affairs Officer, NASA Stennis Space Center, Dr. Eddie Hildreth and Dr. James Miller, Directors of NFFP, for providing assistance and encouragement during the program. Special thanks to Ms. Guest and Mr. Lloyd McGregor of Remote Sensing Directorate, Lockheed Martin Space Operations, Stennis Programs for the mentoring and helping. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Barbosa, P.M., Casterad, M. A., and Herrero, J., “Performance of Several Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper ™ Image Classification Methods for Crop Extent Estimates in An Irrigation District”, Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 17, pp. 3665-3674, 1996. Campbell, J. B., Introduction to Remote Sensing. 3rd Edition, The Guilford Press, 2002. Everitt, S. H., Yang, C., Escobar, D. E., Webster,C. F., Lonard, R. I., and Davis, M. R., “Using Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Technologies to Detect and Map Two Aquatic Macrophyt” Journal Aquatic Plant Manage, Vol. 37, pp. 71-80, 1999. Gillis, D., Bowles, J. H., and Winter, M. E., “Using Endmembers as a Coordnate System in Hyperspectral Imagery”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4816, pp. 346-354, Nov. 2002. Gonzalez, R. 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