Econ 232 Spring 2006 Midterm 2 1) Which of the following will occur if there is an increase in money supply? (a) The IS curve shifts and the economy moves along the LM curve. (b) Both the IS and LM curves shift. (c) Output will change due to shift in IS curve. (d) Neither the IS nor the LM curve shifts. (e) The LM curve shifts and the economy moves along the IS curve. 2) Suppose the economy is operating on the LM curve but not on the IS curve. Given this information, we know that: (a) the money market and bond markets are in equilibrium and the goods market is not in equilibrium. (b) neither the money, bond, nor goods markets are in equilibrium. (c) the goods market is in equilibrium and the money market is not in equilibrium. (d) the money, bond and goods markets are all in equilibrium. (e) the money market and goods market are in equilibrium and the bond market is not in equilibrium. 3) We know that the amount of money that individuals want to hold will: (a) increase as the interest rate increases. (b) increase as income decreases. (c) decrease as the interest rate increases. (d) Will depend on price level (e) none of the above 4) Suppose Turkish economy is represented by the following equations: C = 500 + .5YD T = 600 I = 300 G = 2000 Given the above variables, calculate the equilibrium level of output. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2500 3400 5000 6800 None of the above 5) A reduction in the marginal propensity to consume from .7 to .6 will cause: (a) the ZZ line to become steeper and a given change in autonomous consumption (c0) to have a smaller effect on output (b) the ZZ line to become steeper and a given change in autonomous consumption (c0) to have a larger effect on output (c) the ZZ line to become flatter and a given change in autonomous consumption (c0) to have a larger effect on output (d) the ZZ line to become flatter and a given change in autonomous consumption (c0) to have a smaller effect on output (e) none of the above 6) Based on our understanding of consumption and saving, we know that the marginal propensity to consume and the marginal propensity to save must: (a) sum to exactly one. (b) be equal to the multiplier. (c) sum to less than one. (d) sum to more than one. (e) be equal to each other. 7) Which of the following events would cause a reduction in the size of the multiplier? (a) a reduction in government spending (b) a reduction in taxes (c) an increase in the marginal propensity to save (d) an increase in the marginal propensity to consume (e) none of the above Econ 232 Spring 2006 Midterm 2 Use the data below to answer the following questions.Suppose a country has 150 million people, of whom 125 million are working age. Of these 125 million, 75 million have jobs. Of the remainder: 25 million are actively searching for jobs; 25 million would like jobs but are not searching. 8) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The labor force is: 25 million. 75 million. 100 million. 150 million. None of the above 9) CANCELLED The labor force participation rate is: (a) .15 (b) .33 (c) .5 (d) .75 (e) .8. 10) is: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The official unemployment rate .16 .25 .33 0.5 None of the above 11) The GDP deflator provides a measure of which of the following? (a) the ratio of GDP to the number of workers employed (b) the price of a typical consumer's basket of goods (c) real GDP divided by the aggregate price level (d) the ratio of GDP to the size of the population (e) the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP 12) Prices for which of the following are included in the GDP deflator, but not included in the Consumer Price Index? (a) firms' purchases of new equipment (b) consumption of services typical urban consumers (c) intermediate goods and services (d) consumption of goods by typical urban consumers (e) none of the above 13) For this question, assume that individuals do NOT hold currency (i.e., c = 0). If the ratio of reserves to deposits is .20, the money multiplier is: (a) .2. (b) 1.25. (c) 4. (d) 5. (e) 10. 14) Which of the following events will most likely cause an increase in the money supply? (a) a decrease in the ratio of reserves to deposits (b) a central bank sale of bonds (c) a shift in public preferences away from checkable deposits toward currency (d) all of the above (e) none of the above 15) Which of the following events will cause a reduction in equilibrium output? (a) an decline in taxes (b) an increase in the marginal propensity to save (c) an increase in government spending (d) all of the above (e) none of the above 16) The IS curve will NOT shift when which of the following occurs? (a) a reduction in government spending (b) a reduction in consumer confidence (c) a reduction in the interest rate (d) all of the above (e) none of the above Econ 232 Spring 2006 Midterm 2 17) Which of the following best defines the IS curve? (a) the combinations of i and Y that maintain equilibrium in the goods market (b) the combinations of i and Y that maintain equilibrium in financial markets (c) illustrates the effects of changes in i on desired money holdings by individuals (d) illustrates the effects of changes in i on investment (e) both (b) and (c) are correct. 18) We know with certainty that a tax increase must cause which of the following? (a) an increase in investment (b) no change in investment (c) a reduction in investment (d) depends on marginal propensity to consume (e) none of the above 19) An increase in the money supply must cause which of the following? (a) a leftward shift in the IS curve (b) no change in the interest rate if investment is independent of the interest rate (c) no change in output if investment is independent of the interest rate (d) a reduction in the interest rate and ambiguous effects on investment (e) an increase in investment and a rightward shift in the IS curve 20) Suppose the demand for money is NOT very sensitive to the interest rate. Given this information, we know that: (a) the LM curve should be relatively flat. (b) neither the IS nor the LM curve will be affected. (c) the IS curve should be relatively flat. (d) the IS curve should be relatively steep. (e) the LM curve should be relatively steep. 21) Suppose the consumption equation is represented by the following: C = 500 + .4YD. Given this information, the marginal propensity to save is: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) .25 .4 .6 1 none of the above Use the information below to answer the following questions: C = 1000 + .5YD I = 500 G = 1250 T = 1000 22) The equilibrium level of GDP for the above economy equals: (a) 1250 (b) 2250. (c) 3250 (d) 4500 (e) none of the above 23) Suppose taxes decrease by 200 for the above economy. Given the above information, we know that equilibrium output will decrease by: (a) 200. (b) 400. (c) It will not decrease but increase by 200. (d) It will not decrease but increase by 400. (e) none of the above 24) The equation for household saving, S, for the above economy is: (a) 1000 - .5Y (b) -1000 + .5YD (c) -1000 - .5YD (d) 3350 + .5Y (e) None of the above Econ 232 Spring 2006 Midterm 2 25) Suppose nominal GDP in 2005 increased by 5% (over its previous level in 2004). Given this information, we know with certainty that: (a) both the GDP deflator and real GDP increased during 2005. (b) real GDP increased during 2005. (c) the GDP deflator increased during 2005. (d) More information is needed to answer this question. (e) GDP deflator increased but real GDP might have gone down 26) Suppose there is a simultaneous tax increase and open market purchase of bonds. Which of the following must occur as a result of this? (a) output increases (b) output decreases (c) the interest rate decreases (d) both output and the interest rate decrease (e) the interest rate increases 27) Suppose a one-year discount bond offers to pay $1000 in one year and currently sells for $950. Given this information, we know that the interest rate on the bond is: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 5.3%. 9.5%. 10%. 90%. 110%. 28) For this question, assume that individuals do NOT hold currency (i.e., c = 0) and required reserve ratio is represented with q. The money multiplier is equal to: (a) 1/[c + q(1-c)]. (b) 1/q. Both are correct (c) [c + q(1-c)]. (d) 1/(1-c). (e) none of the above 29) We would expect which of the following to occur when the central bank conducts an open market sale of bonds? (a) an increase in the money multiplier (b) a reduction in the money supply (c) an increase in money supply (d) a reduction in the money multiplier (e) both C and D 30) Suppose investment spending is very sensitive to the interest rate. Given this information, we know that: (a) the LM curve should be relatively steep. (b) the LM curve should be relatively flat. (c) neither the IS nor the LM curve will be affected. (d) the IS curve should be relatively steep. (e) the IS curve should be relatively flat. 31) Suppose there is a simultaneous tax cut and open market purchase of bonds. Which of the following must occur as a result of this? (a) the interest rate decreases (b) both output and the interest rate increase (c) output decreases (d) the interest rate increases (e) output increases 32) Robinson Crusoe (RC) and Friday (Friday) are living in an island. They engage following economic activities. In 2003 Friday catches 50 fish and sells them to RC for 5 YTL each. RC uses all of the fish to make 25 liters of fish oil, all of which he sells to Friday for 40 YTL per gallon. If these are the only transactions that take place in 2003, what is the GDP on this island in 2003? (a) 250 YTL (b) 500 YTL (c) 1000 YTL (d) 1250 YTL (e) none of the above Econ 232 Spring 2006 Midterm 2 33) Which of the following generally occurs when a central bank pursues contractionary monetary policy? (a) the central bank purchases bonds and the interest rate increases (b) the central bank sells bonds and the interest rate decreases (c) the central bank purchases bonds and the interest rate decreases (d) the central bank sells bonds and the interest rate increases (e) none of the above 34) Use the following information to answer this question: 90 million people are working, 10 million are not working but are looking for work, and 10 million are not working and have given up looking for work. The official unemployment rate for that month is: (a) 7.7%. (b) 9.1%. (c) 8.3%. (d) 10% (e) 25%. 35) An individual is said to be a discouraged worker if he or she: (a) wants to work, and is actively searching for a job. (b) is working, but prefers not to work. (c) wants to work, but has given up searching for a job (d) is working part time, but would prefer a full-time job. (e) is working in jobs she/he is not suited for. 36) The marginal propensity to save: (a) the level of consumption that occurs if disposable income is zero. (b) the change in consumption caused by a one-unit change in disposable income. (c) total income minus total taxes. (d) the change in saving caused by a one-unit change in disposable income. (e) the ratio of total consumption to disposable income. 37) We know with certainty that an equal and simultaneous increase in G and T will cause: (a) a reduction in output. (b) no change in output. (c) an increase in investment. (d) an increase in output. (e) None of the above 38) Which of the following will cause a leftward shift in the money demand curve? (a) an open market sale of bonds by the central bank (b) an increase in the interest rate (c) a reduction in income (d) a reduction in the interest rate (e) none of the above 39) Suppose a one-year discount bond offers to pay $2000 in one year and currently has a 25% interest rate. Given this information, we know that the bond's price must be: (a) $2500 . (b) $2000 (c) 1600 (d) 1000 (e) none of the above 40) Which of the following is included as a component of money? (a) currency on consumer’s pocket. (b) currency on Central Bank’s vault (c) bonds (d) income (e) all of the above