NIIAR Measurements of Fission neutron Spectra: summary based on publications in Russian and EXFOR database prepared by V.G. Pronyaev 23 October 2008 Since development of methods of fission neutron spectra measurements at the NIIAR, measurements themselves and publication of the results have been continued since begin of seventies to 1985; there are many papers published at Kiev conferences and in Yadernye Konstanty with the results which went into EXFOR database. I am considering here mostly the last publication in the Yadernye Konstanty, 3, p. 16 (1985), in Russian, by B.I. Starostov, V.N. Nefedov, A.A. Bojcov, as presenting the full review of the measurements of this group and final results in the form of the plots. Below, it will be given: measurement details, corrections introduced and uncertainties, final results spread in different EXFOR entries, all what is considered by me as the errors in the EXFOR compilations. Method of measurements Time of flight method with flight paths varying between 10.4 and 611 cm is used to measure fission neutron spectra in the wide energy range from 0.01 MeV to 12 MeV. “Zero” time is the moment of nuclear fission through registration of fission fragment by the detector, registration of fission neutron with some time delay after the fission event gives estimation of the energy of the neutron. 252Cf and 235U targets were placed in the ionization chambers and chamber with 235U target has been installed at the reactor collimated thermal neutron beam filtered from fast neutrons and gammas by 12 cm thick layer of ? and 8 cm layer of bismuth. Detector shielding different for different flight paths was designed to reduce the background of scattered neutrons. Efficiency of the registration of the fission fragments was above 95% for 252Cf and for 235U for all cycles of measurements. Uncertainty in “zero” time for all series of measurements was 0.3 nsec. Neutron detectors were installed at the angle 45 degree to the plane of the target to neutralize the effect of distortion of the spectra by non-isotropy of registration of fission fragments. Two cycles of measurements were done. Cycle No. 1 was done with miniature ionization chamber (MIC, 2.5 g) for fission fragments registration and different flight paths and scintillated detectors. It includes 3 different series of the measurements: 1.1. Flight path - 51 cm, antracene detector, energy interval for measurements - 0.1 to 2 MeV (uncertainty in the efficiency - 2.5%) 1.2. Flight path - 231.3 cm, stilbene detector, energy interval for measurements - 1.4 to 8 MeV (uncertainty in the efficiency = uncertainty of the standard) 1.3. Flight path – 611 cm, plastic detector, interval for measurements - 3 to 12 MeV (uncertainty in the efficiency= uncertainty of the standard) Cycle No. 2 was done with gaseous scintillation detectors (GSD) for fission fragments registration and different flight paths and 2 types of non-threshold neutron detectors (2 different series of measurements): 2.1. Flight paths - 12.4 cm, 21.4 cm and 40 cm, non-threshold ionization chambers (IC) with 8 235 U layers, energy interval for measurements – 0.01 to 5 MeV (uncertainty in the efficiency less than 4%). This IC was used only for 252Cf fission neutron spectra measurements. 2.2. Flight path - 10.4 cm, 21.4 cm and 29.5 cm, gaseous scintillation detector-ionization chamber (GSDIC) with radiator from metallic 235U, energy interval for measurements – 0.01 to 5 MeV (uncertainty in the efficiency is determined by the uncertainty in the 235U fission cross section). Counting rate is lowest for 1.3.. It is 8000 counts for neutrons with energy 4 MeV and 70 counts for neutrons with energy 14 MeV for 240 hours of measurements. Data processing All determinations of values and their uncertainties related with the distances, angles, numbers of counted neutrons and fission events, time channel width, position of “zero” time were obtained by the methods published earlier (L.M. Green et al., Nucl. Sci. and Eng. , 50 (3) p. 257 (1973), B.I. Starostov et al., NIIAR preprint П-12 (346) (1978)). Effect of the anisotropy in the registration of the fission fragments was studied experimentally and it was shown, that this effect is negligible. Time-of-flight spectra after the background separation were transformed in the energy spectra. Corrections were introduced in the energy spectra on background of neutrons scattered at the target backing, at the gas atoms, at the walls of MIC and GSD, at the air inside the Ω angle, at the lead shielding detectors from delayed gammas and at all parts of construction of the neutron detector. After this stage the ratio of intensity 252Cf/235Ufor apparature energy spectra in the energy intervals 0.01 – 12 MeV was obtained. It is independent from systematical uncertainties in the determination of the efficiency of the neutron detector. Detector efficiency for the cycle No. 1 measurements was calculated for antracene detector using Monte Carlo method with account of single and double scattering of neutron on hydrogen, nonlinearity of the photons yield for scintillator, neutrons and gammas in the 12C(n,n’) and 12 C(n,n’γ) reactions and with account of neutrons scattered at the photo-electrical multiplier with corrections at their time shift. It was shown that the method used for choosing of the threshold of neutron registration for different detectors does not lead to the discrepancy between data in the energy regions where they are over-crossing. Calculated detector efficiency for absolute normalization of the spectra was used only for antracene detectors. Calculated uncertainties of the antracene detector efficiency were below 2.5%. Efficiency of the detectors with the stilbene and plastic scintillators was determined basing at the supposition that the shape of the 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra is known. “Known” spectra was obtained by some procedure of the averaging (evaluation) of the data measured by many authors (see table 2 of the publication, results are given below as taken from EXFOR in Attacment 1). Then these data were used for calculation of the stilbene and plastic detector efficiencies. Estimated by this way efficiencies of the detectors were consistent (in 3% limits) with the efficiencies calculated using the Monte Carlo technique. IC and GSDIC detector efficiencies for the cycle No. 2 measurements for 252Cf were taken proportional to the 235U(n,f) cross section evaluated by V. Kon’shin and co-workers in 1978 (this evaluation, as I guess, was inserted in the file for 235U of BROND-2 library. Comparison of these data with ENDF/B-VII shown at Fig. 1 of Attachment 2 shows not large difference in the shape between both for energy above 15 keV. The data for 235U(n,f) from BROND-2 are also given). For 235U(nth,f) measurements because of the difficulties with the background account (too close geometry and large corrections? - VP) the measurements were done relative fission neutron spectrum taken as given in Appendix 1. 252 Cf(s.f.) with its Finally, correction at the spectrometer resolution suggesting that the shape of spectra is “near”Maxwellian, was introduced. This correction was below 1.5%. Uncertainties 20 partial components of the total uncertainty were considered. Some are the errors in the energy determination, those which are directly related to the cross section determination are the following: - uncertainty in the neutron detector efficiency which is the largest partial (systematical) uncertainty - error due to discrimination level stability -. error due to delayed gammas - statistical error - error due to the random coincidence in the detector, which has also statistical nature and is combined with statistical error - error due to “recycling” neutrons, which has also statistical nature and is combined with statistical error - error due to the experimental hall background, which has also statistical nature and is combined with statistical error - error due to the flight time uncertainty - error due to scattered neutrons Authors’ conclusion It is shown that: - the results of the No. 1 and 2 cycles of measurements are consistent in the energy range 0.1 – 5 MeV - in the energy range of emitted neutrons from 0.01 to 7.5 MeV the measured spectra shape deviates from Maxwellian not more than at 5 - 7% - in the energy above 7 MeV there are large deviations from Maxwellian spectra The following part is my (V.G. Pronyaev) understanding (or misunderstanding) of the results from point of view of the “primarily measured quantities” and ways of their reduction to the quantities given by the authors: 1.1. series of measurements for 252Cf(s.f.) and 235U(nth,f) presents results of absolute measurements. Data should be given as a number of neutrons per MeV 1.2. series of measurements for 252Cf(s.f.) and 235U(nth,f) done with the detector efficiency determined through averaged spectrum of 252Cf(s.f.). Then the 252Cf(s.f.) results for this series gives only difference relative this averaged spectra, and 235U(nth,f) results should show the ratio to this averaged 252Cf(s.f.) spectra. Shape type of data (non-normalized) should be given. Data should be given as ARB-UNITS (arbitrary) 1.3. series - with same conclusion as for 1.2. 2.1. series for 252Cf(s.f) measurements (only) presents the results as shape type of data (nonnormalized) for ratio of 252Cf(s.f) spectra to the 235U(n,f) cross section (used as standard for shape), which, using Kon’shin’s evaluation for fission cross section can be converted in the shape type of data (non-normalized) for 252Cf(s.f) spectra. Data should be given as ARB-UNITS. 2.2. series - with same conclusions for 235U(nth,f) and for 252Cf(s.f) as in 2.1 for 252Cf. Table 1. The source of the latest results in EXFOR. It is obtained comparing data in EXFOR (approved by the authors in 1985-1986) with data at plots of final publication (YK, 3, p.16 (1985)) Cycle. Reactiont EXFOR Comment Series Subentry 252 1.1. Cf(s.f.) 40874002 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors. Data are presented as ratio to Maxwellian with kT=1.42 MeV 235 U(nth,f) 40871008 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 06/1985. Because of absolute measurements they are given in this sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR 40871007 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 06/1985. They are somehow normalized at yield 2.383 neutrons per fission and should be given in sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR. In reality they are shapetype of data (ARB-UNITS) with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra 252 235 Cf(s.f.)/ U(nth,f) 40871011 Primarily measured absolute ratio for the data free from detector efficiency determination problems 252 1.2. Cf(s.f.) 40871005 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 06/1985. They are somehow normalized at yield 3.77 neutrons per fission and should be given in sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR. In reality they are shapetype of data (arb-units) with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra 235 U(nth,f) 40871007 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 06/1985. They are somehow normalized at yield 2.383 neutrons per fission and should be given in sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR. In reality they are shapetype of data with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra 252 235 Cf(s.f.)/ U(nth,f) 40871012 Primarily measured absolute ratio for the data free from detector efficiency determination problems 1.3. 252 Cf(s.f.) 40872002 Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 2.1. 2.2. 235 U(nth,f) 40872004 252 Cf(s.f.)/235U(nth,f) 40872007 252 Cf(s.f.) 40874003 235 U(nth,f) - 252 Cf(s.f.) 40874004 235 U(nth,f) 40873004 06/1985. They are somehow normalized at yield 3.77 neutrons per fission and should be given in sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR. In reality they are shapetype of data with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra Data in EXFOR approved by the authors in 06/1985. They are somehow normalized at yield 2.383 neutrons per fission and should be given in sub-entry as absolute spectra with units of number of neutrons per MeV but have assigned wrong ARB-UNITS in EXFOR. In reality they are shapetype of data with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra Primarily measured absolute ratio for the data free from detector efficiency determination problems Data in EXFOR approved by the authors. Data obtained with IC. Data are presented as ratio to Maxwellian with kT=1.42 MeV. 235U(n,f) cross section as the standard for shape of 252Cf(s.f.) spectra Small IC was used only for measurements of 252 Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra Data in EXFOR approved by the authors. Data obtained with GSDIC. Data are presented as ratio to Maxwellian with kT=1.42 MeV. 235U(n,f) cross section as the standard for shape of 252Cf(s.f.) spectra Data in EXFOR approved by the authors. Data are presented as ratio to Maxwellian with kT=1.313 MeV. They are shape-type of data with efficiency of the detector evaluated using averaged 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra Finally, the following data sets can be included in the least squares fit and evaluation: 40874002 as the result of absolute measurements (but could be used as shape type of data). Due to the same neutron detector it has correlation with 40871008. 40871008 as the result of absolute measurements (but could be used as shape type of data). Due to the same neutron detector it has correlation with 40871002. 40871011 as the result of direct measurement of normalized ratio (but could be used as shape type of data for ratio). If 40871011 is used then 40874002 and 40871008 should not be used (to avoid duplication and redundancy). 40871012 (with 2 datasets) as the result of direct measurement of normalized ratio (but could be used as shape type of data for ratio) 40872007 (with 2 datasets) as the result of direct measurement of normalized ratio (but could be used as shape type of data for ratio) 40874003 as measurement done relative 235U(n,f) cross section. Can be renormalized to new standard of 235U(n,f) cross section. Because of common standard, it has correlations with 40874004 and 40873004 40874004 as measurement done relative 235U(n,f) cross section. Can be renormalized to new standard of 235U(n,f) cross section. Because of common standard, it has correlations with 40874003 and 40873004 If use more strong conditions for selection, which Nikolai Kornilov proposed (directly obtained and more accurate data are measured ratios of 235U to 252Cf spectra), then only EXFOR Sub-Entries 40871011, 40871012 and 40872007 should be accounted which presents the ratios of 235U to 252Cf spectra. Table 2. Other data in the EXFOR DB (data presented - mostly my guesses based on information given by the compiler) EXFOR Data presented Sub-entry 40871007 Derived data with combining of the results of 1.1., and 1.2. series of measurements (given as as a single dataset, without inclusion over-crossing data) and presented as absolute (number of neutrons/MeV) data. In the REFERENCE there is no description of the procedure how they were assembled, probably the were sent by authors to the compiling centre as additional data for compilation 40644002 Derived data with combining of the results of all series of measurements (as a single dataset, without inclusion over-crossing data) and presented as absolute (number of neutrons per MeV) data in the energy range 14.3 keV - 10.14 MeV. There is no explanation how the data were combined Table 3. Errors and misprints found (?) in the current EXFOR DB. SUB-ENTRY Important problem found 40873001 MONITOR is the spectrum given in the Table 4 of YK, 3, p.20 (1985) (see also Attachment1 or X4=40930002) which is presented as ratio to the Maxwellian spectra with kT=1.42 MeV but not just Maxwelliamn spectra with kT=1.418 40871008 REACTION: it is not relative the Maxwellian 40871005 REACTION: should be (0,f), spontaneous fission, and not (n,f). Data units is probably the number of neutrons per MeV 40871007 Data units should be the number of neutrons per MeV 40871008 Data units should be the number of neutrons per MeV 40872001 DETECTOR (SCIN) free text should be “plastic scintillator for neutron spectrum measurements” 40872002 As seems data are given in the units “number of neutrons per MeV”, although they are shape type of data” 40872004 As seems data are given in the units “number of neutrons per MeV”, although they are shape type of data” 40873001 MONITOR is the spectrum given in the Table 4 of YK, 3, p.20 (1985) (see also Attachment 1 or X4=40930002) which is presented as ratio to the Maxwellian 40873004 40874002 40874001 40874003 40874003 40930002 spectra with kT=1.42 MeV but not Maxwelliamn spectra with kT=1.418 REACTION: should be “relative Maxwellian with kT=1.313 MeV DATA units should be “number of neutrons per MeV” – absolute measurements DETECTOR: (SCIN) Antracen scintillation detector for neutron registration should be moved to 40874002 DETECTOR should be “(IOCH) thin-wall ionization chamber with 8 235U fission layer for neutron registration” DETECTOR should be “(IOCH) gas scintillating detector - ionization chamber with 235U metallic radiator” The data given present the result of many experimental data averaging and used after for the determination of the efficiency of the detectors. They should be inserted (as evaluated data - monitor) in all subentries of cycles 1.2. and 1.3. Attachment 1. 252Cf(s.f.) fission neutron spectra used for determination of the absolute efficiency of the stilbene (case 1.2. for cycle 1) and plastic detectors (case 1.3. for cycle 1) given as ratio to the Maxwellian spectrum with kT=1.42 MeV SUBENT BIB REACTION 40930002 19990311 19990705 20050926 000040930002 4 12 40930002 ((98-CF-252(0,F),PR,DE,N,,EXP)// 40930002 (98-CF-252(0,F),PR,DE,N,,CALC)) RELATIVE TO THE 40930002 MAXWELL SPECTRUM WITH TEMPERATURE 1.42 MEV 40930002 STATUS (TABLE) DATA ARE TAKEN FROM TABLE 4 OF MAIN REFERENCE 40930002 (COREL,40874003) DATA IN THIS SUBENT COVER THE WHOLE 40930002 (COREL,40874004) ENERGY RANGE IN DIFFERENCE TO SUBENT 40930002 40874002 AND 40874004 40930002 FLAG (1.) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE CHANGED BY COMPILER 40930002 HISTORY (19990311A) REACTION VALUE IS GIVEN EXPLICITELY AS 40930002 RATIO OF TWO VALUES 40930002 (19990405A) NEW REACTION-QUANTITY RATIOS CODING GIVEN 40930002 E-NM AND E-DN INTRODUCED 40930002 ENDBIB 12 40930002 COMMON 1 3 40930002 E-DN 40930002 MEV 40930002 1.42 40930002 ENDCOMMON 3 40930002 DATA 5 110 40930002 E-NM E-RSL DATA ERR-T FLAG 40930002 MEV MEV NO-DIM PER-CENT NO-DIM 40930002 3.000E-04 1.0 E-04 1.084E-00 40. 40930002 7.000E-04 2.0 E-04 1.084E-00 30. 40930002 1.500E-03 4.0 E-04 9.58 E-01 20. 40930002 2.500E-03 3.0 E-04 9.58 E-01 15. 40930002 3.400E-03 3.0 E-04 9.72 E-01 10. 40930002 4.4 E-03 3.0 E-04 9.72 E-01 10. 40930002 5.5 E-03 3.0 E-04 9.57 E-01 9. 40930002 6.5 E-03 3.0 E-04 9.55 E-01 8. 40930002 7.5 E-03 3.0 E-04 9.83 E-01 8. 40930002 8.4 E-03 4.0 E-04 9.83 E-01 8. 40930002 9.5 E-03 6.0 E-04 9.75 E-01 7. 40930002 1.540E-02 2.6 E-03 9.73 E-01 7. 40930002 3.440E-02 2.1 E-03 9.65 E-01 7. 40930002 6.000E-02 2.00 E-03 9.71 E-01 6. 40930002 8.100E-02 3.0 E-03 9.88 E-01 5. 40930002 9.100E-02 3.0 E-03 1.000E-00 4. 40930002 1.040E-01 3.0 E-03 1.028E-00 3. 40930002 1.150E-01 3.0 E-03 1.026E-00 3. 40930002 1.340E-01 3.0 E-03 1.010E-00 2.5 40930002 1.440E-01 3.0 E-03 1.018E-00 2.5 40930002 1.550E-01 3.0 E-03 9.99 E-01 2.5 40930002 1.660E-01 3.0 E-03 9.83 E-00 2.5 40930002 1.780E-01 3.0 E-03 9.70 E-01 2.5 40930002 1.940E-01 4.0 E-03 9.62 E-01 2.5 40930002 2.070E-01 4.0 E-03 9.64 E-01 2.5 40930002 2.210E-01 4.0 E-03 9.68 E-01 2.5 40930002 2.390E-01 5.0 E-03 9.75 E-01 3. 40930002 2.630E-01 6.0 E-03 9.74 E-01 3. 40930002 2.87 E-01 6.0 E-03 9.89 E-01 3. 40930002 3.20 E-01 6.0 E-03 9.82 E-01 3. 40930002 3.30 E-01 7.0 E-03 9.89 E-01 3. 1. 40930002 3.57 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.88 E-01 2. 40930002 3.82 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.82 E-01 2. 40930002 4.27 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.89 E-01 2. 40930002 4.56 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.73 E-01 2. 40930002 4.99 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.76 E-01 2. 40930002 5.49 E-01 8.0 E-03 9.79 E-01 2. 40930002 6.31 E-01 6.0 E-03 9.62 E-01 2. 40930002 6.92 E-01 6.0 E-03 9.76 E-01 2. 40930002 7.37 E-01 6.0 E-03 9.77 E-01 2. 40930002 8.03 E-01 7.0 E-03 9.73 E-01 2. 40930002 8.68 E-01 9.0 E-03 9.78 E-01 2. 40930002 9.06 E-01 1.1 E-02 1.000E-00 2. 40930002 1.002E-00 2.8 E-02 9.96 E-01 2. 40930002 1.050E-00 2.8 E-02 1.002E-01 2. 40930002 1.170E-00 2.8 E-02 1.011E-01 2. 40930002 1.260E-00 2.9 E-02 1.023E-01 3. 40930002 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1.353E-00 1.480E-00 1.640E-00 1.760E-00 1.836E-00 1.990E-00 2.123E-00 2.216E-00 2.314E-00 2.400E-00 2.537E-00 2.662E-00 2.772E-00 2.875E-00 2.964E-00 3.151E-00 3.305E-00 3.408E-00 3.537E-00 3.629E-00 3.748E-00 3.938E-00 4.155E-00 4.268E-00 4.398E-00 4.582E-00 4.777E-00 4.986E-00 5.208E-00 5.446E-00 5.700E-00 5.973E-00 6.170E-00 6.270E-00 6.370E-00 6.470E-00 6.580E-00 6.69 6.81 6.92 7.04 7.16 7.29 7.42 7.55 7.68 7.82 7.97 8.11 8.27 8.42 8.58 8.75 9.09 9.46 9.92 10.0 10.7 11.3 11.9 12.5 13.6 15.4 3.5 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.8 3.3 3.0 4.1 3.1 3.4 3.3 6.2 6.2 6.8 6.8 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2. 3. 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Fig. 1. Comparison of the Kon’shin’s evaluation (1978) with the ENDF/B-VII.0. Table 1. Cross sections of 235U(n,f) used for evaluation of the energy dependence of the efficiency of the detectors in the Cycle 2 measurements # # Energy MeV 0.0100437 0.0103271 0.0105 0.0107963 0.0111009 0.0114141 0.0115 0.0118245 0.012 0.0123386 0.0125 0.0128527 0.013 0.0133668 0.0135 0.013625 0.0136875 0.01375 0.013875 0.014 0.014125 0.01425 0.0143125 Cross section barns 3.94808 3.88585 3.84787 3.84031 3.83253 3.82454 3.82235 3.74199 3.69853 3.62146 3.58472 3.68319 3.72432 3.81562 3.84878 3.85819 3.86029 3.86085 3.85771 3.84941 3.83633 3.81864 3.80806 0.0145 0.01475 0.014875 0.015 0.015125 0.01525 0.015375 0.0155 0.0159374 0.016 0.0164515 0.0165 0.0169656 0.017 0.0174797 0.0175 0.017625 0.01775 0.017875 0.018 0.01825 0.0185 0.01875 0.019 0.019125 0.01925 0.0195 0.0200502 0.02025 0.020625 0.021 0.021375 0.02175 0.022125 0.0225 0.023125 0.02375 0.024375 0.025 0.0257054 0.02625 0.0269907 0.0275 0.028276 0.0290738 0.029375 0.0302039 0.0310561 0.03125 0.0321318 0.0330384 0.0339706 0.0349292 0.035 0.0359876 0.037003 0.0380471 0.0391207 0.04 0.0411287 0.0422892 3.76912 3.43044 3.25625 3.07821 2.89572 2.70809 2.51446 2.31375 2.31238 2.31219 2.29604 2.2943 2.27187 2.27021 2.24546 2.24441 2.28273 2.31678 2.34742 2.37527 2.42437 2.46671 2.45287 2.43264 2.42042 2.40687 2.37595 2.35068 2.3415 2.32138 2.29889 2.27358 2.24483 2.21181 2.17334 2.1719 2.16595 2.15661 2.14467 2.12799 2.11511 2.09447 2.08028 2.06855 2.0565 2.05195 2.0412 2.03014 2.02762 2.01843 2.00897 1.99925 1.98925 1.98851 1.97198 1.95497 1.93749 1.91952 1.90479 1.88854 1.87184 0.0434824 0.0447093 0.045 0.0462697 0.0475 0.0488403 0.05 0.0514108 0.0528615 0.054353 0.055 0.0565519 0.0581476 0.0597883 0.06 0.061693 0.0634338 0.065 0.0668341 0.0687199 0.07 0.0719752 0.074006 0.075 0.0771162 0.0792922 0.08 0.0822573 0.0845783 0.085 0.0873984 0.0898645 0.0924001 0.095 0.1 0.1 0.126764 0.152116 0.223104 0.25 0.29 0.443157 0.47298 0.514108 0.608465 0.709876 0.74503 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.1 1.23386 1.45981 1.8 2 2.23104 2.46772 2.98012 3.90722 1.85466 1.837 1.83281 1.8283 1.82394 1.82071 1.81792 1.81638 1.8148 1.81317 1.81246 1.80014 1.78747 1.77444 1.77276 1.76098 1.74888 1.73798 1.72844 1.71862 1.71195 1.70289 1.69356 1.689 1.67077 1.65202 1.64592 1.62774 1.60905 1.60566 1.59751 1.58913 1.58051 1.57168 1.57775 1.58098 1.50533 1.45355 1.33876 1.302 1.267 1.1877 1.17578 1.1639 1.14432 1.137 1.137 1.139 1.147 1.168 1.202 1.22 1.215 1.22322 1.24633 1.288 1.298 1.28983 1.27157 1.22109 1.13942 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.47892 10.0437 10.6481 11.1552 11.4052 11.5 12 12.5 13.1834 13.5 14 14.5 15 16 17 18 19 20 1.132 1.111 1.064 1.047 1.11201 1.364 1.553 1.719 1.782 1.782 1.74895 1.73622 1.732 1.732 1.732 1.748 1.826 1.94545 1.998 2.068 2.099 2.103 2.068 1.986 1.939 1.966 2.045 Attachment 3.