Measurements of interaction cross sections for Kr isotopes 26-July-2003 T. Suzuki T. Yamaguchi A. Takisawa 3, L. Chulkov 4, M. Fukuda 5, H. Geissel 2, M. Golovkov 4, M. Hellström 2, M. Hosoi 1, M. Ivanov 6, R. Janik 6, G. Münzenberg 2, T. Ohtsubo 2,3, A. Ozawa 7, B. Sitár 6, P. Stremeñ 6, T. Suda 7, K. Sümmerer 2, I. Tanihata 7, Y. Yamaguchi 3,7 1, 2, 1Saitama University, Japan Germany 3Niigata University, Japan 4Kurchatov Inst., Russia 5Osaka University, Japan 6Comenius Univ., Slovak 7RIKEN, Japan 2GSI, The original proposal of S-250 (Measurements of I of 80,88,96Sr) was approved by 15 shifts at the EA-meeting held at December 2000. However the number of users who may share the primary beam of 98Mo/124Sn is quite few so far. Thus we would like to replace the experimental proposal as follows, using 80Kr primary beam. I. Previous experiments Measurements of interaction cross-sections (I) at relativistic energies allow us to derive nuclear matter radii as well as density distributions [1]. Since nuclear matter radii are directly related to the density distributions, the measurements of I are a good tool to search for unusual nuclear structures, such as halos and skins. Our group has run three times at the SIS/FRS facility. Although some part of the data has not been published yet, we have already presented some references [2-10]. One remarkable finding is the evidence for proton skins in proton-rich Ar isotopes [10]. One would expect that the proton skin as well as the neutron skin is a quite common phenomenon for nuclei close to the proton or neutron drip line. This expectation agrees with recent predictions obtained by a relativistic mean-field theory [11], a deformed Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov model [12] and a spherical Hartree-Fock (SHF) model [13]. In Fig. 1, R (rp- rn) from Refs. [2,10] are plotted against the difference between the neutron and proton separation energy (Sp -Sn ) or the Fermi-energy difference (EF). It can be seen that R has a strong correlation with Sp -Sn. Such a correlation has been predicted by a relativistic mean-field (RMF) model [1]. However, only proton-rich Ar isotopes and few other nuclei (20Mg, 17Ne ) are known up to now to have proton-skins [3]. Therefore, measurements of I for Kr isotopes is expected to provide another example for proton skins. Fig. 1 Two-dimensional plot of the difference between the proton and neutron separation energies (S p - Sn ) versus the thickness of the nucleon skin R. Experimental data are from [2] for Na isotopes and [10] for Ar isotopes, shown by open and closed circles, respectively. data point. The corresponding mass number is indicated at each The shaded area shows the calculated correlation for various isotopes ranging from helium up to lead [1]. Fig. 2 The difference of rms proton and neutron radii versus the Fermi energy difference (Sp-Sn) for proton rich Kr isotopes. The prediction of RMF model with NL1 interaction by D. Hirata (private communication). II. New proposal We propose measurements of I for even-mass Kr isotopes, including 72,76,80Kr (Z=36; N=36, 40, 44), where the charge radii (rc) are available from the isotope-shift measurements [14]. Moreover, ground state properties such as binding energies and masses, have been extensively calculated for even-even Kr isotopes in the framework of the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory [15], by HF+ RPA approach with Skyrme type interactions [16]. The existence of the neucleon skin in medium mass nuclei implies new collective isovector modes. In particular, the study of giant resonances (GDR) in exotic nuclei is an important area of research. GDR strength distributions will be explored nearly to the drip lines. Recently, a new method for the measurement of the neutron-skin thickness of unstable nuclei has been suggested by Krasznahorkay et al. [17], using (p, n) reaction in inverse kinematics. They have demonstrated that there is a predictable correlation between the isovector spin-dipole resonance (SDR) cross section and the neutron-skin thickness of nuclei, by measuring the SDR cross sections along the stable Sn isotopic chain. Thus, we can estimate SDR strength in stead using the eq (3) of Ref. 17, for instance.. The thickness of the proton-skin is expected to be 0.2 fm in 72Kr, as seen in Fig. 2. Systematic measurements in the same isotopic chain may offer further information for the creation of proton skins. Since even-even Kr isotopes have excited states with half-lives shorter than 25 ns (one-fourth of the F1-F2 Time of Flight in the FRS) we may determine I of the ground state unambiguously. The Kr nuclei are known to be strongly deformed as shown in Ref. [18]. It was shown earlier by Tanihata et al. that for heavy nuclei rms radii obtained from I strongly depend on the shape of the density parameterizations. Thus, in order to derive rms matter radii, we plan to start by using the shape of the charge density distribution (c(r)) of 88Sr, which is determined from the measurement of 88Sr(e, e) [19]. Another interest in I measurements is to study the nuclear equation of state (EOS) of asymmetric systems. The number of nucleons (~80) is enough to discuss a collective nature in nucleus, as discussed in Ref 20, where compressibility and density distributions in ASn (A=100--160) isotopes are studied. The properties of EOS of symmetric nuclear matter, such as the saturation density and compressibility, have been studied by a systematic study of the size, surface diffuseness and binding energy and the giant resonances of nuclei. The EOS has subsequently been extrapolated to neutron matter for studies of neutron star. However, no EOS of asymmetric nuclear matter has experimentally been studied so far due to difficulties of access. Radioactive nuclear beams enable us to study radii of unstable nuclei over a wide range of relative neutron excess ( = (N - Z )/A ). Together with isotope-shift measurements, the thickness of neucleon skins can be studied for Kr isotopes in a wide range of ( ≤ 0.14). It is pointed out in Ref. [20] that the crucial quantities determining the neucleon skin are the symmetry energy coefficient (J ) and the neutron skin stiffness coefficient (Q ). Thus, determination of neucleon-skin thickness as well as of masses of unstable nuclei would provide a comprehensive data set for these coefficients. Fig. 3 (Left) Central charge densities against Sp-Sn (right) for various stable nuclei from 12C to 88Sr . (Right) Central matter densities for Na isotopes (=20 - 32) [5]. In the left part of fig. 3, central charge densities (co ) for various stable nuclei are plotted against Sp-Sn , where co determined through the relation of co (r) = an jo(n r/r*) using the values of Fourier-Bessel coefficients found in [22]. co does not depend on Sp-Sn since all the data here are for stable nuclei (i.e.; small Sp-Sn ). However, central matter densities mo for Na isotopes decrease for larger |Sp-Sn |> 10 MeV [5]. Although this tendency is consistent with the decrease in the saturation density for asymmetric nuclear matter increasing instability [23], the number of nucleons involved is rather small to derive the central density. Thus, the comparison of the central density (o ) between stable 82Kr and unstable 72Kr is interesting to see the possible change in the saturation density in proton-rich nuclear matter. We expect that we may see the effect with an accuracy of 30%. Note that |Sp-Sn | exceeds 10 MeV in 72Kr. III. Experimental setup and beam time request The experimental setup should be identical to our previous experiments [3,6] except for the TOF start detector at F1 to measure TOF for the section between F1 and F2 in the FRS (see Fig. 5). We need to identify the mass of incident particle by measuring TOF or . The required time resolution for the TOF detector should be less than 100 ps. We have already developed such a TOF detector with a time resolution of 30 ps in FWHM [24]. A clear TOF separation is expected as shown in fig. 5. The required beam time is summarized in Table-I. For a proton-rich 72Kr secondary beam, the necessary beam intensity is around 5x108/spill , which seems to be possible from the natural abundance of 2.2% for 80Kr, since the achieved beam intensity and the natural abundance for 86Kr is 4x109 and 17%, respectively. Be beam production target Reaction target F1 F3 F2 F4 ASr 80Kr TOF1 Plastic Scintillators TPC collimators /spill IC MUSIC Fig. 4 Experimental setup for measuring the interaction cross sections at FRS in GSI [6]. Fig. 5 TOF (for the section F1-F2) separation simulated by MOCADI, where each distribution is convoluted by the detector resolution of 30ps (FWHM). Request for beam time (Table I) Primary beam 80Kr Fragments 80Kr itself Energy (GeV/u) Beam time (h) Total (h) Empty C target target 1.05 1 1 2 76Kr 1.05 5 5 10 72Kr 1.05 35 35 70 Setting/ Calibratio n 2 / 30 Total 120 hours or 15 shifts References [1] I. Tanihata et al., Phys. Lett. B 287, 307 (1992). [2] T. Suzuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3241 (1995). [3] L. V. Chulkov et al., Nucl. Phys. A 603, 219 (1996). [4] O.V. Bochkarev et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 1 15 (1998). [5] T. Suzuki et al., Nucl. Phys. A 630, 661 (1998). [6] T. Suzuki et al., Nucl. Phys. A 658, 313 (1999). [7] A. Ozawa et al., Nucl. Phys. A 673, 411 (2000). [8] A. 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