U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 71,Iss. 2, 2009 ISSN 1223-7027 EULERIAN NUMBERS AND GENERALIZED ARITHMETICGEOMETRIC SERIES Mircea I CÎRNU1 Pe baza teoremei Cauchy-Mertens de înmulţire a seriilor, se obţin într-un mod simplu unele rezultate binecunoscute, cum ar fi reprezentarea numerelor Euleriene, o identitate combinatorială şi formula sumei seriilor aritmeticogeometrice generalizate. Se dau două aplicaţii. Based on Cauchy-Mertens theorem of series multiplication, we obtain in a simple manner some well-known results, namely the Eulerian numbers representation, a combinatorial identity and the formula for the sum of generalized arithmetic-geometric series. Two applications are given. Keywords: Eulerian numbers, generalized arithmetic-geometric series. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05A19, 11B68, 65B10. 1. Eulerian numbers and the sum of generalized arithmetic-geometric series We present the formula that express the sums of generalized arithmetic-geometric series by the Eulerian numbers ([1]). It can to be considered as the definition of these numbers. Are included recurrence and symmetry relations for Eulerian numbers that give the possibility to compute these numbers. In entire paper z is a complex variable. Theorem 1. Let n 0 be a natural number. The sum of a generalized arithmetic-geometric series (the generating function of the sequence k n , k 0,1,2, ) is given by the formula Gn z k n z k k 1 n 1 E n, k z 1 z z n 1 k , z 1 (1) k 0 where En, k are the Eulerian numbers, given by the relations En,0 En, n 1 1 , 1 (2) Prof., Department of Mathematics III, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania 26 Mircea Cîrnu En, k k 1 En 1, k n k En 1, k 1 , k 1,2, , n 2 . (3) z is uniform 1 z k 1 convergent. By differentiation and multiplication with z , we obtain z z z k 2 k , , k z k z 1 z k3zk 1 4 z z 2 and 2 3 4 1 z k 1 1 z 1 z k 1 k 1 so on. Hence the relations (1), (2), (3) are satisfied for n 0,1,2,3 . We shall prove the relation (1) by mathematical induction after n . Assuming the relation (1) is true for fixed n 0 , by differentiation and multiplication with z , we obtain n 1 z 1 nz n 1 z2 n 1 k k k z E n , k z k E n, k z k 1 n2 n 1 1 z k 0 1 z k 1 k 1 n 1 z E n, k k 1 n k z z k . n2 1 z k 0 We obtain the relation (1) for n 1 if we denote Proof. For z r 1, the geometric series z k n 1 E n, k k 1 n k z z k 0 n k E n 1, k z k . (4) k 0 By identification, from (4) we obtain for the coefficients of z 0 , the relation En,0 En 1,0 . Because E1,0 1, it follows that En,0 1 . For the coefficients of z n , we obtain the relation En, n 1 En 1, n . Because E1,0 1, it follows that En, n 1 1 . For the coefficients of z k , we obtain the relation k 1 En, k n k 1 En, k 1 En 1, k , k 1,2, , n 1 . Replacing n 1 instead of n , the recurrence relation (3) follows. Consequence. The Eulerian numbers satisfy the following symmetry relation (5) En, k En, n k 1 , k 0,1, , n 1 , n 1,2, Proof. We prove the relation (5) by induction after n . For n 1 the relation (5) is obvious. By (2) it results the relation (5) is true for k 0 and k n 1. We suppose (5) satisfied for a fixed natural n 1. Replacing k with n k in (5), it is obtain the relation Eulerian numbers and generalized arithmetic-geometric series En, n k En, k 1 , k 1, , n 2 . 27 (6) Using the relation (3) and induction hypothesis under the forms (5) and (6), we have En 1, n k n k 1 En, n k k 1 En, n k 1 n k 1 En, k 1 k 1 En, k En 1, k , hence the relation (5) is true for n 1 . By induction axiom, the relation (5) is accomplished for every natural number n 1. Remark. From relations (2) and (3), the values of Eulerian numbers En, k can be computed by recurrence. The first values of these numbers are given below: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 k --------------------------------------------------------------------n 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 11 11 1 5 1 26 66 26 1 6 1 57 302 302 57 1 7 1 120 1191 2416 1191 120 1 2. Closed-form expression for the Eulerian numbers Theorem 2. Let n 0 be a natural number. The Eulerian numbers are given by the formula k j n 1 k j 1n , k 0,1, , n 1 . E n, k 1 j 0 j For k n , we have the following identity (7) 28 Mircea Cîrnu n n 1 n j 1n 0 , j 1 j 0 j and, for k n 1, the identity n 1 n 1 1 j k j 1n 0 . j 0 j (8) (9) Proof. One consider the relation (1) given in theorem 1, in the form n 1 j 1 k 0 1 z n1 j n z j 1 En, k z k , z 1. Using Newton's binomial theorem and changing the index j k 1 in the left hand series, the above relation becomes n 1 n1 k n 1 k n n k 1 z k 1 z E n, k z . k k 0 k 0 k 0 (10) Denoting k n 1 , k 0,1, , n 1 1 n ak , bk k 1 , 0,1, , k 0 , k n 1 and using the Cauchy-Mertens theorem about the multiplications of series (see for example [2]), the identity (10) can be rewritten as: n 1 k k k a z b z c z E n, k z k , k k k k 0 k 0 k 0 k 0 (11) where the coefficients ck are given by the formula k ck a j bk j , k 0,1, j 0 Identifying the coefficients in relation (11), if k n 1 , we have (12) 29 Eulerian numbers and generalized arithmetic-geometric series k j n 1 k j 1n En, k , n 0,1, , c k 1 j j 0 n j n 1 n j 1n 0 and (8) hence (7) is obtained. If k n , then c n 1 j j 0 n 1 j n 1 k j 1n 0 and follows is also verified. If k n 1, then c k 1 j j 0 (9). Remarks. 1) One observe that the identity (8) follows from (9). Namely, n 1 j n 1 n j 2n 0 hence, if from (9) for k n 1, we have 1 j 0 j substitute n with n 1 , we obtain n n 1 j n j 1 j 0 j n 1 0 , therefore n n 1 n n j 1n n 1 1 j n j 1n 1 0 . j 0 j j j 1 n j 0 2) Representing the combinatorial coefficients by factorials, the identities (8) and (9) may be written as: 1 j n j 1n1 n j ! j! j 0 n 1 j k j 1n 0 , j ! n j 1! j 0 n 1 0, k n 1. 3. Formula for the sum of generalized arithmetic-geometric series Replacing in formula (1) the closed-form expression of Eulerian numbers given by the formula (7), it obtains the following result (see [3] or [1]) : Theorem 3. Let be n 0 a natural number. The sum of the generalized arithmetic-geometric series (the generating function of the sequence k n , k 0,1,) has the following formula Gn z k n z k k 1 k j n 1 n k 1 k j 1 z , z 1 . (13) j 1 z n1 k 0 j 0 z n 1 30 Mircea Cîrnu 4. Applications 4.1. Arithmetic-geometric series Let a, r , q be complex numbers, q 1 . Using the formula (13) for n 1, the sum of arithmetic-geometric series is a k 1r q k 1 a r q k 1 r k q k a r r q 2 q k 1 1 q q 1 q k 1 k 1 a 1 q rq 1 q 2 . 4.2. Z-transforms For n 1,2, , from (1) and (5), changing the index j n 1 k , the Ztransform of the sequence of powers of natural numbers { k n : k 0,1,2, }, is given by the formula kn 1 n Z k k Gn z k 0 z 1 n 1 n 1 E n, j z z E n, j z n 1 j n 1 j n 1 z 1 j 0 1 j 0 z 1 z n 1 n 1 z z k (14) E n , n 1 k z E n, k z k , z 1. n 1 n 1 z 1 k 0 z 1 k 0 z z 1 z z 1 4z z 2 2 3 In particular, Z k , Z k , Z k . z 12 z 13 z 14 REFERENCES [1]. L. Comtet, Advanced Combinatorics, Reidel, 1974. [2]. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd Ed., Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1976. [3]. R. Stalley, A Generalization of the Geometric Series, American Mathematical Monthly, 56 (1949) 5, 325-327.