CHAPTER: ION CHANNELING BIBLIOGRAPHY This chapter lists approximately 230 references (chronologically) that are related to the channeling of ions in crystals, or channeled ion implantation, published between about 1962 and 1986, or about the first 25 years of ion implantation technology. In most cases the titles are listed as an aid to the reader who wishes to search for specific subjects or issues. This is not intended to be a complete listing, just the ones that I have assembled and used for many years. I have certainly omitted some relevant papers/books, and I apologize to the affected authors. The large number of references found here attests to the interest in and significance of ion channeling in crystals. PAPERS THAT ARE for BACKGROUND or ARE CLASSICS: 1947 G. Moliere, Z. Naturforch. 29, 133 (1947) 1948 N. Bohr, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. Mat-fys. Medd. 18 No 8 (1948) ~1955 W. Whaling, "The energy loss of charged particles in matter," Handbuch der Physik 34, 193-218 1957 O.B. Firsov, " Calculation of the interaction potential of atoms," Sov. Phys.-JETP 6(33), 534-37 (1958) 1958 O.B. Firsov, "A qualitative interpretation of the mean electron excitation energy in atomic collisions," Sov.Phys.-JETP 36(9), 1076-80 (1959) 1961 J. Lindhard and M. Scharff, "Energy dissipation by ions in the keV region," Phys. Rev. 124, 128-31 (1961) 1964 J. Lindhard, "The motion of swift charged particles, as influenced by strings of atoms in crystals," Phys. Lett. 12, 126-28 (1964) 1969 J. Lindhard, "Slowing-down of ions," Proc. Roy. Soc. A311, 11-19 (1969) REVIEWS: R.S. Nelson & M.W.Thompson, "The penetration of energetic ions through the open channels in a crystal," Phil Mag 8, 1677-89 (1963) M. W. Thompson, "The channeling of particles in crystals," Contemp. Phys. 9 375-98 (1968) W. Brandt, "Channeling in crystals," Scientific American 218, 91-98 (1968) D.S. Gemmell, "Channeling and related effects in the motion of charged particles through crystals," Rev. Mod. Phys. 46, 129-227 (1974) J.M. Poate, "Energy loss of channeled ions: Low velocity ions," in Channeling, Ed. D. V. Morgan [Wiley, 1973] REGULAR PAPERS 1962 Dec 5 M.T. Robinson & O.S. Oen, "The channeling of energetic atoms in crystal lattices," Appl. Phys. Lett. 2, 30-32 (1963) 1963 Feb 22 J.A. Davies, F. Brown, & M. McCargo, "Range of 133Xe and 41Ar ions of kiloelectron volt energies in aluminum," Can. J. Phys. 41, 829-43 (1963) 1963 Feb 22 F. Brown & J.A. Davies, "The effect of energy and integrated flux on the retention and range of inert gas ions injected at keV energies in metals," Can .J. Phys. 41, 844-57 (1963) 1963 Mar 20 C. Lehmann & G. Leibfried, "Long range channeling effects in irradiated crystals," J. Appl. Phys. 34, 2821-36 (1963) 1963 Mar 25 G.R. Piercy, F. Brown, J.A. Davies, & M. McCargo, "Experimental evidence for the increase of heavy ion ranges by channeling in crystalline structures," Phys. Rev. Lett. 10, 399-400 (1963) 1963 Apr 16 M. McCargo, J.A. Davies, & F. Brown, "Range of 133Xe and 41Ar ions of keV energies in tungsten," Can. J. Phys. 41, 1231-44 (1963) 1963 June 6 J.H. Ormrod & H.E. Duckworth, "Stopping cross sections in carbon for lowenergy atoms with Z < 12," Can. J. Phys. 41, 1424-42 (1963) 1963 July 24 M.W. Thompson, "A direct measurement of the focusing energy for <110> collision sequences in gold," Phys Lett 6, 24-26 (1963) 1963 July 29 M.T. Robinson & O.S. Oen, "Computer studies of the slowing down of energetic atoms in crystals," Phys Rev 132, 2385-99 (1963) 1963 Aug 22 P. Sigmund, "Effect of channeling on displacement cascade theory," Phys. Lett. 6, 251-53 (1963) 1964 Jan 31 C. Erginsoy, "Anomalous penetration of rare gas atoms in lattice channels," Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 366-67 (1964) 1964 Feb 7 B. Domeij, F. Brown, J.A. Davies, G.R. Piercy, & E.V. Kornelsen, "Anomalous penetration of heavy ions of keV energies in monocrystalline tungsten," Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 363-66 (1964) 1964 Mar 2 J.A. Davies, G.C. Ball, F. Brown, & B. Domeij, "Range of energetic 125Xe ions in monocrystalline silicon," Can. J. Phys. 42, 1070-80 (1964) 1964 Mar 18 G.R. Piercy, M. McCargo, F. Brown, & J.A. Davies, "Experimental evidence for the channeling of heavy ions in monocrystalline aluminum," Can. J. Phys. 42, 111634 (1964) 1964 May 11 B. Domeij, F. Brown, J.A. Davies, & M. McCargo, "Ranges of heavy ions in amorphous oxides," Can. J. Phys. 42, 1624-34 (1965) 1964 June 1 E.V. Kornelsen, F. Brown, J.A. Davies, B. Domeij, & G.R. Piercy, "Penetration of heavy ions of keV energies into monocrystalline tungsten," Phys. Rev. 136, A84958 (1964) 1964 Aug 26 E. Bogh, J.A. Davies, & K.O. Nielsen, "Experimental evidence for the extinction of (p, ) yields in single crystals," Phys. Lett. 12, 129-30 (1964) 1964 Sept 17 M.W. Thompson, "Effect of proton channeling at 2.8 MeV on the 65Cu(p,n)65Zn reaction rate in a single crystal of Cu," Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 756-60 (1964) 1964 Nov 9 J.H. Ormrod, J.R. Macdonald, & H.E. Duckworth, "Some low-energy atomic stopping cross sections," Can. J. Phys. 43, 275 (1965) 1964 Nov 23 W. Brandt, J.M. Kahn, D. Potter, R.D. Worley, & H.P. Smith, "Effect of channeling of low-energy protons on the characteristic x-ray production in single crystals," Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 42-44 (1965) 1964 Dec 16 B. Domeij & E. Bjorkqvist, "Anisotropic emission of - particles from a monocrystalline source," Phys. Lett. 14, 127-28 (1965) 1964 G. Dearnaley, "The channeling of ions through detectors," IEEE Trans. NS11, 249-53 (1964) 1965 Jan 21 G.C. Ball & F. Brown, "The ranges of 133Xe and 134Cs ions in tungsten single crystals and tungsten oxide at energies of 40 and 125 keV," Can. J. Phys. 43, 676-83 1965) 1965 Feb 4 C. Erginsoy, G.H. Vineyard, & A. Shimizu, "Dynamics of radiation damage in a body-centered cubic lattice II: Higher energies," Phys. Rev. 139, A118-25 (1965) 1965 Apr 1 A.R. Sattler & G. Dearnaley, "Anomalous energy losses of protons channeled in single crystal germanium," Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 59-62 (1965) 1965 Apr 26 D.S. Gemmell & R.E. Holland, "Blocking effects in the emergence of charged particles from single crystals," Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 945-48 (1965) 1965 June 4 S. Datz, T.S. Noggle, & C.D. Moak, "Anisotropic energy losses in a facecentered cubic crystal for high-energy 79Br and 127I ions," Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 254-57 (1965) 1965 June 22 W.M. Gibson, C. Erginsoy, H.E. Wegner, & B.R. Appleton, "Direction and energy distribution of charged particles transmitted through single crystals," Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 357-60 (1965) 1965 June 22 C. Erginsoy, "Anisotropic effects in interactions of energetic charged particles in a crystal lattice," Phys. Rev. Lett. 15, 360-64 (1965) 1965 July 8 P.M. Portner & R.B. Moore, "A precise measurement of the range of 100-MeV protons in aluminum," Can. J. Phys. 43, 1904 (1965) 1965 Sept 1 C.J. Andreen, R.L. Hines, W. Morris, & D. Weber, "Channeling of 13-keV D+ ions in gold crystals," Phys. Lett. 19, 116-18 (1965) 1965 Sept 23 B.R. Appleton, C. Erginsoy, H.E. Wegner, & W.M. Gibson, "Axial and planar effects in the energy loss of protons in silicon single crystals," Phys. Lett. 19, 185-86 (1965) 1965 Dec 2 Hj. Matzke & J.L. Whitton, "Ion-bombardment-induced radiation damage in some ceramics and ionic crystals," Can. J. Phys. 44, 995 (1965) 1965 J.O. McCaldin, "Ion beams and solid state physics," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 153-64 (1965) 1965 B. Domeij, "Crystal lattice effects in the emission of charged particles from monocrystalline sources," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 207-09 (1965) 1965 J.U. Andersen, J.A. Davies, K.O. Nielsen, & S.L. Andersen, "An experimental study of the orientation dependence of (p, ) yields in monocrystalline aluminum," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 210-15 (1965) 1965 E. Bogh & E. Uggerhoj, "Experimental investigation of orientation dependence of Rutherford scattering yield in single crystals," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 216-20 (1965) 1965 S. Datz, T.S. Noggle, & C.D. Moak, "Channeling effects on the energy loss of high energy (20-80-MeV) 79Br and 127I ions in gold," Nucl Instrum Meth 38, 221-30 (1965) 1965 B.W. Farmery, R.S. Nelson, R. Sizmann, & M.W .Thompson, "The channeling of 2.5MeV protons in Cu and some effects of temperature and radiation damage," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 231-37 (1965) 1965 H.H. Andersen & P. Sigmund, "Depth distributions in channeling experiments," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 238-40 (1965) 1965 H. Lutz, R. Schuckert, & R. Sizmann, "The ranges of fast heavy particles in solids. Some experimental and theoretical results." Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 241-44 (1965) 1965 J.A. Davies, L. Eriksson, & P. Jersersgaard, "The range of heavy ions (0.1-1.5 MeV) in monocrystalline tungsten," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 245-48 (1965) 1965 F. Brown, G.C.Ball, D.A. Channing, L.M. Howe, J.P.S. Pringle, & J.L. Whitton, "Ranges of heavy ions," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 249-53 (1965) 1965 B. Fastrup, P. Hvelplund, & C. Sautter, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 260- (1965); & Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selskab. Mat.-fys. Medd. 35, No 10 (1966) 1965 S. Datz, T.S. Noggle, & C.D. Moak, "Channeling effects on the energy loss of high energy (20-80 MeV) 79Br and 127I ions in gold," Nucl Instrum Meth 38, 24-30 (1965) 1966 Jan 10 R.E. DeWames, W.F. Karl, & G.W. Lehman, "Anomalous particle penetration in perfect crystals," Phys. Rev. 148, 181-85 (1966) 1966 Feb 3 P.V. Pavlov, D.I. Tetel'baum, E. . Zorin, & V. . Alekseev, "Distribution of implanted atoms and radiation effects in the ion bombardment of silicon (Monte Carlo calculation method)," Sov. Phys.-Solid State 8, 2141-46 (1967) 1966 July 11 G.F. Hamilton & A.R. Quinton, "The observation of proton channeling in thin mica," Phys. Lett. 22, 312-13 (1966) 1966 Aug 13 R.S. Nelson, D.J. Mazey, M.D. Matthews, & D.F. Holloway, "The formation of channeling patterns on the surface of ion bombarded silicon," Phys. Lett. 23, 18-19 (1966) 1966 Aug 23 J.L. Whitton & Hj. Matzke, "The effects of crystallinity and bombardment dose on the penetration of 40-keV Xe ions in ionic crystals and ceramics," Can. J. Phys. 44, 2905-14 (1966) 1966 Sept 12 D.E. Harrison & D.S. Greiling, "Computer studies of xenon ion ranges in a finite temperature tungsten lattice," J. Appl. Phys. 38, 3200-11 (1967) 1966 Oct 24 F.H. Eisen, "Channeling of 375-keV protons through silicon," Phys. Lett. 23, 401-02 (1966) 1966 Apr 7 J.A. Davies & P. Jespersgaard, "Anomalous penetration of xenon in tungsten crystals - a dissusion effect," Can. J. Phys. 44, 1631-38 (1966) 1966 H.H. Andersen & P. Sigmund, Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab. Mat.-fys. Medd. 34 No. 15 (1966) 1966 May 24 E. Bogh & E. Uggerhoj, "Orientation dependence of Rutherford backscattering yields in single crystals," Phys. Lett. 17, 116-18 (1966) 1966 E. Bogh, "The string effect and its use in solid state investigations," presented at the Cairo Solid State Conference, Interaction of radiation with solids [Plenum,1966] 1966 C. Erginsoy, "Channeling and related effects with passage of charged particles through crystal lattices," Cairo Solid State Conf. Interaction of Radiation with Solids [Plenum, 1966] 1966 Oct 11 L.T. Chadderton, "Wave/particle duality in proton channeling in crystals," Phys. Lett. 23, 303-04 (1966) 1967 Jan 12 R.S. Nelson, "Proton scattering microscopy," Phil. Mag. 15, 136-54 or 845-53 (1967) 1967 Feb 2 J.L. Whitton, "Channeling in gold," Can. J. Phys. 45, 1947-57 (1967) 1967 Mar 2 R.S. Nelson & D.J. Mazey, "The influence of channeling on radiation damage produced in silicon during ion bombardment," J. Matl. Sci. 2, 211-16 (1967) 1967 Mar 10 D.K. Brice, "Channeling of 1H+, 2D+, and 3He+ ions in germanium: a diffraction calculation," Phys. Rev. 165, 475-84 (1967) 1967 Mar 31 B.R. Appleton, C. Erginsoy, & W.M. Gibson, "Channeling effects in the energy loss of 3-11 MeV protons in silicon and germanium single crystals," Phys. Rev. 161, 330-49 (1967) 1967 Mar 31 A.R. Sattler & G. Dearnaley, "Channeling in diamond-type and zinc-blende lattices:Comparative effects in channeling of protons and deuterons in Ge, GaAs, and Si," Phys. Rev. 161, 244-52 (1967) 1967 Apr 28 L. Eriksson, "Range measurements in oriented tungsten single crystals (0.11.0MeV). II. A detailed study of the mchanneling of 42K ions," Phys. Rev. 161, 235-44 (1967) 1967 June 29 J.A. Davies, J. Denhartog, & J.L. Whitton, "Channeling of MeV projectiles in tungsten and silicon," Phys. Rev. 165, 345-56 (1968) 1967 Sept 1 J.A.Davies, J. Denhartog, L. Eriksson, & J.W. Mayer, Can. J. Phys. 45, 4053-71 (1967) 1967 Sept 18 E.S. Mashkova & V.A. Molchanov, "Some regularities of ion-beam interactions with semiconductors," Can. J. Phys. 46, 713 (1968) 1967 Sept 25 J.H. Barrett, "Location of shoulders in channeling phenomena," Phys. Rev. 166, 219-21 (1968) 1967 Oct 23 J.W. Mayer, J.A. Davies, & L. Eriksson, Appl. Phys.Lett. 11, 365-67 (1967) 1967 Oct 24 D.V. Morgan & D. van Vliet, "Computer studies of fast ion trajectories in crystals," Can. J. Phys. 46, 503-16 (1968) 1967 Oct 26 I. McC. Torrens & L.T. Chadderton, "Computer studies of channeling of ions in alkali halide lattices," Can. J. Phys. 46, 1303-09 (1968) 1967 Oct 30 F.H. Eisen, "Channeling of medium mass ions through silicon," Can. J. Phys. 46, 561 (1968) 1967 Oct 30 D. Onderdelinden, "Single-crystal sputtering including the channeling phenomena," Can. J. Phys. 46, 739-45 (1968) 1967 Nov 2 W. Brandt, R.Dobrin, H. Jack, Jr, R. Laubert, & S. Roth, "Channeling studies through characteristic radiations," Can. J. Phys. 46, 537 (1968) 1967 Nov 2 W. J. Kleinfelder, W.S. Johnson, & J.F. Gibbons, "Impurity distribution profiles in ion-implanted silicon," Can. J. Phys. 46, 597 (1968) 1967 Nov 3 G. Dearnaley, J.H. Freeman, J.H. Gard, & M.A .Wilkins, "Implantation profiles of 32P channeled into silicon crystals," Can. J. Phys. 46, 587-95 (1968) 1967 Nov 3 R.S. Nelson & D.J. Mazey, "The influence of temperature and channeling on ion-bombardment damage in Si," Can. J. Phys. 46, 689 (1968) 1967 Nov 3 R.S. Nelson & R. von Jan, "The role of focusing collisions in sputtering," Can. J. Phys. 46, 747 (1968) 1967 Nov 3 V.E. Yurasova, V.I.Shulga, & D.S. Karpuzov, "Ion reflection from a single crystal," Can. J. Phys. 46, 759-72 (1968) 1967 Nov 8 1967 W.M. Gibson, F.W. Martin, R. Stensgaard, F. Palmgren-Jensen, N.I. Meyer, G. Galster, A. Johansen, & J.S. Olsen, "Electrical and physical measurements on silicon implanted with channeled and nonchanneled dopant ions," Can. J.Phys. 46, 675-88 (1968) and the Grenoble Conf. 1967 Nov 8 P Glotin, "Influence of temperature on phosphorus ion behavior during silicon bombardment," Can. J. Phys. 46, 705-12 (1968) 1967 Nov 10 J.U. Andersen & E. Uggerhoj, "Investigation of the energy and temperature dependence of the string effect," Can. J. Phys. 46, 517 (1968) 1967 Nov 22 J.A.avies, L. Eriksson, & J.L. Whitton, "Range measurements in oriented tungsten single crystals. III. The influence of temperature on the maximum range," Can. J. Phys. 46, 573-79 (1968) 1967 Nov 22 J.L. Whitton, "The depth distribution of 40-keV 133Xe ions in various single crystals," Can. J. Phys. 46, 581-86 (1968) 1967 Nov 22 J.W. Mayer, L. Eriksson, S.T. Picraux, & J.A. Davies, Can. J. Phys. 46, 663-73 (1968) 1967 Dec 4 W. M. Gibson, J. B.Rasmussen, P. Ambrosius-Olesen, & C.J. Andreen, "Charged -particle energy loss in thin gold crystals," Can. J. Phys. 46, 551-60 (1968) 1967 Dec 22 E.T. Shipatov, "Channeling of high energy protons in some single crystals," Sov. Phys.-Solid State 10, 2132-37 (1969) 1967 J.U. Andersen, Kgl. Danske Videnskab.Selskab. Mat.-fys. Medd. 36 No. 7 (1967) 1967 Sept 1 J.W. Mayer, O.J. Marsh, G.A. Shifrin, & R. Baron,"Ion implantation of silicon II Electrical evaluation using Hall-effect measurements," Can. J. Phys. 45, 4073-89 (1967) 1968 Jan 19 E. Bogh, "Defect studies in crystals by means of channeling," (RBS) Can. J. Phys. 46, 653-62 (1968) 1968 Apr 18 F. Brown, D.A. Marsden, & R.D. Werner, "Use of blocking in crystals to study the lifetime of fission of 238U by 12-MeV protons," Phys. Rev. Lett. 20, 1449 (1968) [12-MeV protons ? fission, not implantation] 1968 L. Eriksson, J.A. Davies, & J.W. Mayer, "The use of channeling to investigate galliumimplanted silicon," Radiation Effects in Semiconductors, [Plenum, 1968] pp. 398405 1968 June 24 I. Bergstrom, K. Bjorkqvist, B. Domeij, G. Fladda, & S. Andersen, "Critical angles for channeling of low energy ions in tungsten," Can. J. Phys. 46, 2679-82 (1968) 1968 Nov 16 D. Blanchin, J.-C.Poizat, J. Remillieux, & A. Sarazin, "Experimental determination of the energy loss of protons channeled through an aluminum single crystal," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 70, 98-102 (1969) 1968 Nov 25 S.T. Picraux, J.A. Davies, L.Eriksson, N.G.E. Johansson, & J.W. Mayer, "Channeling studies in diamond-type lattices," Phys. Rev. 180, 873-82 (1969) 1969 Jan 8 R.S. Nelson, "Periodic variations in the Z1 dependence of interatomic potential revealed by a channeling technique," Phys. Lett. 28A, 676-77 (1969) 1969 May 22 S.T. Picraux & J.U. Andersen, "Measurements and calculations of critical angles for planar channeling," Phys. Rev. 186, 267-72 (1969) 1969 Aug 29 L.C. Feldman & B.R. Appleton, "Unidirectional channeling and blocking: a new technique for defect studies," Appl. Phys. Lett. 15, 305-07 (1969) 1969 Sept 3 J. Bottiger & F. Bason, "Energy loss of heavy ions along low-index directions in gold single crystals," Radiat. Effects. 2, 105-10 (1969) 1969 S Datz, C.D. Moak, B.R. Appleton, M.T. Robinson, & O.S. Oen, "Energy dependence of channeled ion energy loss spectra," Atomic Collisions in Solids 1969, p. 374 1969 G.J. Clark, D.V.Morgan, & J.M. Poate, "Energy loss of channeled protons in the MeV region," Atomic Collisions in Solids 1969, p. 388 1969 B.R. Appleton & L.C. Feldman, "Unidirectional channeling and blocking," Atomic Collisions in Solids 1969, p. 417 1969 D.M. Morgan & D. van Vliet, "Computer simulation applied to channeling," Atomic Collisions in Solids 1969," 1969 Yu.V. Martynenko, "Some aspects of the theory of ion interaction with crystal channeling," Proc 3rd Atomic Collisions in Solids Conf, 400-16 [North Holland, 1969] 1969 G. Dearnaley, "The range and energy loss of implanted ions." Proc. Roy. Soc. A311, 21-33 (1869) 1969 G. Dearnaley, M.A. Wilkins, P.D. Goode, J.H. Freeman, & G.A. Gard, "The range distributions of radioactive ions implanted into silicon crystals," Proc. 3rd Atomic Collisions in Solids Conf, 633-56 [North Holland, 1969] 1970 Nov 4 D.M. Morgan & D. van Vliet, "Critical approach distances and critical angles for channeling," Radiat. Effects 8, 51-61 (1970) 1970 Dec 24 R. A. Moline, "Ion-implanted phosphorus in silicon: profiles using C-V analysis," J. Appl. Phys. 42, 3553-58 (1971) 1970 P.M. Goode, M.A. Wilkins, & G. Dearnaley, "The electrical activity of phosphorus channeled in silicon," Radiat. Effects 6, 237-45 (1970). P <110> Si. 40-400 keV. See Fig. 9. 700°C annealing. 100% activity. range Rc or Rmax vs E in <110> & <111> varies as E1/2. 1970 J.M. Shannon, R.A. Ford, & G.A. Gard, "Annealing characteristics of higly doped ion implanted phosphorus layers in silicon," Radiat. Effects 6, 217-21 (1970). 450°C vs RT implantation in <110> Si of P of 40 & 100 keV > 1019 cm-3 for 450°C anneal vs <1016 cm-3 for RT. 1970 I.G. Massa & G.J. Clark, "Computer simulated flux measurements for ions channeled in diamond structure lattices," 1970 Reading Conf. 207-11 (1970) 1971 Aug 5 V.G.K. Reddi & J.D. Sansbury, "Channeling of phosphorus ions in silicon," Appl Phys. Lett. 20, 30-31 (1972) 1971 R.A. Moline & G.W. Reutlinger, "Phosphorus channeled in silicon: profiles and electrical activity," Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. on Ion Implantation, Ed. I. Ruge & J. Graul, [Springer Verlag, 1971] p. 58-69 1971 T.E. Seidel, "Distribution of boron implanted in silicon," Proc. 2nd Internat.Conf. on Ion mplantation, Ed. I. Ruge & J. Graul, [Springer Verlag, 1971] p. 47-57 1971 J.L. Whitton & G.R. Bellavance, "Ion implantation of sulfur into GaAs, GaP, & Ge monocrystals," Radiat. Effects 9, 127-31 (1971) 1972 May 23 Y.H. Ohtsuki & M. Kitagawa, ""Abnormal" stopping power for low velocity ion channeling," Phys. Lett. 40A, 313 (1972) 1972 Dec 6 D.K. Brice, "Application of a stopping power formula to channeled ions," Radiat. Effects 18, 13-16 (1973) 1972 F.G.K.Reddi & A.Y.C. Yu, "Ion implantation for silicon device fabrication," Solid State Technol., Oct p. 35-41 1972 V.A. Eltekov, D.S. Karputzov, Yu.V. Martynenko, E.A.Rubakha, V.A. Simon, E. Yurasova, "Computer studies of boron ion channeling in silicon single crystals," Radiat. Effects 13, 237-42 (1972) or Proc. 4th Internat Conf. on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Gausdal, Norway, Sept. 1971, Atomic Collisions in Solids IV [Gordon and Breach, 1972] 1972 U.A. Arifov, D.D. Gruich, G.E. Ermakov, & E. Khalmirzayev, "Channeling of low energy ions on single crystal surfaces," Radiat. Effects 12, 181-82 (1972) 1972 V.V. Beloshitsky, M.A. Kumakhov, and V.A. Muralev, "Multiple scattering of channeled ions in crystals," Radiat Effects 13, 9-22 (1972) 1972 E.S. Mashkova and V.A. Molchanov, " Correlated atomic collision sequences at solid surfaces," Radiat. Effects 13, 183-90 (1972) 1972 P. V. Pavlov, E. I. Zorin, D. I. Telel'baum, A. S. Baranova, & V. K. Vasil'ev, "The influence of channeling and anomalous diffusion on the profiles of implanted phosphorus and boron atoms in silicon," Radiat. Effects 13, 153-55 (1972) 1972 A.P. Pathak and M. Yussouff, "Channeling of charged particles in perfect crystals," Radiat. Effects 16, 1-6 (1972) 1973 Jan 3 M.R. Altman, L.C. Feldman, & W.M. Gibson, "Channeling of 5-MeV protons from planar channels in silicon and its temperature dependence," Radiat. Effects 18, 17180 (1973) 1973 Jan 8 F.G.K. Reddi & J.D. Sansbury, "Channeling and dechanneling of ion-implanted phosphorus in silicon," J. Appl. Phys. 44, 2957-63 (1973) 1973 W.F. van der Weg, H.E. Roosendaal, & W.H. Kool, "Radiat. Effects 17, 91-97 (1973) 1973 M. Bernheim, "Influence of channeling on secondary ion emission," Radiat. Effects 18, 231-34 (1973) 1974 Aug 8 K. Morita & R. Sizmann, "Dechanneling by interstitial atoms," Radiat. Effects 24, 281-85 (1975) 1974 Dec 20 V. I. Shulga, "Ion beam focusing by the atomic chains of a crystal lattice," Radiat. Effects 26, 61-65 (1975) 1974 F. Cembali, K. Galloni, R. Lottie, & F. Zignani, "Influence of annealing and radiation damage on electrical characteristics," Proc. 4th Internat. Ion Implantation Conf. [Plenum, 1974] 1975 Jan 6 M.A. Kumakhov, "the theory of channeling at small depths." Radiat. Effects 26, 43-48 (1975) 1975 Jan 23 F. Cembali, R. Galloni, and F. Zignani, "Electrical activation processes of P +ions channeled along the [110] axis of Si: Affect of annealing on carriers profiles shape," Radiat. Effects 26, 161-71 (1975) 1975 Jan 29 H.J. Pabst, "On transverse plane focusing in channeling," Radiat. Effects 25, 207-08 (1975) 1975 Mar 21 N. Matsunami & N. Itoh, "Empirical determination of the random fraction in disordered channel," Radiat. Effects 26, 173-76 (1975) 1975 Apr 28 U. Bill, R. Sizmann, C. Varelas, & K.E. Rehm, "Transition of axial to planar channeling," Radiat. Effects 27, 59-66 (1975) 1975 May 2 Yu. V. Bulgakov & V. I.Shulga, "Transparency oscillations of a silicon single crystal in passing from axial to planar channeling," Radiat. Effects 28, 15-21 (1976) 1975 May 26 T. Waho & Y.H. Ohtsuki, "The diffusion of channeled beams due to deviations from the continuum model," Radiat. Effects 27, 151-53 (1976) 1975 June 13 J.D. Melvin & T.A. Tombrello, "Energy loss of low energy protons channeled in silicon crystals," Radiat. Effects 26, 113-26 (1975) 1975 Sept 22 E.S. Mashkova, V.A. Molchanov, & T.M. Serdobol'syaya, "Experimental study of focusing of ion scattered by crystals," Radiat. Effects 28, 241-43, (1976) 1975 Nov 10 M.A. Kumakhov & R. Wedell, "Theory of channeling at small depths II, "Radiat. Effects 30, 1-10 (1976) 1975 Dec 15 H. Grahmann, A. Feuerstein, & S. Kalbitzer, "Critical channeling angles of low energy ions in silicon," Radiat. Effects 29, 117-19 (1976) 1975 F. Cembali, R. Galloni, & F. Zignani, "Electrical activation processes of P+ ions channeled along the <110> axis of silicon: effect of annealing on carrier profile shape," Radiat. Effects 26, 161-71 (1975) 1976 June 8 A. Pathak, "Interatomic potentials and channeling," Radiat. Effects 30, 193-97 (1976) 1977 July 28 V.V. Beloshitsky & M.A. Kumakhov, "A theory of energy loss of channeled protons," Radiat. Effects 35, 209 (1978) 1977 Aug 4 A. Carnera, G. della Mea, A.V. Drigo, S.L. Riasso, & P. Mazzoldi, "Channeling in diatomic crystals," Radiat. Effects 35, 201-08 (1978) He ions in Al2O3. 1977 Aug 18 J.M. Lombaard & O. Meyer, "Channeling studies in carbon implanted NbC single crystals," Radiat. Effects 36, 83-89 (1978) 1977 Aug 26 H. Nishi, T. Inada, T.Sakurai, T. Kaneda, T. Hisatsuga, & T. Furuya, "Uniform doping of channeled ion implantation," J. Appl. Phys. 49, 608-13 (1978) 1977 Nov 11 O.N. Jarvis, A.C. Sherwood, C. Whitehead, & M W Lucas, "The ionization energy for 160-MeV alpha particles channeled in Si," Radiat. Effects 36, 215-18 (1978) 1977 Dec 1 T. Furuya, H. Nishi, T. Inada, & T.Sakurai, "Channeled ion implantation of group III and group V ions into silicon," J. Appl. Phys. 49, 3918-21 (1978) 1977 M. Huez, F. Capellani and G. Restelli, "Channeling effect measurements of arsenic implants in silicon," Radiat. Effects 32, 147-54 (1977) 1978 Feb 20 A. Goetzberger, C.R. Fritzsche, & R. Diehl, "Superchanneling of accelerated ions through crystals with large channels," J. Appl.Phys. 49, 4956-57 (1978) 1978 May 23 A. Markovich, G. Bahir, T. Bernstein, & R. Kalish, "A method for measuring stopping powers of channeled ions: boron in silicon," Radiat. Effects 39, 65-70 (1978) 1978 Oct 16 I.N. Evdokimov, J.A. van den Berg, & D.G. Armour, "Proper surface channeling of low energy argon ions incident on a nickel (110) crystal," Radiat. Effects 41, 33-41 (1979) 1978 Nov 14 M.A. Kumakhov, E. Kuehrt, & R. Wedell, "The theory of channeling at small depths. III," Radiat. Effects 41, 1-5 (1979) 1978 Dec 15 S. Steenstrup, "The effect of screw dislocations on the energy loss of channeled ions," Radiat. Effects 37, 51-57 1978) 1978 J.A. Ellison & S.T. Picraux, "Statistical equilibrium spatial density in planar channeling," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 149, 429 (1978) 1978 J.G. Brennan, D.J. Land, M.D. Brown, and D.G. Simons, "Theoretical interpretations of the energy dependence of electronic stopping power," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 149, 14348 (1978) 1979 Jan 18 I.N. Evdokimov, R. Webb, D.G. Armour, D.S. Karpuzov, "Simplified models for surface hyperchanneling, "Radiat. Effects 42, 83-92 (1979) 1979 Mar 23 D.V. Morgan, "A simple model for planar channeling calculations," Radiat. Effects Lett. 43, 97-100 (1979) 1979 Aug 15 I. Reid, M.W. Thompson, & B.W. Farmery, "Atomic collision phenomena in sputtering," Radiat. Effects 46, 163-66 (1980) 1979 Sept 13, "J. Comas & R.G. Wilson, "Channeling and random equivalent depth distributions of 150-keV Li, Be, and B implanted in silicon," J. Appl.Phys. 51, 36973701 (1980) 1979 Oct 4 K. Morita, "A computer simulation of the surface channeling of MeV heavy charged particles," Radiat. Effects 52, 235-46 (1980) 1979 Nov 7 T.E. Seidel, "Channeling of implanted phosphorus through polycrystalline silicon," Appl. Phys. Lett. 36, 447-49 (1980) 1979 Nov 9 N. Matsunami & L. M. Howe, "A diffusion calculation of axial channeling in Si and Ge," Radiat. Effects 51, 111-26 (1980) 1979 Nov 26 V.A. Khodyrev, E.I. Sirotinin, & F. Tulinov, "Energy loss of channeled protons," Radiat.Effects 51, 203-08 (1980) 1980 Mar 12 R. Kauffmann & O. Meyer, "Computer simulation of channeling measurements in carbon-implanted NbC single crystal," Radiat .Effects 52, 53-60 (1980) 1980 Sept 26 S. Steenstrup & A.P. Pathak, "Energy loss spectra in planar channeling," Radiat. Effects 55, 17-22 (1981) 1980 Dec 12 V.V. Beloshitsky & M.A. Kumakhov, "Theory of axial channeling of negative particles," Radiat. Effects 58, 41-45 (1981) 1980 Dec 23 S.D. Mukherjee & M.W. Thompson, "Transverse plane trajectory focusing in axial channeling: Theory and comparisons with computer simulations," Radiat Effects 55, 223-34 (1981) 1980 E Uggerhoj, "Channeling in the GeV region," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 170, 105-113 (1980) and at the 8th Atomic Collisions in Solids Conf. (1979) 1980 J.H. Barrett & D.P. Jackson, "Role of correlations of lattice vibrations in channeling," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 170, 115-18 (1980) 1980 H.E. Roosendaal, B. Schmiedeskamp, H.H. Hubbes, & H.O. Lutz, "Half wavelength and stopping power for planar channeled protons in silicon and diamond structure crystals," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 170, 119-22 (1980) 1980 E.V. Kornelsen & A.A. van Gorkum, "Enhanced penetration of low energy (25-5000 eV) helium along the <100> channel in tungsten," Nucl. Intstrum. Meth. 170, 161 (1980) 1981 Jan 5 A. Coreiovei & A. Visinescu, "Semiclassical approach to channeling and dechanneling," Radiat. Effects 55, 141-48 (1981) 1981 May 27 G.P. Pokhyl & V.V. Cherdyntsev, "Simulation of the stationary potential distribution in axial channeling," Radiat. Effects 60, 135-41 (1982) 1982 Jan 26 J.A. Golovchenko, D.E. Cox, & A.N. Goland, "Critical analysis of the chargestate dependence of the energy loss of channeled ions," Phys. Rev. B26, 2335-40 (1982) 1982 Apr 26 M. Miyake, M. Yoshizawa, & H. Harada, "Incidence angle dependence of planar channeling in boron ion implantation into silicon,"J. Electrochem. Soc 130, 716-19 (1983) 1982 May 18 Y.H. Ohtsuki & H. Nitta, "Channeling stopping power for high energy ions," Phys.Lett. 93A, 94-96 (1982) 1982 July 29 K. Beck, K. Kopitzki, G. Krauss, & G. Mertler, "A semi-empirical method for the determination of the spatial distribution of channeled ions," Radiat. Effects 77, 79-87 (1982) 1982 Oct 14 R.A. Lee, "Planar channeling quantum trajectories," Radiat. Effects Lett. 68, 113-19 (1982) 1982 Oct 27 A.W. Saenz, "Rigorous channeling stability theorems," Phys. Lett. 93A, 337-40 (1983) 1982 Dec 14 R.B. Alexander, S.C. Johnson, K.R. Padmanabhan, & J.C. Bucholz, "Effects of pressure differential on channeling in thin silicon crystals," Appl. Phys. Lett. 42, 80406 (1983) 1983 May 30 E.S. Mashkova & V.B. Fleurov, "Small-angle ion reflections from single crystals," Radiat. Effects 80, 227-39 (1984) 1983 June 25 E>C> Goldberg and V.H. Ponce,"Energy loss and straggling of channeled projectiles by inner shell electrons," Radiat. Effects 100, 139-56 (1986) 1983 July 5 E. Fuschini, F. Malaguti, A. Uguzzoni, & E. Verondini, "Shape analysis of blocking dips: Monte Carlo vs analytical results," Radiat. Effects 81, 37-56 (1984) 1983 July 22 T. Takeda & A. Yoshii, "A two-dimensional Boltzmann transport equation approach to ion implantation in silicon," IEEE EDL-4, 430-33 (1983) 1983 Nov 3 A.P. Pathak, "Position dependence of channeling stopping power," Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 122, 171-74 (1984) 1983 V.A. Bazylev & V.V. Goloviznin, "Theory of stability of transverse energy levels at axial channels," Radiat. Effects 69, 159-64 (1983) 1983 G.V. Dedkov, A.M. Kumakhov, & M.Z. Sokov, "The study of the flux-peaking effect of the planar channeling of protons in silicon by computer simulation," Radiat. Effects 71, 261-69 (1983) 1983 G.V. Dedkov, "New approximation for the interaction potential of light channeled particles with crystals," Radiat. Effects 79, 43-61 (1983) 1984 Mar 21 A.M. Mazzone, "Monte Carlo simulation of channeling effects on recoil motion," Radiat. Effects Lett. 86, 191-97 (1984) 1984 June 9 V.V. Rozhkov & S.V. Dyul'dya, "Critical channeling angles for real channels," Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 10, 499-500 (1984) 1984 June 11 A.M. Mazzone, "Monte Carlo simulation of channeling tail formation under heavy-dose ion bombardment," J. Appl. Phys. 57, 2337-39 (1985) 1984 June 25 G.P. Pokhyl & V.V. Cherdyntsev, "The effect of a regular arrangement of the strings upon the energy loss of axially channeled particles," Radiat. Effects 85, 51-55 1984) 1984 Oct 18 J.F. Ziegler & R.F. Level, "Channeling of ions near the silicon <001> axis," Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 358-60 (1985) 1984 V.A. Bazylev & A.V. Demura, "The theory of the electron loss by a multiply-charged ion moving at a small angle to crystal planes," Radiat. Effects 80, 241-59 (1984) 1985 Feb 6 T. Takeda & A. Yoshii, "Axial channeling model for a two-dimensional Boltzmann transport equation method for ion implantation analysis," IEEE EDL-6, 323-35 (1985) 1985 July 23 G.V. Kovalev, "Asymptotic theory of channeling in the field of an atom chain and an atomic plane," Sov. Phys.-Solid State 27, 1007 (1985) 1985 M.I.Current, N.L. Turner, T.C. Smith, & D. Crane, "Planar channeling effects in Si(100)," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B6, 336-48 (1985) 1986 Aug 4 F. Garofalo & A.M. Mazzone, "Channeling in GaAs," Phys. Stat .Sol. (a) 98, 51720 (1986) 1986 Nov 25 P J.M. Smulders & D.O. Boerma, "Computer simulation of channeling in single crystals," Nucl. Instrum. Meth.Phys. Res. B29, 471-89 (1987) Planar Channeling 1973 W.F. van der Weg, H.E. Roosendaal, and W.H. Kool, "High resolution measurements of energy spectra of protons scattered from silicon crystalsin the case of planar channeling," Radiat. Effects 17, 91-97 (1973) 1973 V.V. Beloshitsky, M.A. Kumakhov, and V.A. Muralev, " Multiple scattering of channeling ions in crystals-II. Planar channeling, Radiat. Effects 20, 95-109 (1973) 1974 H.E. Roosendaal, W.H. Kool, W.F. vander Weg, and J.B. Sanders," Critical angles and minimum yields for planar channeling," Radiat. Effects 22, 89-99 (1974) 1976 D.P. Jackson and .V. Morgan, "Computer modeling of planar dechanneing I: Monatomic lattices," Radiat. Effects 28, 5-13 (1976) 1976 D.V. Morgan and D.P. Jackson, " Computer modeling of planal dechanneling II: Diatomic lattices, " Radiat. Effects 29, 99-106 (1976) 1976 D.V. Morgan and D.P. Jackson, "Computer modeling of planar dechanneling III: Trajectory-dependent electron multiple scattering," Radiat. Effects 29, 107-111 (1976) Dechanneling 1970 June 5 R.R. Hart, "Disorder dechanneling of low-energy protons and alpha particles in silicon," Radiat. Effects 6, 51-56 (1970) 1970 Nov 4 D.V. Morgan & D. van Vliet, "Critical approach distances and critical angles for dechanneling," Radiat. Effects 8, 51-61 (1971) 1970 Nov 4 J. Mory, "Mesure du coefficient de decanalisation par un defaut d'empilement dans l'or," Radiat. Effects 8, 139-41 (1971) 1972 S.U. Campisano, G. Foti, F. Grasso, M. Lo Savio, and E. Rimini, "Lindhard's multiple scattering description jutifies axial and planar dechanneling data," Radiat. Effects 13, 157-66 (1972) 1973 Jan 3 M.R. Altan, L.C. Feldman, and W.M. Gibson, "Dechanneling of 5-MeV protons from planar channels in silicon and its temperature dependence," Radiat. Effects 18, 171-80 (1973) 1974 July 21 H.J. Pabst, "On the influence of the initial row impact parameter and the row periodicity as ions dechannel," Radiat. Effects 24, 233-37 (1975) 1974 Aug 8 K. Morita and R. Sizmann, "Dechanneling by interstitial atoms," Radiat. Effects 24, 281-85 (1975) 1975 June 9 D.P. Jackson & D.V. Morgan, "Computer modeling of planar dechanneling. I. Monatomic lattices, Radiat. Effects 28, 5-13 (1976); II. Diatomic lattices," Radiat. Effects 29, 99-106 (1976) (15 Oct 1975) 1975 D. Ronikier-Polonsky, G. Desarmot, N. Housseau, and Y. Quere, "Dechanneling by gas bubbles in a solid," Radiat. Effects 27, 81-88 (1975) 1976 T. Waho and Y.H. Ohtsuki, "The diffusion of channeled beams due to potentials from the continuum-potential model," Radiat. Effects 27, 151-53 (1976) 1977 Nov 14 Y. Quere, "About the dechanneling due to dislocation loops," Radiat. Effects 38, 131-32 (1978) 1978 Sept 4 S.L. Nizhnaya & S. Parilis, "Ion scattering by atomic chains on a solid surface," Radiat. Effects 40, 43-52 (1979) 1978 N. Matsunami, T. Goto, & N. Itoh, "Energy and temperature dependences of dechanneling by displaced atoms," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 149, 430 (1978) 1978 G. Foti, L. Csepregi, E.F. Kennedy, & J.W. Mayer, "The effect of twins on dechanneling a charged particle beam," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 149, 381-85 (1978) 1978 Y. H. Ohtsuki, T. Omura, H. Tanaka, & M. Kitagawa," Decahanneling theory for axial and planar channels," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 149, 361-64 (1978) 1979 Mar 23 D.V. Morgan, "A simple model for planar dechanneling alculations," Radiat. Effects Lett. 43, 97-100 (1979) 1979 Nov 9 N. Matsunami & L.M. Howe, "A diffusion calculation of channeling in Si and Ge," Radiat. Effects 51, 111-26 (1980) 1979 Nov 26 P.K. Bhattacharya, J. Chevallier, E. Uggerhoj, J. Mory, & Y. Quere, "Evidence for dechanneling by dislocations," Radiat. Effects 51, 127-28 (1980) 1979 Dec 3 H. Kerkow, H. Pietsch, & F. Taeuber, "Comparative measurement of proton dechanneling in Si under channeling, blocking, and double alignment conditions," Radiat .Effects Lett. 50, 169-73 (1980) 1980 Dec 11 B. Gruska & G. Goetz, "Dechanneling by dislocations in ion implanted silicon," Radiat. Effects 59, 157-67 (1982) 1980 Nov 24 W. Zakowicz & R.H. Pantell, "Effects of dislocations on channeling," J. Appl. Phys. 52, 2799-2803 (1980) 1980 Dec 11 B. Gruska & G. Goetz, "Dechanneling by dislocations in ion-implanted Si," Radiat. Effects 59, 157-67 (1982) 1982 July 15 L.M. Howe, J.A. Moore, N. Matsunami, & D.R. Wright, "Axial dechanneling of MeV protons in gold," Radiat. Effects 79, 197-216 (1983) 1982 G. Goetz & B. Gruska, "Dechanneling by dislocations and stacking faults in ionimplanted Si," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 194, 199-204 (1982) 1984 Nov 7 M.L. Swanson, L.M. Howe, N. Matsunami, & A.F. Quenneville, "Dechanneling by lattice defects," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B9, 184-96 (1985) 1985 Apr 30 H. Nitta, Semiclassical theory of dechanneling and the diffusion coefficient," Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 131, 75 (1985) Quasichanneling 1975 L.T. Chadderton, "Comments on the scattering of charged particles by single crystal. 1-3 IV. Quasichanneling, flux peaking, and atom location," Radiat. Effects 27, 13-21 (1975) Energy Loss 1978 V.V. Beloshitsky and M.A. Kumakhov, " A Theory of energy loss of channeled protons," Radiat. Effects 35, 209-16 (1978) Temperature Effects in Channeling and Dechanneling 1964 Sept 29 D.A. Channing & J.L. Whitton, "Effect of temperature on the channeling of 133Xe ions in gold," Phys. Lett. 13, 27-28 (1964) 1964 J.B. Sanders & J.M. Fluit, "Temperature dependence of the range of focused collision sequences in copper single crystals," Physica 30, 129-43 (1964) 1965 B.W. Farmery, R.S. Nelson, R. Sizmann, & M.W.Thompson, "The channeling of 2.5MeV protons in Cu, and some effects of temperature and radiation damage," Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 38, 231-37 (1965) 1967 Feb 27 R.S. Nelson & D.J. Mazey, "The influence of channeling on radiation damage produced in silicon during ion bombardment," J. Material Sci. 2, 211-16 (1967) 1967 Jan 17 D.A. Channing,"Effect of temperature on the penetration of heavy keV ions in monocrystalline solids," Can. J.Phys. 45, 2455-66 (1967) 1967 Apr 10 L.M. Howe & D.A. Channing, "Effect of temperature on the penetration of heavy keV ions in monocrystalline solids," Can. J. Phys. 45, 2467-82 (1967) 1967 Nov 8 P.M. Glotin, "Influence of temperature on phosphorus ion behavior during silicon bombardment," Can. J. Phys. 46, 705-12 (1968) 1967 Nov 10 J.U. Andersen & E. Uggerhoj, "Investigation of the energy and temperature dependence of the string effect," Can. J. Phys. 46, 517-25 (1968) 1967 Nov 22 J.A. Davies, L. Eriksson, & J.L. Whitton, "Range measurements in oriented tungsten single crystals.III.The influence of temperature on the maximum range," Can. J. Phys. 46, 573-79 (1968) 1973 Jan 3 M.R. Altan, L.C. Feldman, and W.M. Gibson, "Dechanneling of 5-MeV protons from planar channels in silicon and its temperature dependence," Radiat. Effects 18, 171-80 (1973) 1977 M. Natsunami, T. Goto, and N. Itoh, "Energy and temperature dependences of dechanneling induced by displaced atoms," Radiat. Effects 33, 209-14 (1977) 1982 Apr 26 E. Fuschini & A. Uguzzoni, "Thermal effects in blocking calculations by a diffusion model," Radiat .Effects 69, 1113-26 (1983) 1986 M. Hautala, "Channeling of B and As near the <001> axis," Nucl.m Instrum. Meth. B15, 5-77 (1986) Papers related to enhanced diffusion 1970 Feb 2 O. Meyer & J.W .Mayer, "Enhanced diffusion and outdiffusion in ion implanted silicon," J. Appl. Phys. 41, 4166 (1970) Supertails Note: We do not believe that channeling supertails really exist - from our many years of direct research. profiling, and study of the literature. We believe that what has been observed is the result of poor experimental techniques or flaws in the measurement technique, or the result of thermal redistribution effects. Papers by R.G. Wilson R.G. Wilson, "Planar and axial channeling of 800-keV As in <110> silicon," Appl. Phys. Lett. 29, 770-72 (1976) R.G. Wilson, H.L. Dunlap, and D.M. Jamba, "Angular sensitivity of controlled implantation doping profiles," NBS Special Publication 400-49, Nat. Bureau of Standards, Nov 1978 D.R. Meyers, R.G. Wilson, and J. Comas, "Consideration of ion channeling for semiconductor microstructure fabrication," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 1893-96 (1979) R.G. Wilson and V.R. Deline, "Ion channeling in GaAs: Si, S, Se, and Te," Appl. Phys. Lett. 39, 793-86 (1980) J. Comas and R.G. Wilson, "Channeling and random equivalent depth distributions of 150keV Li, Be, and B implanted in Si," J. Appl. Phys. 51, 3697-3701 (1980) D.R. Meyers, J. Comas, and R.G. Wilson, "Effect of silicon dioxide surface-layer thickness on boron profiles for directly aligned implants into (100) silicon," J. Appl. Phys. 52, 33579 (1981) R.G. Wilson, "Channeling depth distributions of Be and Si in GaAs as a function of implantation energy and fluence," IEEE Electr. Dev. Lett. EDL-3, 210-12 (1982) R.G. Wilson, "Ion channeling in GaAs: Be, Mg, Zn, and Cd, and calculations of electronic stopping powers." J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5641-44 (1982) R.G. Wilson. "Random and channeled implantation profiles and range parameters for P and Al in crystalline and amorphized Si," J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2797-2805 (1986) R.G. Wilson, D.M. Jamba,P.K. Chu, C.G. Hopkins, and C.J. Hitzman, "Atom and acceptor depth distributions for aluminum channeled in silicon as a function of ion energy and crystal orientation," J. Appl. Phys. 60, 2806-09 (1986) R.G. Wilson, "Ranges and depth distributions of 200-keV He ions channeled in Si, Ge, and GaAs crystals," J. Appl. Phys. 61, 2489-91 (1987) R.G. Wilson, "<110> channeled depth distributions and values of electronic stopping for the fourth-row transition elements (Z=19 through 28) in the silicon crystal," J. Appl. Phys. 61, 2734-36 (1987) R.G. Wilson, "Depth distributions and range and shape parameters for 1H and 2H implanted into Si and GaAs in random and channeling orientations," J. Appl. Phys, 61, 2826-35 (1987)