Article 1
Introductory Provisions
(1) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is determined in the framework of integral cooperation for
the support of study of foreigners (hereafter "foreign student”) in the bachelor´s, master´s and
doctoral study programmes realized by VŠB – TUO.
(2) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is determined for paying expenses connected with a shortterm study of a foreign student in bachelor´s, master´s and doctoral study programmes realized by
VŠB–TUO for a period from one to five months; it is especially determined for completing chosen
subjects, elaboration of a project, seminar work, or part of a thesis.
(3) The source of funds for the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is a scholarship fund, potentially a
development project of MŠMT and donations. In case the source of the scholarship is a donation it
must be stated in the donation agreement that it is determined for the Georgius Agricola Scholarship
and for what period.
(4) An analytical sub-account is created in the framework of the scholarship fund in the accounting
system for which funds determined for paying the Georgius Agricola Scholarships are concentrated.
(5) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is not determined for students who were given a scholarship
from international programmes.
(6) The Rector sets priorities for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship for individual
academic years, which are based on the Long-term Goals of VŠB–TUO.
Article 2
Conditions for Granting Scholarship
(1) A student of a full-time form of study, studying in a bachelor´s, master´s or doctoral study
programme realized by a foreign higher education institution can apply for the Georgius Agricola
(2) A foreign student must submit a request for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship
(hereafter “Scholarship request”), and further required documents and forms specified in
Instructions for Applicants for Georgius Agricola Scholarship. Instructions for Applicants for
Georgius Agricola Scholarship are issued and posted by the Department of Vice-Rector for Study
Affairs (no. 9200).
(3) With the Scholarship request the student must enclose the complete application for Exchange
Programme or Freemover stay (the forms „Student Application Form“ and „Learning Agreement
must be provided in two originals duly confirmed by the sending institution) and further necessary
documents, given in Enclosure A. Forms must be complete and duly filled in, and the courses in the
Learning Agreement must be properly selected to the extent which corresponds to the length of
study stay at VŠB-TUO. Implicit extent of selected courses is 30 ECTS credits in 5 months of study
stay, 20 ECTS credits at minimum. If the study stay is shorter than 5 months, the minimum number
of ECTS credits might be reduced based on the request consideration executed by the Board of the
Georgius Agricola Scholarship.
(4) A condition for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is very good knowledge of the
language in which the classes will be taught. VŠB-TUO reserves the right to require presentation of
proof of sufficient teaching language skills from the student.
(5) The student is responsible for travel expenses from the place of his or her full-time study abroad
to VŠB – TUO and back. A condition for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is presenting
the return ticket when entering the study.
(6) The upper age limit for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is 35, and the Rector can
grant an exception.
(7) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is paid monthly, retroactively. A student is obliged to have
financial means in the amount of 300 EUR as a minimum (living costs for one month of study) and
a returnable deposit for accommodation in the Halls of Residence at VŠB–TUO in the amount of
200 EUR (all transactions occur in Czech currency CZK).
(8) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is not determined for ensuring the stay of family members.
Article 3
The Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship
(1) The body for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is the Board of the Georgius Agricola
Scholarship, which the Rector appoints as his advisory body. The Chairman of the Board is the
Vice–Rector for Study Affairs. The members of the Board are representatives of the individual
faculties at VŠB–TUO.
(2) The members of the Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship are proposed by the Faculty
(3) The activity of the Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is regulated by the Rule of
Procedure of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship, which is, in its entirety, in this Statute (enclosure
(4) The Rector decides on the basis of the recommendations of the Board of the Georgius Agricola
Scholarship on granting the financial means for the Georgius Agricola Scholarship.
Article 4
Scholarship Request and Approval
(1) A foreign student states his interest in study in a study programme realized by VŠB–TUO to the
relevant department or Faculty at VŠB–TUO.
(2) In accordance with Article 2 Section 3 it is necessary to submit the Scholarship request and
further documents according to the Instructions for Applicants for Georgius Agricola Scholarship
by the 30th of April for study in the winter semester of the following academic year or by the 15th
of October for study in the summer semester of the relevant academic year at the department of the
Vice–Rector for Study Affairs at the address: Vice–Rector for Study Affairs, Department 9200, 17.
listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic. VŠB-TUO reserves the right not to
adjudicate applications delivered to the above mentioned address after the defined deadline or
which are incomplete.
(3) The Scholarship request and further documents according to Article 2 Section 3 (the forms
“Student Application Form“ and “Learning Agreement” must be provided in two originals duly
confirmed by the sending institution) are referred for recommendations at the relevant Faculty or at
the All–University department.
(4) The Faculty or an All–University department will confirm both original forms “Student
Application Form“ and “Learning Agreement“ and in this way it is obliged to ensure the study of
the student in the both organizational and actual ways.
(5) The Dean will determine the order of the students´ Scholarship requests to whom he
recommends the Georgius Agricola Scholarship in the given semester or academic year and hands
over the proposal to the Chairman of the Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship.
(6) The Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship discusses the Scholarship requests and on the
basis of its recommendations the Rector will decide on granting the scholarship.
(7) The Rector grants the Georgius Agricola Scholarship. The number of granted scholarships
depends on the amount of financial sources according to Article 2 of the scholarship regulations.
(8) The Rector´s decision on granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship, with the confirmed forms
“Student Application Form“ and “Learning Agreement“ will be sent back in one copy to the foreign
higher education institution together with issued documents which are required for granting a visa,
if necessary.
(9) The remaining two forms “Student Application Form“ and “Learning Agreement“ duly
confirmed remain in the VŠB–TUO archives.
Article 5
The Course of Study in the Study Programme Realized by VŠB–TUO
(1) The receiving Faculty or All–University department will ensure study in the study programme
according to agreed Learning Agreement.
(2) The student covers all meals and accommodation him/herself at VŠB–TUO from the granted
Georgius Agricola Scholarship, having no pretension to accommodation scholarship.
Article 6
Scholarship Payment
(1) The amount of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship for individual academic years is stated by the
(2) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is paid monthly, retroactively, for the approved period of
study, according to defined payment terms. The scholarship is paid by virtue of a scholarship award
decision, in instalments, and the number and scholarship amount are defined in the scholarship
award decision.
(3) The Georgius Agricola Scholarship is paid in cash in the Czech currency (CZK) in payment
terms at the cash desk at VŠB–TUO.
(4) The student is obliged to announce immediately any change of data relating to his/her study stay
at VŠB-TUO. If this is not the case student must return the full amount of scholarship received
Article 7
Scholarship Withdrawal
(1) A foreign student will be deprived of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship in the case of:
a) committing a disciplinary offence
b) neglecting study duties while following the study programme
c) shortening of the study stay
(2) The Rector will withdraw the Georgius Agricola Scholarship on the proposal of the Board of the
Georgius Agricola Scholarship.
Enclosure A
Essential Documents of the Application for the Georgius Agricola Scholarship at VŠB-TUO
The applicants must, in accordance with Instructions for Applicants for Georgius Agricola
Scholarship submit the following documents in English:
A short cover letter stating that the student is applying for the Georgius Agricola
„Conditions for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship at VŠB–TUO” signed by the
Complete application documents for an Exchange Programme or Freemover stay including
all enclosures (the forms „Student Application Form“ and „Learning Agreement” must be
provided in two originals duly confirmed by the sending institution). In the Learning
Agreement, there shall be selected courses in the extent of 30 ECTS credits per semester, 20
ECTS credits per semester at minimum. If the study stay is shorter than 5 months, the
minimum number of ECTS credits may be reduced based on the request consideration
executed by the Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship
CV with the given contact address, the telephone number and the e-mail address
Motivation letter of the applicant (student) in English
2 letters of reference (in sealed envelopes) – which can be from the sending university, the
receiving department, another university, etc.
Immediately after the arrival at VŠB–TUO the student must present to the Department of Students‘
the declaration of his/her own financial security (equivalent of 300 EUR) – for paying of
living costs for the first month of stay, and declaration of the payment of the returnable
deposit for accommodation in the Halls of Residence at VŠB–TUO (equivalent of 200 EUR)
the return ticket, copy of air ticket or copy of air ticket reservation
a confirmation of health insurance in the Czech Republic.
Enclosure B
Rules of Procedure of the Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship
(1) The body for granting the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is the Board of the Georgius
Agricola Scholarship (hereafter “Board”), which the Rector appoints as his advisory
body. The Chairman of the Board is the Vice–Rector for Study Affairs. The members of
the Board are representatives of the individual faculties at VŠB–TUO.
(2) The members of the Board are appointed by the Rector based on proposals made by the
(3) The Rector decides on granting the financial means for the Georgius Agricola
Scholarship on the basis of the recommendations of the Board.
(4) Board of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is convened twice each year; generally one
term for the winter semester and one term for summer semester is announced.
(5) Board can be convened extraordinarily (above all upon proposal for Scholarship
(6) Board is quorate in case of participation of more than a half of all Board members.
(7) Board consults all delivered foreign students’ applications for the Georgius Agricola
Scholarship and consequently votes.
(8) Upon voting an absolute majority of members of the Board is important. In case of equal
voting the Vice-Rector for Study Affairs has one more conclusive voice.
(9) In exceptional cases, especially in case of evaluation of applications of students who
come on the basis of interuniversity bilateral agreements about cooperation and student
exchanges and in accordance with priorities stated embedded in the Long-term Goals of
VŠB-TUO, per rollam voting is enabled to members of the Board. Upon voting per
rollam all members of the Board must be familiarized with treated materials sufficiently
in advance.
(10) Once a year at minimum the Board produces a report about effective expenditure of
financial means for the Georgius Agricola Scholarship, which is published in a standard
way after endorsement of the Rector.
(11) Administration dealing with awarding of the Georgius Agricola Scholarship is executed
by the Department of Vice-Rector for Study Affairs.