Prof. Frank De Boer

Dare of birth:
Place of birth:
Address home:
Frank Roelof de Boer
Geerdinkhof 31
1103 PP Amsterdam Zuidoost
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-6951580
Fax: +31-20-6994800
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Valckenierstraat 67
1018 XE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-5255717
Fax: +31-20-5255788
M.S., Mathematics and Physics, University of Amsterdam
Doctor in Physics (Ph.D. Thesis: "Itinerant electron magnetism in the
Ni3Al and Ni3Ga phases", University of Amsterdam)
Staff member Department of Experimental Physics, University of
Member Academic Committee State Key Laboratory of Magnetism,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Visiting Scientist High Field Laboratory, Osaka University
Professor Technical Physics (Materials Science), Univ. of Amsterdam
Honorary Professor, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou, P.R. China
Vice-dean of Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Amsterdam
Member of Board of Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, Physics and
Head of Department of Experimental Physics, Univ. of Amsterdam
Honorary Professor, Inst. of Metal Research, Shenyang, P.R. China.
Honorary Professor, Jilin University, Changcun, P.R. China
Honorary Professor, Harbin Inst. of Technology, Harbin, P.R. China
Honorary Professor, Inner Mongolia Normal Univ., Hohhot, P.R. China
Advisor Materials Science Department, Van der Waals-Zeeman
Instituut, University of Amsterdam
Visiting Professor High Field Laboratory, Osaka University
Visiting Professor Department of Electronic Structures,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Visiting Professor High Field Laboratory, Osaka University
Visiting Professor Department of Electronic Structures,
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Other activities
Editor Physica B
Member Advisory Board of Chinese Physics
Member Advisory Board of Acta Physica Sinica
Member Academic Committee State Key Laboratory of Magnetism, Institute of Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China
Member Advisory Board, Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, P.R. China
Scientific interests
Main research topics
Magnetic materials, with emphasis on hard-magnetic materials (magnetization,
magnetic anisotropy, etc.)
Materials with giant magneto-resistance and giant magnetocaloric effect
Electronic properties of rare-earth and actinide compounds
- Instable moments in Ce and Yb compounds
- Magnetic and electronic structure of U compounds
Stability of intermetallic compounds (empirical theory)
Supervision of Ph.D. theses
Promotor or co-promotor of about 40 Ph.D. students
(Co)author of about 680 publications in international scientific journals
Book: "Cohesion in Metals" by F.R. de Boer, R. Boom, W.C.M. Mattens, A.R.
Miedema and A.K. Niessen (Elsevier, 1988)
Book: “Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials” by K.H.J. Buschow and F.R. de
Boer (Kluwer, 2002)
Brief description of past and current activities
Frank de Boer obtained in 1969 the doctors degree on a Ph.D. thesis in experimental physics,
mainly based on the investigation of magnetic properties of metallic materials in high magnetic
fields, and became a member of the scientific staff of the Natuurkundig Laboratorium that later
became a constituting member of the WZI. In 1969, he became strongly involved in a semitheoretical description of the stability of metallic alloy systems from an atomistic point of view.
At the same time, the experimental investigation of the fundamental electronic and magnetic
properties of intermetallic compounds based on rare-earth and/or transition metals, remained the
most important part of the research programme of his group. In 1974, he became assistant group
leader in the Materials Division of the Dutch Science Foundation FOM which, besides the
universities, supplies essential support to the physics research in the Netherlands. In 1985, he
became associate professor (UHD), and group leader in the organization FOM. In these years,
the search for and the study of novel magnetic materials with potential application, for instance
hard-magnetic materials for application in the production of permanent magnets, obtained a
central position in the research programme. This application-oriented programme, in which later
also high-magnetoresistance materials, applicable for instance in recorder heads, were
investigated, was carried out in close co-operation with Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, and
with a number of other institutions in Europe, the United States, China and Japan. In 1992, De
Boer became full professor of Technical Physics with specialization in Materials Science. At
present, his research interests are focussed on the thermodynamics of alloy formation and on
topics in the field of magnetism, primarily on magnetization processes in high magnetic fields,
on hard-magnetic materials and on materials exhibiting a large magnetocaloric effect.
Prof. Frank De Boer
Publication list since 1980
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
deBoer F.R., On the Valence State of Rare-Earth Atoms in Transition-Metal
Intermetallic Compounds, Journal of Metals (1980), 32, 12, 82-82
deBoer F.R., Boom R., Miedema A.R., Enthalpies of Formation of Liquid and
Solid Binary-Alloys Based on 3D Metals .1. Alloys of Scandium, Titanium
and Vanadium, Physica B & C (1980), 101, 3, 294-319
Dijkman W.H., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Intermediate-Valence State of
Ce in Pure and La-Substituted CeSn3, Physica B & C (1980), 98, 4, 271-281
Dijkman W.H., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Magnetic-Behavior of
Quasibinary Ce(In, Sn)3 Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1980), 15-8, JAN-, 970-972
Mattens W.C.M., deBoer F.R., Murani A.P., Lander G.H., Neutron Inelastic-
Scattering Experiments on the Mixed-Valent Compound Ybcual, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1980), 15-8, JAN-, 973-974
Mattens W.C.M., Holscher H., Tuin G.J.M., Moleman A.C., deBoer F.R.,
Thermal-Expansion and Magneto-Volume Effects in the Mixed-Valent Compound
Ybcual, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1980), 15-8, JAN-,
Miedema A.R., deChatel P.F., deBoer F.R., Cohesion in Alloys Fundamentals of A Semi-Empirical Model, Physica B & C (1980), 100, 1, 1-28
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Aarts J., deBoer F.R., High-Field Magnetization of CeAl2 and (Ce,La)Al2,
Physica B & C (1981), 107, 1-3, 381-382
Klaasse J.C.P., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Systematics in Intermetallic
Compounds Containing Intermediate-Valent Ytterbium, Physica B & C (1981),
106, 2, 178-194
Miedema A.R., deBoer F.R., Boom R., Predicting Heat-Effects in Alloys,
Physica B & C (1981), 103, 1, 67-81
Niessen A.K., deBoer F.R., The Enthalpy of Formation of Solid Borides,
Carbides, Nitrides, Silicides and Phosphides of Transition and NobleMetals, Journal of the Less-Common Metals (1981), 82, 1-2, 75-80
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
deBoer F.R., Boom R., Miedema A.R., Enthalpies of Formation of Liquid and
Solid Binary-Alloys Based on 3D Metals .2. Alloys of Chromium and
Manganese, Physica B & C (1982), 113, 1, 18-41
Franse J.J.M., Frings P.H., deBoer F.R., Menovsky A., Beers C.J.,
Vandeursen A.P.J., Myron H.W., Arko A.J., Suppression of Spin
Fluctuations in UAl2 in High Magnetic-Fields, Physical Review Letters
(1982), 48, 25, 1749-1752
Lieke W., Rauchschwalbe U., Bredl C.B., Steglich F., Aarts J., deBoer
F.R., Superconductivity in CeCu2Si2, Journal of Applied Physics (1982), 53,
3, 2111-2115
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Aarts J., deBoer F.R., Maclaughlin D.E., Si-29 Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance
and Relaxation in the Paramagnetic State of CeCu 2Si2, Physica B & C (1983),
121, 1-2, 162-168
Boom R., deBoer F.R., Niessen A.K., Miedema A.R., Enthalpies of Formation
of Liquid and Solid Binary-Alloys Based on 3D Metals .3. Alloys of Iron,
Physica B & C (1983), 115, 3, 285-309
Frings P.H., Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., Menovsky A., Magnetic-Properties
of UxPtY Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1983),
31-4, FEB, 240-242
Mattens W.C.M., deBoer F.R., Niessen A.K., Miedema A.R., On the Valence
State of Yb, Eu and Ce in Non-Transition Metal-Compounds, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1983), 31-4, FEB, 451-452
Niessen A.K., deBoer F.R., Boom R., deChatel P.F., Mattens W.C.M., Model
Predictions for the Enthalpy of Formation of Transition-Metal Alloys .2,
Calphad-Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (1983), 7,
1, 51-70
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Arons R.R., Heidel A., deBoer F.R., Magnetic Order and Crystal-Field
Effects in the Ce Deuterides, Solid State Communications (1984), 51, 3,
Maclaughlin D.E., Tien C., Gupta L.C., Aarts J., deBoer F.R., Fisk Z.,
Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance and Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity in
CeCu2Si2, Physical Review B (1984), 30, 3, 1577-1579
Palstra T.T.M., Werij H.G.C., Nieuwenhuys G.J., Mydosh J.A., deBoer F.R.,
Buschow K.H.J., Metamagnetic Transitions in Cubic La(FexAl1-X)13
Intermetallic Compounds, Journal of Physics F-Metal Physics (1984), 14, 8,
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Aarts J., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Consequences of An Electron Phonon
Bound-State for Magnetization and Susceptibility in CeAl2, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1985), 49, 3, 271-276
Aarts J., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Menovsky A., The Magnetic-Behavior
of CePd3 at Low-Temperatures, Solid State Communications (1985), 56, 7,
Arons R.R., Heidel A., deBoer F.R., Magnetic-Ordering and Crystal-Field
Effects in the Ce Deuterides, Journal of Applied Physics (1985), 57, 8,
Bredl C.D., Lieke W., Schefzyk R., Lang M., Rauchschwalbe U., Steglich F.,
Riegel S., Felten R., Weber G., Klaasse J., Aarts J., deBoer F.R.,
Specific-Heat and Thermal-Expansion of CeCu2Si2 at Low-Temperature,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1985), 47-8, FEB, 30-32
deBoer F.R., Klaasse J., Aarts J., Bredl C.D., Lieke W., Rauchschwalbe U.,
Steglich F., Felten R., Umhofer U., Weber G., Magnetization and SpecificHeat of CeAl3, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1985), 47-8,
FEB, 60-62
Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., Frings P.H., Gersdorf R., Menovsky A., Muller
F.A., Radwanski R.J., Sinnema S., Magnetic Transitions in Single-Crystal
Ho2Co17 Studied in High Magnetic-Fields, Physical Review B (1985), 31, 7,
Murani A.P., Mattens W.C.M., deBoer F.R., Lander G.H., Neutron-InelasticScattering Study of the Compound Ybcual, Physical Review B (1985), 31, 1,
Rauchschwalbe U., Baus W., Horn S., Spille H., Steglich F., deBoer F.R.,
Aarts J., Assmus W., Herrmann M., Magnetic-Properties of CeCu2Si2, Journal
of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1985), 47-8, FEB, 33-35
Vankalkeren G., Vannassou H., deBoer F.R., Intermediate-Valence State of
Yb in (Yb, Y)Cual, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1985),
47-8, FEB, 105-107
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
deBoer F.R., Franse J.J.M., Louis E., Menovsky A.A., Mydosh J.A., Palstra
T.T.M., Rauchschwalbe U., Schlabitz W., Steglich F., deVisser A., High-
Magnetic-Field and High-Pressure Effects in Monocrystalline URu2Si2,
Physica B & C (1986), 138, 1-2, 1-6
Sechovsky V., Havela L., deBoer F.R., Franse J.J.M., Veenhuizen P.A.,
Sebek J., Stehno J., Andreev A.V., Systematics Across the Utx Series (T=Ru,
Co, Ni - X=Al, Ga, Sn) of High-Field and Low-Temperature Properties of
Nonferromagnetic Compounds, Physica B & C (1986), 142, 3, 283-293
Vandeursen A.P.J., Schreurs L.W.M., deBoer F.R., Devroomen A.R., A Fermi-
Surface Study of ZrZn2, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1986),
54-7, 1113-1114
Veenhuizen P.A., Vankalkeren G., Klaasse J.C.P., Menovsky A., Moleman
A.C., deBoer F.R., Aarts J., On the Intrinsic Susceptibility of Iv-Cerium
Systems, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1986), 54-7, 425-427
Weeber A.W., Bakker H., deBoer F.R., The Preparation of Amorphous Ni-Zr
Powder by Grinding the Crystalline Alloy, Europhysics Letters (1986), 2,
6, 445-448
Weeber A.W., Vandermeer K., Bakker H., deBoer F.R., Thijsse B.J., Jongste
J.F., The Preparation of Amorphous Ni-Zr Powder by Mechanical Alloying,
Journal of Physics F-Metal Physics (1986), 16, 11, 1897-1904
Yang F.M., En K., Zhao X.C., deBoer F.R., Sinnema S., Magnetic-Properties
of (Nd,Tb)16.7Fe75.5B7.8 Compounds, Journal of the Less-Common Metals (1986),
124, 269-275
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
deBoer F.R., Yingkai H., Demooij D.B., Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic-
Properties of A Series of Novel Ternary Intermetallics (RFe10V2), Journal
of the Less-Common Metals (1987), 135, 2, 199-204
deBoer F.R., Klaasse J.C.P., Veenhuizen P.A., Bohm A., Bredl C.D.,
Gottwick U., Mayer H.M., Pawlak L., Rauchschwalbe U., Spille H., Steglich
F., CeCu2Ge2 - Magnetic Order in A Kondo Lattice, Journal of Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials (1987), 63-4, 91-94
deBoer F.R., Heavy Fermions and Superconductivity - Preface, Physica B &
C (1987), 147, 1, R9-R9
deVisser A., deBoer F.R., Menovsky A.A., Franse J.J.M., High-Field
Transitions in URu2Si2 Observed by Magnetoresistivity and Magnetization
Experiments, Solid State Communications (1987), 64, 4, 527-530
Grossinger R., Krewenka R., Kirchmayr H.R., Sinnema S., Yang F.M., Huang
Y.K., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic-Anisotropy in Pr2(Fe1-XCox)14B
Compounds, Journal of the Less-Common Metals (1987), 132, 2, 265-272
Henkie Z., Maslanka R., Oleksy C., Przystawa J., deBoer F.R., Franse
J.J.M., High-Field Magnetization and Hall-Effect of U3Sb4 Single-Crystals,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1987), 68, 1, 54-60
Hien T.D., Tai L.T., Grossinger R., Krewenka R., deBoer F.R., Bekker F.F.,
Comparison of the Magnetic-Properties of Mm-Fe-B and Nd-Fe-B Compounds,
Journal of the Less-Common Metals (1987), 127, 111-116
Huang Y.K., Wu C.H., Chuang Y.C., Yang F.M., deBoer F.R., 1St-Order
Magnetic Transition in (Nd,Pr)2Fe14B, Journal of the Less-Common Metals
(1987), 132, 2, 317-325
Kadowaki K., Vandermeulen H.P., Klaasse J.C.P., Vansprang M., Koster
J.Q.A., Roeland L.W., deBoer F.R., Huang Y.K., Menovsky A.A., Franse
J.J.M., Coexistence of Magnetism and High-Tc Superconductivity in
GdBa2Cu3O7, Physica B & C (1987), 145, 3, 260-266
Lysak M., Reyes A.P., Cheng T., Vankalkeren G., Maclaughlin D.E., deBoer
F.R., Temperature-Dependent Al-27 Quadrupole Splitting in Ybcual, Journal
of Applied Physics (1987), 61, 8, 3186-3188
Sinnema S., Franse J.J.M., Radwanski R.J., Menovsky A., deBoer F.R.,
Temperature-Dependence of the Magnetic Transitions in Ho2Co17, Journal of
the Less-Common Metals (1987), 127, 105-109
Sinnema S., Franse J.J.M., Radwanski R.J., Menovsky A., deBoer F.R.,
High-Field Magnetization Studies on the Ho2(Co,Fe)17 Intermetallics,
Journal of Physics F-Metal Physics (1987), 17, 1, 233-242
Steglich F., Bredl C.D., deBoer F.R., Lang M., Rauchschwalbe U.,
Rietschel H., Schefzyk R., Sparn G., Stewart G.R., Phenomenology of Heavy
Fermion Systems, Physica Scripta (1987), T19A, 253-259
Veenhuizen P.A., Yang F., Vannassou H., deBoer F.R., Magnetic-Properties
and Electrical-Resistivity of (Ce,Y)Pd3 and Ce(Pd,Pt)3, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1987), 63-4, 567-571
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Booth J.G., deBoer F.R., Huang Y.K., High-Field Magnetization of Copper
Substituted Feal Alloys with B2 Structure, Journal de Physique (1988), 49,
C-8, 145-146
Bruck E., Vansprang M., Klaasse J.C.P., deBoer F.R., Magnetic Order in
the Kondo-Lattice Compound Cepdln, Journal of Applied Physics (1988), 63,
8, 3417-3419
Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Sechovsky V., Havela L., Updin - A New Magnetic
Heavy-Fermion Compound, Europhysics Letters (1988), 7, 2, 177-183
Buschow K.H.J., Denissen C.J.M., Demooij B.D., deBoer F.R., Verhoef R.,
Zhang Z., Magnetic-Properties of Pr2Fe14-XMnxC, Journal de Physique (1988),
49, C-8, 593-594
Chuang Y.C., Wu C.H., Chang T.D., Wang F.H., deBoer F.R., Structure and
Magnetic-Properties of Cobalt-Rich Pr-Co-B Alloys, Journal of the LessCommon Metals (1988), 144, 2, 249-255
deBoer F.R., Bouwer J.B., Huang Y.K., Edelstein A.S., High-Field
Magnetization Measurements on (Ce, Gd) Al3, Journal de Physique (1988), 49,
C-8, 781-782
deBoer F.R., Verhoef R., Zhang Z.D., Demooij D.B., Buschow K.H.J.,
Magnetic-Properties of Nd2Fe14C and Some Related Pseudoternary Compounds,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1988), 73, 3, 263-266
deBoer F.R., Huang Y.K., Zhang Z.D., Demooij D.B., Buschow K.H.J.,
Magnetic and Crystallographic Properties of Ternary Rare-Earth Compounds
of the Type R2Fe14C, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1988), 72,
2, 167-173
Havela L., Sechovsky V., deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Veenhuizen P.A., Bouwer
J.B., Buschow K.H.J., The Development Towards Heavy-Fermion Ground-State
in Utx Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1988), 76-7,
Maletta H., Sechovsky V., Veenhuizen P.A., deBoer F.R., Havela L.,
Hilscher G., From Itinerant Antiferromagnetism Towards Localized
Ferromagnetism in UNi(Al,Ga), Zeitschrift fur Physik B-Condensed Matter
(1988), 72, 4, 455-460
Niessen A.K., Miedema A.R., deBoer F.R., Boom R., Enthalpies of Formation
of Liquid and Solid Binary-Alloys Based on 3D Metals .5. Alloys of Nickel,
Physica B (1988), 152, 3, 303-346
Niessen A.K., Miedema A.R., deBoer F.R., Boom R., Enthalpies of Formation
of Liquid and Solid Binary-Alloys Based on 3D Metals .4. Alloys of Cobalt,
Physica B & C (1988), 151, 3, 401-432
Roeland L.W., deBoer F.R., Huang Y.K., Menovsky A.A., Kadowaki K., HighField Magnetization of High-Tc ReBa2Cu3O7 Compounds, Physica C (1988), 152,
1, 72-76
Sechovsky V., Maletta H., Havela L., Veenhuizen P.A., deBoer F.R.,
Electronic-Properties of UNi (Al,Ga), Journal of Applied Physics (1988),
63, 8, 3067-3069
Sechovsky V., Havela L., deBoer F.R., Veenhuizen P.A., Bruck E.,
Magnetic-Properties and Hybridization Effects in Utx Compounds, Journal
de Physique (1988), 49, C-8, 497-498
Sechovsky V., Hilscher G., Pillmayr N., Andreev A.V., Veenhuizen P.A.,
deBoer F.R., 5F Magnetism in (U,Th)CoSn, Journal of Applied Physics
(1988), 63, 8, 3070-3072
Vanaken P., deBoer F.R., Spille H., Winkelmann M., Ahlheim U., Bredl C.D.,
Steglich F., Pair Breaking Effects in Heavy Fermion Superconductors,
Physica C (1988), 153, 449-450
Vanaken P., Ahlheim U., Bredl C.D., deBoer F.R., Enkler D., Sparn G.,
Spille H., Steglich F., Evidence for Antiferromagnetism in Ce1-XLaxCu2.2Si2
Below 10-K, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1988), 76-7,
Veenhuizen P.A., Klaasse J.C.P., deBoer F.R., Sechovsky V., Havela L.,
The Role of Hybridization in U(Ru,Rh)Al, Journal of Applied Physics
(1988), 63, 8, 3064-3066
Veenhuizen P.A., Bouwer J.B., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Specific-Heat
and High-Field Magnetoresistivity of Ce(Pd1-XAgx)3, Journal of Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials (1988), 76-7, 165-167
Veenhuizen P.A., deBoer F.R., Menovsky A.A., Sechovsky V., Havela L.,
Magnetic-Properties of URuAl and URhAl Single-Crystals, Journal de
Physique (1988), 49, C-8, 485-486
Verhoef R., deBoer F.R., Zhang Z.D., Buschow K.H.J., Moment Reduction in
RFe12-Xtx Compounds (R=Gd, y and T=Ti, Cr, V, Mo, W), Journal of Magnetism
and Magnetic Materials (1988), 75, 3, 319-322
Verhoef R., Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., Heerooms H.J.M., Matthaei B.,
Sinnema S., High-Field and Temperature-Dependent Magnetization
Measurements on Some Re2Co17 Single-Crystals, Ieee Transactions on
Magnetics (1988), 24, 2, 1948-1950
Viadieu T., deBoer F.R., Verhoef R., Magnetic Aftereffect Measurements at
Short-Time Scales on Nd-Fe-B Permanent-Magnets, Journal de Physique
(1988), 49, C-8, 651-652
Xie J.Q., Wu C.H., Chuang Y.C., Zhang Z.D., deBoer F.R., Effect of
Partial Ga Substitution for Fe on the Magnetic-Properties of Nd2Fe14B,
Journal de Physique (1988), 49, C-8, 603-604
Yang F., Li X., Zhao R., Zhu Y., Zhao T., Huang Y., deBoer F.R., Magnetic
Anisotropies and Spin Phase-Diagrams of (Pr,Er)2Fe14B and (Pr,Sm)2Fe14B,
Journal de Physique (1988), 49, C-8, 571-572
Yang F.M., Zhao R.W., Li X.W., Huang Y.K., deBoer F.R., Radwanski R.,
Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Some R2Fe14B-Based Quasiternary Compounds,
Ieee Transactions on Magnetics (1988), 24, 2, 1945-1947
Zhang Z., Sun X.K., Chuang Y.C., deBoer F.R., Radwanski R.J., MagneticProperties of (Pr,Gd)2Fe14B Compounds, Journal de Physique (1988), 49, C-8,
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199
2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
2005 2006
Chuang Y.C., Wu C.H., Chang Y.C., Kao L., deBoer F.R., Structure and
Magnetic-Properties of Some Nd-Fe-B Alloys, Journal of the Less-Common
Metals (1989), 147, 1, 113-120
deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Menovsky A.A., Veenhuizen P.A., Sechovsky V.,
Havela L., Buschow K.H.J., High-Field Magnetization of Ternary Uranium 11-1 Intermetallics, Physica B (1989), 155, 1-3, 221-224
Kadowaki K., Roeland L.W., Kes P.H., Li J.N., Menovsky A.A., Huang Y.K.,
Vandenberg J., Vanderbeek C.J., Menken M.J.V., deBoer F.R., Irreversible
Magnetization and Upper Critical-Field of YBa2Cu3O7 Single-Crystals in High
Magnetic-Fields, Physica B (1989), 155, 1-3, 136-139
Kes P.H., Li J.N., Roeland L.W., deBoer F.R., Kadowaki K., Menken M.J.V.,
Menovsky A.A., Koorevaar P., Franse J.J.M., Irreversible Magnetic-
Properties of YBa2Cu3O7 Single-Crystals in Fields to 40-T, Physica C (1989),
162, 1621-1622
Radwanski R.J., deBoer F.R., Franse J.J.M., Buschow K.H.J., High-Field
Magnetization Process in Ferrimagnetic R2Fe14C Compounds - Interplay of
Molecular and Crystal Fields, Physica B (1989), 159, 3, 311-320
Verhoef R., deBoer F.R., Yang F.M., Zhang Z.D., Demooij B.D., Buschow
K.H.J., Magnetic-Anisotropy in Pr2Fe14-XMnxC Compounds, Journal of Magnetism
and Magnetic Materials (1989), 80, 1, 37-40
Verhoef R., deBoer F.R., Franse J.J.M., Denissen C.J.M., Jacobs T.H.,
Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic-Properties of Er2Fe14-XMnxC, Journal of Magnetism
and Magnetic Materials (1989), 80, 1, 41-44
Zhang Z.D., Huang Y.K., Sun X.K., Chuang Y.C., Yang F.M., deBoer F.R.,
Radwanski R.J., High-Field Magnetization of Pr2Fe14 B-Based Compounds,
Physica B (1989), 155, 1-3, 269-272
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Brabers J.H.V.J., Duijn V.H.M., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic-
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Li Q.A., Zhou G.F., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J., Intersublattice
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Liu J.P., Brabers J.H.V.J., Winkelman A.J.M., Menovsky A.A., deBoer F.R.,
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Mulder F.M., Thiel R.C., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
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Mulder F.M., Thiel R.C., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
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Nakotte H., Havela L., Kuang J.P., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J., Brabers
J.H.V.J., Kuroda T., Sugiyama K., Date M., Electronic-Properties of UCo4B,
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Nakotte H., Robinson R.A., Lynn J.W., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., FieldInduced Transition in UPdSn at 3-T, Physical Review B (1993), 47, 2, 831839
Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Havela L., Svoboda P., Sechovsky V., Kergadallan
Y., Spirlet J.C., Rebizant J., Magnetic-Anisotropy of UCoGa, Journal of
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Sechovsky V., Havela L., deBoer F.R., Nakotte H., Sugiyama K., Kuroda T.,
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Sechovsky V., Havela L., deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Uwatoko Y., Oomi G.,
Effect of Pressure on Magnetic Transitions in UNiGa, Physica B (1993),
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Sechovsky V., Havela L., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Sugiyama K., Ono M.,
Kuroda T., Date M., Anomalous Magnetization Behavior in U(Ru1-XRhx)Al,
International Journal of Modern Physics B (1993), 7, 1-3, 846-849
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Nishigori S., Fujita T., Specific-Heat and Magnetocaloric Effect in UNiGa,
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Brabers J.H.V.J., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R., Magnetic-Properties of
RCr6Ge6 Compounds, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1994), 205, 1-2, 77-80
Brabers J.H.V.J., Nolten A.J., Kayzel F., Lenczowski S.H.J., Buschow
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Phase-Transitions, Physical Review B (1994), 50, 22, 16410-16417
Brabers J.H.V.J., Zhou G.F., Colpa J.H.P., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R.,
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Perenboom J.A.A.J., Tuan N.C., Sebek J., Electronic-Properties of UNiAl
in High Magnetic-Fields, Physical Review B (1994), 49, 13, 8852-8863
deBoer F.R., Prokes K., Nakotte H., Bruck E., Hilbers M., Svoboda P.,
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Maletta H., Metamagnetic Transitions and Giant
Magnetoresistance in UNiGe, Physica B (1994), 201, 251-254
Divis M., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Sechovsky V.,
Determination of the Crystal-Field Parameters for CePtSn, Journal of
Physics-Condensed Matter (1994), 6, 34, 6895-6900
Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., Frings P.H., Devissere A., Research in
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Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., Frings P.H., deVisser A., The Use of High
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Gao Y.H., Tang N., Zhong X.P., Wang J.L., Li W.Z., Qin W.D., Yang F.M.,
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Gersdorf R., Frings P.H., Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., The Amsterdam HighField Facility, Physica B (1994), 201, 530-534
Havela L., Sechovsky V., Nakotte H., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Magnetic-
Anisotropy and Transport-Properties of Actinide Intermetallics, Journal
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Havela L., Sechovsky V., Svoboda P., Divis M., Nakotte H., Prokes K.,
deBoer F.R., Purwanto A., Robinson R.A., Seret A., Winand J.M., Rebizant
J., Spirlet J.C., Richter M., Eschrig H., Heavy-Fermion Behavior of
U(2)T(2)X Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 76, 10, 6214-6216
Havela L., Sechovsky V., Nakotte H., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Anisotropy of
Magnetic and Transport-Properties in Actinide Intermetallics, Ieee
Transactions on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1130-1135
Havela L., Sechovsky V., Prokes K., Nakotte H., Bruck E., deBoer F.R.,
Magnetoresistance in Actinide and Lanthanide Intermetallics, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds (1994), 207, 249-253
Li W.Z., Tang N., Wang J.L., Yang F.M., Zeng Y.W., Zhu J.J., deBoer F.R.,
Magnetic-Properties of Sm-2(Fe1-XGax)(17) (X=0-0.5) Compounds and Their
Nitrides, Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 76, 10, 6743-6745
Liu J.P., Tang N., Zeng D.C., Zhong X.P., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
Structure and Magnetic-Properties of Er2Fe17Cx Compounds, Ieee Transactions
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Liu J.P., Zhang Z.D., Zeng D.C., Tang N., deChatel P.F., deBoer F.R.,
Buschow K.H.J., High-Field Magnetization of R2Co17 and R2Co17Nx Compounds,
Ieee Transactions on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 613-615
Liu J.P., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic Coupling
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Liu J.P., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Coehoorn R., Buschow K.H.J., On the
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Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1994), 132, 1-3, 159-179
Liu J.P., Zeng D.C., Tang N., Winkelman A.J.M., deBoer F.R., Buschow
K.H.J., Structure and Magnetic-Properties of Interstitial Compounds of
the Series Dy2Fe17-XAlxZy (Z=N Or H), Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 75,
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Nakotte H., Bruck E., Prokes K., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R., Havela L.,
Buschow K.H.J., Yang F.M., Complex Antiferromagnetic Order of CeCuSn,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1994), 207, 245-248
Nakotte H., Prokes K., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Sechovsky V., Havela L.,
Fujii H., Giant Magnetoresistance in Actinide Systems, Ieee Transactions
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Nakotte H., Prokes K., Bruck E., deChatel P.F., deBoer F.R., Sechovsky V.,
Havela L., Fujii H., Comparison of Giant Magnetoresistance in Multilayer
Systems and Uranium-Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 75, 10,
Nakotte H., Prokes K., Bruck E., Tang N., deBoer F.R., Svoboda P.,
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Winand J.M., Seret A., Rebizant J., Spirlet J.C.,
High-Field Magnetization of U2T2X Compounds (T=Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt and
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Nakotte H., Prokes K., deBoer F.R., Kuang J.P., Cui H.J., Li J.Y., Yang
F.M., Sechovsky V., Mihalik M., Electronic-Properties of Ce(Cu,Ga)2, Ieee
Transactions on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1205-1207
Nakotte H., Bruck E., Brabers J.H.V.J., Prokes K., deBoer F.R., Sechovsky
V., Buschow K.H.J., Andreev A.V., Robinson R.A., Purwanto A., Lynn J.W.,
Magnetic-Properties of Single-Crystalline UCu3Al2, Ieee Transactions on
Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1217-1219
Nakotte H., Bakker K., Koziol Z., deBoer F.R., Andreev A.V., High-Field
Magnetization of Heavy-Fermion Superconductor UNi2Al2, Ieee Transactions
on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1199-1201
Nakotte H., Bruck E., Prokes K., deBoer F.R., Kuang J.P., Cui H.J., Li
J.Y., Yang F.M., Electronic-Properties of CeCuGa and LaCuGa, Ieee
Transactions on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1202-1204
Prokes K., Nakotte H., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Havela L., Sechovsky V.,
Svoboda P., Maletta H., Anisotropic Magnetic and Transport-Properties of
UNiGe, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics (1994), 30, 2, 1214-1216
Purwanto A., Robinson R.A., Prokes K., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Havela L.,
Sechovsky V., Tuan N.C., Kergadallan Y., Spirlet J.C., Rebizant J.,
Structure, Transport and Thermal-Properties of UCoGa, Journal of Applied
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Purwanto A., Robinson R.A., Havela L., Sechovsky V., Svoboda P., Nakotte
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J.C., Magnetic-Ordering in U2Pd2In and U2Pd2Sn, Physical Review B (1994),
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Robinson R.A., Lawson A.C., Sechovsky V., Havela L., Kergadallan Y.,
Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Magnetic and Crystallographic Structures in Utx
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SchobingerPapamantellos P., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
Magnetic-Properties of Rare-Earth Manganese Compounds of the Type RMnSi2,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1994), 203, 1-2, 23-28
SchobingerPapamantellos P., Altorfer F.B., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R.,
Buschow K.H.J., Magnetic-Properties of DyMn6Ge6 Studied by Neutron-
Diffraction and Magnetic Measurements, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
(1994), 203, 1-2, 243-250
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Anisotropy of
Magnetism in Actinide and Lanthanide Intermetallics, Journal of Alloys
and Compounds (1994), 207, 221-228
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Purwanto A., Larson A.C., Robinson R.A., Prokes
K., Nakotte H., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Svoboda P., Maletta H., Winkelmann
M., Magnetic Phases in UNiGe, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1994), 213,
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Prokes K., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Bruck E.,
Giant Magnetoresistance Effects in Intermetallic Compounds (Invited),
Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 76, 10, 6913-6918
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Svoboda P., Purwanto A., Larson A.C., Robinson
R.A., Prokes K., Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Maletta H., Incommensurate
Antiferromagnetic Phase in UNiGe, Journal of Applied Physics (1994), 76,
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Uwatoko Y., Oomi G., Sechovsky V., Havela L., Bruck E., deBoer F.R.,
Effect of Pressure on the Magnetic Phase-Transitions of UNiGa, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds (1994), 213, 381-382
Wang J.L., Zhao R.W., Tang N., Li W.Z., Gao Y.H., Yang F.M., deBoer F.R.,
Magnetic-Properties of R(2)Fe(17-X)Ga(X) Compounds (R=Y, Ho), Journal of
Applied Physics (1994), 76, 10, 6740-6742
Zeng D.C., Tang N., Zhao T., Zhao Z.G., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R.,
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of Applied Physics (1994), 76, 10, 6837-6839
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Zhao Z.G., Tang N., deBoer F.R., deChatel P.F., Buschow K.H.J., The Free-
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Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1995), 224, 1, 89-92
Andreev A.V., Havela L., Sechovsky V., Kuzel R., Nakotte H., Buschow
K.H.J., Brabers J.H.V.J., deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Blomberg M., Merisalo M.,
Magnetic-Properties of Nonstoichiometric UNiGa, Journal of Alloys and
Compounds (1995), 224, 2, 244-248
Brabers J.H.V.J., Zeng D.C., Tang N., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
Magnetic-Properties of RCo(12-X)Ti(X) Compounds - A Novel Series of ThMn12-
Type Intermetallics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1995),
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Chuang Y.C., Zhang D., Zhao T., Zhang Z.D., Liu W., Zhao X.G., Sun X.K.,
deBoer F.R., Structure and Magnetic-Properties of R(FeVB)(12) Compounds,
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deBoer F.R., Zhao Z.G., Systematics in the 4F-3D Exchange Interaction in
Intermetallic Compounds, Physica B (1995), 211, 1-4, 81-86
Duc N.H., Brommer P.E., Li X., deBoer F.R., Franse J.J.M., Spin-
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Franse J.J.M., deBoer F.R., High-Magnetic-Field Studies of R-T
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Fukushima T., Matsuyama S., Kumada T., Kindo K., Prokes K., Nakotte H.,
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J.C., High-Field Magnetization Studies of Some U(2)T(2)X Compounds, Physica
B (1995), 211, 1-4, 142-144
Havela L., Sechovsky V., Svoboda P., Nakotte H., Prokes K., deBoer F.R.,
Seret A., Winand J.M., Rebizant J., Spirlet J.C., Purwanto A., Robinson
R.A., Magnetism in U(2)T(2)X Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1995), 140, 1367-1368
Kindo K., Fukushima T., Kumada T., deBoer F.R., Nakotte H., Prokes K.,
Havela L., Sechovsky V., Seret A., Winand J.M., Spirlet J.C., Rebizant J.,
Electronic-Properties of U2Ni2Sn, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1995), 140, 1369-1370
Kou X.C., Grossinger R., Wiesinger G., Liu J.P., deBoer F.R.,
Kleinschroth I., Kronmuller H., Intrinsic Magnetic-Properties of RFe(10)Mo(2)
Compounds (R=Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Or Tm), Physical Review B
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Kou X.C., Sinnecker E.H.C.P., Grossinger R., Wiesinger G., Zhao T., Liu
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Materials (1995), 140, 1025-1026
Li W.Z., Tang N., Wang J.L., Yang F.M., Zeng Y.W., deBoer F.R., High-
Field Magnetization Process of Sm2(Fe1-XGax)(17) Compounds, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1995), 140, 985-986
Liu J.P., Winkelman A.J.M., Menovsky A.A., Bakker H., deBoer F.R.,
Buschow K.H.J., Diffusion of Nitrogen in R(2)Fe(17) (R=Rare Earth) Compounds
Determined by the Kissinger Method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
(1995), 218, 2, L15-L18
Mulder F.M., Brabers J.H.V.J., Coehoorn R., Thiel R.C., Buschow K.H.J.,
deBoer F.R., Gd-155 Mossbauer-Effect and Magnetic-Properties of Novel
Rt(2)B(2)C2 Compounds with T-Equivalent-To-Ni, Co, Journal of Alloys and
Compounds (1995), 217, 1, 118-122
Mulders A.M., Gubbens P.C.M., Li Q.A., deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J.,
Investigation of the Magnetic-Properties and Fe-57 Mossbauer-Effect in
DyFe4Ge2, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1995), 221, 133-135
Nakotte H., Buschow K.H.J., Klaasse J.C.P., Prokes K., deBoer F.R.,
Andreev A.V., Sugiyama K., Kuroda T., Date M., Possible Heavy-Fermion
Behavior of New U(Cu, Al)(5) Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1995), 140, 1261-1262
Prokes K., Svoboda P., Sechovsky V., Bruck E., Amato A., Feyerherm R.,
Gygax F.N., Schenck A., Maletta H., deBoer F.R., Muon Spin Rotation
Spectroscopy on A Uniga Single-Crystal, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1995), 140, 1381-1382
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Svoboda P., Andreev A.V., Burlet P., Prokes K.,
Nakotte H., deBoer F.R., Bruck E., Robinson R.A., Maletta H., Magnetic
Phase-Diagram of UNiGa, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(1995), 140, 1379-1380
Sechovsky V., Havela L., Nakotte H., Prokes K., Bruck E., deBoer F.R.,
Buschow K.H.J., Andreev A.V., Magnetism and Hybridization in UtIn
Compounds (T=Rh, Pt, Pd), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
(1995), 140, 1391-1392
Svoboda P., Javorsky P., Divis M., Sechovsky V., Prokes K., deBoer F.R.,
Andreev A.V., Bartashevich M.I., Torikachvili M., Nakotte H., Lacerda A.,
Sugawara H., Onuki Y., High-Field Magnetization of A NdCu2 Single-Crystal,
Physica B (1995), 211, 1-4, 172-174
Takita H., Murayama S., Hoshi K., Li X., deBoer F.R., Obi Y., Electrical-
Transport Phenomena in Amorphous (Hf, Ta) Fe-2 Alloys, Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (1995), 140, 307-308
Tang N., Zeng D.C., Zhao T., Zhao Z.G., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R.,
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Electronic properties of U2Pt2Sn, Journal of Applied Physics (1996), 79, 8,
Prokes K., Bruck E., deBoer F.R., Mihalik M., Menovsky A., Burlet P.,
Mignot J.M., Havela L., Sechovsky V., Giant magnetoresistance and
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Magnetic ordering in UPtSi, Physica B (1996), 225, 3-4, 166-176
Prokes K., Nakotte H., Havela L., Sechovsky V., Pereira L.C.J., Rijkeboer
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of U2Pd2In, Physica B (1996), 224, 1-4, 225-227
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P., Hu X., Maletta H., Gortenmulder T.J., Magnetism in URhSi, Journal of
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Tang N., Zhao Z.G., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R., The dysprosium-
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Wang J.L., Tang N., Li W.Z., Qin W.D., Pan H.Y., Nasunjilegal B., Yang
F.M., deBoer F.R., High-field magnetic properties of Ho(2)Fe(15)M(2) compounds
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Wang J.L., deBoer F.R., Tang N., Liu W., Zhang D., Yang F.M., Magnetic
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deBoer F.R., Buschow K.H.J., Influence of the rare-earth transition-metal
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deGroot C.H., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R., Magnetic properties of R(2)Co(17x)Al(x) compounds (R=Ho, Dy, Y), Physica B (1997), 229, 3-4, 213-216
Duijn H.G.M., Bruck E., Menovsky A.A., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R.,
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H., Specific heat of UNiGe in high magnetic fields, Journal of Applied
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Nakotte H., Buschow K.H.J., Bruck E., Klaasse J.C.P., Prokes K., deBoer
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Tang H., Shen B.G., Buschow K.H.J., deBoer F.R., Wang Y.Z., Qiao G.W.,
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de Groot C.H., Buschow K.H.J., de Boer F.R., de Kort K., Two-powder
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de Groot C.H., Buschow K.H.J., de Boer F.R., Magnetic properties of R6Fe13xM1+x compounds and their hydrides, Physical Review B (1998), 57, 18, 1147211482
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Estrela P., Pereira L.C.J., de Visser A., de Boer F.R., Almeida M.,
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properties of single-crystalline U2Pt2In, Journal of Physics-Condensed
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Hagmusa I.H., Klaasse J.C.P., Bruck E., Menovsky A.A., de Boer F.R.,
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Honda F., Prokes K., Olsovec M., Bourdarot F., Burlet P., Kagayama T.,
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Menovsky A.A., Mihalik M., Magnetic phases and magnetoelastic phenomena
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K.W., Wang Y.G., de Boer F.R., Structure and magnetic properties of TbMn6xVxSn6 compounds, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (1998), 10, 1, 175178
Kou X.C., de Boer F.R., Kronmuller H., Coercivity of sintered Nd(Fe0.92xGaxB0.08)(5.5) permanent magnets, Journal of Applied Physics (1998), 83, 11,
Kou X.C., de Boer F.R., Grossinger R., Wiesinger G., Suzuki H., Kitazawa
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magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction, Journal of Alloys and
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Hu S.J., Wei X.Z., Tegus O., Zeng D.C., Bruck E., Klaasse J.C.P., de Boer
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Nugroho A.A., Sutjahja I.M., Tjia M.O., Menovsky A.A., de Boer F.R.,
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Schobinger-Papamantellos P., Buschow K.H.J., de Groot C.H., de Boer F.R.,
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K.H.J., Magnetic properties and magnetic structure of DyTiGe, Physica BCondensed Matter (2001), 307, 1-4, 169-174
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K.H.J., Magnetic properties of a DyCo10V2 single crystal, Journal of Alloys
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Magnetic properties of HoTiGe, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics (2001), 37,
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Prokes K., Tahara T., Echizen Y., Takabatake T., Fujita T., Hagmusa I.H.,
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Electronic properties of a URhGe single crystal, Physica B-Condensed
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Songlin, Dagula, Tegus O., Bruck E., Klaasse J.C.P., de Boer F.R.,
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properties of an URhGe single crystal (vol 311, pg 220, 2002), Physica BCondensed Matter (2003), 334, 3-4, 272-273
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F.R., On the first-order phase transition in MnFeP0.5As0.4Si0.1, Journal of
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Sawai Y., Kindo K., Zhang L., Klaasse J.C.P., Bruck E., Buschow K.H.J.,
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Suga K., Kindo K., Zhang L., Bruck E., Buschow K.H.J., de Boer F.R.,
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