I can reason and solve problems involving inverse variation

Math 2 Outcomes and Learning Targets
Math II Outcomes and Learning Targets Checksheet
1. I can reason and solve problems involving inverse variation.
 a. I can create equations in one variable to describe inverse relationships.
 b. I can find the constant of proportionality for inverse variation functions.
 c. I can compare two inverse variation functions using tables, graphs, and rules.
 d. I can solve inverse variation equations using graphs, tables, or algebraic reasoning.
 e. I can use algebraic reasoning to solve for any variable in a formula with one term.
 HP: I can find the new constant of proportionality given a rule of one function and the transformed graph.
2. I can describe the location and transformations of shapes in the coordinate plane.
 a. I can write the equation of a circle given the center and radius.
 b. I can find a point on a line segment that partitions the segment to represent a given ratio.
 c. I can represent transformations with a graph given a rule and vice versa.
 d. I can describe a sequence of transformations that will carry a given figure onto another
 e. I can verify that a transformation satisfies it’s definition in terms of angles and lines.
 HP: I can find the intersection(s) of a circle and a line.
3. I can graph and evaluate functions in their domains.
 a. I can evaluate functions for inputs in their domains.
 b. I can interpret function notation in terms of a context.
 c. I can graph square root, cube root, piecewise-defined, step and absolute value functions.
 d. I can show key features of a graph (increasing/decreasing, maximum/minimum, x and y intercepts,
domain, discrete/continuous)
 HP: I can determine the theoretical domain of a function and practical domain of a function when in
4. I can analyze and solve quadratic equations.
 a. I can identify the key features (y-intercept, zeroes, and minimum/maximum) of a quadratic function
and use those to create a sketch of the graph.
 b. I can rewrite and solve quadratic equations using factored form.
 c. I can identify the effect of a transformation on a quadratic function.
 d. I can solve a quadratic equation algebraically, using squares roots or the quadratic formula.
 HP: I can write a quadratic equation given the key features of a graph.
5. I can solve problems that involve quadratic inequalities in one variable.
 a. I can write an inequality to answer a question for a given quadratic function.
 b. I can write a question to match a given inequality.
 c. I can use graphic representations of quadratic inequalities to solve problems.
 d. I can use algebraic methods to solve quadratic inequalities.
 HP: I can represent the solution to a quadratic inequality in multiple ways - interval notation,
symbolically, and graphically.
Buncombe County Schools
Math 2 Outcomes and Learning Targets
6. I can solve systems of nonlinear equations and justify the solution.
 a. I can write an equation to represent a question involving a comparison between a linear function and
either an inverse or quadratic function.
 b .I can solve systems of nonlinear equations by estimation and/or graphing.
 c. I can solve systems of nonlinear equations by algebraic methods.
 HP: I can justify and critique the reasoning of others when solving nonlinear systems of equations.
7. I can create equations using exponents and common logarithms to solve problems.
 a. I can use properties of exponents to rewrite exponential expressions, including rational exponents.
 b. I can express any positive number as a power of 10.
 c. I can use common logarithms to solve exponential equations.
 HP: I can use common logarithms to solve applications of exponential models combined with arithmetic
8. I can reason to solve problems involving polygons.
 a. I can prove theorems about triangles.
 b. I can create a simple deductive argument to prove triangles are congruent.
 c. I can create a simple deductive argument to show that a pairs of angles or pairs of sides of congruent
triangles are congruent.
 d. I can construct an equilateral triangle, square, or a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle.
 HP: I can apply geometric concepts in modeling situations.
9. I can reason to solve problems involving right triangles.
 a. I can define and use trigonometric ratios to solve problems
 b. I can graph simple trigonometric functions (0° to 180°) and show key features (intervals of increase,
decrease, positive, or negative, and domain)
 c. I can explain and use the relationship between sine and cosine of complementary angles to solve
 d. I can use the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to solve problems.
 HP: I can apply trigonometric ratios to solve problems involving a variety of shapes (for example: area of
regular polygons, sectors of circle).
10. I can determine independent and conditional probabilities and use them to interpret data.
 a. I can define a sample space for a given situation.
 b. I can determine the probability of events including “and”, “or”, and “not”.
 c. I can reason to determine if two events are independent.
 d. I can determine the conditional probability of an event given another event has occurred.
 HP: I can use calculations to prove that two events are independent.
Buncombe County Schools