
The Physics Review BIG Crossword
1. The single thermodynamic process
which causes no change in internal
energy of a gas.
6. They accurately measured the speed of
light and disproved the theory of an
8. The type of simple electrical circuit
where voltage is constant.
10. Quantity obtained from the area under
the curve of velocity vs. time.
15. His law describes the amount of heat
or power generated by the current
flowing through a conductor.
16. The name of physical constant R
equivalent to 8.21 J/(mol*K).
18. His law deals with the force between
two charged objects.
21. The single SI unit of magnetic flux
density, or Wb/m2.
22. His principle states the pressure
applied to a confined fluid is transmitted
throughout the fluid.
23. Their law states, at constant volume,
the pressure of an ideal gas is
proportional to its temperature.
27. His experiment proved electric charge
was quantized and did not decay.
28. His experiment proved the wave
nature of light by shining it through two
29. The single SI unit of frequency, or
30. The single SI unit that indicates the
amount of energy per unit charge, or J/C.
34. His law states, at constant
temperature and pressure, equal volumes
of different gases contain the same
number of molecules.
35. The reaction force for an object in
circular motion, points away from the
center of the circle.
36. Heat transfer within and between
bodies due to temperature gradient.
38. The name of physical constant, h,
equivalent to 6.626 X 10-34 J*s.
41. The type of nuclear force that holds
the nucleus together, transmitted by
42. The single SI unit of electric charge.
44. His series for spectral line emissions
of Hydrogen deals with ultraviolet
46. The type of image formed by optics
placed beyond the focal point of concave
mirrors and lenses.
47. The type of nuclear force responsible
for beta decay and neutrino interactions.
50. His principle states an increase of
velocity in a confined fluid causes a
decrease of pressure.
52. The effect responsible for the change
in frequency of a wave due to relative
motion of the source.
54. His law states the direction of EMF
induced in a wire opposes the change that
produced it.
55. Quantity obtained from the slope of a
voltage vs. current graph.
57. The type of particle, decay or
radiation associated with an electron.
59. he magnitude of the gravitational
force acting on an object.
60. The type of particle, decay or
radiation associated with a helium
61. The rate of change of energy per unit
63. Quantity obtained from the area under
the curve of parallel force vs.
displacement graph.
65. a non-conservative force created
between the surface of two objects.
68. The state of an object where the
volume of the object equals the volume of
the fluid displaced.
69. The type of particle, decay or
radiation associated with high energy
71. The effect where a beam of light can
knock electrons off a metallic surface.
72. The type of wave where the
amplitude is parallel to the direction of
wave motion.
73. The type of meter which is connected
in series to a circuit and has low
76. The single SI unit of power or rate of
energy, or J/s.
77. The type of nuclear process which
splits nuclei.
79. The single thermodynamic process
which causes no change in heat of a gas.
85. The type of nuclear process which
combines nuclei.
87. The name of physical constant, o,
equivalent to 4 X 10-7 T*m/A.
90. The type of heat transfer from objects
in direct physical contact.
92. His principle states an object
experiences a buoyant force equal to the
weight of the fluid displaced.
94. The single SI unit of pressure, or
95. Quantity obtained from the slope
connecting the first and last points on a
position vs. time graph.
96. The tendency of an object to resist a
change in its velocity.
98. His model of the atom stated that
electrons orbited a positive nucleus only
at quantized locations.
99. His principle limits the precision of
any measurement.
102. The type of collision where
momentum is conserved but not
mechanical energy.
103. The location of a maximum kinetic
energy vs. frequency graph for the cutoff
frequency of a metal.
105. His law relates the peak wavelength
emitted by a blackbody to its temperature.
108. The name of physical constant, NA,
equivalent to 6.02 X 1023.
109. His model of the atom that stated
atoms were mostly empty space with a
dense nucleus.
110. The single SI unit of energy required
to raise an electron through 1 Volt of
potential difference.
111. The type of image formed by plane
mirrors, convex mirrors, and diverging
112. Their experiment proved the wave
nature of electrons by firing them at a
nickel target.
113. The 2nd law of thermodynamics
states everything in the universe tends
toward a maximum of this.
114. His law states, at constant
temperature, the volume of an ideal gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure.
115. The single SI unit of resistance, or
116. The single SI unit of energy, or
1. The primary concept related to
Newton’s law of motion.
2. Newton’s law of motion for equal and
opposite forces.
3. The law of thermodynamics related to
thermal equilibrium.
4. Property of metal obtained from the yintercept of a maximum kinetic energy
vs. frequency graph.
Original by Bill Ellis, 2007-05-08 rev.2
5. He obtained the Nobel prize for his
explanation of the photoelectric effect.
7. The type of quantity described by
magnitude and direction.
9. Quantity obtained from the area under
the curve of a force vs. time graph.
11. The name of physical constant, 0,
equivalent to 8.85 X 10-12 C2/N*m2.
12. The type of heat transfer by
circulation or the movement of a
13. The single SI unit of radioactive
decay, or 1 decay per second.
14. The single SI unit of capacitance, or
17. Newton’s law that relates the masses
and distance of two objects to the force
between them.
19. The type of radiation emitted from
objects with frequencies across the entire
EM spectrum.
20. Kepler’s 1st law states planets orbit
the Sun in this shape.
21. The type of wave where the
amplitude is perpendicular to the
direction of wave motion.
24. His experiment scattered electrons
with x-ray photons causing the photon
wavelength to shift.
25. His principle states every point on a
wavefront can be treated as a new wave
26. Constant obtained from the slope of a
maximum kinetic energy vs. frequency
31. The type of quantity described by
magnitude only.
32. The law of thermodynamics relating
the change in internal energy of the heat
and work on a system.
33. Kirchhoff’s rule that states the sum of
all currents going in and out of any point
must equal zero.
37. Theoretically the most efficient
thermodynamic cycle.
39. The 3rd law of thermodynamics states
you can never reach this in a finite
number of steps.
40. The single SI unit that indicates the
amount of unit charge per second, or C/s.
43. Quantity obtained from the slope of a
position vs. time graph.
45. The name of physical constant, G,
equivalent to 6.67 X 10-11 N*m2/kg2.
48. Quantity obtained from the slope of a
velocity vs. time graph.
49. His law states a restoring force is
proportional to the displacement from
51. His law relates the interference
patterns produced by waves because of
their path difference.
53. Newton’s law of motion that is
related to F=ma, or a=F/m.
56. His law relates the angle of incidence
to the angle of refraction based on indices
of refraction.
58. His model of the atom where
electrons floated in a positive cloud
resembling plum pudding.
62. His series for spectral line emissions
of Hydrogen deals with infrared
64. The single thermodynamic process
which maintains constant pressure.
66. The action force that maintains
circular motion, points toward the center
of the circle.
67. His principle states no two fermions
or electrons in an atom can have the same
set of quantum numbers.
70. That state of an object where the mass
of the object equals the mass of the fluid
74. The type of collision where
momentum and mechanical energy are
75. The name of physical constant, kB,
equivalent to 1.38 X 10-23 J/K.
78. The type of force that holds atoms
and molecules together, transmitted by
80. The principle which deals with adding
amplitudes of two or more waves at any
81. His law relates the current in a circuit
to its resistance and potential difference.
82. Change of quantity that is obtained
from the area under the curve of an
acceleration vs. time graph.
83. Quantity obtained from the area under
the curve of a pressure vs. volume graph.
84. The name of physical constant, kC,
equivalent to 8.99 X 109 N*m2/C2.
86. Quantity obtained from the slope of a
restoring force vs. displacement graph.
88. Kepler’s 2nd law states orbiting
planets take the same amount of time to
cover an equal amount of this..
89. His series for spectral line emissions
of Hydrogen deals with visible
90. His law states, at constant pressure,
the volume of an ideal gas is proportional
to its temperature.
91. The single thermodynamic process
which there is no work done on or by a
93. Their experiment deals with the
different properties of electron spin.
95. The type of spectral lines associated
with distinct bright bands on a dark
97. The type of meter which is connected
in parallel to a circuit and has high
100. The type of spectral lines associated
with distinct dark bands on a bright
101. His hypothesis stated all objects
have wavelike properties ad a wavelength
associated with them.
104. The type of simple electrical circuit
where the current is constant.
105. The single SI unit of magnetic flux,
or V*s.
106. Kirchhoff’s rule that states the sum
of all of electric potential energies around
any closed path must equal zero.
107. The single SI unit of force, or
Solution wordlist (alphabetical, words may be used
more than once)
absolutezero, absorption, acceleration, adiabatic, alpha,
ammeter, ampere, Archimedes, area, averagevelocity,
Avogadro, Balmer, Becquerel, Bernoulli, beta,
blackbody, Bohr, Boltzman, Boyle, Bragg, Carnot,
centrifugal, centripetal, Charles, Compton, conduction,
convection, Coulomb, DavissonGermer, DeBroglie,
displacement, Doppler, Einstein, elastic,
electromagnetic, electronvolt, ellipse, emission,
entropy, Farad, first, fission, floating, friction, fusion,
gamma, GayLussac, gravitation, gravitational,
Heisenberg, Hertz, Hooke, Huygen, impulse, inelastic,
inertia, isobaric, isothermal, isovolumetric, Joule,
junction, Lenz, longitudinal, loop, Lyman,
MichelsonMorley, Millikan, Newton, Ohm, parallel,
Pascal Paschen, Pauli, permeability, permittivity,
photoelectric, Planck, power, real, resistance,
Rutherford, scalar, second, series, Snell, springconstant,
SternGerlach strong submerged superposition, Tesla,
third, Thomson, transverse, universalgas, vector,
velocity, virtual, volt, voltmeter, Watt, weak, Weber,
weight, Wien, work, workfunction, xintercept, Young,
Original by Bill Ellis, 2007-05-08 rev.2