CURRICULUM VITAE General Name: Born: Nationality: Family: Address: Grado, Contact at: Andrey Starodumov 20/02/62 Uzin, Ukraine Russian Married, one child Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Via Livornese 1291, 56010 S.Piero a Pisa, Italy e-Mail: Tel.: +39-050-880-244 (office) Education 1979-1985: Moscow Physical Technical Institute, M.Sc. 1985-1988: Moscow Physical Technical Institute, post graduate 1995: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, PhD in physics and mathematics Languages: Russian-mother tongue, English-fluent, Italian-speaking Employment History 1998-Present: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa, Italy Researcher. Experiment: CMS. High level trigger for B-physics. Construction Data Base for Tracker. R&D on Si detectors. 1995-1997: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Pisa, Italy Post-doctoral fellow. Experiment: CMS. B-physics perfomance study, second level B-physics trigger, b-jet tagging algorithms, R&D on Si detectors. 1988-1995: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Moscow, Russia Staff Physicist (since 1995 - Senior Physicist). Experimental search for narrow dibaryon resonances, investigation of inclusive pion double charge exchange reactions on light nuclei. Memebr of the CMS Collaboration since 1992: heavy (H->WW and ZZ) and light (WH, H->gamma+gamma) Higgs, B_s oscillations and FCNC in B decays. 1985-1988: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Post graduate student of MPTI and engineer at ITEP. Study parity violation in (n,gamma) reactions at ITEP Research Nuclear Reactor. Preparation of the experiment to search for narrow dibaryons. 1982-1985: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Student of MPTI, at the same time technician and engineer (since 1983) in ITEP. Study parity violation in (n,) reactions in ITEP Nuclear Research Reactor. Experience During the work in ITEP practical experience has been obtained in constructing and handling a trigger system, GEANT based detector simulation and geometry optimization, developing and calibrating scintillation detectors and, generally, preparing and performing particle physics experiments. Highly experienced in a tracker system optimization from the physics point of view. Working knowledge of Si microstrip detectors: laboratory and beam tests. During 1995-1997 I have coordinated the production of Si strip detectors at ELMA Company (Russia) for some high energy and nuclear physics experiments. Deep experience in designing, developing and implementing Data base systems. 17 years of work in experimental and phenomenological particle physics provide me with the knowledge of hardware and software used in high energy physics as well as related theoretical aspects. Other skills: FORTRAN, C++, Java; PYTHIA/JETSET; LabView; UNIX, Linux, VMS, DOS/Windows; CRISTAL; ORACLE; Perl; Word, Latex; Netscape, HTML. Teaching experience: lectures and laboratory works (general physics) in 19891992 at several Moscow Institutes; several graduate and PhD thesis have been prepared under my supervision in 1990-1998. List of publications 1. Yu.G.Abov et al., `The investigation of parity violation in the process 207 Pb(n,)208Pb', Phys. Let. B, v.217 (1989), n.3, p.225 2. Yu.G.Abov et al., `Investigation of parity violation in the reaction', NIM, A284 (1989) 80-83. 207 Pb(n,)208Pb 3. B.Abramov et al., `Measurement of total cross sections for interaction of protons with the nuclei 6Li, 7Li and 9Be at 2GeV/c', Yad. Fiz. 47, (1989) 18161817; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 47(6), (1989) 1149 4. B.Abramov et al., `Study of the reaction ++n K+ (backward) at 1.97GeV/c', Yad. Fiz. 54, (1991) 1591-1596; Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 54(6),(1991), 973-976 5. B.Abramov et al., `Two body effective mass spectrometer for the study reactions with high transferred momenta', Preprint ITEP, 1991, 65-91 6. B.Abramov et al., `Two proton invariant mass spectrum in the reaction p+n p+p+- (backward) at 1.98GeV/c', Preprint ITEP, 1992, 88-92 7. A.Sutormin et al., `The search for dibaryons in (pp) system in the reaction p+n p+p+- at 1.98 GeV/c at large transferred momenta', Proceedings of 13'th International conference on particles and nuclei, Perugia, Italy, p.519522 (1994) 8. B.M. Abramov et al., `Search for dibaryons in the reaction with a backward p+n p+p+- pion at 1.98 GeV/c', Phys. At. Nucl. 57, (1994) 797-803; Yad. Fiz. 57, (1994) 850-857 9. CMS Collaboration (M.Della Negra et al.), `CMS: The Compact Muon Solenoid: Letter of Intent for a general purpose detector at the LHC', CERNLHCC-92-3, Oct 1992, 112 pp 10. A.Starodumov, N.Stepanov, `Search for Higgs in the TeV region', CMS TN/92-49 11.S.Abdullin, A.Starodumov, N.Stepanov, `Study of the associated production modes WH and ttH in CMS', CMS TN/93-86 12.J.Badier et al., `Shashlik calorimetry: A combined Shashlik + Preshower detector for LHC: R\&D Proposal', CERN-DRDC-93-28, Aug 1993, 68 pp 13.M.C.Fouz et al.,`Very Forward Hadron Calorimetry at the LHC using Parallel Plate Chambers: R&D Proposal', CERN-DRDC-93-43, Oct 1993, 55 pp 14.A.Kharchilava, A.Starodumov, `bb production cross section at LHC', CMS TN/93-116 15.A.Starodumov, `Study of B_s oscillations at CMS', CMS TN/93-117 16.D.Denegri et al., `B physics and CP violation studies with the CMS detector at LHC', Int. Jour. of Mod. Phys., v. 9, No 24 (1994), 4211-4255; CMS TN/93-121. 17.V.Kryshkin et al., `HCAL monitoring', CMS TN/94-148 18.A.Starodumov, `Measurements of x_s=10 and 20 with improved staged CMS tracker', CMS TN/94-183 19.A.Starodumov, `Study of B_s oscillations at CMS. Analysis of background', CMS TN/94-184 20.D.Denegri, M. Konecki, A.Rubbia and A.Starodumov, `B physics and CP violation studies with the CMS detector', Proc. of Beauty'94, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A351 (1994) 1-17; CMS TN/94-185 21.A.Nikitenko, A.Starodumov, `On possibility to observe B_s +- decay at CMS', CMS TN/94-186 22.K.Gabathuler, R.Horisberger and A.Starodumov, `A High Performance Vertex Detector for B_s Oscillation Measurements in CMS; CMS TN/94-260, 1994 23.M.Konecki, A.Starodumov, `A study of Control channels for CP violation', CMS TN/94-237, 1994 24.D.Denegri et al., `Justifications for Microvertex Detector in CMS', CMS TN/94-258, 1994 25.CMS Collaboration (M.Della Negra et al.), `CMS: The Compact Muon Solenoid: Technical Proposal', CERN/LHCC 94-38, LHCC/P1, Dec 1994, 254 pp 26.F.Dalla Santa et al., `Status report of the RD37 Project', CERN-DRDC-9446, Jan 1995, 50 pp 27.RD-36 Collaboration (P.Aspel et al.), `A Shashlik + Preshower detector as Electromagnetic Calorimeter for LHC', CERN-DRDC-94-47, Jan 1995, 47 pp 28.F.Dalla Santa et al., `Answers and remarks to the requests, questions and comments of the CMS/VFCAL referees', RD37 TN/95-15, Nov 1995 29.B.M.Abramov et al., `Inclusive pion double charge exchange on oxygen16 at intermediate energies', Proceedings of the International Conference on Mesons and Nuclei at Intermediate Energies, Dubna, Russia, p.516-519 (1995). 30.B.M.Abramov et al., `Inclusive pion double charge exchange on light nuclei near 1GeV', Proceedings of International Conference on Physics with GeV Particle Beams, Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany, p.447-451 (1995). 31.B.M.Abramov et al., `Inclusive pion double charge exchange on light nuclei above 0.5GeV',International Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei `95, Straz pod Ralske, Czech Republic, 3-7 July 1995, Few Body Systems Supplementum (Austria), no.9, p.237-240 (1995). 32.A.Starodumov, `B-physics with the CMS detector', Proceedings of International Symposium on LHC Physics and Detectors, Dubna, Russia ; 1921 Jul 1995 , v.3, p.69-88 (1996) 33.B.M.Abramov et al., `Results of search for narrow diproton structures in the p+n p+p+- reaction at 1.98GeV/c', Z. Phys. C 69 409-413 (1996) 34.B.M.Abramov et al., `Inclusive pion double charge exchange on O16 at 600 and 750MeV', Physics of Atomic Nuclei (Russia), vol.59, no.3, p.376-379 (1996). 35.A.N. Starodumov, 'B_s oscillations and CP-violation at LHC', Proc. of the XI Symposium on Hadron Collider Physics, World Scientific, 1997; CMS TN/96-108 36.M.Konecki and A.Starodumov,`bb Events Simulation Package. Users Manual', to be published as CMS Note/99; current version on 37.A.Starodumov, 'B_s oscillation study using the B_s J/ + K* +++K++- channel', CMS Note/97-072 38.A.Starodumov, Z.Xie, 'B_s decay vertex resolution', CMS Note/97-085 39.F.Dalla Santa et al., `Very-Forward Hadron Calorimetry at the LHC using Parallel-Plate Chambers',Experiments at CERN in 1997 (Grey Book) B W Powell CERN, Geneva, 1997, 421 40.G.M.Bilei et al., `The CMS silicon tracker at LHC', Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A409 (1998) 105-111 41.R.D'Alessandro et al., `The CMS silicon tracker', Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A419 (1998) 538-543 42.C.Bozzi et al., `Test results of heavily irradiated silicon detectors for the CMS experiment at LHC', Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 43.S.Albergo et al., `Test results of heavily irradiated Si detectors '. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A422 (1999) 238-241 44.A.Starodumov, Z.Xie, `Evaluation of minimum number of signal events needed to measure the x_s mixing parameter', CMS Note/99-006 45.E.Focardi et al.,`The CMS silicon strip tracker'. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A435 (1999) 102-108 46.G.Tonelli et al.,`The R&D program for silicon detector in CMS' Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A435 (1999) 109-117 47.N.Bacchetta et al., `The CMS silicon microstrip detectors: reseach and development', Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A426 (1999) 1 16-23 48.L.Feld et al., `R&D for the CMS silicon tracker', Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 78, p.322-8, 1999 49.D.Pandoulas et al., `The silicon microstrip tracker for CMS', Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 78, p.315-21, 1999 50.A.Nikitenko, A.Starodumov and N.Stepanov, `Observability of B_d(s)>+- decay with the CMS detector', CMS Note/99-039, hep-ph/9907256. 51.S.Albergo et al., `Comparative study of (111) and (100) crystals and capacitance measurements on Si strip detectors in CMS'. Nuovo Cim. 112A (1999) 1261-126. 52.S.Albergo et al., `High-voltage breakdown studies on Si microstrip detectors'. Nuovo Cim. 112A (1999) 1271-128. 53.L.Borrello et al., `Test results on heavily irradiated silicon detectors'. Nuovo Cim. 112A (1999) 1285-129. 54. S.Albergo et al., `The silicon microstrip trackerfor CMS'. Nuovo Cim. 112A (1999) 1307-131. 55.A.Starodumov, `CMS B physics overview', Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A446 (2000) 159-16 56.M.Meschini et al., `Performance of CMS silicon microstrip detector with the APV6 readout chip, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A447(2000) 13314 57.N.Demaria et al., `New results on silicon microstrip detector of CMS tracker', Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A447(2000) 142-15 58.E.Focardi et al.,`The CMS silicon tracker'. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A453 (2000) 121-125 59.S.Gennai, A.Starodumov, F.Palla, R.Dell'Orso, `A Study of the b-bbar Production Mechanism in PYTHIA', CMS Note-2000/037 60.Z.Xie, F.Palla, A.Starodumov, `B_s Oscillation Sensitivity Study in CMS', CMS Note-2000/038.