Year 11 Physics Formulae Booklet (Foundation Tier)

Year 11
Additional Physics
Foundation Tier
Formulae Booklet
P2 1 Motion
1. Distance-time graphs:
The slope of the graph = speed of the object.
d = distance (m)
s = speed (m/s)
t = time (s)
s x t
2. Velocity-time graphs:
An upwards slope on the graph = acceleration
A downwards slope on the graph = deceleration (will be a negative number)
a x t
v = final velocity (m/s)
u = initial velocity (m/s)
a = acceleration (m/s2)
t = time (s)
The area under the line = distance travelled (m)
You will need to section your graph into rectangles and/or triangles.
 Area of a rectangle = height x base
Area of a triangle = ½ height x base
P2 2 Speeding up & Slowing down
1. Resultant force
m x a
F = force (N)
m = mass (kg)
a = acceleration (m/s2)
2. Stopping distance
Stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance
3. Weight
Weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg)
P2 3 Work, energy and momentum
1. Work done
Work done = energy transferred
F x D
W = work done (J)
F = force (N)
D = distance moved in the direction of the
force (m)
(Note the similarity to the equation used to calculate gravitational potential
energy in year 10!)
2. Momentum
momentum = mass x velocity
P = momentum (kgm/s))
M = mass (kg)
V = velocity (m/s)
M x V
total momentum before = total momentum after
3.Conservation of momentum in an explosion
Remember the momentum of an explosion before = 0
Therefore, total momentum after explosion = 0
(mass of A x velocity A) = - (mass of B x velocity of B)
P2 5 Current electricity
1 Resistance
Resistance = potential difference
Rx I
R = resistance = (ohms, )
V = potential difference (volts, V)
I = current (amperes, A)
2 Resistance in a series circuit
Add up the resistance of all the components in a series circuit.
3 Current
Is a rearrangement of the resistance equation:
current = potential difference
P2 6 Mains electricity
1 Power of an appliance
power = energy transformed
Px t
ET = energy transformed (joules, J)
P = power (watts, W)
T = time (secs)
2 Power supplied
power supplied = current x potential difference
P = power supplied (watts, W)
V = potential difference (volts, V)
I = current (amperes, A)
Vx I
P2 7 Nuclear Physics
1 Radioactive decay
-emission = atomic number (Z) down 2, mass number (A) down 4
-emission = atomic number (Z) up 1, mass number (A) stays same
-emission = atomic number (Z) and mass number (A) both stay same
Learn these formula triangles and equations and you can’t go wrong!
Remember before you start the exam write all the formula triangles down
in the front so that you can look back at them.
In foundation tier you will not be expected to rearrange equations. Just
use them in the format in which they are given to you!