mathematical expression

Lesson Title: 6.EE.2
Date: _____________
Course: ___________________________
Start/end times: _________________________
Lesson Objective(s): What mathematical skill(s) and understanding(s) will be developed?
6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.
a. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers.
For example, express the calculation “Subtract y from 5” as 5  y
b. Identify parts of an expression, using mathematical terms (sum, term, product, factor, quotient,
coefficient); view one or more parts of an expression 2(8  7) as a product of two factors;
(8  7) as both a single entity and a sum of two terms.
Which Mathematical Practices do you expect students to engage in during the lesson?
MP7: Look for and make use of structure.
Lesson Launch Notes: Exactly how will you use
the first five minutes of the lesson?
Show the following on your board or under your
document camera:
Think of a situation where a group of people must
have a common language. Then, make a list of
terms needed.
Example: For soccer you need to know specific
positions like forward, back, mid, corner kick…
Lesson Closure Notes: Exactly what summary
activity, questions, and discussion will close the
lesson and provide a foreshadowing of tomorrow?
List the questions.
Allow students time to come up with their own
expression and scenario to match. Have them
exchange their problem with a classmate and
translate each other’s problem.
Lesson Tasks, Problems, and Activities (attach resource sheets): What specific activities,
investigations, problems, questions, or tasks will students be working on during the lesson? Be sure to
indicate strategic connections to appropriate mathematical practices.
1. Discuss the warm-up with your students. Make the connection that with mathematics we also have a
common language. Specific words mean particular symbols or numbers.
2. Have students create a T-chart on a sheet of paper with one of the symbols in each the 4 areas ,,,.
Have a class copy prepared on chart paper to keep on the board for students to refer to throughout the
unit. In each section, brainstorm as a class as many words for each symbol as possible (see below
Vocabulary section for sample words). Consider using the attached note-taking guide for
includes practice
brainstorming words that relate to each of the four operation symbols. The guide also
with translating written phrases. For examples b and d, consider having the students define the variable
by introducing a ‘let statement’. This will help them to understand the purpose behind variables.
3. Creating a larger version of the brainstormed words on a piece of chart paper might be helpful to
students who are reluctant to refer to their notes.
4. Play expressions charades (see attached). Directions: Rather than just asking students to translate verbal
expressions into mathematical expressions, have them act out the expressions to a partner. If the
expression reads ‘the sum of 4 and m’ the student should act out 4 + m. The partner would then
translate this and they would compare the answer on the board to the card the actor has. (This game
allows students to analyze the structure of a sentence in order to translate it to a mathematical
expression: MP7)
5. Discuss when you might use expressions in real life to lead into the closure.
6. Give the following expressions, and have students translate them into words.
HCPSS Secondary Mathematics Office (v2); adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student
achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Lesson Title: 6.EE.2
Date: _____________
Course: ___________________________
Start/end times: _________________________
2x – 3
Evidence of Success: What exactly do I expect students to be able to do by the end of the lesson, and how
will I measure student mastery? That is, deliberate consideration of what performances will convince you
(and any outside observer) that your students have developed a deepened (and conceptual) understanding.
When provided with a mathematical expression, students should be able to correctly translate the statement
using correct mathematical symbols.
If introduced, students should begin to have a basic understanding of ‘let statements’ and how to define
Notes and Nuances: Vocabulary, connections, anticipated misconceptions (and how they will be addressed), etc.
+ Addition, sum, increase, plus, total, more, add
- Subtraction, difference between, subtract, fewer, decrease, minus, take from, difference, take away,
 Multiply, multiplied by, product, groups of, times, double, twice
 Division, divided by, share, divide, share equally, divisible by, divide into, group
Common Mistakes:
Students will often reverse the order in division and subtract when translating from words to symbols and
from symbols to words. Consider providing pairs of problems such as x less than 2  2 – x and 2 less than
x  x – 2.
Resources: What materials or resources are
essential for students to successfully complete the
lesson tasks or activities?
Homework: Exactly what follow-up homework tasks,
problems, and/or exercises will be assigned upon the
completion of the lesson?
Expressions Note Taking Guide
Expression Charades Cards (Pre-printed and cut)
Have students illustrate their word problem at home
to share with the class tomorrow.
(Consider numbering the students problems and have
a gallery walk. Students can check their work by
looking at the back of each problem as they go
around. Have a few pre-made copies as well.)
Lesson Reflections: How do you know that you were effective? What questions, connected to the lesson objectives and
evidence of success, will you use to reflect on the effectiveness of this lesson?
Did my students understand that order matters for subtraction and division, but not for addition and
Are my students able to see a symbol and translate it into words?
HCPSS Secondary Mathematics Office (v2); adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student
achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Lesson Title: 6.EE.2
Date: _____________
Course: ___________________________
Start/end times: _________________________
HCPSS Secondary Mathematics Office (v2); adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student
achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.