University of Bradford - School of Management Programme Specification Awarding and Teaching Institution: Final Award: Programme Title: Duration: UCAS Code: Subject benchmark statement: Programme accredited by: Date produced: University of Bradford Postgraduate Certificate Management and Leadership in Higher Education One-two years part-time Not applicable Business and Management Not applicable January 2008: Updated May 2008 Philosophy In accordance with the University’s mission ‘Making Knowledge Work’, the School of Management aims to provide programmes that develop individuals as managers and business specialists, and thus improve the quality of management as a profession. This programme, offered by People Development under the auspices of the School of Management, contributes to these aims by offering a programme that will improve the quality of management and leadership in the higher education sector. Introduction This programme is designed for staff at the University of Bradford or in other Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) who wish to develop knowledge and skills in leadership and management as part of their career development. Managers within large organisations learn best with and in groups from across the organisation. This programme will provide the opportunity for participants to address the organisational challenges and that managers’ face as well as the individual requirements of the role. The course team are committed to ensuring that the content and structure of the course and the course’s participants reflect the diversity of the higher education community, actively promoting issues of equality in line with the University of Bradford’s stated commitment and legal obligations. Equality is a central tenet of effective management and leadership and HEIs have a specific responsibility to bring this into being. Programme Aims The programme aims to help participants develop the expertise necessary for management and leadership roles in higher education. For Bradford staff this contributes to the University’s Leadership and Management Development Strategy. It will do this through: Introducing you to theories of management and leadership in general, and in higher education in particular; Developing your knowledge of management and leadership in higher education; Facilitating the development of skills in the practising of management and leadership skills; Enabling you to develop self-knowledge in your practice of management and leadership. The learning environment is designed to be inclusive, supportive, flexible and reflective. Working mostly in small groups, you will use a variety of methods to develop your expertise, knowledge, understanding and skills of management and leadership, and of yourself as a leader. You will participate in action-learning sets, one-to-one coaching and mentoring and project work, and you will use personal reflection to develop knowledge about managing and leading in a University environment. This will allow you to develop a high level of reflective understanding and critical appreciation of leadership in higher education. This will assist you in taking on the role of a leader, as you will have developed the knowledge and skills deemed necessary to leadership in higher education organisations in the 21st century. Learning Outcomes Knowledge and Understanding On successful completion of this programme you will be able to: 1. Critically evaluate what is meant by the theory and practice of management and leadership in higher education; 2. Justify and evaluate your own professional practices in terms of these concepts 3. Identify and analyse major contextual and structural factors which influence management and leadership in Higher Education; Discipline Skills On successful completion of this programme you will be able to: 4. Critically evaluate the role of management and leadership within a University; 5. Analyse and contribute to the development of policy and strategy within the University; 6. Effectively apply management competencies and leadership skills and critically evaluate their impact; 7. Identify your own leadership style and critically evaluate its influence and impact upon those around you; 1 Personal Transferable Skills On successful completion of this programme you will be able to: 8. Enhance and further improve your leadership style; 9. Enhance and further improve your leadership skills; 10. Demonstrate a reflective approach to professional practice; 11. Collaborate effectively with colleagues to produce group products; 12. Deliver oral presentations on management and leadership policy and practice to accepted professional standards Curriculum The Postgraduate Certificate qualification comprises 60 credits; 20 credits for each module. Details about modules, including specific learning outcomes, are available in the module descriptors on the University’s website at: Course Structure Module Title Module Code Status Credits Semester Personal Development for Leadership and Teamwork MAN4404L Core 20 1 and/or 2 Professional & Organisational Development MAN4403L Core 20 1 and/or 2 Work-Based Independent Study MAN4405L Core 20 1 and/or 2 The modules are designed to develop knowledge, practice, understanding of the self, and understanding of others in teams and as individuals. All modules are compulsory, and all are delivered at Masters level. They are not linked to any other modules within the University. You will be encouraged to study at your own pace, but will be required to complete the three x 20-credit modules within two years of registering on the programme. There will be one intake of twelve to fifteen students each year, and the modules will be offered over a two year period. The course is delivered within a two year period. Modules one and two run concurrently and module three is undertaken on successful completion of modules one and two. Further clarification will be available to students at point of enquiry and induction. Attendance is as follows: Module One: Four x two-day workshops, plus twenty additional hours of tutorial attendance. Module Two: This module is studied through action-learning sets, comprising eight workshops (six hours per workshop); eight action-learning set meetings (two hours per meeting) and two presentations (two hours per presentation). Module Three: A work-based project requiring self-study under the guidance of a line manager or coach. Module One: Personal Development for Leadership and Teamwork – 20 credits The first module you will study focuses on self-development. You will reflect on how you see yourself, how you are seen by others, and how these perspectives contribute to your performance as a manager and a leader. This module will help you achieve learning outcomes 2, 7, 8 and 9. Module Two: Professional and Organisational Development – 20 credits This is the second module you will study. It provides the intellectual and theoretical knowledge that underpins the other two modules. The module will help achieve learning outcomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 11 and 12 above. Module Three: Work-Based Independent Study – 20 credits This module helps you put the knowledge and skills learned in the first two modules into practice, thus embedding the learning achieved. You will, under the supervision of a line-manager/coach, design, develop and run a work-based project in management and leadership. This module will help you achieve learning outcomes 6 and 10. Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategies (including the method of programme and teaching delivery) The programme aims to provide a stimulating combination of teaching and learning methods. It will include only limited elements of the more traditional ‘talk and chalk’ type lectures, delivered by staff from People Development. Participants are academics and senior administrative staff, all of whom will be educated to a high standard with significant experience in diverse roles within the University; therefore the teaching and learning strategy has been devised with such participants in mind. The emphasis therefore is upon: group learning; intensive one-to-one learning with personal tutors, mentors and coaches; and learning through reflective analysis of practice with the aid of reflective learning journals and logs. Both team working and active, autonomous learning are important parts of the Programme’s approach. The programme has been designed to provide a logical process from development of self-knowledge in the first module, Personal Development for Leadership and Teamwork, to delivery of information in the second, Professional and Organisational Development, and to combining the two in the third module, Work-Based Independent Study, which involves a practical application of the theories explored and knowledge developed in the first two modules. The first module encourages you to look ‘inward’ at yourself as a member of staff of the University, the second to look 2 ‘outward’ at the University and at theories of leadership, and the third module brings these two perspectives together in a practical, skills-based project. The modules are individually assessed, using a mix of continuous assessment methods. The main methods are written assignments, reflective journals, individual and group oral presentations and the development and subsequent revision of a personal development plan. To reflect contemporary practice and to demonstrate particular aspects of blended learning, all modules will be supported by a Blackboard site. Additionally, Pebblepad will be available to support the Personal Development Planning (PDP) and reflective processes. The course team will negotiate flexible modes of assessment for participants with disabilities, where this is deemed to be appropriate. Work-Based Independent Study The work-based study is probably best described as a student project, but not something that would be considered as a project by the University (e.g. by the Strategic Planning Office). The study is an opportunity for the student to practice management in action. It is not a piece of research. The appropriateness of this course’s student projects will be decided by a two stage process: 1. Student and coach/line manager agree a suitable topic and focus. 2. Student and course tutors will decide whether the proposed project will meet the learning requirements of the course. The criteria for an appropriate project are as follows: A topic and focus that is relevant and useful to the student’s work area – i.e. the results of which will be of value to the coach. A project that is achievable within the time available A project that enables the student to demonstrate application of learning from the other modules of the programme – i.e. a project that requires the student to manage people and resources to achieve the project’s objectives. A project that will enable the student to develop their skills in line with the content of their revised personal development plan. The programme is managed by the School of Management and delivered by People Development. The School of Management and People Development work together to monitor and regularly review the quality assurance of the programme and the students’ learning experience. Written work is assessed using the criteria for all post-graduate programmes in the School/University. To ensure fairness and quality of marking, each module will have a marking committee comprising two tutors plus a member of staff of the School of Management. First and second marking will be ‘blind’, that is examiners will not know the names of the authors of the work they are marking. Assessment regulations: To be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate you must achieve at least Grade C in 60 credits. The University of Bradford Postgraduate Regulations for Taught Programmes can be found on the web at: The School operates a non-numerical assessment system. Standard University marking requirements will be made available to students through Blackboard and the Module Handbooks. Similarly, deadlines and arrangements for initial and supplementary assessment will also be provided to students through such media in a timely manner. Deadlines are negotiable and should be negotiated with your personal tutor in the first instance. The ensure equity and transparency the course team will consider the negotiated deadline and timescale for assessment submission. All assessment (coursework and examination) is graded as below: AD B C D EF Pass with Distinction Pass with Merit Pass Marginal Fail Poor Fail Participants may not proceed to semester 3 (module three) of the course until they have successfully completed modules one and two. Admission criteria Admission to the course is by direct application to People Development. The programme is designed for academic and administrative staff working in the higher education sector whose personal development plans require that they develop their management and leadership skills. Participants will normally have at least a first degree awarded by an approved UK or overseas University, or a professional qualification, and will have appropriate experience of working at a managerial level in the H.E. sector. Participants must have the support of their line manager prior to enrolling on this programme. Achievement of learning outcomes is based on a high level of commitment and attendance. An 80% 3 attendance requirement is normally expected from all participants. An interview to assess how you satisfy these requirements will be arranged and each application will be considered on its individual merits. The course team are committed to promoting equality of opportunity. This inclusive programme particularly welcomes applications from people from under represented groups. Student Support and Guidance Arrangements The supportive learning culture of this programme is an intrinsic part of the development of you as a leader. You will be supported by a personal tutor, a coach and a mentor in each of the three modules. As your learning progresses you will be encouraged to discuss areas where you feel you may benefit from support and advice; these areas will then be explored with your personal tutor. Your programme tutors will provide you with both academic and pastoral support throughout the course. Participants will also be encouraged to provide their peers with support and to share their experiences with them. As students of the University of Bradford the University’s wider support services will be available to all participants. Finally, this programme will be regularly evaluated via the University’s Annual Monitoring and Periodic Review processes. Full use will be made of learner support services including the library, email and e-learning facilities and approaches. There is a strong support infrastructure which includes the Disability Service, the Counselling Service and 24 hour access to Library and Computer facilities. Details at: The Role of Line Manager, Coach & Mentor Students on the course need the agreement of their line manager to attend. The line manager is the person within the organisation is responsible for the student, and the student’s development. Coaching is the term used to describe the skill set managers use to develop their staff. One of the roles for any line manager is to coach the staff they are responsible for. The coach has three main responsibilities in relation to students on this course: 1. To monitor progress and to discuss with the student the learning taking place. 2. To help the student apply the leaning to their day to day work 3. To decide, together with the student, the topic and the arrangements for the work based study. In most cases the line manager and the coach will be the same person. There may be cases, however, where another manager for whom the student works, but who is not technically the line manager, might make a more suitable choice for coach. This can be negotiated with the course team. The participant can choose their mentor, but not their coach. The mentor is a separate person. The mentor would not usually come from the department or division as the student. The mentor is most likely to be another member of University staff, but may also be someone who knows the student’s work, is a member of the student’s profession or discipline and may perhaps be external to the University. The course tutors can advise students on their choice of mentor. The choice of mentor has to be agreed by tutors. Staff Contact Information: Caroline Chambers Training and Development Advisor People Development University of Bradford Richmond Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 1DP Tel: 01274 235329 Pete Sayers Head of People Development People Development University of Bradford Richmond Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD7 1DP Tel: 01274 233102 Dr Nancy Harding Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies School of Management University of Bradford Emm Lane Bradford West Yorkshire BD9 4JL Tel: 01274 234423 4 APPENDIX ONE – MODULE ONE Provider: People Development Related Department / Subject Area: School of Management Course Leader: Caroline Chambers Module Leader: Pete Sayers Additional Tutors: Caroline Chambers and Tony Burke Module Title: Personal Development for Leadership & Teamwork Module Type: Double Module Code: NEW Module Credit: 20 Teaching Period: Semester One and Semester Two Academic Year: Module Occurrence: A Level: M Pre requisite(s): None Co requisite(s): None Aims: to provide University managers and academics in leadership positions, or with leadership potential, a programme of self development, specifically to provide participants with information and feedback that will enable them to better understand their own management / leadership style, evaluate its effectiveness within the University, to build, motivate and maintain teams, to solve problems creatively, and to develop leadership skills. Learning Teaching & Assessment Strategy: The course team will encourage participants to develop self knowledge and knowledge of other’s motivations, emotions etc and examine how this contributes to leadership. Participants will undertake a range of diagnostic and 360 degree assessments which will provide them with data about their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their management style and skills. At the end of the module a re-assessment will be conducted. Participants will use Pebblepad to support the PDP development and revision process. Reflective practice using reflective learning journals is a key component of this module. Teaching styles provide varied approaches to learning and include work in groups, action learning sets, formal and informal lectures, online business games and a variety of facilitated team activities. Both team working and active, autonomous learning through, for example, the use of workbooks, are important aspects of the module. Study Hours: Lectures: Seminars/Tutorials: Laboratory/Practical: Total: 200 00 20 00 Directed Study: 100 Residential Workshops: 80 Formal Exams: 00 n.b. 10 tutorial hours with course tutor, 10 tutorial hours with coach (line manager), 4 x 2 day residential workshops Workshop 1 focuses on initial diagnosis from 360-degree feedback, and time management – how to turn selfawareness into a personal development plan (to be agreed, subsequently, with coach) Workshop 2 focuses on team building & team development Workshop 3 is a two-day business game Workshop 4 focuses on re-diagnosis of the 360-degree feedback, and revising PDP in preparation for independent study (module 3 of this certificate programme) 5 Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Evaluate key concepts and models in leadership and management development Apply and evaluate the rational and emotional components of leadership and management behaviour Analyse and evaluate the results of 360 degree feedback and recognise the value in the production of a personal development plan. Undertake a range of team exercises and critically evaluate how they can be used to build and maintain effective teams 2. Subject-Specific Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Take the outcomes of 360 feedback and use these to devise a personal development plan based on SMART objectives, and critically evaluate and revise the plan in the light of experience and feedback. Lead a team through a variety of projects. Apply leadership and management concepts and models to your particular role / job, and roles you may aspire to. 3. Personal Transferable Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Give and receive feedback from others, when leading a team, or problem-solving. Analyse and reflect upon differences between self perception and perceptions of others to re-evaluate behaviour Select and directly apply a problem solving strategy as a basis for effective decision making Lead team projects, and be a more effective team member. 6 Mode of Assessment: 1. Assessment Type Duration Percentage PDP 1000 words Not graded Participants will devise a personal development plan (PDP) based on initial 360 feedback and agree this with their coach. This piece of work is to be completed one month after the end of residential workshop 1. It is based on initial 360-degree diagnosis undertaken before workshop 1 the results of which are reported to participants during workshop 1. The coach is the participant’s line manager. The coach’s role is to assess and sign off the participant’s PDP (The coach is the person who has the greatest stake, along with the participant; in ensuring that the PDP has SMART objectives, and can be supported. The PDP will not be graded, but will form the basis for further work (see below). 2. Assessment Type Duration Percentage Revised PDP and Reflective Commentary 3,500 words 50% The personal development plan is to be revised on the basis of additional 360 feedback, and agreed with coach. The plan will be accompanied by a reflective commentary (3,500 words in total) This piece of work is to be completed one month after the end of residential workshop 4. It is based on both the initial diagnosis, the experience of implementing the PDP, and progress made during the module which should be apparent in the re-diagnosis undertaken between workshops 3 & 4, the results of which are reported at workshop 4. The successful completion of a revised PDP is the key outcome of this module, which makes this module a pre-requisite for the independent study module. 3. Assessment Type Duration Percentage Reflective journal 3,500 words 50% Reflective Journal (3,500 words) commenting on the learning gained from workshops 2 & 3, a selfassessment of individual’s development as a member and leader of a team, and assessment and evaluation of roles played by others. Outline Syllabus: Residential Workshop 1: Report of Initial 360-degree diagnosis and feedback – from a variety of instruments. (Organisational Culture Inventory – self perception of ideal and actual culture, Lifestyles – self & others, Personal Effectiveness Profile – self & others) Time Management as key component of personal effectiveness. Initial team exercise Introduction to the art of giving and receiving feedback How to devise a personal development plan, based on self-awareness and feedback data Residential Workshop 2: Experiential learning through participation and de-briefing of a variety of team exercises. Application of behavioural aspects of PDP through participation in team exercises Giving and receiving feedback based on behaviours observed during team exercises Team Roles (Belbin) Action Centred Leadership Situational Leadership Other relevant concepts and models. 7 Residential Workshop 3: Capstone’s “Foundation” – an on-line business game in which teams of course participants play against each other and against additional virtual teams (on Capstone’s computer). The game develops over a succession of “rounds”. Each round requires teams to allocate roles, evaluate outcome data from previous rounds, and to take a variety of strategic and operational decisions. Introduction Play rounds 1 – 3, Interim review Play rounds 4 – 6 Final debrief and review of learning Residential Workshop 4: Team Exercises (building on outcomes of workshops 3 & 4) Report of re-diagnosis of 360 feedback Further feedback for participants Action planning – revising the PDP Planning for personal learning component of independent study module Key Texts: Residential Workshop One The Manager in You The Team Player Residential Workshop Two How Teams Work Motivation and Skills Development Please note that the reference for the above key texts outlined above is as follows: Woods, M., and Smith, J. (1994) Title of Workbook, London: Financial Times Management/Pearson 8 APPENDIX TWO – MODULE TWO Provider: People Development Related Department / Subject Area: School of Management Course Leader: Caroline Chambers Module Leader: Pete Sayers Additional Tutors: Caroline Chambers and Tony Burke Module Title: Professional & Organisational Development Module Type: Double Module Code: New Module Credit: 20 credits Teaching Period: Semester One and Semester Two. Academic Year: Module Occurrence: A Level: M Pre requisite(s): None Co requisite(s): Personal Development for Teamwork & Leadership Aims: This module is a core module of the Post Graduate Certificate in Management and Leadership in Higher Education. This module contributes to the aims of that programme through its aims which are to: provide participants with an overview of the higher education sector in general and how the University of Bradford in particular works as an organisation; critically review the concepts and models that underpin strategy and policy in higher education; engage with senior managers in recognising and evaluating their contribution to the organisation, develop expertise in analysing organisational strategy and policy making, develop understanding of organisational culture and its impact upon the design and implementation of strategy and policy. Learning Teaching & Assessment Strategy: The course team will engage highly knowledgeable students at a level that suits their capabilities. Teaching styles provide varied approaches to learning and include workshops and action learning sets to facilitate exploration and analysis. There will be a number of formal and informal lectures, guest speaker inputs and online discussion tasks as well as individual and group presentations. Autonomous learning, through the use of workbooks is encouraged. Study Hours: Lectures: Seminars/Tutorials: Laboratory/Practical: Total: 200 00 64 00 Directed Study: Presentations Formal Exams: 100 36 00 8 x workshops @ 6 hrs = 48 8 x action learning set meetings @ 2 hrs = 16 2 x presentations @ 2 hours per presentation + 12 hours preparation for the first individual presentation and 20 hours preparation for the second group presentation. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Critically review and contribute to the way the University turns strategy into policy and action; 9 Analyse the way corporate objectives are set and monitored through synthesis and evaluation of a range of models, concepts and experience; Analyse the way key performance indicators are used for monitoring performance; Assess the impact of culture upon strategy and policy making and their implementation. 2. Subject-Specific Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Critically review the application of University policy and strategy in your area of work, evaluate its implications for your area of work and contribute to policy development as a result Map the organisational culture in your work area and in the University as a whole, and evaluate the implications of organisational culture for your development as a manager and your preferred style of leading and managing. 3. Personal Transferable Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Organise and undertake a presentation to your own manager, and, as part of a team, present to senior managers Confidently engage with senior managers and critically review strategy and policy in their company. Make recommendations and critically review implementation/action plans 10 Mode of Assessment: 1. Assessment Type Duration Percentage An individual presentation to the coach about organisational culture in the participant’s work area. This presentation will not be formally graded, but forms part of the developmental work undertaken during this module. 2. Assessment Type Duration Group presentation Percentage 50% A group presentation to senior managers about the organisational culture of the whole University. OR A group presentation to other senior managers on HR strategy and policy The presentation is to be accompanied by a report (maximum 5,000 words) on which the presentation is based. The mark for the group assessment will be determined by a mix of feedback from those on the receiving end of the presentations, and tutor observation. The tutorial committee, comprising a minimum of two tutors, may redistribute marks between participants if there is evidence of unequal effort in the preparation of the presentation. 3. Assessment Type Duration Percentage Critical review 3,500 words 50% Individual critical review (3,500 words) of one aspect of culture, strategy development and implementation; leadership in the development of strategy, or other similar topic featured in the module workshops. Outline Syllabus: Participants are expected to read in advance of each workshop. Texts will include University documents, text books, and workbooks. Formative tasks will be posted on Blackboard for participants to discuss e.g. the use of email communication and its implications in the effective management of staff. One day seminars / workshops 1. Corporate Strategies & Communication Inputs from VC & head of corporate communications 2. Performance Management at Corporate Level (& balanced scorecard) Inputs from DVC & head of strategic planning 3. Organisational Culture & Quality Inputs from head of people development on EFQM model, IiP, and results of organisational culture survey (perceptions of actual culture as diagnosed by people working in areas from which course participants come). There may be scope for a visiting speaker here e.g. Chairs of Equality Network 4. Financial Strategy and Planning Inputs from Finance, and a dean or visiting speaker 5. Process Review & Project Planning Inputs from Ecoversity manager & additional speaker (could be someone from Hub, or visitor) Participants will also be encouraged to attend the University’s project planning course 6. Recruitment, Selection & Development of Staff Input on process, and responsibilities of managers (from People Development) Participants will be encouraged to attend the University’s Recruitment & Selection training 7. Equality & Diversity Inputs from HR + Disability Service and Chairs of Equality Network 8. HR Strategy & Managing People Input from HR Participants will be encouraged to attend the University’s Performance Management training, and Performance Review training 11 Action Learning Sets: Input on how to manage and take part in an action learning set. Content of the action learning set is decided by participants, but is intended to help participants discuss the content of workshops, results of private reading, and organisation of presentations to senior managers. Action Learning Sets are facilitated by the course team. Key Texts: Covey, Stephen R. First Things First Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Johnson, Gerry., Scholes, Kevan. and Whittington, Richard. Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases McCaffery, Peter. Higher Education Manager’s Handbook: Effective Leadership and Management in Higher Education Workshop One Know Your Organisation Managing Strategically Workshop Two Managing Change Positively Information Analysis and Usage Workshop Three Quality Management and Change Total Quality - A Customer Focus Workshop Four Managing Finance Business Finance Workshop Five Creative Decision Making Project Management and Planning Workshop Six Recruitment and Selection Training and Development Workshop Seven Understanding Health, Safety and Employment Creative Decision Making Workshop Eight Techniques for Improving Performance Skilful Communication Please note that the reference for the above key texts outlined above is as follows: Woods, M., and Smith, J. (1994) Title of Workbook, London: Financial Times Management/Pearson 12 APPENDIX THREE – MODULE THREE Provider: People Development Related Department / Subject Area: School of Management Course Leader: Caroline Chambers Module Leader: Caroline Chambers Additional Tutors: Pete Sayers and Tony Burke Module Title: Work-based Independent Study Module Type: Double Module Code: New Module Credit: 20 credits Teaching Period: Semester One and Semester Two. Academic Year: Module Occurrence: A Level: M Pre requisite(s): Personal Development for Teamwork & Leadership Professional & Organisational Development Co requisite(s): Aims: To develop knowledge and build skills in management competencies and leadership skills and put these into practice through designing and running a work-based project. Learning Teaching & Assessment Strategy: Participants will have the opportunity to embed knowledge through development, implementation and evaluation of a relevant project. A personal tutor, coach and mentor are responsible for supporting and guiding participants through the project. The facilitated action learning set approach will continue to be utilised to ensure peer support. Additionally discussion boards on Blackboard will enable participants to discuss aspects of their project and their progress. Participants will produce a project report and an individual reflective journal. Pebblepad will support the reflective aspects of this module. Study Hours: Lectures: Seminars/Tutorials: Laboratory/Practical: Total: 200 00 20 00 Directed Study: Presentations Formal Exams: 180 00 00 13 Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Critically review management and leadership theory and apply this in practice; Reflect upon the experience and devise strategies to improve performance and/or continue self-development. 3. Subject-Specific Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Demonstrate leadership skills and management competencies, including reflection and negotiation, in your own area of work 3. Personal Transferable Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to: Organise, implement and manage a project. Report project methodology and outcomes Evaluate and refine a personal development plan in the light of experience and through reflective practice Mode of Assessment: 1. Assessment Type Duration Percentage Project Proposal 500 words 0% Ungraded Project Proposal (the plan for which emerges from the final workshop of module one) to be agreed with line manager and submitted in the first two weeks of the module. 2. Assessment Type Duration Percentage Project report 3,500 words 50% Project Report to be jointly assessed by the line manager and course tutor 3. Assessment Type Reflective journal Duration 3,500 words Percentage 50% Reflections on putting my PDP into practice in a work-based project Outline Syllabus: The content of projects will be suggested by students and agreed with their line managers, and relate to their area of work. The leadership skills and management competences will have been informed and developed during the prerequisite modules. 14 Appendix 4 - Additional Staff Development Courses The staff development courses the University requires its managers to attend are listed in Appendix B of the 2007 Leadership & Management Development Strategy and these are detailed below. The PG Certificate workshops are not intended to be a substitute for the courses detailed here, some of which are deemed to be essential for University managers to attend. The only course listed that the PG Certificate covers in the same detail is the Leadership Skills course. There is no need for managers on the PG Certificate to do the six day Leadership Skills course in addition to module 1 of the PG Certificate. People who have already done the six day Leadership Skills course, however, cannot APEL that learning. New Managers Induction An overview of policy & practice for those new to the University or new to a management role Statutory Requirements Health & Safety Managing Diversity (a new course to include and replace Disability Issues, and Mental Health Issues and how to undertake Impact Assessments) Legal Issues Employment Law, Contracts & Litigation Managing People Performance Management Appraiser / Performance Reviewer Recruitment & Selection Coaching Skills Giving & Receiving Feedback Managing Meetings Managing Projects Leadership Skills – a six day non-certificated course, or Module One (or equivalent) of the PG Certificate in Management and Leadership in Higher Education. Most of these are in-house staff development courses open to all staff. Staff are encouraged to attend these as part of a general programme of staff development, which will stand them in good stead if subsequently appointed to a managerial position. Such courses should be part of an aspiring manager’s PDP. Courses that are not required, but which managers are encouraged to attend for their personal development, and to gain insight into the behaviour of others, include: Facilitation Skills Time Management Assertiveness & Dealing with Difficult People Transactional Analysis Counselling Skills Some courses (e.g. Health & Safety, Legal Issues) require attendance at annual or biennial updates. 15