Faculty Committee Terms of Reference

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Committee Terms of Reference
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Board on issues relating to research, learning, teaching &
assessment, reach out and enterprise;
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Board on approval and review of programmes, quality
assurance & review, student recruitment & admissions;
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Board on undergraduate & postgraduate student matters,
collaborative provision, staff development, international matters, academic services, ethics, and health
& safety.
Responsible for:
 Monitoring Faculty level implementation and further development of the University’s Corporate Plan;
 Monitoring Faculty-wide performance against annual financial targets;
 Monitoring Quality procedures within Faculty;
 Liaising with departmental Executive Committees through the Head of Department.
 Consideration of reports of the Faculty Learning, Teaching & Assessment Committee and Faculty
Research Executive Committee.
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to research, learning, teaching &
assessment, collaborative provision, reach out, enterprise, and quality assurance.
Informed on:
 New policies and/or procedures introduced by the University.
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Executive and Board on issues relating to research;
 Assisting the University REF Monitoring group;
 Reporting to URC on Faculty related research issues.
Responsible for:
 Co-ordinating a Faculty Research Policy and Research Strategy and monitoring its implementation;
 Recommending the award of research leave;
 Monitoring the development of departmental research plans in concert with the planning and
investment strategies of University Research Committee;
 Monitoring the performance of Research Institutes and Centres associated with the Faculty;
 Monitoring the Faculty’s levels of external research income and the development of policies and
strategies to enhance performance;
 The selection of applicants for the annual AHRC Postgraduate competition;
 The operation of the annual postgraduate monitoring scheme.
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to research and research students.
Informed on:
 New policies and/or procedures relating to research and research students.
(A sub-committee of Faculty Research Executive Committee)
(reports to University of Hull Ethics Committee)
Accountable for:
 Considering all staff and student research proposals (including those of PhD applicants), involving
human participants and all data collected about them. [Ethics clearance is also needed for research
involving animal experimentation, human tissue samples, dangerous substances and risk to human
participants]. Where departments have their own procedures for research ethics clearance, the Faculty
Ethics Committee may delegate responsibility to such committees. PhD applications can be ethically
cleared by Chair’s action at departmental ethics committee level.
 Reviewing any problematic proposals and any appeals referred to the Committee by departmental ethics
 Maintaining confidentiality of individual proposal detail and feedback.
Responsible for:
 Overseeing ethical approval or rejection of research undertaken within the Faculty of Arts and Social
 Monitoring consistency of decision-making in ethics committees across the Faculty. A database of all
Faculty applicants will be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty Ethics Committee.
 Protecting the interests of potential research subjects: staff, students, and the general public.
 Promoting professional responsibility and accountability within the research domain.
 Providing feedback to applicants
 Co-opting particular expertise as necessary.
 Observing legal and ethical requirements to ensure the safety of all those associated with the research.
Consulted on:
 All ethical issues related to research within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Informed on:
 All research proposals within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
 Research proposals approved by departmental ethics committees within the Faculty.
 Deliberations of the University Ethics Committee.
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Executive and Board on issues relating to learning, teaching
and assessment;
 Assisting the Quality Office in the appropriate implementation of periodic review of subjects in the
Faculty in accordance with relevant codes of practice;
 Reporting to ULTAC on Faculty related learning, teaching and assessment issues.
Responsible for:
 Monitoring Faculty level implementation and further development of the University’s Learning,
Teaching and Assessment strategy;
 Liaising with ULTAC, QSC and other appropriate University committees;
 Liaising with departmental Learning, Teaching and Assessment committees (or equivalent);
 Implementation and monitoring of compliance with University and Faculty quality assurance and
enhancement procedures;
 Promoting and encouraging best practice in learning, teaching and assessment.
 Consideration of reports of the Faculty Academic Approvals Committee
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to learning, teaching and
Informed on:
 New policies and/or procedures relating to learning, teaching and assessment.
(A sub-committee of Faculty Learning, Teaching & Assessment Committee)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Executive, FLTAC and Faculty Board on approvals policy of
programmes and modules.
Responsible for:
 Ensuring that proposals for new programmes and changes to existing programmes or to the module
catalogue conform to University regulations and best practice, and are sufficiently rigorous to meet
external quality assurance inspection;
 Making recommendations to Faculty Board and PAMEC on approval of programme and modules.
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to academic approvals.
Informed on:
 New policies and/or procedures relating to academic approvals, including aspects of Collaborative
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Board on issues relating to staff development and training.
Responsible for:
 Co-ordinating the Faculty’s bid from central and Faculty resources for the development and training of
all staff groups across the Faculty;
 Developing, promoting and monitoring staff development initiatives within the Faculty, to co-operate,
where appropriate, with other Faculties’ staff development activities and to promote central staff
development programmes;
 Monitoring progress and use of resources;
 Developing, initiating, promoting and monitoring schemes for staff development and training.
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to staff development and training.
Informed on:
 New staff development and training policies and/or procedures introduced by the University.
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Executive and Board on issues related to outreach with schools
and the wider community
 Assisting the Widening Participation Committee in the appropriate implementation, at Faculty level, of
the Widening Participation Strategy
 Assisting Student Recruitment by supporting departmental outreach activities
 Ensuring appropriate collaboration with significant national and regional initiatives
Responsible for
 Monitoring Faculty level implementation and further development of the University’s WP Strategy
 Liaising with WP Committee, Student Recruitment Services, Enterprise Centre, and Federation of
Associate Colleges
 Liaising with Departmental Reach Out committees (or equivalent)
 Promoting and encouraging best practice in outreach activities
 Monitoring impact of outreach activities
Consulted on
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to Reach Out and Widening
Informed on
 Relevant policies, regional and national initiatives and best practice in Reach Out activities concerning
schools, colleges and the wider community
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advice and recommendations to Faculty Executive, Faculty Board and Faculty Collaborative Provision
Committee on issues relating to collaborative provision.
Responsible for:
 Consideration of the processes which assure quality, maintain standards and contribute to
enhancement of the collaborative provision managed by the Faculty;
 Formulating Faculty Strategy on collaborative provision prior to full consultation and approval at the
appropriate level;
 Monitoring implementation of Faculty Strategy on collaborative provision;
 Consideration of reports of the Joint Boards of Studies for Faculty collaborative provision
 Reporting to FLTAC on issues and good practice in collaborative provision;
 Promoting an appropriate programme of staff development to support Faculty collaborative provision.
Consulted on:
 Proposals for the development of policies and/or procedures relating to collaborative provision.
Informed on:
 New policies and/or procedures relating to collaborative provision.
(reports to Faculty Board)
Accountable for:
 Advising Faculty Collaborative Provision Executive and Faculty Board on issues relating to collaborative
Responsible for:
 considering annual plans for the development of the portfolio
 considering any Faculty-level issues arising from Quality Enhancement Reports, Periodic Subject
Reviews, Partner Institution Audits and QAA and other reviews
 considering Faculty-wide issues arising from the Partner Institutions’ HE provision committees and
Joint Boards of Study (or equivalent)
 considering Faculty-wide issues arising from External Examiner reports and Annual Monitoring
 developing/facilitating supportive and joint activities - e.g. dissemination of good practice in learning,
teaching and assessment, growth of scholarly activities, shared social events, staff development
Consulted on:
 Issues related to HE academic provision delivered by Partner Institutions and validated through FASS
Informed on:
 Relevant decisions of University committees
JP 09/10