Academic Planning Committee

Committee List 2007-08
Consultant - Non-Voting Member
S – Senate committee
BoG - Board committee
CASSC - College & Student Services
P – Presidential advisory committee
VP – Vice-Presidential advisory
Ex officio Members (voting)
Bonnie Patterson, (Chair, President)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Roberta Bondar (Chancellor)
Susan Apostle-Clark (Vice President
Jim Parker (Assoc. Vice President
Christine McKinnon (Dean, Arts and
Doug Evans (Dean, Graduate
Jocelyn Aubrey (Associate Dean,
Undergraduate Studies)
Jim Sutcliffe (Associate Dean, Science)
Murray Genoe (Associate Dean and
Principal of Julian Blackburn College)
Robert Clarke (University Librarian )
Jim Jury (Chair, Senate Budget
Elected Members (voting)
Kenzu Abdella (Div. III faculty)
Ian Anderson (LEC student)
Emilia Angelova (Div. I faculty)
Stephen Bocking (Div. III faculty, T1)
Stephen Brown (College Head)
Kathryn Campbell (Div. II faculty)
Jonathan Cassidy (CC student)
Saud Choudhry (Div. II faculty)
Francis Côté (GSA rep)
Peter Dawson (Div. III faculty, T2)
Catherine Dickinson (JBC student)
William Dowkes (GC student)
Hugh Elton (Div. I Chair)
Kerry Flynn (JBC Oshawa student)
David Gaherty (TC student)
Franklin Garcia Sanchez (Div. I faculty,
Sharon Hepburn (Div. II faculty)
Marg Hobbs (Div. I Chair)
Gyles Iannone (Div II Chair)
Carolyn Kapron (Div. III Chair)
David Lasenby (Div. III faculty,
Andrew MacLean (CC student)
Barb Marshall (Div. II Chair)
Don McCaskill (Div. II Chair)
Jacqueline Muldoon (Div. II Chair)
Dennis Murray (Div. III faculty,
James Neufeld (COU rep)
Bryan Palmer (Div. I Chair)
David Panagia (Div. I faculty)
Jonathan Pinto (LEC student)
Steven Rafferty (Div. III Chair)
Gord Ripley (Div. II Chair)
Ruhil Shivji (GC student)
Jim Struthers (Div. I Chair)
Igor Svishchev (Div. III faculty)
Tom Whillans (Div. III Chair)
Reem Yassawi (Div. III Chair)
Senate Executive (S)
Bonnie Patterson (Chair, President)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Ian Anderson
Stephen Brown
Saud Choudhry
Peter Dawson
Catherine Dickinson
Hugh Elton
Doug Evans
Christine McKinnon
Dennis Murray
James Neufeld
Jim Parker
Gord Ripley
Susan Salusbury (Registrar, nonvoting)
Ruhil Shivji
Reem Yassawi
To be named
3 student senators (OC (2), TC)
Official Guests (non-voting)
Susanna Ashley (CUPE 2 rep)
Gillian Balfour (TUFA rep)
Scott Dempsey (President, TCSA)
David French (alumni rep)
David Hugill (President, GSA)
Dianne Lister (Vice-President,
Rod MacDonald (President,
Christine MacLean (OPSEU)
Richard Morgan (exempt staff rep)
Don O’Leary (Vice-President,
Meri Kim Oliver (Senior Director,
Student Affairs)
Kathleen Ramsay (BOG rep
Susan Salusbury (Registrar)
Linda Smith (BOG rep internal)
Anne Taylor (staff-at-large)
Paula Wager (CUPE 1 rep)
Nominating and Governance subcommittee of Senate Executive (S)
Bonnie Patterson (Chair)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Christine McKinnon
Hugh Elton
Saud Choudhry
Ian Anderson
University Honours sub-committee
of Senate Executive (S)
Roberta Bondar (Chair)
Bonnie Patterson (Vice-Chair)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Stephen Brown
Libby Burnham
David Lasenby
Gord Ripley
Ruhil Shivji
Brenda Blackburn (consultant)
Academic Planning Committee (S)
Susan Apostle-Clark (Chair)
Tara Harrington (Secretary, non-voting)
Davina Bhandar
Torben Drewes
Jim Jury (SBC chair)
William Fraser (JBCSA)
Meaghan Kelly (TCSA)
Christine McKinnon
Bonnie Patterson
Jocelyn Aubrey (consultant)
Christopher Michael (consultant)
Susan Salusbury (consultant)
To be named
1 GSA rep
Student Awards sub-committee of
Academic Planning (S)
Jocelyn Aubrey (Chair)
Tracy Flaherty (Secretary, non-voting)
Ayman El-Amir
Carolyn Kay
Paul Manning
Michael Allcott (consultant)
Daralyn Holt (consultant)
Jennifer MacIsaac (consultant)
Gord Savage (consultant)
Undergraduate Program Review subcommittee of Academic Planning (S)
Susan Apostle-Clark (Chair)
Tara Harrington (Secretary, non-voting)
Jocelyn Aubrey
Stefan Bilaniuk
Jim Conley
Matt Hayes (TCSA)
Douglas McDermid
Christine McKinnon (consultant)
Committee on Undergraduate
Petitions (S)
Jocelyn Aubrey (Chair)
Tracy Flaherty (Secretary, non-voting)
Sally Chivers
Leonard Conolly
David Grenon (JBCSA)
Colin Taylor
To be named
TCSA rep
Continuing Education
Committee (S)
Murray Genoe (Chair)
Karen Maki (Secretary/consultant
Roy Hagman
Mark Neufeld
Janine Rodway (Oshawa rep)
Graham Taylor
To be named
1 non-credit program client
Graduate Studies Committee (S)
Doug Evans (Chair)
Loretta Durst (Secretary, nonvoting)
Deborah Berrill (T1)
Francis Côté (GSA)
Lynne Davis
Ivana Elbl
Neil Emery
Elizabeth Ermarth
Wenying Feng
Veronica Hollinger
Gyles Iannone
Susan Jamieson
Carole Moran (GSA)
David Morris (T2)
Mark Parnis
Zailig Pollock
Jim Struthers
Andrew Vreugdenhil
Shaun Watmough
Research Policy Committee (S)
James Parker (Chair)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, nonvoting)
James Conolly
Francis Côté (GSA)
Rory Coughlan
Stephen Katz
Barry Saville
Al Slavin
Jacqueline Solway
To be named
TCSA rep
Distinguished Research Award subcommittee of Research Policy (S)
James Parker (Chair)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Leonard Conolly
Barb Marshall
Chris Metcalfe
To be named
1 external scholar
GSA rep
Natural Sciences Research Grants
sub-committee of Research Policy
Al Slavin (Chair)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Wenying Feng
Vickie Maystruck (GSA)
James Parker
Jim Schaefer
SSHRC Research Grants subcommittee of Research Policy (S)
Stephen Katz (Chair)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Marit Munson
Van Nguyen-Marshall
James Parker
To be named
GSA rep
Research Ethics Board (S)
Rory Coughlan (Chair)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Gillian Balfour
John Bishop
Ingrid Brenner
Stacy Douglas (GSA)
Neal McLeod
To be named
Community rep
Research Ethics Appeal Board (S)
Cathy Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Jim Driscoll
Winnie Lem
Chair of department of the appellant
Senate Budget Committee (S)
Jim Jury (Chair)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Jacqueline Austin (TCSA)
Craig Brunetti
Francis Côté (GSA)
John Knight
Catalina Sagarra
Susan Salusbury
William Smale
Asaf Zohar
Susan Apostle-Clark (non-voting)
Don O’Leary (non-voting)
Bonnie Patterson (non-voting)
Garth Brownscombe (consultant)
Christopher Michael (consultant)
To be named
TCSA rep
To be named
To be named
TCSA rep
Special Appeals Committee (S)
Joanne Findon (Chair)(T1)
Paul Healy (Chair)(T2)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Pradeep Bandyopadhyay
Linzy Bonham (JBCSA)
Michelle Boue
Nadine Changfoot
Scott Dempsey (TCSA)
Charmaine Eddy
Terry Matthews
Kathryn McLeod (GSA)
Brian Patrick
Tyler Roach (TCSA)
Kevin Siena (T2)
Joseph So
Teaching and Learning Support
Committee (S)
Jocelyn Aubrey (Chair)
Tracy Flaherty (Secretary, non-voting)
Mark Dockstator
Joella Joseph (GSA)
Janice Millard
Judith Mintz (JBCSA)
David Sheinin
Susan Wurtele
Angie Best (consultant)
Robert Clarke (consultant)
Kristie Kerford (consultant)
Darcy Legros (consultant)
Eunice Lund-Lucas (consultant)
Lorraine Hayes (consultant)
Pete Wood (consultant)
Academic Advising sub-committee
of Teaching and Learning
Support (S)
Jocelyn Aubrey (Chair)
Tracy Flaherty (Secretary, nonvoting)
Ellen Bentzen
Lorrie Clark
Mac Fenwick
Michael Graves
Ralph Shiell
Susan Salusbury (consultant)
Library Advisory sub-committee
of Teaching and Learning
Support (S)
David Sheinin (Chair)
Shirley Rolufs (Secretary, nonvoting)
Kathryn Chittick
Robert Clarke
Francis Côté (GSA)
Marcus Pivato
Barbara Znamirowski (T1)
Bernadine Dodge (T2)
To be named
TCSA rep
1 library staff
Teaching Awards sub-committee
of Teaching and Learning
Support (S)
Susan Wurtele (Chair)
Angie Best (Secretary, non-voting)
Bill Atkinson (T1)
Ivana Elbl
Kim Fielding (Alumni)
Erin Jeschke (JBCSA)
David Patton (T2)
To be named
Part time faculty
TCSA rep
GSA rep
Technology for Teaching and
Learning sub-committee of Teaching
and Learning Support (S)
Janice Millard (Chair)
Paul Elliott
Peter Humphrys (JBCSA)
Raul Ponce
Elizabeth Popham
Anne Parker (consultant)
Pete Wood (consultant)
John Wordley (consultant)
To be named
TCSA rep
GSA rep
Undergraduate Academic Policy
Committee (S)
Christine McKinnon (Chair)
Julie Smith (Secretary, non-voting)
Murray Genoe
Terry Humphreys
Jennifer Keyes (JBCSA)
Gordon Johnston
Heather Nicol
Tyler Roach (TCSA)
Darryl Papke (non-voting)
Doug Evans (consultant)
Undergraduate Studies Committee
Jocelyn Aubrey (Chair)
Tracy Flaherty (Secretary, nonvoting)
Leslie Kerr
Byron Lew
Hailu Lockyer (JBCSA)
Zailig Pollock
Tyler Roach (TCSA)
Susan Salusbury (non-voting)
Murray Genoe (consultant)
Robert Clarke (consultant)
Committee on Academic Personnel
Christine McKinnon (Chair)
Joseph Muldoon (Secretary, nonvoting)
Olga Andriewsky
Haroon Akram-Lodhi
Jim Buttle
Robert Clarke
Scott Dempsey (undergraduate student)
Charmaine Eddy (TUFA, non-voting)
Julia Harrison
Chris Metcalfe
Orm Mitchell (T1)
Colleen O’Manique (T2)
Elaine Scharfe
Fred Tromly (T2)
Deborah White
To be named
1 graduate student
Animal Care Committee (VP acad)
Jim Sutcliffe (chair)
Bruce Ahlstrand
Gary Burness
Michael Fox (T2)
Drew Maclean (TCSA)
Nic Robar (GSA)
Brenda Smith-Chant
Tom Whillans (T1)
Jason Allen (consultant)
Jenny Laing (consultant)
To be named
2 OPSEU reps
City-University Liaison (P)
Bonnie Patterson
Paul Ayotte
Robert Ballarin
Don Cumming
Jack Doris
Malcolm Hunt
Wayne Jackson
Dianne Lister
Don O’Leary
David Morton
Doug Peacock
Linda Reed
Colin Whitfield
John Wordley
College Heads Committee (VP
Susan Apostle-Clark (Chair)
Tara Harrington (Secretary, nonvoting)
Stephen Brown
Ray Dart
Murray Genoe
Arndt Kruger
Michael Peterman
Ian Storey
Employment Equity Committee
Joeann Argue
Melanie Buddle
Karen Derian
Christine Diaz
Lois Fleming
Tara Harrington
Eunice-Lund Lucas
Christopher Michael
Ed Ng
Stephanie Williams
Facilities and Grounds Advisory
Committee (VP admin)
Don O’Leary (Chair)
Alan Brunger
Saud Choudhry
Moira Howes
Arndt Kruger
Kevin Peters
Brad White
John Wordley
To be named
TCSA rep
GSA rep
Nature Areas sub-committee of
Facilities and Grounds (VP
Alan Brunger (Chair)
Michael Berrill (T1)
Alexandra Gilbert (JBCSA)
Colin Hoag (GSA)
David Holdsworth
Michael Fox (T2)
Don O’Leary
Kevin Peters
Tyler Roach (TCSA)
John Wordley
Janet Yee
To be named
TUNG rep
Site Development and Space
Utilization sub-committee of
Facilities and Grounds (VP admin)
Kevin Peters (chair)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Sammy Feilchenfeld (TCSA)
Matthew Hayes (TCSA)
Cindy-Ellen Morgan (JBCSA)
Don O’Leary
James Penney
Michael Peterman (College Head)
John Wordley
Kelly Young
Anne Parker (consultant)
Susan Salusbury (consultant)
Chris Williams (consultant)
Pete Wood (consultant)
Environmental Advisory Board
(VP admin)
Moira Howes (Chair)
Isabel Balarezo (TCSA)
Chris Beyers
Ray Dart (College Head)
Crystal Ribey (JBCSA)
Don O’Leary (non-voting)
John Wordley (non-voting)
To be named
2 staff
GSA rep
Human Rights Committee (P)
Murray Genoe (Chair)
Gillian Balfour (TUFA)
Scott Dempsey (TCSA)
Michael Peterman
Bonnie Patterson
Rhonda Smith
Christine Sy (GSA)
To be named
CUPE rep
Exempt rep
Names Committee (P)
Bonnie Patterson (Chair)
Scott Dempsey (TCSA)
Matt Griem (Alumni)
Dianne Lister
Rod MacDonald (JBCSA)
Kevin Peters
Kathleen Ramsay
President’s Executive Group (P)
Bonnie Patterson (Chair)
Sherry Gosselin (Secretary)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Garth Brownscombe
Don Cumming
Doug Evans
Dianne Lister
Christine McKinnon
James Parker
Shirlanne Pawley Boyd
Don O’Leary
Nancy Simmons Smith
Trent Art Collection (P)
Julia Harrison (Chair)
Jodi Aoki (Secretary, non-voting)
Lynne Davis
Veronica Hollinger
Trent University Multi Workplace
Joint Health and Safety Committee
Dorothy Howard Gill (Co-Chair)
Doug Evans (Co-Chair)
Bill Gibson (Secretary, non-voting)
Louise Fish
Tara Harrington
Wayne Holtz (OPSEU)
Joella Joseph (CUPE unit 2 rep)
Errol Lewars (TUFA)
Rod MacDonald (OPSEU)
To be named
CUPE unit 1 rep
TUFA rep
Vice-President’s Academic
Advisory Council (VP acad)
Susan Apostle-Clark (Chair)
Tara Harrington (Secretary, nonvoting)
Michael Allcott
Jocelyn Aubrey
Robert Clarke
Doug Evans
Murray Genoe
Christine McKinnon
Meri Kim Oliver
James Parker
Susan Salusbury
Jim Sutcliffe
Staff rep
Alumni rep
2 members of community
Colleges and Student Services (VP
Stephen Brown (chair)
Caitlin Wehrle (Secretary, non-voting)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Emily Brady (OC)
Jacqui Brelsford (CC)
Jeffrey Cadence
Scott Dempsey (TCSA)
Michael Fan (JBCSA)
Sarah Hamilton (GSA)
Rebecca Holloway (GC)
Kristi Kerford
Colleen Lewis
Sarah Memme (LEC)
Meri Kim Oliver (non-voting)
Michael Porritt
Ian Storey
Sara Swerdlyk (TC)
Michael Allcott (consultant)
Garth Brownscombe (consultant)
Lori Johnston (consultant)
Don O’Leary (consultant)
Susan Salusbury (consultant)
Colleges Committee subcommittee of CASSC (VP acad)
Susan Apostle-Clark (chair)
John Arnou
Erin Clow (GSA)
Ray Dart
Scott Dempsey (TCSA)
Fitzsimons, Rodney
Arndt Kruger
Sarah Memme (LEC)
Stephanie Nieuwhof (CC)
Tony Stirzaker (TC)
Sarah Thompson (OC)
Alex Atfield (consultant)
Ellen Bentzen (consultant)
Stephen Brown (consultant)
Christy Carlson (consultant)
Derek Newman-Stille (consultant)
Michael Peterman (consultant)
Ian Storey (consultant)
To be named
Trent @ Oshawa rep
Academic Counsellor
Indigenous Student Service rep
Alumni rep (consultant)
Athletics Advisory sub-committee of
CASSC (VP acad)
Pauline Mills (Secretary, non-voting)
Bill Byrick
David Glassco
Reuben Jossee (CC)
Michael Konopaski
Colleen Lewis
Andrea Maxie (GSA)
Paul Nopper (OC)
Jay Parnall (JBCSA)
Eric Perry (LEC)
Erika Range (TCSA)
Erica Robinson (GC)
Jeremy Schock (TC)
To be named
Intramural rep
Varsity athlete rep
Volunteer coach
To be named
1 faculty member
1 housing rep
GC rep
Student @ Oshawa rep
Disability Services sub-committee
of CASSC (VP acad)
Maureen Haig (chair)
Carolyn Givogue (GSA)
Eunice Lund-Lucas
Judy Morozuk
Jessica Nysten (CC)
Stacey Ann Sharpless (JBCSA)
Taryn Turner (TC)
Academic Skills (consultant)
Manager, Counselling (consultant)
Director, Health Services
To be named
1 Academic Chair
1 DSO student rep
Rep from LEC, OC
TCSA rep
Fair Trade sub-committee of
CASSC (VP acad)
Meri Kim Oliver (chair)
Don Cumming
Lorraine Hayes
Danielle Hoagy (TCSA)
Colleen Lewis
Todd Noble (GSA)
Sara Swerdlyk (TC)
Housing and Food Services subcommittee of CASSC (VP acad)
Michael Porritt
Carolyn Givogue (GSA)
Sherri-Lyn Henry (LEC)
Priscilla Orlandi (TC)
Milos Radovic (Aramark)
Anne Parsons (consultant)
Lori Johnston (consultant)
Physical Resources rep (consultant)
Manager, Networks & Security
To be named
3 College Residence Life
1 (chair)
1 policies & procedures
1 guidebook
1 rep from each college (3)
TCSA rep
Religious Affairs sub-committee of
CASSC (VP acad)
Shannon Beatty
Lesley Gartner (OC)
Rebecca Holloway (GC)
Misti Irvine (JBCSA)
Robyn Trew (TCSA)
Kyrsten Wells (LEC)
Student Orientation sub-committee
of CASSC (VP Acad)
Susan Apostle-Clark
Jacqui Brelsford (CC)
Jeff Cadence
Catherine Dickinson (JBCSA)
Kathy Downs (OC)
Rosanna Grims
Daralyn Holt
Judy Morozuk
Sindy Nguyen (TC)
Nic Robar (GSA)
Erica Robinson (GC)
Robyn Trew (TCSA)
Sheldon Willerton (LEC)
Wellness Task sub-committee of
CASSC (VP academic)
Kira Alleyne (TC)
Kendra Clarke (GC)
Shannon Cocozzoli (LEC)
Reuben Jossee (CC)
Kate Kinsella
Vickie Maytruck (GSA)
Molly Parteno (OC)
Board of Governors
Reid Morden (Chair)
Kathleen Ramsay (Vice-Chair)
Bonnie Patterson (President and ViceChancellor)
Nancy Simmons Smith (Secretary, nonvoting)
Roberta Bondar
Peter Brieger
Libby Burnham
Joan Bush
Michael Butt
Robert Butterworth
Charles Coffey
Michael Gough
Brian Hamlin
Adam Henley
John Ilkiw
Pamela Jeffery
Deborah Kennett
Orm Mitchell
David Morton
Debra Nichols
Larry Popofsky
Fred Sherratt
Linda Smith
Patricia Southern
Colin Whitfield
Anne Wright
Rosemary Zigrossi
Honorary Members
Thomas Bata
Jalynn Bennett
Erica Cherney
John de Pencier
Jane Dudas
Merritt Gordon
Jon Grant
Ana Lopes
John McCarney
Lynn McDonald
Mary Mogford
David Moore
Keith Pilley
Cecil Rabinovitch
William Saunderson
Larry Seeley
Robert Stephenson
James Swanston
Len Vernon
Judith Wilder
Tod Willcox
Gary Wolff
Doug Young
Executive (BoG)
Kathleen Ramsay (Chair)
Nancy Simmons Smith (Secretary)
Libby Burnham
Michael Butt
David Morton
Fred Sherratt
Patricia Southern
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Human Resources SubCommittee of the Executive (BoG)
Kathleen Ramsay (Chair)
Sue Bartsch (Secretary)
Bonnie Patterson
Fred Sherratt
Advancement (BoG)
David Morton (Chair)
Nancy Simmons Smith (Secretary)
Alan Bonner (external)
Joan Bush
Adam Henley
Kathleen Ramsay
Anne Wright (external)
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Endowment Lands (BoG)
Michael Butt (Chair)
Susan Bartsch (Secretary)
Robert Butterworth
Mike Crawley (external)
Larry Popofsky
William Saunderson (Honorary
Leonard Vernon (external)
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Finance & Property (BoG)
Fred Sherratt (Chair)
Susan Bartsch (Secretary)
Charles Coffey
Orm Mitchell
Debra Nichols
Larry Popofsky
Colin Whitfield
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Investment & Audit (BoG)
Patricia Southern (Chair)
Susan Bartsch (Secretary)
Peter Brieger
Bryan Davies (external)
Brian Hamlin
John Ilkiw
Rosemary Zigrossi
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Nominating & Governance (BoG)
Libby Burnham (Chair)
Nancy Simmons Smith (Secretary)
Michael Gough
Pamela Jeffery
Deborah Kennett
Cecil Rabinovitch (external)
Linda Smith
Reid Morden (ex-officio)
Bonnie Patterson (ex-officio)
Aboriginal Education Council
Susan Apostle-Clark (Vice-President,
Art Beaver
Scott Carpenter
Maxine Crognale
Lynne Davis
Mark Dockstator
Karyn Drane
Doug Evans (Dean, Graduate Studies)
Shelley Fife
Patti General
Janice Hill
Patrick Keith
Peter Lafleur
Kim Lamothe
Karrie MacMurray
Nancy McDonald
Brenda McIntyre-Shelswell
David Newhouse
Bonnie Patterson (President and Vice
Wendy Phillips (TUNA rep)
Susan Salusbury
John Wadland
Beverley Bressette
Heather Levecque
Peter Martin
Terry Restoule
Brian Walmark
Frances Wesley
Faculty Board
Christine McKinnon (Chair)
Rosanna Grims (Secretary, nonvoting)
Michael Allcott
Susan Apostle-Clark
Jocelyn Aubrey
Kimberly Bates
Sharon Carew
Lynne Davis
Torben Drewes
Ivana Elbl
Hugh Elton
Neil Emery
Elizabeth Ermarth
Doug Evans
Wenying Feng
Wendy Fucile
Murray Genoe
Roy Hagman
Julia Harrison
Margaret Hobbs
Veronica Hollinger
Moira Howes
Gyles Iannone
Carolyn Kapron
Winnie Lem
Barbara Marshall
Don McCaskill
Cheryl McKenna Neuman
Jacqueline Muldoon
Colleen O’Manique (T2)
Bryan Palmer
James Parker
Mark Parnis
Brian Patrick
Bonnie Patterson
Elizabeth Popham
Zailig Pollock
Steven Rafferty
Susan Salusbury
Elaine Scharfe
Al Slavin
Tim Stapleton
Elaine Stavro (T1)
Jim Struthers
Jim Sutciffe
Doug Torgerson
Tom Whillans
Paul Wilson
Susan Wurtele (TUFA)
Reem Yassawi
Nominating Committee of Faculty
Christine McKinnon (Chair)
Rosanna Grims (Secretary, nonvoting)
Barbara Marshall
Cheryl McKenna Neuman
Teo Noriega
Mark Parnis
Faculty Council Steering
Don McCaskill (Chair)
Michael Neumann
Erica Nol
Andreas Pickel
Steven Rafferty
Tim Stapleton
Canadian Union of Public
Employees Unit #1 & Unit #2
David Berger (President)
Brent Wood (General Vice President)
John Rose (Vice President Unit 2)
Karen Sutherland (Secretary
Pamela Brown (Office Manager)
To be named
Vice President Unit 1
Chief Steward Unit 1
Chief Steward Unit 2
Graduate Students Association
David Hugill (President)
Sarah Hamilton (Vice-President)
Andrea Storm-Suke (Secretary)
Nina Simmons (Treasurer)
Stacy Douglas (Communications)
Francis Côté (Senator)
Erin Clow (Social Director #1)
Nic Robar (Social Director #2)
Instructional Development Centre
Advisory Board
Jocelyn Aubrey (chair)
Angie Best (secretary)
Sylvie Berard
Carole Moran (GSA)
Marco Pollanen
Rachel Wortis
To be named
TCSA rep
CUPE rep
Julian Blackburn College Students
Rod MacDonald (President)
Lisa Closs (Oshawa member)
Catherine Dickinson (Senator)
To be named
Secretary, Treasurer
Trent University Faculty
Susan Wurtele (President)
Peter Dawson (Vice President)
Marco Pollanen (Treasurer &
Rory Coughlan (Grievances)
Gillian Balfour (Member at large)
Sean Kane (Member at large)
Mary Jo Nadeau (Member at large)
Charmaine Eddy (Secretary)
Trent University Central Student
Scott Dempsey (President)
Jacqueline Austin (Vice President
Robyn Trew (Vice President
Tyler Roach (Vice President
Ontario Public Service Employees
Union (OPSEU) Local 365
Vice President
Chief Steward
Social and Athletic Association
Ed Flaherty (President)
Kathy Fife (Secretary)
Audrey McLaughlin (Treasurer)
Trent University Alumni Association
Council Executive
Matt Griem ’97(President)
Rod Cumming ’87(Past President)
David French ’80 (Vice President
Campus & Internal Affairs)
Lenaee Dupuis ’91 (Vice President
External & Chapter Relations)
Jan Carter ’87 (Vice President
Trent University Association of
Retired Persons
Lionell Rubinoff (Co-Chair, Faculty)
Barbara Johns (Co-Chair, Staff)
Updated October 16, 2007