Jordan Wall Studies in CFD Fall 2012 Homework 1 1.- Describe and discuss the features and differences among the various types of errors encountered in numerical computation: truncation errors, round-off errors and discretization error. Truncation error is a result of approximating the PDE by the finite difference expression algebraic equations used to represent the derivative terms in the PDE. The algebraic equations are derived from rearranging the taylor series expansion of the expression for the grid points: u(x0 + x,y0), u(x0 - x,y0), u(x0,y0 + y0), etc. Here the truncation error is the difference between the partial derivative and its finite difference representation. TE = PDE – FDE. The order of the truncation error is represented by the lowest order derivative from the remainder terms in the taylor series expansion of the PDE. Truncation error is unavoidable when trying to perform finite calculations of an infinite series; however truncation error can be reduced by using higher order TE terms i.e (O(x)2 instead of O(x)). Round off errors result from a computer rounding to a finite number of digits when performing arithmetic operations on the finite difference expressions. Round off errors may increase as grid points increase and subsequently the arithmetic operations increase. Discretization Error is the error in the solution to the PDE caused by replacing the continuous problem by a discrete one. Discretization error is the sum of the truncation error plus any error introduced by the treatment of the boundary conditions. 2.- Describe and explain the meaning of numerical stability. The concept of numerical stability is one which ensures that errors (round off or truncation) do not grow over time as marching steps are executed. Numerical stability is a concept applicable only to marching problems (initial value problems). Fourier analysis can be used to determine the maximum step size required to ensure stability. 3.- Describe and explain what is meant for the conservative property of a PDE In fluid mechanics and heat transfer the physical laws such as conservation of mass, momentum, and energy must be maintained. To derive the PDEs that represent these physical processes you must start with the control volume form of the conservation statement. The PDEs once constructed, preserve the integral conservation relations of the continuum. This is known as the conservative property of a PDE. In order for the FDE to maintain this integral relation, and hence have the conservative property, the FDE must maintain the discretized version of the conservation statement exactly (except for roundoff errors) for any mesh size over an arbitrary finite region containing any number of grid points. 4.- Describe and explain the features and differences that exist between finite difference and finite volume methods used in the discretization of PDEs. The finite volume and finite difference methods begin with establishing a grid in the medium of observation but then they diverge from there. The finite difference method then solves the continuous PDE by replacing the partial derivatives with finite difference representations at each grid point. The algebraic expressions for the PDE are then solved using one of various known methods. After a grid is established in the finite volume method, the next step is to fix the boundaries of the control volumes. The integral form of the conservation statement is then applied to the control volume, and the numerical equations are then derived. It is important to note that the same answer can be derived from both methods, but they will not always give identical results. Also it seems that discretization based on the finite volume method would have the conservative property, due to the conservation laws being applied over control volumes in space.