Name __________________________________ Physics A Date ___________ Period ________________ Vector Addition by Components You are going to practice adding vectors. Go to the following website at the University of Colorado: Once at the site, click on the green start button and let the applet load. This applet will help you understand how to add vectors together. Instructions for Operation: The process is simple. The vectors are red and in the bucket at the top right of the screen. Click on one and drag it out, you have your first vector. The length and direction of the vector can be changed by left clicking on the tip of the vector and dragging it. This will allow you to change the length and orientation of the vector. At the top of the screen are values. The first two boxes describe the magnitude and direction of the vector. When adjusting the vector, you are to use these boxes to ensure you have set it correctly. If you click on any vector on the screen, the info boxes will give the information for that vector. The components for each vector are also given. Continue to grab and drag vectors until you have all you need for any problem. Once done grabbing vectors, click on Style 3 under the component display menu on the right. You will now see the components for each of the vectors you have placed on the screen. They are shown as arrows at the end of the extended lines. Time to find the vector sum, it is obtained by clicking on the ‘Show Sum’ box on the right side of the screen. However, it is only shown as the correct size and direction not position. You must move it to complete the addition of your vectors. Now, using the vectors in the table below, add each pair and find the sum of the vectors. Then answer the questions using complete sentences. Vector Math Here is the table of vectors to use. Add the vectors listed in each trial and complete the table. Make sure to include the component values for each vector and the resultant. Read and answer question 4 after each trial. Name __________________________________ Physics A Trial Vector X Y component component Date ___________ Period ________________ Resultant Resultant Resultant X Y component component 5 at 0o 5 at 90o 10 at 0o 10 at 90o 11 at 0o 7.1 at 45o 2 at -90o 5.7 at -45o 1 2 3 4 Questions: Answer all questions in complete sentences. 1. Each vector on the screen has a line that extends from the tip of the vector to each axis. What did this line mark for each vector on each axis? 2. What did each of the fainter arrow lines represent for each of the vectors drawn? 3. When you graphically added each pair of vectors together, what happened to the vector components on the screen? How were the vector components placed on the screen in relation to each other as the vectors were added in the order you picked? Describe what you saw as the order. 4. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem and calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector using the components you have found. Compare it to the value given by the computer. Describe what you have found. 5. Now go to : a. At this site, follow the directions and use vector addition to get the boat to hit the Island a total of 5 times. For each of the trials record the water velocity vector, the boat velocity vector and the result vector for each successful result.