University of Brighton OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Student Placement Evaluation Form In order to help monitor standards and the quality of placements students must complete an evaluation form following each placement. We would like you to be as honest and constructive in your feedback as possible. This is important in enabling your educators to identify their strengths and needs in terms of providing good quality placement experiences for students. The form will be kept here at the University and a copy will be given to your educator to support their CPD. You therefore need to ensure that all feedback is written in a constructive and professional manner. If you experience difficulties with the placement, it is important that you still provide honest feedback but you may want to discuss how you present this feedback with your personal tutor. If you raise specific issues about your placement these may also be discussed with the placement coordinator responsible for that placement to ensure that your feedback is addressed. Completing this evaluation form is an important learning opportunity for you as the skill of providing constructive feedback is one that you will need to develop for your future role as a therapist. The completed evaluation must be handed in to the Practice Placement Tutor after completion of placement with your assessment form. You may also want to keep a copy of the form for your CPD folder. Student Name: Cohort: Placement Title: Date of Placement: From: To: Number of weeks: Practice Educator Name(s): Placement Address: Tel No: Placement Setting (e.g. Social Services, Community, Hospital etc.) Page 1 of 4 PREPARATION FOR PLACEMENT 1 I received information from University about how to contact my placement prior to starting 2 Before going on placement, I understood how the module learning outcomes linked to the practice experience. 3 Prior to placement I received preparatory information from my placement setting. 4 My accommodation was adequate and comfortable WELCOME AND ORIENTATION 5 I was made to feel welcome as part of the team 6 My induction/orientation programme was adequate to prepare me for my placement. 7 On my first day, I was made aware of my line of support within the placement setting. 8 I negotiated my learning contract with my Practice Educator at the beginning of the placement. 9 A student resource folder was available outlining placement setting guidelines, policies and procedures. 10 The student resource folder was current 11 The student resource folder outlined the learning opportunities available in the placement setting 12 Yes No Please briefly state reason Yes No Please briefly state reason Yes No Please briefly state reason The student resource folder was a valuable learning aid Additional information would have been useful on (please list) Learning Environment 13 I was made aware of potential learning opportunities in the placement. 14 I was encouraged to participate in discussions and ask questions appropriate to my level of experience. 15 My preferred learning styles were taken into account when planning my placement. 16 My caseload reflected my level of experience and skills. 17 I was assisted to develop my clinical reasoning skills. 18 I was provided with opportunities to achieve all my learning objectives. 19 My Practice Educator explained the evidence base of interventions. Page 2 of 4 20 I was able to observe and discuss an interprofessional approach to care. 21 Any special needs that I have related to my learning on placement were discussed and considered 22 I accessed the local NHS Trust/ placement library whilst on my placement If yes please list resources accessed (books, journals, e-literature, online information etc.) ASSESSMENT OF PRACTICE 22 My learning objectives were specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed. 23 My learning contract was reviewed throughout my placement and developed /renegotiated as required. 24 My Practice Educator understood how to use the assessment documentation. 25 I understood how to use my assessment documentation. 26 I had regular opportunities to reflect on my strengths, achievements and areas for development with my Practice Educator. 27 I received a halfway report on my progress midway through my placement. SUPPORT AND SUPERVISION 28 My Practice Educator and I discussed what I had learned prior to this placement. 29 My Practice Educator and I discussed their expectations of me while on my placement. 30 My Practice Educator and I discussed how I would be supported and supervised. 31 My practice educator was adequately prepared and experienced to supervise me 32 My Practice Educator gave me regular constructive informal feedback. 33 I received formal supervision for a minimum of 1 hour a week. 34 My Practice Educator gave me constructive formal feedback. 35 My Practice Educator supported me to apply theory to practice. 36 I was encouraged to creatively explore my professional development as a student occupational therapist. 37 I received support from the University whilst on placement. Page 3 of 4 Yes No Please briefly state reason Yes No Please briefly state reason 38 If yes please state how (tutor visit, tutorial, action learning set, telephone contact etc.) 39 I found the support from the University valuable. 40 I knew how to ask for additional support from the University if required. MANAGEMENT AND ORGANISATION 41 I was supernumerary at all times. 42 Risk management procedures were in place to support staff to practice safely. 43 Sufficient resources were available on the placement to support learning such as books, journals, internet access etc. 44 Overall this was an effective learning experience. 45 Overall I enjoyed the placement Yes No Please briefly state reason What did you enjoy most about the placement? What did you enjoy least about the placement? Please add any additional comments such as strengths of the placement or difficulties you experienced and constructive suggestions for modifications/improvements for future placements in this setting. 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