Uaa career services · beb 122 · (907) 786-4513

Uaa career services center  beb 122  (907) 786-4513
Handout number 9
Using the career
resource lab
Before you decide on a major, a career direction, or a job offer, you should know as much
as you can about your options. Research into career or occupational information can help
you to develop realistic and viable career alternatives, to understand the academic and
experiential background that would best prepare you for an occupation, and to make
effective decisions.
The Career Resource Lab (CRL), located in BEB 122 can help you find out more about
the careers you are considering. This handout will outline the types of materials and
services available and introduce you to occupational literature research skills.
At the Career Resource Lab you can find:
Files on UAA Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Undergraduate School Directories
Graduate School Directories and Files
Occupational Information Books and Files
Summer Job and Internship Information
Career Planning and Job Search Information and Videos
Employer Directories and Videos
Geographic Employer Directories
International/Overseas Career Information
Special Populations Career Publications
Magazines and Periodicals
Salary Survey Information
Adult Learner Resources
Student Affairs
The information contained in this handout is the property of the UAA Career Services Center. As such it is protected; no part of this
publication may be used or reproduced without written permission. Proper citation is required.
1. Job Search Strategies
2. Resume Writing
3. Letters for the Job Search Process
4. Interview Skills
5. Planning Successful Interview Trips
6. Legal/Illegal Interview Questions
7. Occupational Information Interviewing
8. Seeing a Career Counselor – What to Expect
9. Using the Career Resource Lab
10. Internship and Summer Job Search
11. Applying to Graduate or Professional Schools
12. The Federal Government Hiring Process
13. Job Searching on the World Wide Web
14. Networking
15. AKCIS Computer Assisted Guidance
Other Services
1. Individual Career Counseling
2. Group Career Counseling
3. AKCIS Computer Assisted Guidance
4. Resume Preparation and Interview Skills Seminars
5. Internships
6. Outreach Programming
7. Credential File Program
8. On-Campus Recruiting and Interviews
9. A Day-in-the-Life Program
10. Off Campus Placement Assistance
UAA is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and
employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance or qualifications as
determined by university policy or by state or federal authorities. UAA does not discriminate against any person
because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation,
or veteran status. Direct all affirmative action inquires to the Campus Diversity and Compliance Office, 3211
Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508 (907) 786-4680
When necessary, this publication will be made available in alternative formats. Please contact the Career
Services Center Director to let us know how we can accommodate your needs.
Files on UAA Majors
These files in the Career Resource Lab contain up-to-date information on most
Undergraduate and many Graduate academic departments and programs at UAA.
Information may include:
Description of the major
Requirements involved in the major
Course descriptions
Departmental activities
Career profiles
Career information
Supporting courses
On-campus recruiting information on major
Files on UAA Graduate Programs
Undergraduate School Directories
For students who are considering alternative colleges or universities, the Career Resource
Lab houses publications such as:
 Peterson’s Guide to 2-year Colleges
 Peterson’s Guide to 4-year Colleges
Graduate School Directories and Files
The Career Resource Lab houses the Peterson’s Guides to Graduate and Professional
Programs, including the general guide and the Guides by field. In addition, the Career
Resource Lab provides guides to professional programs such as MBA programs, law
schools, and medical schools.
In preparation for graduate school admission, the Career Resource Lab also carries some
reference books on taking the graduate school admissions tests.
Occupational Information
Information on various occupations is available in two forms:
Files – Arranged alphabetically by job title, this information is obtained from employer
trade associations, professional societies, the U.S. Department of Labor, and other
Books – Arranged primarily by occupational categories. Other categories include:
Government, Nonprofit/Public sector, and special population publications.
Summer Job and Internship Information
Many books are published informing students of internships available across the country.
The Career Resource Lab offers many of these resources including:
National Directory of 2000 Internships (annual updates)
Directory of Overseas Summer Jobs
Directory of International Internships
National Directory of Arts Internships
Internships: Accounting, Banking, Brokerage, Finance, and Insurance
Internships: Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, and Sales
Internships: Newspaper, Magazine, and Book Publishing
Internships: Travel and Hospitality Industry
Internships: Radio and Television Broadcasting and Production
For current or immediate internships and summer job openings, notebooks and files are
made available for student use. Some notebooks consist of notices and flyers sent by
employing organizations.
Career Planning and Job Search Information
As a supplement to career counseling, computer-assisted guidance, or career workshops,
the Career Resource Lab offers a variety of career planning and job search books. Many
students find the additional help offered by these publications to be of benefit in their
career exploration and job search. Some particular areas of interest might include:
Resume Writing
Cover Letter and Job Search Letters
Job Search
Career Changing
Obtaining Reference Letters
Transition from College to Workplace
Occupational Information available may include:
Job Descriptions
Typical Work Tasks
Work Settings
Education/Training suggested or required
Related civilian and military occupations
Career ladders
Projected outlook/demand
Average salaries
Related professional or trade associations
Where you can find additional information
Interviews with professionals in the career
Employer Directories
For those students looking for potential employers, contacts for occupational information
interviews, or more information on an employer, the Career Resource Lab provides
directories of employers. These directories are arranged by academic college or by
specialty areas, including Government Directories and Multiple Subject Directories.
Some directories include a job title, industry, and/or geographic index of their listings.
Some include names of personnel representatives to whom students should write
regarding job opportunities.
Geographic Employer Directories
This section features the Job Bank series which list thousands of employers in specific
metropolitan or geographic regions.
International/Overseas Career Information
Located with the Employment Directories, these books, brochures, and international
updates provide information on where the jobs are, how to get them, and thoughts on
living overseas. These publications include finding work overseas or in the United States
with American or international companies, including government agencies, non-profit
organizations, businesses and banks, etc.
Special Populations Career Publications
These publications address the career development needs of minorities; women and
internationals; gay, lesbian, and bisexual students; students with disabilities; and
individuals considering mid-career changes.
Magazines and Periodicals
Career Services receives many publications either through subscription or from particular
publishers that provide up-to-date information on career trends, special interest groups,
and job opportunities. Many of these materials are available for students to take with
them. Some publications carried by the Career Resource Lab include:
Woman Engineer
Hispanic Engineer
New Accountant
Minority Engineer
Careers and the Disabled
Equal Opportunity
Salary Survey Information
These reports include the annual Salary Survey, published quarterly by the National
Association of Colleges and Employers.
Adult Learners
This section includes books and articles addressing education and career planning issues
and items of interest for career changers.
The information contained in this handout is reproduced with the permission of Penn State Career Services.