IFC Release Specific Concept Description (IFC2X3) Linear Single Segment Non-Clipped Non-Slanted Arbitrary Straight Edge Profile Reference <Reference field> Version Status 1 Draft Relationships History First draft 9.5.2006 Authors Sakari Lehtinen Document Owner TUT (Tampere University of Technology) Description 000 - IFC2x2 <Building Element> TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 TMP-001 - IFC2x2 <Building Element> Geometry Extruded Solid Linear Arbitrary Straight Edge Single Segment Non Clipped Non Slanted IfcProductDefinitionShape Name Description + Representations > IfcShapeRepresentation + ContextOfItems > RepresentationIdentifier RepresentationType + Items > IfcGeometricRepresentationContext IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef + ProfileType ProfileName + OuterCurve > IfcExtrudedAreaSolid + SweptArea > + Position > + ExtrudedDirection > + Depth IfcProfileTypeEnum CURVE AREA Profile definition points in the profile’s coordinate system. First and the last must be the same. IfcCartesianPoint IfcCartesianPoint IfcCartesianPoint +Coordinates Coordinates ++Coordinates IfcPolyline + Points > List of IfcLengthMeasure Origo of the profile’s coordinate system relative to objects placement. IfcPositiveLengthMeasure IfcAxis2Placement3D + Location > Axis > RefDirection > Depth of the extrusion. Must be >0 IfcCartesianPoint + Coordinates IfcDirection + DirectionRatios List [3] of IfcLengthMeasure List [3] of Real Direction of the profile’s coordinate system Z -axis relative to objects placement. IfcDirection + DirectionRatios List [3] of Real Direction of the profile’s coordinate system X -axis relative to objects placement. IfcDirection + DirectionRatios List [3] of Real Direction of extrusion relative to objects placement. For example: (0.,0.,1.). Shall not be perpendicular to the local z-axis. Implementation agreements: - Profile Type is AREA - The first and the last of the profile definition points must be the same - The profile is not allowed to cross itself - Position defines the profile coordinate system origo - Axis defines the direction of the local Z-axis - Refdirection defines the direction of the local X-axis - Depth of the extrusion must be greater than zero This document uses the official IAI View Definition Format version 1.0.6. The content of this document has to be certified by the IAI before becoming part of an Official IAI View Definition.