education welfare service contact details

Children, Family and Adult Services
Inclusion & Access
June 2013
SERVICE DESCRIPTION............................................................................................. 1
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................ 3
PERSISTENT ABSENCE ................................................................................................................................ 4
LOOKED AFTER CHILDREN ...................................................................................................................... 4
ELECTIVE HOME EDUCATION .................................................................................................................. 5
CHILD PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................. 6
CHILDREN MISSING EDUCATION ............................................................................................................. 7
CHILDREN IN EMPLOYMENT ..................................................................................................................... 7
CHILDREN IN ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTING LICENCES........................................................................ 7
PARENTING ................................................................................................................................................ 8
PARENTING SUPPORT ADVISERS .............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
FAMILY INTERVENTION PROJECT ............................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
HOME TUITION ......................................................................................................................................... 8
ANTI-BULLYING ........................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
TEENAGE PREGNANCY ............................................................................................................................. 9
BEHAVIOUR & ATTENDANCE PARTNERSHIPS ...................................................................................... 10
SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS ............................................................................................................. 10
BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................ 11
YOUTH OFFENDING TEAM.................................................................................................................... 11
MINORITY ETHNIC AND TRAVELLER CHILDREN ................................................................................. 12
FAIR ACCESS PROTOCOL & HARD TO PLACE PUPILS ......................................................................... 12
EDUCATION WELFARE SERVICE CONTACT DETAILS .................................. 14
OTHER USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS.................................................................. 20
USEFUL POLICIES AND RELATED DOCUMENTS ............................................. 22
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - January 2013
Education Welfare Service
Service Description
The education welfare service is part of the children, family and adult services of East Riding
of Yorkshire Council and is responsible for carrying out the local authority's legal duty in
respect of school attendance. The principle aim of the service is to maximise attendance at
school for all children of compulsory school age in accordance with relevant legislation by
working in partnership with pupils, parents, schools and other agencies including working
within the children's trust.
The education welfare service promotes the safeguarding of children and young people in
schools, elective home education, missing education, in employment and in entertainment. It
also incorporates the home tuition service and the minority ethnic and traveller attainment
service, ensuring vulnerable children have access to education.
The service provides support, advice, guidance and information to pupils, their families and
schools, and acts as the bridge between the home and the school when relationships break
down. The service also supports children in care to achieve their educational potential.
The education welfare service comprises of a principal education welfare officer, a home
tuition coordinator, three senior education welfare officers, and a team of education welfare
officers with wide ranging areas of expertise.
The service has, or contributes to, a number of challenging national targets, we respond to
these in creative and innovative ways. The service is child centred and dedicated to social
inclusion, working across a number of areas where children are at risk of social exclusion or
are poor school attendees. The service is involved in a number of projects and activities in
partnership with other support services and agencies under the children’s trust.
Our key duties include:
Developing a framework and strategic direction for improving attendance.
Working with schools to maximise attendance and promoting social inclusion.
Taking legal action when it is considered necessary, including the use of penalty
notices, education supervision orders and school attendance orders.
Working with the minority ethnic and traveller attainment service to promote access
to education and school attendance.
Tracking and monitoring children not receiving a suitable education or missing from
Monitoring the education of children who are educated otherwise than at school
(elective home education).
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Ensuring regulations relating to child employment and entertainment are complied
with, including enforcement action where necessary.
Leading on education parenting orders and providing voluntary parenting support
through attendance and behaviour related parenting contracts.
Integrated working within the authority and with external agencies and partners.
Targeted activities that support our statutory duties include:
Improving educational opportunities for looked after children.
Providing advice, guidance and support to schools on safeguarding issues and coordinating training.
Maximising the attendance at school for children with special educational needs.
Ensuring access to education for pregnant schoolgirls and school age parents.
Supporting the Local Authority alternative provision team in ensuring attendance and
monitoring pupil participation on their allocated programmes.
Ensuring links are maintained with the youth offending team, to improve access to
education for young offenders.
Providing training, and working in partnership with schools to develop effective ways
of addressing attendance concerns and sharing good practice.
Working with parents to develop parenting skills and supervising the work of parent
support advisors.
Providing training and guidance to schools, governing bodies, foster carers,
professional bodies and other agencies, both statutory and voluntary, in areas such
as, sexual health, safeguarding children, children missing education and elective home
Working with Headteachers of both the Primary and Secondary Behaviour and
Attendance Partnerships, to raise attainment and improve outcomes for young
people. Supporting the partnerships with implementing government policy and
advising on procedures and strategies.
Most services provided by the education welfare service are free of charge to schools (not
Academies). However, schools and academies may purchase additional Education Welfare
Service support through a service level agreement; this can be done by contacting the
principle education welfare officer.
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Access to Service
School Attendance
Education welfare officers work with schools to ensure that
children can access an efficient full-time education suitable to their
age, ability, and aptitude and to any special educational need they
may have (Education Act 1996, S.7).
The education welfare service assists schools to develop policies
and strategies to improve pupil attendance. The service can also
support schools with setting targets for overall absence,
implementing procedures for identifying and addressing persistent
absenteeism and for referring ongoing attendance concerns to the
education welfare service.
A referral form can be
accessed on the schools
attendance section of the
eRiding website.
The education welfare service works with schools to Ensure attendance is considered a priority by Headteachers
and senior management teams
 Support the implementation of a robust school attendance
 Provide advice and guidance on policies and good practice
relating to attendance
 Ensure there is a whole school approach to improving
 Put into practice systems to identify children with high
levels of absence and to agree school action plans to
improve attendance
The education welfare service works with parents to Support them to liaise with school staff when difficulties
 Offer advice and guidance on strategies to improve
 Refer to other supporting agencies
 Provide parenting skills training
The education welfare service Mediates between parents, pupils and schools where
relationships have become difficult
 Works within an integrated children’s service to meet the
needs of individual children
 Regularly reviews school attendance data and procedures
The education welfare service aims to support schools, children
and their families to improve attendance.
Where an The
improvement is not made the service will consider the use of the service
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Access to Service
following in an attempt to secure an improvement:
 Parenting contracts (attendance)
 Fast track to prosecution
 Education Supervision orders
 Penalty Notices for unauthorised absences
strategy, referral form and
guidance are available on the
Schools can also refer cases to the education welfare service for
consideration for a penalty notice where absences have occurred
due to unauthorised term time holidays.
Persistent Absence
Schools are identified as persistent absence schools if they have
more than 5 per cent of their pupils as persistent absentees in the
academic year
The education welfare service will:
Identify persistent absence schools or those at risk of
becoming persistent absence schools early
Help persistent absence schools draw up action plans and
set targets
Facilitate support meetings and training
Work with the primary and secondary behaviour and
attendance consultants to monitor progress of persistent
absence schools.
Additional support will be
Instructions on how to
extract persistent absence
information from a school’s
system can be accessed on
the schools intranet and the
Looked After Children
Education welfare officers support children who are looked after
by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council. As well as monitoring
the attendance of these children in care, education welfare officers
are responsible for ensuring that each looked after child has a biannual review of their educational needs. The designated teacher
is responsible for ensuring the educational needs of looked after
learners are met and that a personal education plan is prepared
and followed.
Templates and guidance
documents are available on
the schools intranet and the
Whenever a child looked after by the East Riding of Yorkshire
Council is placed in a school, an education welfare officer will
contact the schools designated teacher to ensure that the child’s
personal education plan is updated.
Education welfare officers also liaise with partner agencies,
children’s homes and foster carers where there are issues relating
to attendance.
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Access to Service
Children who are looked after by other local authorities are
sometimes placed with foster carers or in children’s homes in the
East Riding of Yorkshire; Before such a placement takes place, the
home local authority should have discussed education provision
and agreed with East Riding Of Yorkshire Council an appropriate
school or alternative learning programme placement.
The education welfare service is responsible for organising annual
training events for all designated teachers from schools in the East
Riding of Yorkshire. Each school is responsible for ensuring that
their designated teacher accesses annual training.
Elective Home Education
Parents who wish to educate their child other than by attendance Contact
at school are able to do so. It is the parents’ responsibility to welfare officer for elective
ensure that they provide an efficient, full-time education suitable home education.
to their child’s age, ability, and aptitude and to any special
educational need they may have (Education Act 1996, S.7).
It is the responsibility of the education welfare service to monitor
this provision and where necessary to challenge parents and insist
that, where education provision is not sufficient, the child be
placed back on the roll of a school to receive their entitlement to
education. Any pupil returning to a school roll from elective
home education will have their school place allocated through the
fair access panel.
To remove their child from a school roll to electively home
educate, parents must put this in writing to the head teacher. It is
good practice for schools to allow a 10 school day ‘cooling off’
period, should parents wish to withdraw from this course of
action. The school can then remove the child from the school
roll. The education welfare service will then enter the child’s
details on their database and monitor accordingly.
The school should send a
copy of the parent’s letter to
service within ten days of
receiving it from the parent.
This is also the case for children with a special educational need
who attend mainstream education; however for a child with a
special educational need attending a special school, their parent The headteacher should
cannot simply write to the head teacher and remove their child contact
from the school roll. The school must seek permission to remove educational needs team.
the child from their roll from the local authority special
educational needs team. This team will assess if the parent can
meet the child’s educational needs via elective home education.
The special educational needs team will inform the parent and the
school of their decision in writing.
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Access to Service
The education welfare service should be informed of any child
returning to school who has previously been electively home
Some children who are electively home educated may wish to
access specific aspects of their education via a school, for example
where their parents cannot provide equipment. It is the parent’s
responsibility to contact the school and access is at the head
teacher’s discretion. Where a school accepts an electively home
educated pupil for a specific lesson or lessons, the pupil must
attend all the appropriate school sessions and be marked present
for these sessions. When not attending, the school can mark the
pupil as a B, as the education welfare service will be monitoring
the education provided by the parent. Schools receive the full
funding for these flexi-learning pupils.
Child Protection
The Child Protection Officer for Schools (CPO) is based in the of
the East Riding Safeguarding Children Board (ERSCB)
Safeguarding Unit and maintains links with the education welfare
service to provide advice, guidance and support to schools  on developing related policies and procedures
 to the designated school child protection coordinator
 in developing joint working with the local Family Support
Team , ERSCB and other agencies
 in dealing with individual or school specific concerns or
 on pre and post Ofsted planning and development.
templates in relation to
protection are available at
The CPO provides, or accesses appropriate child protection &
safeguarding training for school staff and governors. The officer
also provides advice and guidance to schools in relation to safe Contact
and appropriate working practices for staff.
authority Designated Officer
In the event of a school receiving an allegation against a member
of staff or volunteer, the Child Protection Officer for schools acts 01482-392139
as the Local Authority Designated Office (for managing allegations 01482-396999
against school staff & volunteers) and should be contacted
immediately. If an allegation is received by another agency the
Child Protection Officer / LADO will contact the school and
advise and support the school in the allegation management
process and liaise with other agencies as appropriate.
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Access to Service
Children Missing Education
The education welfare service have a responsibility to Identify those children not on a school role and/or who are
not receiving a suitable education
 Ensure that these children are placed on a school role swiftly
or registered for elective home education
 Challenge schools for those children on a school role but who
are not receiving a suitable education (e.g. due to part time
timetables or any special educational need)
 Trace children who have gone missing from education
Any school aware of a child
not on roll at a school, or
where the school wishes to
check if a child is on roll at a
school should contact the
education welfare service.
The policy and procedure
that schools should follow
can be found on the
Schools must follow the East Riding of Yorkshire Children Missing eRiding.
Education Policy where they think a child on their school roll has
gone missing.
Children in Employment
Children may have part time employment once they reach 13
years of age. It is an offence for an employer to employ a child
below the age of 13 years. All children who are engaged in paid
or voluntary employment are required to be registered with the
local authority and issued with a work permit to work legally. It is
the responsibility of the parent and employer to ensure this
happens, however schools and parents should advise the local
authority if they are aware that a young person is working illegally.
Any school who wishes to
check if a child is employed
in a registered employment,
or to report a child who is
employed in an unregistered
job should contact the
education welfare service
There are many permitted areas of employment for young people,
however there are some restrictions for safety and protection
reasons; there are also limitations on the number of hours that a
child may work.
Advice leaflets and the child
form can be found on the
schools intranet and on the
These limitations are in place to safeguard the child and to ensure eRiding.
that employment does not adversely affect the child’s attendance
at school.
The education welfare service has responsibility to register and
monitor child employment in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Children in Performances, Modelling & Sporting Activities
The education welfare service is responsible for licensing children
who live in the East Riding of Yorkshire to perform in a range of
entertainments. Children can take part in a variety of activities,
but there are limitations on the times and duration of their
performances. Not all activities require a licence, however if the
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
Any school who wishes to
check if a child is in a
registered entertainment, or
to report a child who is
involved in unregistered
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Access to Service
child is absent from school to attend a performance then a licence entertainment,
will always be necessary. A copy of the child’s licence will be sent contact
to the school.
welfare service.
If a request for a child to be absent from school to take part in a
performance is received from parents, the school should ensure
that the involvement is not to the detriment of the child’s
In the absence of a parent, a child may require a chaperone to be
present during a performance and to ensure the child’s well being
and returns home safely. The education welfare service is
responsible for licensing chaperones in the East Riding of
Advice leaflets relating to
children in entertainment
and chaperones can be
found on the schools
The education welfare service has core education welfare officers
who have expertise in supporting families where parenting skills
are a barrier to ensuring the regular attendance of pupils. An
appropriate assessment of parenting need is undertaken and if
additional support is identified, then support can be offered for
individual 1-1 support or group support which includes following
accredited parenting programmes. The senior education welfare
officer (parenting), also monitors and supports the use of
voluntary parenting contracts within the education welfare
If a voluntary parenting
contract is being considered
for a pupil the education
welfare officer (parenting)
will invite the school to a
meeting to plan the desired
outcomes of the contract.
For further information on
parenting support contact
your area senior education
Magistrates have the power to grant parenting orders in cases welfare officer.
where parents have been prosecuted for the poor school
attendance of their children. These parenting orders usually last Copies of attendance and
for one year and are supervised by the education welfare service.
behaviour related parenting
contracts can be found on
the attendance section of
Home Tuition
The home tuition service provides temporary educational support
for pupils who are unable to attend school for medical reasons
(physically ill, injured, or mental health difficulties). The purpose is
to minimise disruption to education. The service aims to provide
as full curriculum access as is possible to enable pupils to return
smoothly to school as soon as their health permits. The service
also provides temporary educational support for pregnant school
girls and young mothers.
Pupils who are expected to be absent from school for more than
15 school days are eligible to receive support once the coEducation Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
Referrals should be made to
the home tuition service by
completing a referral form
available on eRiding and the
schools intranet. Should a
referral be urgent schools
can provide information
over the telephone by
contacting 01482 392209.
Referrals may come direct
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Access to Service
ordinator for home tuition has received a recommendation from
the appropriate authority confirming that it would be inadvisable
for the child to attend school. Recommendations with regard to
physical illness or injury are generally sought from the senior
clinical medical officer or from the hospital consultant who has
been treating the child. On those occasions where a child is
suffering from severe emotional or psychological problems, which
prevent attendance at school, a recommendation will be sought
from the clinical psychology team (child and adolescent mental
health team).
to the home tuition service
from the child’s specialist /
consultant or the medical
team treating the child.
schoolgirls must be made by
the education welfare officer
allocated to the case.
The large majority of pupils receive support from the service in
the knowledge that their ultimate goal is to return to school as
soon as their health permits. Following consultation with pupil,
parent and school an individual programme of reintegration will be
arranged. Tutors may provide tuition sessions on the school site,
or in-class support, as a means of helping the pupil gradually adjust
to the school environment.
Pregnant Schoolgirls and Teenage Parents
If a girl becomes pregnant while of compulsory school age, a
referral should be made immediately to the education welfare
The education welfare officer allocated to the case can offer
advice and access a range of agencies to help support pregnant
schoolgirls and teenage parents with:
- Deciding to continue with the pregnancy or proceed with
- Arranging home tuition
- Arranging care to learn funding for childcare provision
- Supporting schools with risk assessments and arranging
continuing appropriate education provision
- Supporting the school in completing a common assessment
form where necessary
- Providing advice and guidance relating to sexual health
- Being part of multi agency support arrangements working
alongside other services / agencies and assuming the lead
professional role where appropriate
- Referring to young parent groups across county
- Referring pupils at the end of year 11 to a Connexions
personal advisor?
Sexual health training is available for school staff and is
incorporated into the sexual health training diary.
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
Advice and support relating
to teenage parents and
sexual health is available
from the education welfare
The referral form for
teenage pregnancy, risk
assessment form and sexual
health training diary are
available on the schools
intranet and the attendance
section of eRiding.
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Access to Service
Behaviour & Attendance Partnerships
Behaviour and attendance partnerships enable schools and the Details of the partnerships,
local authority to work collaboratively on initiatives to improve their policies, protocols and
behaviour and attendance.
available on eRiding.
All secondary schools and pupil referral units in East Riding of
Yorkshire are part of a single behaviour and attendance
For further information
Primary schools also have a behaviour and attendance partnership contact the behaviour &
to which all primary and nursery phase schools are members.
Each school will have a representative through whom issues can
be raised.
Special schools also have their own behaviour & attendance
Policies developed include:
- Term time holiday policy
- Reintegration programmes
- Managed moves protocol
- Attendance policy
Special Educational Needs
The education welfare service works with schools, pupils, families
and the local authority special educational needs team to maximise
the attendance of all pupils who are experiencing difficulties
attending/accessing education due to their additional need.
concerns should be referred
to the education welfare
service. The referral form is
available on the schools
The education welfare service pays particular attention to the intranet and the attendance
attendance of all pupils who are recorded as school action, school section of eRiding.
action plus or who have a statement of special educational need.
No pupil should be on a part time timetable, only re-integration
programmes (working towards full time provision) are acceptable.
If a school puts a pupil on a part time table because they cannot
manage the pupils behaviour on a full time basis, legally the time
not in school is viewed as unofficial exclusions, therefore schools
could be legally challenged on this practice.
The education
welfare service will work with schools, following a referral, to
support re-integration programmes for pupils with special
educational needs or those at school action, or school action plus.
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
Guidance on re-integration
programmes and a reintegration
template is available on the
schools intranet and the
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Access to Service
Behaviour Support
There is specialist education welfare service officer within the
education inclusion service. This education welfare officer accepts
referrals from advisory teachers and educational psychologists
For issues relating to
behaviour support, please
inclusion team.
If a student referred to the education inclusion service has
attendance issues relating to exclusions, then this education
welfare officer may work with the student and their family to
implement planned strategies agreed with the education inclusion
service to improve attendance and behaviour and prevent further
exclusions. The education welfare officer will also support families
with one to one parenting advice.
Local Authority Alternative Programmes (LAAPs)
All pupils who access educational programmes arranged by the
local authority will have their attendance monitored by the
education welfare officer allocated to the Local Authority
alternative programme team. The education welfare officer will
use appropriate legal measures to ensure the attendance of pupils
on these programmes.
Colleges and providers have electronic registers linked to the
local authority system which is updated regularly. The education
welfare service can monitor and identify any attendance concerns
allowing for interventions and strategies to be put in place to
improve attendance.
For information relating to
the attendance of a student
who accesses a local
programme, please contact
Application forms for a local
programme are available on
Pupils should not be removed from the school roll until this has
been agreed with the Local Authority alternative programme
coordinator. Until this time the school register should be marked
as B (educated off site), provided the pupil has attended the
alternative provision. If the pupil fails to attend the alternative
provision the school register should reflect this with the
appropriate mark. Special educational needs pupils remain on a
school register until they cease to be of compulsory school age.
Youth Offending Service
The education welfare service maintains links with the youth For further information,
offending team, working with officers to promote the school contact the youth offending
attendance of all young people who are involved with the youth team.
offending team.
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Access to Service
Minority Ethnic and Traveller Children
The Minority Ethnic & Traveller Attainment Service (METAS)
works with schools to:
Provide advice and support in raising the achievement of pupils
from minority ethnic (ME) backgrounds, including Gypsy, Roma
and Travellers, and pupils with English as an Additional Language
Provide training to school staff, and outside agencies linked with
educational provision, on issues which relate to raising of
achievement for ME pupils – e.g.: cultural awareness, new arrivals,
community links, induction, whole school inclusion, school
attendance, community cohesion, distance learning.
Monitor analysis of data in order to inform the drive towards
improving standards for ME pupils.
Support positive links to build effective communications between
school, home and community.
Provide information on appropriate resources for ME/EAL
A referral form requesting
support/advice from the
Minority Ethnic & Traveller
Attainment Service can be
accessed on the schools
intranet. METAS Service
nature/level of support/advice
required from METAS and
will allocate appropriate
member of team in response.
Completed referral forms
should be emailed to:
education.welfare@eastriding who will forward
them to Ann Ward, METAS
Service Manager.
METAS works with parents to:
Support them to liaise and communicate with school/agencies
when they are unable to do so independently.
Provide parenting skills training.
Inform and advise re other supporting agencies.
Advise them of rights and responsibilities in regard to the
education of their children.
METAS works with partners and other agencies to:
Ensure language and cultural needs of ME families are identified
and met.
Support and promote youth, community and lifelong learning
initiatives which are of benefit to ME families/communities, e.g.:
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes, family
literacy and numeracy classes.
Fair Access Protocol & Hard to Place Pupils
The fair access panel meets fortnightly to consider the placement
of pupils under the fair access protocol. Pupils that are
considered under this protocol are mainly those that are
considered as ‘hard to place’ e.g. permanently excluded children,
children who have been out of education for a long period, or
children with significant challenging behaviour.
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
contact the inclusion &
access manager.
The fair access protocol is
available in the attendance
section of eRiding
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Access to Service
Page 13
01482 392146
01482 392850
Education Welfare Service
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA
Sam Tomkins
Principal Education
Welfare Officer
management of
the education
welfare service and
its functions
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
01482 392135
Page 14
North Team
Graham Batty
Senior Education
Welfare Officer
01482 392148
01482 392128
07931 738510
01759 302395
07887 532441
Lesley Brown
Education Welfare
Heather Hall
Education Welfare
Ruth Ibbetson
Education Welfare
Steve Parkin
Education Welfare
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West Team
David Bedson
Senior Education
Welfare Officer
01482 392198
07919 328795
01482 392128
01482 392434
07795 427792
Joanne Bennett
Education Welfare
Lesley Brown
Education Welfare
Ann-Marie Burbidge
Education Welfare
Rebecca Law
Education Welfare
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East Team
Sarah Wright
Senior Education
Welfare Officer
01482 392141
01964 614467
Lynda Kelly
Education Welfare
Sam Lawson
Education Welfare
07833 234158
Amanda Richardson
Education Welfare
07917 175300
07795 635040
07795 207814
Angie Spence
Education Welfare
Kelli Taylor
Education Welfare
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Authority Wide Services
Ann Ward
METAS Service
07823 326308
07881 582169
07823 327619
Elaine Frankish
Access & Welfare
Naomi Wilson
Outreach Support
Carolyn Bradbury
Education Welfare
Lesley Brown
Education Welfare
Primary Behaviour
& Attendance
Elective Home
01482 392149
01482 392128
Sean Cogley
Education Welfare
Looked After
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
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01482 392143
Page 18
Sam Lawson
Education Welfare
Looked After
07833 234158
Lynsey Rust
Education Welfare
Looked After
01482 392256
Barry Toynton
Education Welfare
Local Authority
01482 392140
Amanda Richardson
Education Welfare
Simon Kirby
Home Tuition
Children Missing
home tuition for
children who are
unable to attend
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
07917 175300
01482 392211
Page 19
Other Useful Contact Details
Team Contact Details
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Room AF56
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA
Education Inclusion Support(EIS)
Room AF56
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA
01482 392162
Educational psychologists
Local authority alternative provision (LAALP) team
01482 392151
01482 392153
01482 392112
METAS website
Minority Ethnic and Traveller Attainment Service
Room AF38
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA
01482 392554
DfE website, ME achievement
DfE website Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
Migration Yorkshire, regional community
Extended Services Project Coordinator
Early Years and Extended Services
Room BF75
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 0LF
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
01482 392223
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School Admissions Team
Room AF42
County Hall
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU17 9BA
Youth Offending Team
Council Offices
Main Road
East Riding of Yorkshire
HU11 5HN
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
01482 392131
01482 396623,uk
Page 21
Useful Policies and Related Documents
Unless otherwise stated the following documents can be found on the schools
intranet under LL admin tab/education welfare service and also on the attendance and
behaviour section of eRiding under the attendance tab
Attendance Related Parenting Contract Guidance
Behaviour Related Parenting Contract Guidance
Behaviour Related Parenting Order Guidance
Child Employment Application Form
Child Employment Leaflet
Child Entertainment and Chaperone Leaflets
Children Missing Education leaflet
Education Welfare Service General Leaflet
Education Welfare Service Referral Form
Fair Access Protocol
Local Authority Alternative Provision Referral (with consents)
Managed Move Protocol
Penalty Notice Advice to Parents
Penalty Notice Code of Conduct
Penalty Notice Referral Form
Personal Education Allowance Request Form
Personal Education Allowance Flowchart
Personal Education Allowance Guidance
Personal Education Plan
Personal Education Plan Initial Review Flowchart
Personal Education Plan 3/6 Month Review Flowchart
Personal Education Plan Early Years / Foundation Stage (3-5 years)
Personal Education Plan Early Years / Foundation Stage Guidance
Reduced Timetables and Re-integration Programme Policy
Teenage Pregnancy Referral
Teenage Pregnancy Guidance for Risk Assessment
Teenage Pregnancy Risk Assessment template
Term Time Holiday Policy
Young Persons Substance Misuse Screening Tool and Guidance
Education Welfare Service, METAS & Home Tuition Service
Support For Attendance - Updated June 2013
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