Algebraic Dynamics, Canonical Heights and Arakelov Geometry Xinyi Yuan Abstract. This expository article introduces some recent applications of Arakelov geometry to algebraic dynamics. We present two results in algebraic dynamics, and introduce their proofs assuming two results in Arakelov geometry. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Algebraic theory of algebraic dynamics 2 3. Analytic metrics and measures 6 4. Analytic theory of algebraic dynamics 10 5. Canonical height on algebraic dynamical systems 12 6. Equidistribution of small points 15 7. Proof of the rigidity 17 8. Positivity in arithmetic intersection theory 20 9. Adelic line bundles 26 10. Proof of the equidistribution 30 References 34 1. Introduction Algebraic dynamics studies iterations of algebraic endomorphisms on algebraic varieties. To clarify the object of this expository article, we make an early de nition. Definition 1.1. A polarized algebraic dynamical system over a eld Kconsists of a triple (X;f;L) where: Xis a projective variety over K, f: X!Xis an algebraic morphism over K, Lis an ample line bundle on Xpolarizing fin the sense that ffor some integer q>1. L = Lq 1991 Mathematics Subject Classi cation. Primary 37-02, 14G40; Secondary 14C20, 32Q25. Key words and phrases. algebraic dynamical system, ampleness, Arakelov geometry, arithmetic intersection theory, hermitian line bundle, bigness, Calabi{Yau theorem, canonical height, equidistribution, height, equilibrium measure, preperiodic points, volume of line bundle. The author is supported by a fellowship of the Clay Mathematics Institute. 1 2 XINYI YUAN In this article, we may abbreviate \polarized algebraic dynamical system" as \algebraic dynamical system" or \dynamical system". M The canonical height hf = hL;f dim X a(x) = fb 0 M M;f M;LM M a ; b a(x) = fb on X(K), a function naturally de ned using Arakelov geometry, describes concisely many important properties of an algebraic dynamical system. For example, preperiodic points are exactly the points of canonical height zero. Note that the canonical height can be de ned even Kis not a global eld following the work of Moriwaki and Yuan{Zhang. But we will mainly focus on the number eld case in this article. Hence, it is possible to study algebraic dynamics using Arakelov geometry. The aim of this article is to introduce the relation between these two seemingly di erent subjects. To illustrate the idea, we are going to introduce mainly the following four theorems: (1) Rigidity of preperiodic points (Theorem 2.9), (2) Equidistribution of small points (Theorem 6.2), (3) A non-archimedean Calabi{Yau theorem, uniqueness part (Theorem 3.3), (4) An arithmetic bigness theorem (Theorem 8.7). The rst two results lie in algebraic dynamics, and the last two lie in Arakelov geometry. The logic order of the implications is: (2) + (3) =)(1); (4) =)(2): For more details on the arithmetic of algebraic dynamics, we refer to [Zh06, Sil07, BR10, CL10a]. For introductions to complex dynamics, we refer to [Mil06, Sib99, DS10]. Acknowledgements. The article is written for the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians 2010 held in Beijing. The author would like to thank Matt Baker, Yifeng Liu, Nessim Sibony, Ye Tian, Song Wang and Shou-wu Zhang for many important communications. The author is very grateful for the hospitality of the Morningside Center of Mathematics, where the major part of this article was written. 2. Algebraic theory of algebraic dynamics Here we make some basic de nitions for an algebraic dynamical system, and state the rigidity of preperiodic points. 2.1. Algebraic dynamical systems. Recall that an algebraic dynamical system is a triple (X;f;L) over a eld Kas in De nition 1.1. The ampleness of L implies that the morphism fis nite, and the degree is q. Denote by Kthe algebraic closure of Kas always. Definition 2.1. A point x2X(K) is said to be preperiodic if there exist two integers a>b 0 such that f(x). It is said to be periodic if we can further take b= 0 in the equality. Denote by Prep(f) (resp. Per(f)) the set of preperiodic (resp. periodic) points of X( K). Here we take the convention that f(x) = x. Remark 2.2. The sets Prep(f) and Per(f) are stable under base change. Namely, for any eld extension Mof K, we have Prep(f ) = Prep(f) and Per(f represents the dynamical system (X of points x2X(K) with f ) = Per(f). Here f) over M. More generally, the set Prep(f)(x) is stable under base change. We leave it as an exercise. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 3 The following basic theorem is due to Fakhruddin [Fak03]. In the case X= P n and char(K) = 0, it is a consequence of Theorem 4.8, an equidistribution theorem due to Briend{Duval [BD99]. Theorem 2.3 (Fakhruddin). The set Per(f) is Zariski dense in X. It implies the more elementary result that Prep(f) is Zariski dense in X. Now we give some examples of dynamical systems. Example 2.4. Abelian variety. Let X= Abe an abelian variety over K, L = L, which implies [2] L f= [2] be the multiplication by 2, and Lbe a symmetric and ample line bundle on A. Recall that Lis called symmetric if [1]. It is obvious that Lis not unique. It is easy to see that Prep(f) = A(K)tor= L4is exactly the set of torsion points. Example 2.5. Projective space. Let X = Pn, and f : Pbe any nite morphism of degree greater than one. Then f = (f0;f1n!P; ;fn), where f0;f1; ;fnnare homogeneous polynomials of degree q >1 without non-trivial common zeros. The polarization is automatically given by L= O(1) since f O(1) = O(q). We usually omit mentioning the polarization in this case. The set Prep(f) could be very complicated in general, except for those related to the square map, the Latt es map, and the Chebyshev polynomials introduced below. 2 and f(x0; ;xn) = (x2 0 n; ;x; ;xn 0 Example 2.6. Square map. Let X= Pn 1 j 1 t or 1 d-th Chebyshev polynomial Td d d + Then Td 1 ; 8t: d1 d d t+ t t d q= L ). Set L= O(1) since fO(1) = O(2). Then Prep(f) is the set of points (x) with each coordinate xequal to zero or a root of unity. Example 2.7. Latt es map. Let Ebe an elliptic curve over K, and : E!Pbe any nite separable morphism. For example, can be the natural double cover rami ed exactly at the 2-torsion points. Then any endomorphism of Edescends to an endomorphism fon P, and thus gives a dynamical system on Pif the degree is greater than 1. In that case, Prep(f) = (E(K)). Example 2.8. Chebyshev polynomial. Let dbe a positive integer. The be the unique polynomial satisfying cos(d ) = T(cos( )); 8 : Equivalently, Tis the unique polynomial satisfying t2 = T2 has degree d, integer coe cients and leading term 2. For each d>1, Td: P1!P1gives an algebraic dynamical system. It is easy to see that the iteration T n d= Tdn , and Prep(Td) = fcos(r ) : r2Qg: 2.2. Rigidity of preperiodic points. Let Xbe a projective variety over a L eld K, and Lbe an ample line bundle on X. Denote H(L) = ff: X!Xjffor some integer q>1g: Obviously H(L) is a semigroup in the sense that it is closed under compositionof morphisms. For any f 2H(L), the triple (X;f;L) gives a polarized algebraic dynamical system. 4 XINYI YUAN Theorem 2.9 ([BDM09], [YZ10a]). Let Xbe a projective variety over any eld K, and Lbe an ample line bundle on X. For any f;g2H(L), the following are equivalent: (a) Prep(f) = Prep(g); (b) gPrep(f) Prep(f); (c) Prep(f) \Prep(g) is Zariski dense in X. 1The theorem is proved independently by Baker{DeMarco [BDM09] in the case X = P, and by Yuan{Zhang [YZ10a] in the general case. The proofs of these two papers in the number eld case are actually the same, but the extensions to arbitrary elds are quite di erent. See x7.2 for some details on the di erence. The major extra work for the high-dimensional case in [YZ10a] is the Calabi{Yau theorem, which is essentially trivial in the one-dimensional case. Remark 2.10. Assuming that K is a number eld, the following are some previously known results: (1) Mimar [Mim97] proved the theorem in the case X= P1. (2) Kawaguchi{Silverman [KS07] obtains the result in the case that f is a square map on Pn. They also obtain similar results on Latt es maps. Their treatment gives explicit classi cation of g. A result obtained in the proof of Theorem 2.9 is the following analytic version: Theorem 2.11 ([YZ10a]). Let Kbe either C or Cfor some prime number p. Let X be a projective variety over K, Lbe an ample line bundle on X, and f;g2H(L) be two polarized endomorphisms with Prep(f) = Prep(g). Then the equilibrium measures f= gon Xanp. In particular, the Julia sets of fand gare the same in the complex case. denotes the equilibrium measure of (X;f;L) on Xan Here f C(f) = fg2H(L) jg f= f gg: . See x4.2 for the de nition. For the notion of Julia sets, we refer to [DS10]. 2.3. Morphisms with the same preperiodic points. The conditions of Theorem 2.9 are actually equivalent to the equality of the canonical heights of those two dynamical systems. We will prove that in the number eld case. Hence, two endomorphisms satisfying the theorem have the same arithmetic properties. It leads us to the following result: Corollary 2.12. Let (X;f;L) be a dynamical system over any eld K. Then the set H(f) = fg2H(L) : Prep(g) = Prep(f)g is a semigroup, i.e., g h2H(f) for any g;h2H(f). Proof. By Theorem 2.9, we can write: H(f) = fg2H(L) jgPrep(f) Prep(f)g: Then it is easy to see that H(f) is a semigroup. Example 2.13. Centralizer. For any (X;f;L), denote ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 5 Then C(f) is a sub-semigroup of H(f). Take any x2Prep(f), and we are going to prove x2Prep(g). By de nition, there exist a>b 0 such that xlies in a(y) = f b Prep(f)a;b = fy2X(K) : f a;b c a;b c d 0 n 0 0 nC tor n xr n xr 0 0 0 0 n+1 j 0 1C d n) = (0 2 n+1 n (with d>1) on P1 C e n; d n 2;f3 1 (y)g: The commutativity implies g(x) 2Prep(f)for any integer c 0. It is easy to see that Prep(f)is a nite set. It follows that g(x) = g(x) for some c6= d, and thus x2Prep(g).We refer to [Er90, DS02] for a classi cation of commuting morphisms on P. In fact, this was a reason for Fatou and Julia to study complex dynamical systems. Example 2.14. Abelian variety. In the abelian case (A;[2];L), the semigroup H(f) = H(L) is the set of all endomorphisms on Apolarized by L.There is a more precise description. Assume that the base eld K is algebraically closed for simplicity. Denote by End(A) the ring of all endomorphisms on Ain the category of algebraic varieties, and by End(A) the ring of all endomorphisms on Ain the category of group varieties. Then End(A) consists of elements of End(A) xing the origin 0 of A, and End(A) = End(L) o A(K)(A)o A(K) naturally. One can check that H(L) = Hwhere H(L) is semigroup of elements of End(A) polarized by L. The following list is more or less known in the literature. See [KS07] for the case of number elds. All the results can be veri ed by Theorem 2.11. Example 2.15. Square map. Let X= Pand fbe the square map. Then H(f) = fg(x; ;x; ; ) : r>1; root of unity; 2Sg: Here Sdenotes the permutation group acting on the coordinates. Example 2.16. Latt es map. If fis a Latt es map on Pdescended from an elliptic curve, then H(f) consists of all the Latt es maps of degree greater than one descended from the same elliptic curve. Example 2.17. Chebyshev polynomial. For the Chebyshev polynomial T , we have H(f) = f T : e2Z n;d it is known for polynomial maps on P g: If fis not of the above special cases, we expect that H(f) is much \smaller". Conjecture 2.18. Fix two integers n 1 and d>1, and let Mbe the moduli space of nite morphisms f: P!Pof degree d. Then H(f) = ff;f; g for generic f2M(C ). The conjecture is more or less known in the literature for n= 1. For example, by the classi cation of Schmidt{Steinmetz [SS95]. In general, we may expect that the techniques of [Er90, DS02] can have some consequences on this conjecture. 6 XINYI YUAN 3. Analytic metrics and measures Let Kbe a complete valuation eld, and denote by j jits absolute value. IfKis archimedean, then it is isomorphic to R or C by Ostrowski’s theorem. If Kis non-archimedean, the usual examples are: p-adic eld Qp, nite extensions of Qpp, the completion Cof algebraic closure Qp, the eld k((t)) of Laurent series over a eld k. 3.1. Metrics on line bundles. Let Kbe as above, Xbe a projective variety over K, and Lbe a line bundle on X. A K-metric k kon Lis a collection ofa K-norm k kover the ber L(x) = LK(x) of each algebraic point x2X(K) satisfying the following two conditions: The metric is continuous in the sense that, for any section sof Lon a Zariski open subset Uof X, the function ks(x)kis continuous in x2U(K). The metric is Galois invariant in the sense that, for any section sas above, one has ks(x)k= ks(x)kfor any 2Gal(K=K). If K= C , then the metric is just the usual continuous metric of L(C ) on X(C ) in complex geometry. If K= R , it is a continuous metric of L(C ) on X(C ) invariant under complex conjugation. In both cases, we say that the metric is semipositive if its Chern form c1(L;k k) = @ @ i logksk+ div ( s) is semipositive in the sense of currents. Here sis any non-zero meromorphic section of L(C ). Next, assume that Kis non-archimedean. We are going to de ne the notion of algebraic metrics and semipositive metrics. Suppose (X;M) is an integral model of (X;LeK) for some positive integer e, i.e., Xis an integral scheme projective and at over Owith generic ber Xisomorphic to X, Mis a line bundle over Xsuch that the generic ber (XK;MKKe) is isomorphic to (X;L). Any point xof X(K) extends to a point xof X(OKK-lattice of the one-dimensional K-vector space L) by taking Zariski closure. Then the ber M( x) is an O0on Le(x). It induces a K-norm k ke(x) by the standard rule that M(x) = fs2L(x) : ksk01=e0 1g: It thus gives a K-norm k k= k keon L(x). Patching together, we obtain a continuous K-metric on L, and we call it the algebraic metric induced by (X;M).This algebraic metric is called semipositive if Mis relatively nef in the sense that Mhas a non-negative degree on any complete vertical curve on the special ber of X. In that case, Lis necessarily nef on X.00The induced metrics are compatible with integral models. Namely, if we further have an integral model (X;M) of (X;Le) dominating (X;M), then they induce the same algebraic metric on L. Here we say that (X 000;M) dominates (X;M) if there is a morphism : X!X, extending the identity map on the generic ber, such that M= M0. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 7 A K-metric k kon Lis called bounded if there exists one algebraic metric k kon Lsuch that the continuous function k k=k k00on (the non-compact space) X(K) is bounded. If it is true for one algebraic metric, then it is true for all algebraic metrics. We leave it as an exercise. For convenience, in the archimedean case we say that all continuous metrics are bounded. Now we are ready to introduce the notion of semipositive metrics in the sense of Zhang [Zh95b]. mDefinition 3.1. Let K be a non-archimedean and (X;L) be as above. A continuous K-metric k kon Lis said to be semipositive if it is a uniform limit of semipositive algebraic metrics on L, i.e., there exists a sequence of semipositive algebraic K-metrics k kon Lsuch that the continuous function k km=k kon X( K) converges uniformly to 1. In the following, we will introduce a measure c1(L;k k)nanon the analytic space Xassociated to X. We will start with review the de nition of the Berkovich analyti cation in the non-archimedean case. an3.2. Berkovich analyti cation. If K = R ;C , then for any K-variety X, de ne Xto be the complex analytic space X(C ). It is a complex manifold if X is regular. anIn the following, let Kbe a complete non-archimedean eld with absolute value j j. For any K-variety X, denote by Xthe Berkovich space associated to X. It has many good topological properties in spite of its complicated structure. It is a Hausdor and locally path-connected topological space with 0(Xan) = 0(X). Moreover, it is compact if Xis proper. 1)anWe will briey recall the de nition and some basic properties here. For more details, we refer to Berkovich’s book [Be90]. We also refer to the book Baker{ Rumely [BR10] for an explicit description of (P. 3.2.1. Construction of the Berkovich analyti cation. We rst consider the a ne ancase. Let U = Spec(A) be an a ne scheme of nite type over K, where Ais a nitely generated ring over K. Then Uis de ned to be the set of multiplicative semi-norms on Aextending the absolute value of K. Namely, U 0is the set of maps : A!RKsatisfying: (compatibility) j= j j, (triangle inequality) (a+ b) (a) + (b); 8a;b2A, (multiplicativity) (ab) = (a) (b); 8a;b2A.Any f2Ade nes a map jfj: Uanan!R ; 7!jfj := (f) Endow Uanwith the coarsest topology such that jfjis continuous for all f2A. For an general K-variety X, cover it by a ne open subvarieties U. Then Xan in the natural way. Each U an an X, and by jXjcan!jXj. Every point of jXjanc c ,!X 0 map Uan is obtained by patching the corresponding Uan !jUjis just 7!ker( ). The kernel of : A!R is an open subspace of Xby de nition. 3.2.2. Maps to the variety. jXjthe underlying space of the schemethe subset of closed point a natural surjective map Xhas a unique preimage, and thus there inclusion jXj. It su ces to describe these maps for the a ne case U Then the is a prime ideal of A 8 XINYI YUAN by the multiplicativity. Let x2jUjbe a closed point corresponding to a maximal idea mxof A. Then A=mxcanis a nite eld extension of K, and thus has a unique valuation extending the valuation of K. This extension gives the unique preimage of xin U. 3.2.3. Shilov boundary. Let Xbe an integral model of X over O KK. That is, Xis an integral scheme, projective and at over Owith generic ber XanK= X. Further assume that Xis normal. Then this integral model will determine some special points on X. Let be an irreducible component of the special ber Xof X. It is a Weildivisor on Xand thus gives an order function v : K(X) !Z by vanishing order on . Here K(X) denotes the function eld of X, which is also the function eld of jK = eav ( ) an an nanwith 1 1(L;k k)n W h e n K = R o r K = C , t h e n X total volume Z = lim c1(L;k km)n m c1(L;k k)n . It de nes a point in Xan, locally represented by the semi-norm (L;k k) . Here a>0 Xis the unique constant such th We call the point 2Xanthe Shilov bounda Alternatively, one can de ne a (surjective model. Then is the unique preimage of under the reduction map. 3.3. Monge{Am measure. Let Kbe any valuation eld, Xbe a projective varie bundle on X, and k kbe a semipositive m measure con the analytic space X = degL(X): c1 Xan c1 an = ^nc an an n is just X(C ). If both Xand k kare smooth, then (L;k k)(L;k k) is just the usual Monge{Amp ere measure on Xin complex analysis. In general, the wedge product can still be regularized to de ne a semipositive measure on X. In the following, assume that Kis non-archimedean. We are going to introduce the measure constructed by Chambert-Loir [CL06]. First consider the case that algebraic case on Xan 1(L;k k)n c that the metric (L;k k) was inducedby a single normal integral model (X;M) of (X;Le) over OKthe set of irreducible components of X. Recall that any 2jXj. Denote by j Xjggcorresponds to a Shilov boundary 2Xan. De ne c1(L;k k)n = X 2jXjg degMj ( ) 1ne Here is the Dirac measure supported at . Now let k kbe a general semipositive metric. It is a uniform limit of semipositivemetrics k kminduced by integral models. We can assume that these models are normal by passing to normalizations. Then we de ne : Chambert-Loir checked that the sequence converges weakly if Kcontains a countable and dense sub eld. The general case was due to Gubler [Gu08]. Ex a m pl e 3. 2. St an da rd m A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 9 etr ic. As su m e th at (X ;L) = (P n K; O( 1) ). Th e st an da rd m etr ic on O( 1) is gi ve n by 1(L;k k)n Pn i=00aizi jg ; s2H0(Pn Kv ;O(1)): n n n 0 nO = f(z0; ;zn) 2Pn(C ) : jz0j= Sn K = 1(L;k k)n mous conjecture: Let !2H1;1 = jz 1 and k k2 1be two semipositive metrics on L. Then c1 is a constant. 2 Here Pi ks(z0; ;zn)k= j aixi njg : If Ki s no nar ch im ed ea n, th en th e m etr ic is th e al ge br ai c j maxfjzj; ;jzis the linear form representing the section s. The quotient does not depend on the choice of the homogeneous coordinate (z; ;z). The metric is semipositive. If Kis archimedean, the metric is continuous but not smooth. The Monge{ Amp ere measure con P(C ) is the push-forward of the probability Haar measure on the standard torus m etr ic in du ce d by th e standard integral model (P f and only if k kk k R e m ar k 3. 4. Th e \if" pa rt of th e th eo re K R ;O(1)) over O X = RX n OK !n n (L;k k1 1 (L;k i k2)dim X . It follows that the Chambert-Loir measure cwhere is the Gauss point, i.e., the Shilov boundary corresponding to the (irreducible) special ber of the integral model P. 3.4. Calabi{Yau Theorem. Calabi [Ca54, Ca57] made the following fa- (X;C ) be a K ahler class on a compact complex manifold X of dimension n, and be a positive smooth (n;n)-form on Xsuch that. Then there exists a K ahler form e!in the class !such that e!= : Calabi also proved that the K ahler form is unique if it exists. The existenceof the K ahler form, essentially a highly non-linear PDE, is much deeper, and was nally solved by the seminal wor of S. T. Yau [Yau78]. Now the whole result is called the Calabi{Yau theorem. We can write the theorem in a more algebraic way in the case that the K ahle class !is algebraic, i.e., it is the cohomology class of a line bundle L. Then Lis necessarily ample. There is a bijection fpositive smooth metrics on Lg=R! fK ahler forms in the class !g given by >0 k k7!c1(L;k k): Thus the Calabi{Yau theorem becomes: Let Lbe an ample line bundle on a projective manifold Xof dimension n, and be a positive smooth (n;n)-form on Xsuch thatRX = deg1L(X). Then there exists a positive smooth metric k kon Lsuch that = c(L;k k)n. Furthermore, the metric is unique up to scalar multiples. Now it is easy to translate the uniqueness part to the non-archimedean case. Theorem 3.3 (Calabi{Yau theorem, uniqueness part). Let Kbe a valuation eld, Xbe a projective variety over K, and Lbe an ample line bundle over X. Let k k)dim X= c m is tri vi al by de ni tio n. 10 XINYI YUAN For archimedean K, the positive smooth case is due to Calabi as we mentioned above, and the continuous semipositive case is due to Kolodziej [Ko03]. Afterwards Blocki [Bl03] provided a very simple proof of Kolodziej’s result. The nonarchimedean case was formulated and proved by Yuan{Zhang [YZ10a] following Blocki’s idea. The non-archimedean version of the existence part is widely open, though the one-dimensional case is trivial. In high-dimensions, we only know the case of totally degenerate abelian varieties by the work of Liu [Liu10]. In general, the di culty lies in how to formulate the problem, where the complication is made by the big di erence between positivity of a metric and positivity of its Chambert-Loir measures. 4. Analytic theory of algebraic dynamics Let K be a complete valuation eld as in x3, and let (X;f;L) be a dynam-ical system over K. In this section, we introduce invariant metrics, equilibrium measures, and some equidistribution in this setting. 4.1. Invariant metrics. Fix an isomorphism f L= Lfq. Then there is a unique continuous K-metric k kon Linvariant under fsuch that f (L;k kf) = (L;k kf)q is an isometry. We can construct the metric by Tate’s limiting argument as in x5.2. In fact,take any bounded K-metric k kf0= limon L. Set k km!1((fm) k k01=q)m: Proposition 4.1. The limit is uniformly convergent, and independent of the choice of k k0. Moreover, the invariant metric k kfis semipositive. Proof. The archimedean case is classical, and the non-archimedean case is due to [Zh95b]. Denote k km = ((f m) k k0 1=q)m m <k k1=k k0 1=q))m 1 and k k0 + m = ((fm) (k k1=k k0 1 C1 k km+1=k km C1=qm : Since both k kare metrics on L, their quotient is a continuous function on X( K). There exist a constant C>1 such that <C: In the non-archimedean case, it follows from the boundedness of the metrics; in the archimedean case, it follows from the continuity of the quotient and the compactness of X( K). By ; we have =k km <C1=qm <k k 0 0 m : Thus k kis a uniform Cauchy sequence. Similar argument can prove the independence on k k. Furthermore, if we take k kto be semipositive (and algebraic), then each k kis semipositive, and thus the limit is semipositive. f4.2. Equi libriu m mea sure . Rec all that A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 1 1 we have an invar iant semi posit ive metr ic k ko n L. By x3, one has a semi posit ive mea sure c1(L; k kf)a ndim Xon the anal ytic spac e X. It is the Mon ge{A mp ere mea sure in the archi med ean case , and the Cha mbe rt-Lo ir mea sure in the nonarchi med ean case . T h e t o t a l v o l u m e o f t h i s m e a s u r e i s d e g ( X ) , s o w e i n t r o d u c e t h e n o r m a l i z a t i o n It is ca lle d th e f = 1 d e g L ( X ) c1 L ( L ; k kf )d i m X : eq uil ibr iu m m ea su re as so ci at ed to (X ;f; L). It is f-i nv ari an t in th e se ns e th at f f = qdim X f ;f f = rm f f an f f L= Lq r f f nK an = Rr=Zr r The rst prop erty follo ws from the invar ianc e of f naturally as its skeleton in the sense that A an : k k, and the seco nd prop erty follo ws from the rst one. A n alter nativ e cons tructi on is to use Tate ’s limiti ng argu men t from any initia l prob abilit y mea sure on Xind uced from a semi posit ive metr ic on L. Rem ark 4.2. The invar iant metr ic k kd epe nds on the choi ce of isom orph ism f. Di er ent isom orph isms may chan ge the metr ic by a scal ar. How ever , it does not chan ge the Cha mbe rt-Lo ir mea sure . So the equil ibriu m mea sure does not dep end on the choi ce of the isom orph ism. Exa mple 4.3. Squ are map . The metr ic and the mea sure intro duce d in Exampl e 3.2 are the invar iant metr ic and mea sure for the squa re map on P. Exa mple 4.4. Abel ian varie ty. Let X= Abe an abeli an varie ty over K, f= [2] be the multi plica tion by 2, and Lbe a sym metr ic and ampl e line bun dle on A. We will see that the equil ibriu m mea sure do es not dep end on L. (1) If K= C, then is exac tly the prob abilit y Haar mea sure on A(C ). (2) Ass ume that K is nonarchi med ean. For the gen eral case , we refer to [G u1 0]. H er e w e gi ve a si m pl e de sc rip tio n of th e ca se th at Ki s a di sc ret e va lu ati on el d an d A ha s a sp lit se mi -st ab le re du cti on , i.e ., th e id en tit y co m po ne nt of th e sp ec ial be r of th e N er on m od el is th e ex te ns io n of an ab eli an va rie ty by Gf or so m e 0 r di m( A) . Th en Aa nc on tai ns th e re al tor us S deformation retracts to S . The measure is the push-forward to A qnm(fm) x z: of the probability Haar measure on Sr. Example 4.5. Good reduction. Assume that= K is non-archimedean, and(X;f;L) has good reduction over K. Namely, there is a 1qnm triple (X; ~ f;L) over Oextending (X;f;L) with Xprojective and smooth over O K. Then fKis the Dirac measure of the Shilov boundary corresponding to the (irreducible) special ber of X.4.3. Some equidistribution results. Here we introduce two equidistribution results in the complex setting. We will see that the equidistribution of small points almost subsumes these two theorems into one setting if the dynamical system is de ned over a number eld. We rst introduce the equidistribution of backward orbits. Let (X;f;L) be a dynamical system of dimension nover C . For any point x2X(C ), consider the pull-back z2fmX( x) 12 XINYI YUAN Here denotes the Dirac measure, and the summation over f m z m) xgm 1 Pm converges weakly to 1 f nm m jPm ( x) are counted with multiplicities. Dinh and Sibony proved the following result: (fTheorem 4.6 ([DS03, DS10]). Assume that X is normal. Then there is a proper Zariski closed subset E of X such that, for any x2X(C ), the sequence fqif and only if x=2E. Remark 4.7. By a result of Fakhruddin [Fak03], all dynamical systems (X;f;L) can be embedded to a projective space. So the above statement is equivalent to [DS10, Theorem 1.56]. We refer to [Br65, FLM83, Ly83] for the case X= P. Now we introduce equidistribution of periodic points. Let (X;f;L) over C be as above. For any m 1, denote by Pthe set of periodic points in X(C ) of period mcounted with multiplicity. Consider = 1 z2Pj z: Xm The following result is due to Briend and Duval. Theorem 4.8 ([BD99]). In the case X = Pn, the sequence f converges weakly to fPmgm 1. We refer to [FLM83, Ly83] for historical works on the more classical case of X = P1. As remarked in [DS10], one can replace Pmby the same set without multiplicity, or by the subset of repelling periodic points of period m. In the non-archimedean case, both theorems are proved over P1by Favre and Rivera-Letelier in [FR06]. The high-dimensional case is not known in the literature, but it is closely related to the equidistribution of small points if the dynamical system is de ned over number elds. See x6.2 for more details. 5. Canonical height on algebraic dynamical systems In this section we introduce the canonical height of dynamical systems over number elds using Tate’s limiting argument. We will also see an expression in the spirit of N eron in Theorem 5.7. Here we restrict to number eld, but all results are true for function elds of curves over nite elds. For any number eld K, denote by MKthe set of all places of Kand normalize the absolute values as follows: to be the usual absolute value on Kv v v on Kv v2MYK v v for any a2OKv If vis a real place, take j jv = R ; If vis a complex place, take j jto be the square of the usual absolute value on K’C ; If vis a non-archimedean place, the absolute value j j= (#OKv=a)1is normalized such that jaj. In that way, the valuation satis es the product formula jajv = 1; 8a2K : 5.1. Weil’s height machine. We briey recall the de nition of Weil heights. For a detailed introduction we refer to [Se89]. Le t K be a nu m be r el d, A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 1 3 an d Pn nb e th e pr oj ec tiv e sp ac e ov er K. Th e st an da rd he ig ht fu nc tio n h: P( K) !R is de n ed to be h(x0;x1; ;xn ) = 1w2M[E: K] XE logmaxfjx0jw;jx1jw; ;jxmjwg; h(x) = where Eis a nite extension of Kcontaining all the coordinates x i, and the 1deg(x) summation is over all places wof E. By the product formula, the de nition is independent of both the choice of the homogeneous coordinate and the choice of E. Then we have a well-de ned function h: P( K) !R . Example 5.1. Height of algebraic numbers. We introduce a height function h: Q !R by Here 2Z>0 0 @logja0j+ Xz2C conj to x A: a0 1 i s the coe cient of the high est term of the n logmaxfjzj;1g 1 mini mal poly nomi al of x in Z[t], deg( x) is the degr ee of the mini mal poly nomi al, and the sum mati on is over all root s of the mini mal poly nomi al. In pa rti cu lar , if x= a= b2 Q re pr es en te d by tw o co pri m e int eg er s a; b2 Z, th en h( x) = m ax flo gj aj; lo gj bj g: 1Q It is easy to verify that the height is compatible with the standard height on P (Q) = Q [f1g. Let Xbe a projective variety over K, and Lbe a under the identi cation P bundle on X. Let be any morphism such that i O(1) = Ld 1 1 and on X. For k= 1;2, let ik h i: X(K) !R as the composition of i: X(K) !Pn L;i = d A 2 : X!Pnk 1 dh: Pn k ( 1) 2 L;i 1;i2 1;A2;i1;i2 i: X!Pn for some d 1. We obtain a height function h(K) and( K) !R . It depends on the choices of dand i. More generally, let Lbe any line bundle on X. We can always write L= A Afor two ample line bundles A1 be any two morphisms such that i O(1) = Adkk for some dk ;i2 = hA1;i1 hA2;i2 L;i g i v e s a g r o u p h o m o m o r p h i s m 1. W e ob tai n a he ig ht fu nc tio n h: X( K) !R . It de pe nd s on th e ch oi ce s of (A ). H o w ev er, th e fol lo wi ng re su lt as se rts th at it is un iq ue up to bo un de d fu nc tio ns . Theorem 5.2 (Weil’s height machine). The above construction L7!h H: Pic(X) ! ffunctions : X( K) !R gfbounded functions : X(K) !R g : H er e th e gr ou p str uc tur e on th e rig htha nd si de is th e ad dit io n. In pa rti cu lar , th e co se t of hL; i1;i2 on th e rig htha nd si 1 de de pe nd s on ly on L. W e ca ll a fu nc tio n h: X( K) !R a W eil he ig ht co rr es po nd in g to Lif it lie s in th e cl as s of H( L) on th e rig htha nd si de of th e ho m or ph is m in th e th eo re m. It fol lo w s th at hL; i1;i2 Lis a W eil he ig ht co rr es po nd in g to L. A ba si c an d im po rta nt pr op ert y of th e W eil he ig ht is th e fol lo wi ng N ort hc ott pr op ert y. on the line bundle LKv . The data L= (L;fk k f f ) gi ve an ad eli c lin e bu nd le in th e se ns e of Zh an -metric k kf;v over XKv 14 XINYI YUAN Theorem 5.3 (Northcott pr variety over K, and Lbe an am height corresponding to L. The fx2X( K) : deg(x) <A; hL(x) <Bg nHere deg(x) denotes the degr is easily reduced to the origina obtained explicitly. 5.2. Canonical height. Let We are introducing the canoni Let h: X(K) !R be any Weil heig X(K) !R with respect to fis de n qNhL(f(x)): Theorem 5.4. The li choice of the Weil height h. It h for any x2X(K), (2) hff(x) 0 for preperiodic. The function hf: X(K) !R is the (1). Proof. The theorem easily follo 5.5. Square map. For the squa standard height function h: P(K standard height function satis Example 5.6. N eron{Tate of abelian variety (A;[2];L) as in height hL;[2], usually denoted ^ with respect to the group law. 5.3. Decomposition to local he number eld Kas above. Fix an each vof K, we have an f-invar f;vgv2MK v2Mdeg(x) Xz2O( XK x) f;v: g [Z h9 5b ]. W e wil l re vi e w th e no tio n of ad eli c lin e bu nd le s in x9 .1, bu t w e do no t ne ed it he re for th e m o m en t. Theorem 5.7. For any x2X( K), one has h(x) = 1 H er e si s an y logks(z)k rat io na l se cti on of Lr eg ul ar an d no nva ni sh in g at x, an d O( x) = G al( K = K) xi s th e G al oi s or bit of xn at ur all y vi e w ed as a su bs et of X( Kv ) for ev er y v. z z: ;fCv ;LCv 2 Recall that, associated tox the dynamicalOsystem (X Cv ; v v ( x ) f;v v degL(X) c (L ;k kf;v) ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 15 Proof. We will see that it is a consequence of Lemma 9.6 and Theorem 9.8. Remark 5.8. The result is a decomposition of global height into a sum of local heights Pz2O( x)logks(z)kf;v. It is essentially a generalization of the historical work of N eron [Ne65]. 6. Equidistribution of small points 6.1. The equidistribution theorem. Let (X;f;L) be a polarized algebraic mdynamical system over a number eld K. Definition 6.1. Let fxgm 1be an in nite sequence of X( K). (1) The sequence is called generic if any in nite subsequence is Zariski dense in X. (2) The seq uen ce is call ed hf-s mall if hf(x) !0 as m!1 . Fix a plac e vof K. For any x2X (K), the Gal ois orbi t O(x )= Gal( deg(x) X =1 1 C dim X is the f-invariant metric depending on an isomorphism fL= Lq . Theorem 6.2. Let on Xvan C. Here k kf;v(X;f;L) be a polarized algebraic dynamical system over a number eld K. Let fxmgbe a generic and h-small sequence of X( K). Then for any place vof K, the probability measure xmfconverges weakly to the equilibrium measure f;von Xvan C;v. The theorem was rst proved for abelian varieties at archimedean places v by Szpiro{Ullmo{Zhang [SUZ97], and was proved by Yuan [Yu08] in the full case. The function eld analogue was due to Faber [Fa09] and Gubler [Gu08] independently. For a brief history, we refer to x6.3. 6.2. Comparison with the results in complex case. Theorem 6.2 is closely related to the equidistribution results in x4.3. Let (X;f;L) be a dynamical system of dimension nover a number eld K. Fix an embedding K C so that we can also view it as a complex dynamical system by base change. We rst look at the equidistribution of periodic points in Theorem 4.8. Recall that Pmis the set of periodic points in X(K) of period m. It is stable under the action of Gal(K=K), and thus splits into nitely many Galois orbits. Take one xm 2Pm for each m. Then fxmgm is hf -small automatically. Once fxmgm s gen eric, the Galo is orbit of xis equi distri bute d. A goo d cont rol of the prop ortio n of the \non -gen eric" Galo is orbit s in Pwo uld reco ver the equi distri butio n of P by m m m i Th eo re m 6. 2. 16 XINYI YUAN mNow we consider the equidistribution of backward orbits in Theorem 4.6. The situation is similar. For xed x2X(K), the preimage f(x) is stable under the action of Gal(K=K), and thus splits into nitely many Galois orbits. Take one xm 2f m(x) for each m. Then fxmgm is hf -small since hf (xm) = qmhf m mgm 1 v (x) by the invariant property of the canonical height. Once fxis generic, its Galois orbit is equidistributed. To recover the equidistribution of f(x), one needs to control the \non-generic" Galois orbits in fm(x). For that, we would need to exclude xfrom the exceptional set E. 6.3. Brief history on equidistribution of small points. In the following we briey review the major historical works related to the equidistribution. Due to the limitation of the knowledge of the author and the space of this article, the following list is far from being complete. The study of the arithmetic of algebraic dynamics was started with the introduction of the canonical height on abelian varieties over number elds, also known as the N eron{Tate height, by N eron [Ne65] and an unpublished work of Tate. The generalizations to polarized algebraic dynamical systems was treated by Call{Silverman [CS93] using Tate’s limiting argument and by Zhang [Zh95b] in the framework of Arakelov geometry. In Zhang’s treatment, canonical heights of subvarieties are also de ned. The equidistribution of small points originated in the landmark work of Szpiro{ Ullmo{Zhang [SUZ97]. One major case of their result is for dynamical systems on abelian varieties. The work nally lead to the solution of the Bogomolov conjecture by Ullmo [Ul98] and Zhang [Zh98a]. See [Zh98b] for an exposition of the history of the Bogomolov conjecture. After the work of [SUZ97], the equidistribution was soon generalized to the square map on projective spaces by Bilu [Bi97], to almost split semi-abelian varieties by Chambert-Loir [CL00], and to all one-dimensional dynamical systems by Autissier [Au01]. All these works are equidistribution at complex analytic spaces with respect to embeddings : K,!C . From the viewpoint of number theory, the equidistribution is a type of theorem that a global condition (about height) implies a local result (at ). The embedding is just an archimedean place of K. Hence, it is natural to seek a parallel theory for equidistribution at non-archimedean places assuming the same global condition. The desired non-archimedean analogue on P, after the polynomial case considered by Baker{Hsia [BH05], was accomplished by three independent works: Baker{ Rumely [BR06], Chambert-Loir [CL06], and Favre{Rivera-Letelier [FR06]. In the non-archimedean case, the v-adic manifold X( K) is totally disconnected and obviously not a good space to study measures. The Berkovich analytic space turns out the be the right one. In fact, all these three works considered equidistribution over the Berkovich space, though the proofs are di erent. Chambert-Loir [CL06] actually introduced equilibrium measures on Berkovich spaces of any dimension, and his proof worked for general dimensions under a positivity assumption which we will mention below. Following the line, Gubler [Gu07] deduced the equidistribution on totally degenerate abelian varieties, and proved the Bogomolov conjecture for totally degenerate abelian varieties over function elds as a trophy. Gubler’s equidistribution is on the tropical variety, which is just the skeleton of the Berkovich space. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 17 Another problem raised right after [SUZ97] was to generalize the results to arbitrary polarized algebraic dynamical systems (X;f;L). The proof in [SUZ97] uses a variational principle, and the key is to apply the arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel formula due to Gillet{Soule [GS90] to the perturbations of the invariant line bundle. For abelian varieties, the invariant metrics are strictly positive and the perturbations are still positive, so the arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel formula is applicable. However, for a general dynamical systems including the square map, the invariant metrics are only semipositive and the perturbations may cause negative curvatures. In that case, one can not apply the arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel formula. The proof of Bilu [Bi97] takes full advantage of the explicit form of the square map. The works [Au01, CL06] still use the variational principle, where the key is to use a volume estimate on arithmetic surfaces obtained in [Au01] to replace the arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel formula. Finally, Yuan [Yu08] proved an arithmetic bigness theorem (cf. Theorem 8.7), naturally viewed as an extension of the arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel formula. The theorem is inspired by a basic result of Siu [Siu93] in algebraic geometry. In particular, it makes the variational principle work in the general case. Hence, the full result of equidistribution of small points, for all polarized algebraic dynamical systems and at all places, was proved in [Yu08]. The function eld analogue of the result in [Yu08] was obtained by Faber [Fa09] and Gubler [Gu08] independently in slightly di erent settings. It is also worth mentioning that Moriwaki [Mo00] treated equidistribution over nitely generated elds over number elds based on his arithmetic height. 7. Proof of the rigidity Now we are ready to treat Theorem 2.9. We will give a complete proof for the case of number elds, which is easily generalized to global elds. The general case is quite technical, and we only give a sketch. 7.1. Case of number eld. Assume that Kis a number eld. We are going to prove the following stronger result: Theorem 7.1. Let Xbe a projective variety over a number eld K, and Lbe an ample line bundle on X. For any f;g2H(L), the following are equivalent:(a) Prep(f) = Prep(g). (b) gPrep(f) Prep(f). (c) Prep(f) \Prep(g) is Zariski dense in X.(d) Lfin the sense that, at every place v of K, there is a constant c v’Lg>0 such that k kf;v= cvk kg;v. Furthermore, Qvcv= 1, and c= 1 for all but nitely many v.(e) hf(x) = hgv(x) for any x2X(K). Remark 7.2. Kawaguchi{Silverman [KS07] proves that (d) ,(e) for X= P. Remark 7.3. In (d) we do not get the simple equality Lf= Lgnmainly because the invariant metrics depend on the choice of isomorphisms f L= Lqand gL= Lq0. One may pose a rigidi cation on Lto remove this ambiguity. z2O( x) v2MK h logks(z)kf;v; x2X(K): f See Theorem 5.7. Second, (e) )(a) since preperiodic points are exactly points with canonicalheight equal to zero. Third, (a) )(b) and (a) )(c) since Prep(f) is Zariski dense by Theorem 2.3. It is also not hard to show (b) )(c). Take any point x2Prep(f). Considerthe orbit A= fx;g(x);g2(x); g. All points of Aare de ned over the residue eld K(x) of x. Condition (b) implies A Prep(f), and thus points of Ahas bounded height. By the Northcott property, Ais a nite set. In another word, x2Prep(g). It follows that Prep(f) Prep(g): Then (c) is true since Prep(f) is Zariski dense in X. m7.1.2. From (c) to (d). Assume that Prep(f) \Prep(g) is Zariski dense in X. We can choose a generic sequence fxgin Prep(f)\Prep(g). The sequence is small with respect to both fand gsince the canonical heights hmm) = 0 for each m. By Theorem 6.2, for any place v2M, we have xm;v!d f;vK; xm;v!d : It follows that d f;v= d g;vas measures on Xvan Cg;v, or equivalently c1(L;k kf;v)dim X= c1(L;k kg;v)dim X: By the Calabi{Yau theorem in Theorem 3.3, we obtain constants cvf;v= cv>0 such that k kk k: Here cvg;v= 1 for almost all v. To nish the proof, we only need to check that the product c=Qvcvis 1. In fact, by the height formula in Theorem 5.7 we have hf(x) = hg(x) logc; 8x2X( K): Then c= 1 by considering any xin Prep(f) \Prep(g). It nishes the proof. 7.2. Case of general eld. Now assume that Kis an arbitrary eld, and we will explain some ideas of extending the above proof. Readers who care more about number elds may skip the rest of this section. 1It is standard to use Lefshetz principle to reduce Kto a nitely generated eld. In fact, Theorem 2.9 depends only on the data (X;f;g;L). Here Xis de ned by nitely many homogeneous polynomials, fand gare also de ned by nitely many polynomials, and Lis determined by a Cech cocycle in H(X;O) which is still given by nitely many polynomials. Let K0 Xpbe the eld generated over the prime eld (Q or F) by the coe cients of all these polynomials. Then (X;f;g;L) is de ned over K0, and we can replace Kby K0in Theorem 2.9. 18 XINYI YUAN (x) = 1 deg(x) X X f 7.1.1. Easy implications. Here we show (d) )(e) )(a) )(b) )(c): First, (d) )(e) follows from the formula (x ) = hg(x ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 19 pIn the following, assume that Kis a nitely generated eld over a prime eld k= Q or F. The key of the proof is a good notion of canonical height for dynamical systems over K. 7.2.1. Geometric height. Let (X;f;L) be a dynamical system over Kas above. Fix a projective variety Bover kwith function eld K, and x an ample line bundle Hon B. The geometric canonical height will be a function hH f: X(K) !R . Let ( : X !B;L) be an integral model of (X;L), i.e., : X !B is amorphism of projective varieties over kwith generic ber X, and Lis a line bundle on X with generic ber L. It gives a \Weil height" hH L: X( K) !R by hH L(x) = 1deg(x) ( H)dim B1 L x: Here xdenotes the Zariski closure of xin X . Take the convention that h(x) = 0 if d= 0. The canonical height hH fH fis de ned using Tate’s limiting argument hH f(x) = limN!1 1 hH (f N (x)); x2X(K): qN L p, then hIt converges and does not depend on the choice of the integral model. If k= FH fsatis es Theorem 5.4 (1) (2). The proof of Theorem 2.9 is very similar to the case of number elds. If k= Q, then hH f1(x) = 0 does not imply x2Prep(f) due to the failure of Northcott’s property for this height function. However, it is proved to be true by Baker [Ba09] in the case that fis non-isotrivial on X= P. With this result, Baker{DeMarco [BDM09] proves Theorem 2.9 using the same idea of number eld case. 7.2.2. Arithmetic height. Assume that Kis nitely generated over k= Q. We have seen that the geometric height is not strong enough to satisfy Northcott’s property. Moriwaki [Mo00, Mo01] introduced a new class of height functions on X( K) which satis es Northcott’s property. The notion is further re ned by Yuan{ Zhang [YZ10b]. In the following, we will introduce these height functions, and we refer to x8.1 for some basic de nitions in arithmetic intersection theory.H fFix an arithmetic variety Bover Z with function eld K, and x an ample hermitian line bundle Hon B. Moriwaki’s canonical height is a function h: X(K) !R de ned as follows.Let ( : X!B; L) be an integral model of (X;L), i.e., : X!Bis a morphism of arithmetic varieties over Z with generic ber X, and Lis a hermtianline bundle on Xwith generic ber L. It gives a \Weil height" hH L: X(K) !R by hH L(x) = 1deg(x) ( H)dim B1 Lx Here xdenotes the Zariski closure of xin X. The the canonical height h H fis still de ned using Tate’s limiting argument hH f(x) = limN!1 1 hH N (x)); x2X(K): qN L(f It converges and does not depend on the choice of the integral model (X;L). The height function hH fsatis es Northcott’s property and Theorem 5.4 (1) (2). 20 XINYI YUAN QWith this height function, Yuan{Zhang [YZ10a] proves Theorem 2.9. The proof uses the corresponding results of number eld case by considering the bers of X!BQ. The proof is very techinical and we refer to [YZ10b]. In the end, we briey introduce the arithmetic height function of [YZ10b]. Let ( : X!B;L) and x2X(K) be as above. Still denote by f NN(x) the Zariski closure of f(x) in X. Consider the generically nite map : f(x) !B. If it is at, we obtain a hermitian line bundle LjfN( x). Normalize it by LN = 1 qN (LjfN ( x) ). The limiting height of x. The idea of [Y containingc P the limit by h not at, we ma summary, we height is inde satis es North re nes hH fin t require the p the linear itivity propert notions of lin refer to Laza Most of t setting of Ara developed by In this se More precise bundles follo following Zha [Yu08, Yu09] 8.1. Top dimension n+ dimension n. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 21 under any analytic map f : fz2Cn: jzj<1g!X(C ) is smooth in the usual sense. Pic(X)Now we introduce the top intersection cn+1!R : The intersection number is de ned to be compatible with birational morphismsof arithmetic varieties, so we can assume that Xis normal and Xis smooth by pull-back to a generic desingularization of X.Let L1;L2; ;Ln+1Qbe n+1 hermitian line bundles on X, and let sn+1be any non-zero rational section of Lon X. The intersection number is de ned inductively by L1 = L1 L2 Ln div(sn+1 ) Zdiv ( sn+1)( C ) Ln+1 L2 logksn+1kc1(L1) c1(Ln): The right-hand side depends on div(sn+1) linearly, so it su ces to explain the case that D= div(sn+1) is irreducible. If Dis horizontal in the sense that it is at over Z, then L1 L2 Ln D= L1jD L2jD LnjD is an arithmetic intersection on D. The integration on the right-hand side needs regularization if D(C ) is not smooth. If Dis a vertical divisor in the sense that it is a variety over F pfor some prime p, then the integration is zero, and L1 L2 Ln D= (L1jD L2jD LnjD d 1 L2 d d j 2 n+1 d deg : jD D L d j 1 D 1 . 1 1 )logp: Here the intersection is the usual intersection on the projective variety D. One can check that the de nition does not depend on the choice of sand is symmetric and multi-linear. Similarly, we have a multilinear intersection product c Pic(X) Z(X) !R : Here Zd(X) denotes the group of Chow cycles of codimension n+1don X(before linear equivalence). For D2Z(X), the intersection L Ld D= L1 L is interpreted as above. Example 8.1. If dimX= 1, the intersection is just a degree map c Pic(X) !R :If Xis normal, then it is isomorphic to Spec(Ois just an O KK) for some number eld K. Then L-module locally free of rank one. The Hermitian metric k kon L(C ) = : K!CL (C ) is a collection fk kof metrics on the complex line Ldeg( L(C ). The degree is just d1) = log#(LHere sis any non-zero element of L=OK g s) X : K!Clogksk : 22 XINYI YUAN 8.2. Arithmetic linear series and arithmetic volumes. Let Lbe a hermitian line bundle on an arithmetic variety Xof dimension n+1. The corresponding arithmetic linear series is the nite set H0(X; L) = s2HHere ksksup0(X;L) : ksk= supz2X( C 1 : )ks(z)k sup is the usual supremum norm on H0(X;L)C . A non-zero element of H00(X;L) is called an e ective section of Lo called e ective if H(X;L) is nonzero. Denote h0( L) = log#H0(X;L): The volume of Lis de ned as0 vol(L) = hn+1(N L) limsupN!1 N=(n+ 1)! : vol ( L) = limsupN!10by the convention that we write tensor product additively. To see the NHere N Ldenotes L H0(X;L), denote B(L) = fs2H(X;L)R: ksk0 1g: It is the corresponding un H(X;L)Rsup0of the supremum norm. Then H(X;L) = H00(X;L) \B(L) is th of a lattice with a bounded set in H(X;L)0R, so it must be nite. To bet vol, we introduce their \approximations" and vol0. Pick any Haar mea H(X;L)R. De nevol(H0 (L) = log vol(B( L))(X;L)R=H0(X;L)) ; It is easy to quotient is independent of the choice of the Haar measure. We furthe n+1 (N L) N=(n+ 1)! : 0By Minkowski’s theorem on lattice points, we immediately have h(L) (L) h0(L0)log2: Here h(LQ) = dimH0(XQ;LQQ ) is the usual one. It follows that vol(L) vol(L): We will see that the other direction is true in the ample case. One can verify that both vol and vol n+1are homogeneous of degree n+ 1 in the sense that vol(m L) = mvol(L) and vol (mL) = mn+1vol(L) for any positive integer m. Hence, vol and vol extend naturally to functions on c Pic(X)Qby the homogeneity. See [Mo09, Ik10]. Remark 8.2. Chinburg [Chi91] considered a similar limit de ned from an adelic set. He called the counterpart of exp(vol(L)) the (inner) sectional capacity. It measures \how many" algebraic points the adelic set can contain. See also [RLV00, CLR03]. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 23 08.3. Ample hermitian line bundles. As in the algebro-geometric case, H(X;NL) generates NLunder strong positivity conditions on L. Following Zhang [Zh95a], a hermitian line bundle Lis called ample if it satis esQthe following three conditions: Lis ample on XQ; Lis relatively semipositive, i.e., the Chern form c C1(L) of Lis semipositive and Lis relatively nef in the sense that deg(Lj) 0 for any closed curve Cin any special ber of Xover Spec(Z);dim Y Lis horizontally positive, i.e., the intersection number L Y>0 for any horizontal irreducible closed subvariety Yof X.One version of the main result of [Zh95a] is the following arithmetic Nakai{ Moishezon theorem: Theorem 8.3 (Arithmetic Nakai{Moishezon, Zhang). Let Lbe an ample hermitian line bundle on an arithmetic variety Xwith a smooth generic ber X0Q. Then for any hermitian line bundle Eover X, the Z-module H0(X;E+NL) has a Z-basis contained in H(X;E+ NL) for Nlarge enough. We also have the following arithmetic version of the Hilbert{Samuel formula. Theorem 8.4 (Arithmetic Hilbert{Samuel, Gillet{Soul e, Zhang). Let Lbe aQhermitian line bundle on an arithmetic variety of dimension n+ 1. (1) If Lis ample and Lis relatively semipositive, then vol n+1(L) = Ln+1. (2) If Lis ample, then vol(L) = L. In both cases, the \limsup" de ning vol( L) and vol(L) are actually limits. The result for vol is a consequence of the arithmetic Riemann{Roch theorem of Gillet{Soul e [GS92] and an estimate of analytic torsions of Bismut{Vasserot [BV89]. It is further re ned by Zhang [Zh95a]. The result for vol is obtained from that for vol by the Riemann{Roch theorem on lattice points in Gillet{Soul e [GS92] and the arithmetic Nakai{Moishezon theorem by Zhang [Zh95a] described above. See [Yu08, Corollary 2.7] for more details. Remark 8.5. In both cases, we can remove the condition that LQQis ample. Note that Lis necessarily nef under the assumption that Lis relatively semipositive. The extensions can be obtained easily by Theorem 8.7 below. There are three conditions in the de nition of ampleness, where the third one is the most subtle. The following basic result asserts that the third one can be obtained from the rst two after rescaling the norm. QLemma 8.6. Let L= (L;k k) be a hermitian line bundle on an arithmetic variety Xwith Lample and Lrelatively semipositive. Then the hermitian line bundle L( ) = (L;k keQ is ample, we can assume there exist sections s 1) is ample for su ciently large real number . Proof. Since L; ;s0r2 Hi(X;L) which are base-point free over the generic ber. Let be such that ksksupe Y)dim Y<1 for all i= 1; ;r. We claim that L( ) is ample. We need to show that ( L( )jjsuch>0 for any horizontal irreducible closed subvariety Y. Assume that Xis normal by normalization. We can nd an s 24 XINYI YUAN ( L( )jY)dim Y that div(sj) does not contain Y. Then Now the proo f can be nish ed by indu ction on dim Y. 8 .4. Volu mes of her mitia n line bun dles. The follo wing arith meti c versi on of a theo rem of [Siu 93] impli es the equi distri butio n of smal l = (L( )jdiv ( sj) jY > (L( )jdiv ( sj) jY : )dim Y1 )dim Y1 ZY( C ) log(ksj ke) c1(L)dim Y1 point s in alge braic dyna mics . Th eo re m 8. 7 (Y ua n [Y u0 8]) . Le t La nd M be tw o a m pl e he rm iti an lin e bu nd le s ov er an ari th m eti c va rie ty X of di m en si on n+ 1. Th en vol 1 n+1 n+1( LM) L n+1 n(n+ 1) L 1 n+1 + vol( M) 2 Q d dtj M: Note that the di erence of two ample line bundles can be any line bundle, so the theorem is applicable to any line bundle. It is sharp when Mis \small". Another interesting property of the volume function is the log-concavity property. vol(L+ M) vol( L) : The following consequen equidistribution theorem. Corollary 8.9 (Di erentia bundleon an arithmetic variety of relatively semipositive, then vol(L Theorem 8.8 (Log-concavity, Yuan [Yu09]). Let Land Mbe two e ective hermitian line bundles over an arithmetic variety Xof dimension n+ 1. Then t=0vol n(L+ tM) = (n+ 1)L M: Q + O(t2 n+1 n Q d dtjt=0 (a) Changing Lto L( ) = (L;k ke Q) = (L+ tM) n+1 n Q Q Q + tMQ)n is ample for small jtj. Q ); t!0: Therefore, vol(L+ tM) =((n+ 1)L M: Proof. We prove the results by the following steps. ) for any real number does not a ect the result in (1). It follows from the simple facts Q + tM (L+ tM) + (n+ 1)vol(L+ (n++ tM n+1 1)(L +tMQ vol (L( ) + tM) = vol ); (L( ) + tM): Here the classical volume vol(L) on the generic ber equals the intersection number (L+tMsince L 2) If Lis ample, then vol(L+ tM) = (L+ tM) 1 n+1 ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 25 (b) It su ces to prove (1) for Lample. In fact, assume that Lis ample and Lis relatively semipositive. By Lemma 8.6, L( ) is ample for some realnumber . Then it follows from (a). (c) Assuming that Lis ample, then Q 2 vol(L+ tM) vol (L+ tM) (L+ tM)n+1 + O(t2 1 1 1)tA2 vol ( L+ tM) (L+ tA1)= (L+ tM)n+1n+1 vol( L+ tM)1 n+1 + vol(LtM) n+1= (L) 1 n+1 1 n+1 2 and A2 (n+ 1) (L+ tA+ O(t21)n n+1 2 vol(L) + O(t2 ) L 1 n+1 + O(t2 + O(t2) ! : 1 vol( L+ tM) ): It su ces to consider the case t > 0 by replacing Mby M. As inthe classical case, any hermitian line bundle can be written as the tensor quotient of two ample hermitian line bundles. Thus M= AAfor ample hermitian line bundles A. It follows that L+ tM= ( L+tAis the di erence of two ample Q-line bundles. By Theorem 8.7, ): (d) Assuming that Lis ample, then tA ): In fact, by (c), ( L+ tM) 1 + t n+1 nn+1 M 1 n+1 L + vol( LtM)1 n+1 1 n+1 vol n+1 n+1 The result remains true if we replace tby t. Take the sum of the estimates for vol(L+ tM) and vol(LtM).(e) Assuming that Lis ample, then vol(L+ tM) 2 vol( L)1 n+1: Note that (c) implies that both L+ tMand LtMare e ective whenjtjis small. Apply Theorem 8.8 to L+ tMand LtM. (f) The equalities in (d) and (e) are in opposite directions. They forces the equality vol( L+ tM) = (L+ tM) + O(t2 (L+ tM) = (L+ tM) + O(t2): n+1 n ): It follows that Remark 8.10. The inequality in (c) is due to [Yu08], which is su cient for the equidistribution. The proof of the other direction using the log-concavity is due to [Che08c]. The abstract idea is that vol(L+ tM)is a concave function in t by the log-concavity, and (c) asserts that l(t) = t(n+1)L Mis a line supporting the graph of the concave function, so the line must be a tangent line. These results are naturally viewed in the theory of arithmetic big line bundles. A hermitian line bundle Lon Xis called big if vol(L) >0. To end this section, we mention some important properties of the volume function: 26 XINYI YUAN Rumely{Lau{Varley [RLV00] proved that \limsup" in the de nition of vol (L) is a limit if LQis ample. They actually treated the more general setting proposed by Chinburg [Chi91]. Moriwaki [Mo09] proved the continuity of \vol" at big line bundles. Chen [Che08a] proved that \limsup" in the de nition of vol( L) is alwaysa limit for any L. See [Yu09] for a di erent proof using Okounkov bodies. Chen [Che08b] and Yuan [Yu09] independently proved the arithmeticFujita approximation theorem for any big L. Chen [Che08c] proved the di erentiability of \vol" at big line bundles.Corollary 8.9 is just a special case, but it extends to the general case by the above arithmetic Fujita approximation theorem. Ikoma [Ik10] claimed a proof of the continuity of \vol ". 9. Adelic line bundles The terminology of hermitian line bundles is not enough for the proof of Theorem 6.2. The reason is that the dynamical system can rarely be extended to an endomorphism of a single integral model over OK. The problem is naturally solved by the notion of adelic line bundles introduced by Zhang [Zh95a, Zh95b]. 9.1. Basic de nitions. Let Kbe a number eld, Xbe a projective variety of dimension nover K, and Lbe a line bundle on X. Recall that we have considered local analytic metrics in x3.An adelic metric on Lis a coherent collection fk kvgvof bounded Kvon LKvover XKvv-metrics k kover all places vof K. That the collection fk kKvgvis coherent means that, there exist a nite set Sof non-archimedean places of Kand a (projective and at) integral model (X;L) of (X;L) over Spec(O) S, such that the K v-norm k kvis induced by (XOK v;LOK v) for all v2Spec(Ov) S. In the above situation, we write L= (L;fk kgvK) and call it an adelic line bundle on X. We further call Lthe generic ber of L. Let (X; M) be a hermitian integral model of (X;LKe) for some positive integer e, i.e., Xis an arithmetic variety over OK, and M= (M;k k) is a hermitian line bundle on X, such that the generic ber (X;MK) = (X;Lv). Then (X;M) induces an adelic metric fk kgveon L. The metrics at non-archimedean places are clear from x3. The metrics at archimedean places are just given by the hermitian metric. In fact, we have X(C ) = a : K,!CX (C ); M(C ) = a : K,!CM (C ):The left-hand sides denote C -points over Z, and the right-hand sides denote C points over OKvia : OK0 !C . Then the hermitian metric on M(C ) becomes a collection of metrics k kon M (C ) = Le 01=e (C ) over all . Then k kgives the archimedean part of the adelic metric. Such an induced metric is called algebraic, and it is called relatively semipositive if Lis relatively semipositive.An adelic metric fk kvgvon an ample line bundle Lover Xis called relatively semipositive if the adelic metric is a uniform limit of relatively semipositive algebraic adelic metrics. Namely, there exists a sequence ffk km;vof relatively semipositive algebraic adelic metrics on L, and a nite set Sof non-archimedean places of K, such that k k= k kvfor any v2Spec(OKm;vgvgmm;v) Sand any m, and such that k k=k kvconverges uniformly to 1 at all places v. In that case, we also say that the adeli c line bun dle L= A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 2 7 (L;fk k) is relati vely semi posit ive. It impli es that the Kv-m etric k kvo n LKvvg vis semi posit ive in the sens e of x3. An adeli c line bun dle is calle d integ rabl e if it is isom etric to the tens or quoti ent of two relati vely semi posit ive adeli c line bun dles. Den ote by c Pic( X)intt he grou p of isom etry clas ses of integ rabl e adeli c line bun dles. Exa mple 9.1. Let (X;f; L) be a dyna mica l syst em over a num ber eld K. Fix an isom orph ism f L= Lqas in the de ni tion. For any plac e vof K, let k kb e the invar iant Kv-m etric of LKvo n XKv. The n Lf= (L;fk kf;vg vf;v) is a relati vely semi posit ive adeli c line bun dle. It is f-inv aria nt in the sens e that f Lf= Lq f. 9.2. Exte nsio n of the arith meti c inter secti on theo ry. Let Xbe a projecti ve varie ty of dime nsio n nove ra num ber eld K. By Zha ng [Zh9 5b], the inter secti on of her mitia n line bun dles in x8.1 exte nds to a sym metr ic multi -line ar form c Pi c( X) n+1 int! R : Le t L1 ; ;L n+1 be int eg ra bl e ad eli c lin e bu nd le s on X, an d w e ar e go in g to de n e th e nu m be r L1 L 2 L n+1 . It su c es to as su m e th at ev er y Ljj on Li s se mi po sit iv e by lin ea rit y. Fo r ea ch j= 1; ; n+ 1, as su m e th at th e m etr ic of Lj; m;v is th e un ifo rm li mi t of ad eli c m etr ic s ffk k gv gm , an d ea ch fk kj; m;v gvj j;mi s in du ce d by a se mi po sit iv e int eg ral m od el (X ;M j;m ) of (X ;L 1;m ). W e m ay as su m e th at X = = Xn +1; mej f or ea ch m. In fa ct, let Xj; ;m mm be an int eg ral m od el of X do mi na tin g Xf or all jin th e se ns e th at th er e ar e bir ati on al m or ph is m s j; m: X m! Xj; mm in du ci ng th e id en tit y m ap on th e ge ne ric be r. S uc h a m od el al w ay s ex ist s. Fo r ex a m pl e, w e ca n ta ke X be th e th e Za ris ki cl os ur e of th e im ag e of th e co m po sit io n L1 : H er e th e rs t m ap is X,!Xn+1 ,!X1;m OK X2;m OK OK ; Xn+1;m j;m n+1 m!1 j;m j;m gv th e di ag on al e m be dd in g, an d th e se co nd m ap is th e inj ec tio n onto the generic ber. Then replace (X ;M check that they induce the same adelic metrics. Go back to the sequence of metrics fk k 1;m M 1e M : 2;m L2 L = lim en+1;m M It is easy to verif y that the limit exist s and dep ends only on L1; ;Ln+1 . See Zha ng [Zh9 5b]. Pi c( 1;m ) by (Xm j;m;v j;mM m j;m). De ne ). It is easy to induced by (X n+1;m ;M X) Si mi lar ly, w e ge t an int er se cti on pa iri ng c( X) !R by se tti ng L1 L 2 L d+1 d+1 int Z D = Ld 1jD L 2jD Ld +1j : H er e Zd D( X) de no te s th e gr ou p of ddi m en si on al C ho w cy cl es . Ex a m pl e 9. 2. Le t Lb e an int eg ra bl e ad eli c lin e bu nd le on X. Fi x a pl ac e v0 (L( ))n+1 of Lto e k kv0 and a constant 2R . Change the metric k kv0 . Denote the new adelic line bundle by L( ). Then it is easy to check that n+1= L + (n+ 1)degL(X) : 28 XINYI YUAN Example 9.3. If X= Spec(K), then the line bundle L1on Xis just a vector space over Kof dimension one. We simply have d deg(L1) = XHere sis any non-zero element of L1vlogkskv:, and the degree is independent of the choice of sby the product formula. One may compare it with example 8.1. 9.3. Extension of the volume functions. It is routine to generalize the de nitions in x8.2 to the adelic line bundles.vLet Kbe a number eld, Xbe a projective variety of dimension nover K, and L= (L;fk kgv0) be an adelic line bundle on X. De ne H(X;L) = fs2H0(X;L) : ksk0 1; 8vg; h(L) = log#H0(X;L);v;sup h0n+1(N L) vol(L) = limsup N=(n+ 1)! : N!1 = sup ks(z)kv z2X( Kv ) Here for any place vof K, ksk v;sup is the usual supremum norm on H 0(X;L)Kv . Elements of H0(X;L) are called e ective sections of L. Similarly, for any place vof K, denote Bv( : kskv;sup L) = fs2H0(X;L)Kv vB(L) = Y Bv(L) H0(X;L)AK : Here AK vol(H0 AK=H (X;L)) + 1 h0(L)logjd j; 0 2 =(n+ 1)! : vol (L) = limsup N!1 H e r e AK d K 1g: Further denote is the adele ring of K. Then we introduce 0 K (L) = log vol(B(L))(X;L) n+1 (NL) N 0is the discriminant of K. The de nition of (L) does not depend on the choice of a Haar measure on H(X;L). One easily checks that the de nitions are compatible with the hermitian case if the adelic line bundle is algebraic. Furthermore, it is easy to see that h ; ;vol commute with uniform limit of adelic line bundles. The same is true for vol with some extra argument using an adelic version of the Riemann{Roch of Gillet{Soul e [GS91]. As in the hermitian case, some adelic version of Minkowski’s theorem gives vol( L) vol (L): It is easy to generalize Corollary 9.4 for vol to the adelic case, though we do not know if it is true for vol. We rewrite the statement here, since it will be used for the equidistribution. C or oll ar y 9. 4. Le t X be A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 2 9 a pr oj ec tiv e va rie ty of di m en si on no ve ra nu m be r el d K, an d L; M be tw o int eg ra bl e ad eli c lin e bu nd le s on X. As su m e th at Li s rel ati ve ly se mi po sit iv e an d th at th e ge ne ric be r Li s a m pl e. Th en vol (L+ tM) = (L+ tM)n+1 + O(t2 g L a l 9.4.1. Weil height. Let L= (L;fk kvgv hL(x) = 1deg(x) L xgal Here xgal Ygal L Lhdim Y+1(Y) =L ) ; t ! 0 : R e m a r k 9 . 5 . g e O n e m a y n a t u r a l l y d e n e a m p l e n e s s o f a d e l i c l i n e b u n d l e s t o n e r a l i z e T h e o r e m 8 . 3 , 8 . 4 , 8 . 7 , 8 . 8 a n d L e m m a 8 . 6 . 9 . 4 . H e i g h t s d e n e d b y a d e l i c l i n e b u n d l e s . be an adeli c line bun dle on a proj ectiv e varie ty X over a num ber eld K. De n e the heig ht funct ) ion h: X(K) !R asso ciate d to Lby is th e cl os ed po int of Xc or re sp on di ng to th e al ge br ai c po int x. If Li s int eg ra bl e, th e he ig ht of an ; x 2 X ( K ) : y cl os ed su bv ari et y Y of XK as so ci at ed to L is de n ed by (dimY+ 1)deg Here Ygal ( ) Y : Kis the closed K-subvariety of Xcorresponding to Y, i.e. the image of the composition Y !X!X. In particular, the height of the ambient variety Xis h Lhdim X+1(X) = L(dimX+ 1)degL(X) L : W e s e e t h a t h e i g h t s a r e j u s t n o r m a l i z e d a r i t h m e t i c d e g r e e s . n e L e m m a h a s d e g ( x ) 9 . 6 . X F o r a n y x 2 X ( K ) , o v 2 z 2 M K O ( X x ) Here sis any rational section of Lregular and non-vanishing at x, and O(x) = Gal( K=K)xis the Galois orbit of xnaturally viewed as a subset of X(Kv) for every v. Proof. It follows from the de nitions. See also Example 9.3. Theore m 9.7. For any adelic line bundle L, the height function hL: X(K) ! R is a Weil height correspondin g to the line bundle Lon X. Proof. We prove the result by three steps. (1) Let (X;L) = (Pn K;O(1)), and endow Lwith the standard adelic metric described in Example 3.2. By Lemma 9.6, it is easy to check that the heigh t functi on hL: Pnn(K ) !R is exactl y the stand ard heigh t functi on h: P(K) !R in x5.1. (2) Go back to gener al X. We claim that, for any two adelic line bundl es l o g k s ( z ) k v : L1 , th e di er en ce hh is bo un de d. In fa ct, w e ha ve k k= k k1; vfo r al m os t all v, an d k k= k k2; vis bo un de d for th e re m ai ni ng pl ac es . Th e cl L1 = (L1;fk k1;vgv) and L2 L1 1;v = (L2;fk k2;vgv) with generic ber L1 = L2 2;v ai m fol lo w s fro m Le m m a 9. 6. 30 XINYI YUAN mbe an embedding with i(3) By linearity, it su ces to prove the theorem for the case that Lis very ample. Let i: X,!PO(1) = L. By (2), it su ces to consider the case L= i O(1) where O(1) is the line bundle O(1) endowed with the standard metric. Recall that hL;i= h iis the Weil height induced by the embedding. By (1), it is easy to see that hL;i= hL. It proves the result. 9.4. 2. Canonical height. Now we consider the dynamical case. Let (X;f;L) be a dynamical system over a number eld K. By x5.2, we have the canonical height function hf= hL;f: X(K) !R . Recall that Lfis the f-invariant adelic line bundle. Theorem 9.8. hL;f= hLf. Proof. By Theorem 9.7, hLfis a Weil height corresponding to L. Furthermore, hLf(f(x)) = qhLf(x) by f Lf= Lq f. Then hLf= hby the uniqueness of hL;fL;fin Theorem 5.4. Remark 9.9. Following Lemma 9.6, we can decompose canonical heights of the height hLf K K (1) hf(Y). (2) hff 2 qf f f f gv of subvarieties of X. The following result is a generalization Proposition 9.10. Let Y be a closed subvariety of X. Then t p (f(Y)) = qh oints in terms of local heights. See Theorem 5.7. By (Y) 0, and the equality holds if Y is preperiodic in the sens the theorem, it is meaningful to denote by hf a nite set. Proof. The arithmetic intersection satis es the p which = L . The inequality h v f ives (1) by f Lf (Y) 0 follows from the construction g that Lis a uniform limit of adelic metrics induced by ample hermitian models. The last property follows from (1). Remark 9.11. The adelic line bundle Lis \nef" in the sense that it is relatively semipositive, and it has non-negative intersection with any closed subvariety of X. Remark 9.12. The converse that h(Y) = 0 implies Y is preperiodic is not true. It was an old version of the dynamical Manin{Mumford conjecture. See Ghioca{Tucker{Zhang [GTZ10] for a counter-example by Ghioca and Tucker, and some recent formulations of the dynamical Manin{Mumford conjecture. 10. Proof of the equidistribution 10.1. Equidistribution in terms of adelic line bundles. We introduce an equidistribution theorem for relatively semipositive adelic line bundles, which includes the dynamical case by taking the invariant adelic line bundle. Let Xbe a projective variety of dimension nover a number eld Kand let L= (L;fk k) be an adelic line bundle. Similar to 6.1, we make a de nition of smallness. ALGEBRAIC DYNAMICS, CANONICAL HEIGHTS AND ARAKELOV GEOMETRY 31 LDefinition of X( K) is called hL 10.1. An in nite sequence fxmgm 1(xm) !hLL f quence is Zariski dense in X. We further recall that x;v= 1z2Ovdeg(x) X( x) z is the probability measure on the analytic space Xvan C = 1degL(X) ;k kv)n van C c1(LCv on Xvan C L;v mL= (L;fk kvgvgbe a generic and h L i s x YX vgv L L ; v m;v m e h v L -small if h(X) as m!1. Note that we require the limit of the heights to be h(X). It is compatible with the dynamical case since h(X) = 0 in the dynamical case by Proposition 9.10. Recall that an in nite sequence of X( K) is called generic if any in nite subse- at a place vof Kassociated to the Galois orbit of a point x2X(K). Denote by the normalized Monge{Amp ere/Chambert-Loir measure on X. Theorem 10.2. Let X be a projective variety over a number eld Kand let L) be a relatively semipositive adelic line bundle on Xwith Lample. Let fx-small sequence of X(K). Then for any place vof K, the probability measure converges weakly to the measure . The theorem is proved by Yuan [Yu08], and it implies Theorem 6.2 immediately. The case that vis archimedean and k kis strictly positive was due to Szpiro{ Ullmo{Zhang [SUZ97], which implies their equidistribution on abelian varieties. The result is further generalized to the case that Lis big and vis archimedean by Berman{Boucksom [BB10]. If Lis big and vis non-archimedean, a similar result is true by Chen [Che08c]. 10.2. Fundamental inequality. Let Xbe a projective variety of dimension nover a number eld K, and L= (L;fk k) be an adelic line bundle on X. Following Zhang [Zh95a, Zh95b], the essential minimum of the height function h inf (X) = x2X( K) Y( K) sup L(x ) e mgm m!1 fxmgm generic m!1 alternative de nition eL hL(x ): Here the sup is taken over all closed subvarieties Y of X. Let fxbe a generic sequence in X(K). By de nition, liminf(X): Furthermore, the equality can be attained by some sequences. Thus we have an m (X) = inf liminf Theorem 10.3 (fundamental inequality, Zhang). Assume that Lis big. Then eL(X) vol ( L) (n+ 1)vol(L): In particular, if Lis relatively semipositive and Lis ample, then e L(X) hL(X): 32 XINYI YUAN Recall that, in the classical sense, Lis big if h0n(NL) vol(L) = lim N=n! >0: N!1 The existence of the limit follows from Fujita’s approximation theorem. See [La04] for example. It is worth noting that, for each d= 1; ;n, Zhang [Zh95a, Zh95b] acutally introduced a number eL;d(X) by restricting codim(Y) din the de nition of the essential minimum. Then the essential minimum is just eL(X) = eL;1(X). The fundamental inequality is an easy part of his theorem on successive minima. Remark 10.4. In the setting of Theorem 10.2, the existence of a generic and hL-small sequence is equivalent to the equality eL(X) = hL(X). The equality is true in the dynamical case since both sides are zero, but it is very hard to check in general. To prove the theorem, we need the following Minkowski type result: Lemma 10.5. Let K;X;Lbe as above. Fix a place v0of K. Then for any >0, there exists a positive integer Nand a non-zero section s2H(X;NL) satisfying 1N logksk v0;sup( L) (n+ 1)vol(L) vol + 0 0; 8v6= v0 hL(x) = 1N Then we immediately have C. The goal is to prov e van hL(x) x 0X v2MXK logks(z)kv: vol (L) (n+ 1)vol(L) : Proof. It is a consequence of the adelic version of Minkowski’s theo [BG06, Appendix a C] for example. Now we prove Theorem 10.3. Let s2 be as in the lemma. By Lemma 9.6, for any x2X(K) jdiv(s)j(K),1 deg(x) z2O nd logkskv;sup ; 8x2X(K) jdiv(s)j(K): Let !0. We obtain the theorem. 10.3. Variational principle. Now we are re prove Theorem 10.2. To illustrate the idea, we rst consider the archimedean case. We use the va principle of [SUZ97]. Fix an archimedean place v. Let be a real-valued continuous function on v X an C X an C Z lim m;v =Z L;v: v m!1 By density, it su ces to assume is smooth in the sense that, there exists an embedding of Xvan Cinto a projective manifold M, such that can be extended to a smooth function on M. v= e De note by O( ) the trivia l line bun dle A L G E B R A I C D Y N A M I C S , C A N O N I C A L H E I G H T S A N D A R A K E L O V G E O M E T R Y 3 3 with the trivia l metr ic at all plac es w6= v, and with metr ic give n by k1ka t v. Den ote L( ) = L+ O( ). The smo othn ess of i mpli es that O( ) is an integ rabl e adeli c line bun dle. Le t tb e a s m all po sit iv e rat io na l nu m be r. By th e fu nd a m en tal in eq ua lit y, hL( t )(xm) vol (L(t )) (n+ liminf 1)degL(X) : m!1 H er e w e ha ve us ed th e as su m pti on th at fx mg mi s ge ne ric . N ot e th at L(t ) = L+ tO () . By th e di er en tia bil ity in C or oll ar y 9. 4, vol (L(t )) = (L(t ))n+1 + O(t2 L( t )(xm) hL( t )(X) + O(t2 h m!1 L L m X Xvan C L;v xm;v hL( t )(xm ): It follows that (10.1) liminf): On the other hand, it is easy ) = h to verify that ):( 10 .3) hL( t )(X) = h (X) + t Z va + O(t2 n In fa ct, th e rs t eq ua lit y fol lo w s fro m Le m m a 9. 6, an d th e se co nd eq ua C (x ) + t Z;(10.2) lit y fol lo w s fro m m!1 O( ) = Z an C (x c1(LCv ;k kv)n: nL Note that we have assumed X lim hL m;v Z an Z an : C C liminf m!1 (X ): Th en (1 0. 1), (1 0. 2) an d (1 0. 3) im pl y m ! 1 R e p l a c i n g b y i n t h x X L;v v X v v m) = hL e i n e q u a l i t y , w e g e t t h e o t h e r d i r e c t i o n . H e n c e , l i m Z X v a n C x m ; v = Z X v a n C L ; v : It ni shes the proo f. 10.4 . Nonarchi med ean case . Now we cons ider The ore m 10.2 for any nonarchi med ean plac e v. The proo f is para llel to the archi med ean case , exce pt that we use \mo del funct ions" to repl ace \smo oth funct ions" . The key is that mod el funct ions are dens e in the spac e of conti nuo us funct ions by a resul t of Gubl er. To int ro du ce m od el fu nc tio ns , w e co ns id er a sli gh tly ge ne ral se tti ng . Fi x a pr oj ec tiv e va rie ty Y ov er a no nar ch im ed ea n el d k, an d co ns id er int eg ral m od el s of Y ov er nit e ex te ns io ns of k. Le t E be a ni te ex te ns io n of k, an d let (Y ;M ) be a (p roj ec tiv e an d at) int eg ral m od el of (Y E; O YE) ov er O Mo n O YE. It in du ce s a m etr ic k k. Th en lo gk 1k 1=e ME , for an y po sit iv e int eg er e, is a fu nc tio n on jYj , an d ex te nd s to a un iq ue co nti nu ou s fu nc tio n on Ya n EE . It pu llba ck s to a fu nc tio n on Yk an Cv ia th e na tur al pr oj ec tio n Yk an Ca n E! Y. H er e Ck de no te s th e co m pl eti on of th e al ge br ai c cl os ur e ko f k. Th e re su lti ng fu nc tio n on Yk an Ci s ca lle d a m od el fu nc tio n 34 XINYI YUAN on Ykan C. Alternatively, it is also induced by the integral model (Y) of (YCk;OYC kOC k;MOC k). Theorem 10.6 (Gubler). The vector space over Q of model functions is uniformly dense in the space of real-valued continuous functions on Ykan C. The result is stated in [Gu08, Proposition 3.4] in this form. It is essentially a combination of Gubler [Gu98, Theorem 7.12] and [Yu08, Lemma 3.5]. Now we are ready to prove Theorem 10.2 when vis non-archimedean. By the m!1density theorem proved above, it su ces to L;v: prove limZXvan C xm;v= ZXvan C induced by an OE-model (X;M) of (X) for any nite extension Eof KvE;OXE. for any model function = logk1kM to nite extensions of K, it is not hard to reduce it to the case that E= Kv. O( ) the trivial line bundle with the trivial metric at all places w6= v, and with metric given by k1k v= e Kat v. Denote L( ) = L+ O( ). It is extend (X;M) to an integral model over Owhich induces the adelic line bu It follows that O( ) is an integrable adelic line bundle. Now the proof is the same as the archimedean case. Still consider th L(t ) = L+ tO( ) for a small rational number t. Note that (10.1) only require O( ) to be integrable, and (10.2) and (10.3) are true by de nition. References [Ar74] S. J. Arakelov, Intersection theory of divisors on an arithmetic surface, Math. USSR (1974), 1167{1180. [Au01] P. Autissier, Points entiers sur les surfaces arithm etiques, J. Reine Angew. Math., 5 201{235. [Ba09] M. Baker, A niteness theorem for canonical heights attached to rational maps over function elds. J. Reine Angew. Math. 626 (2009), 205{233. [BB10] R. Berman, S. Boucksom, Growth of balls of holomorphic sections and energy at eq Invent. Math. 181 (2010), no. 2, 337{394. 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