Goal 5

Algebra Goal 5 – To Simplify Expressions Involving Integer Exponents
Learning Outcomes
5.1 To simplify expressions
containing multiple exponents
(integer values) using:
Multiplication property of
exponents; zero and negative
Chapter References 8.1, 8.2
Division property of exponents
Chapter Reference 8.4
Scientific notation
Chapter Reference 8.5
Differentiated Instructional Activities
Text Book
Chapter Resource Book
Understanding the multiplication rules is
a process of counting the number of
factors with the same base. This leads to
the addition rule. Writing out fully each
problem at first usually leads to complete
understanding quickly.
Problems usually occur working with
numbers not variables.
Setting up a table of powers form +3 to –
3 of ten and showing how moving down
is division by 10, is a way to demonstrate
0 and negative exponents.
Pg. 443-445
Ex. 1-17
Pg. 446-448
Ex. 1-69
Real Life Applications
Pg. 30 ex: 1 – 2
Alternative Assessment and
Math Journal pg. 107 ex: 1
Interdisciplinary Application
Pg. 42
WT: pg. 62^
WT: pg. 63
HQ pg. 63^
Pg. 449-451
Ex. 1-13
Pg. 452-453
Ex. 1-67
Ch. 8 Quiz 1 pg. 44 ex: 1 – 6
WT: pg. 65^
Understanding the division rules is a
process of counting the number of factors
with the same base. This leads to the
subtraction rule. Writing out fully each
problem at first usually leads to complete
understanding quickly.
Problems usually occur working with
numbers not variables.
Zero and negative exponents are different
ways of writing numbers that result from
using the division rule.
Pg. 462-464
Ex. 1-11
Pg. 465-467
Ex. 1-64
Use of a calculator with built in scientific
notation is useful in teaching this topic.
Estimation skills need to be stressed.
Pg. 469-471
Ex. 1-17
Pg. 472-473
Ex. 1-69
Ch. 8 Quiz 2 pg. 71 ex: 1 – 7
WT: pg. 66
HQ: pg. 66
HQ: pg 67
SAT/ACT Chapter Test
Pg. 106 ex: 1, 2, 5, 6
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher
Page 1
Learning Outcomes
CAPT Practice
Differentiated Instructional
Text Book References*
Chapter Resource Book
Energy, pg 447
Pennies, pg.447
Spanish, pg 467
History, pg 473
Additional CAPT Practice
Forecasting Population
The examples noted are for reference only. Teacher has the decision to assign number of examples to meet the needs of the different abilities of students in the class.
These references can be found in the Warm-up Transparencies (WT) and Daily Homework Quiz (HQ) booklet.
End of Chapter Assessments as well as periodic quizzes are to be determined by the teacher