Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I Software Table of Contents

Cognitive Tutor® Algebra I Software Table of Contents
Unit 1 Linear Patterns
1.1 Demo
1.2 Finding Linear Patterns with Positive Rates of Change
1.3 Finding Linear Patterns with Positive and Negative Rates of Change
1.4 Finding Linear Patterns with Negative Starting Points
Unit 2 Unit Conversions
2.1 Converting Within Systems using One Step
2.2 Converting Between Systems using One Step
2.3 Converting Between Systems using Multiple Given Steps
2.4 Converting Between Systems using Multiple Steps
Unit 3 Linear Models and First Quadrant Graphs
3.1 Demo
3.2 Graphing with Positive Rates of Change
3.3 Graphing with Positive Rates of Change and Negative Starting Points
3.4 Graphing with Negative Rates of Change and Positive Starting Points
Unit 4 One-Step Linear Equations
4.1 Simplifying Expressions (No Type In)
4.2 Simplifying Expressions (Type In)
4.3 Simplifying Expressions in Equations with Integers (No Type In)
4.4 Simplifying Expressions in Equations with Integers (Type In)
4.5 Simplifying Expressions in Equations with Decimals (No Type In)
4.6 Simplifying Expressions in Equations with Decimals (Type In)
4.7 Solving with Addition and Subtraction (No Type In)
4.8 Solving with Addition and Subtraction (Type In)
4.9 Solving with Multiplication and Division (No Type In)
4.10 Solving with Multiplication and Division (Type In)
4.11 Solving with Negative One (No Type In)
4.12 Solving with Negative One (Type In)
Unit 5 Linear Models and Independent Variables
5.1 Demo
5.2 Finding Independent Variables with Positive Rates of Change
5.3 Finding Independent Variables with Starting Points
5.4 Finding Independent Variables with Negative Rates of Change and Starting Point
Unit 6 Ratios and Proportions
6.1 Writing Ratios
6.2 Comparing Rates
6.3 Solving Proportions Using Equivalent Fractions
6.4 Solving Proportions Using Means and Extremes
Unit 7 Linear Models and Ratios
7.1 Modeling Linear Functions with Ratios
Unit 8 Two-Step Linear Equations
8.1 Solving One-Step Equations (Type In)
8.2 Solving with Multiplication (No Type In)
8.3 Solving with Multiplication (Type In)
8.4 Solving with Division (No Type In)
8.5 Solving with Division (Type In)
8.6 Solving with a Variable in the Denominator (No Type In)
8.7 Solving with a Variable in the Denominator (Type In)
Unit 9 Linear Models and Two Quadrant Graphs
9.1 Demo
9.2 Graphing with Positive Integer Rates of Change
9.3 Graphing with Positive Fractional Rates of Change
9.4 Graphing with Negative Rates of Change
Unit 10 Linear Equations with Similar Terms
10.1 Solving Two-Step Equations (Type In)
10.2 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms and a Constant with Integers (No Type In)
10.3 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms and a Constant with Integers (Type In)
10.4 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms with Decimals (No Type In)
10.5 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms with Decimals (Type In)
10.6 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms and a Constant with Decimals (No Type In)
10.7 Solving by Combining Like Variable Terms and a Constant with Decimals (Type In)
Unit 11 Linear Equations and the Distributive Property
11.1 Solving Linear Equations (Type In)
11.2 Using Multiplication and Integers (No Type In)
11.3 Using Multiplication and Integers (Type In)
11.4 Using Multiplication and Decimals (No Type In)
11.5 Using Multiplication and Decimals (Type In)
11.6 Using Multiplication and Large Decimals (No Type In)
11.7 Using Multiplication and Large Decimals (Type In)
11.8 Using Division (No Type In)
11.9 Using Division (Type In)
11.10 Using Division with Additional Variable Term (No Type In)
11.11 Using Division with Additional Variable Term (Type In)
Unit 12 Linear Models and the Distributive Property
12.1 Demo
12.2 Modeling with Integer Rates of Change
12.3 Modeling with Fractional Rates of Change
12.4 Modeling using the Distributive Property over Division
12.5 Modeling More Complex Equations
Unit 13 Rational and Irrational Numbers
13.1 Creating Number Line Models
13.2 Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers
Unit 14 Linear Models and Slope-Intercept Graphs A
14.1 Demo
14.2 Graphing given an Integer Slope and Y-intercept
14.3 Graphing given a Fractional Slope and Y-intercept
Unit 15 Linear Models using Two Points
15.1 Demo
15.2 Modeling Given an Initial Point
15.3 Modeling Given Two Points
15.4 Modeling Given Two Points or an Initial Point
Unit 16 General Linear Form
16.1 Demo
16.2 Defining Parts of Linear Equations in General Form
Unit 17 Linear Models in General Form
17.1 Demo
17.2 Modeling Linear Equations in General Form
Unit 18 Literal Equations
18.1 Solving Literal Equations with Variable Terms on the Same Side (No Type In)
18.2 Solving Literal Equations with Variable Terms on the Same Side (Type In)
18.3 Solving Literal Equations with Variable Terms on Opposite Sides (No Type In)
18.4 Solving Literal Equations with Variable Terms on Opposite Sides (Type In)
18.5 Solving Literal Equations (No Type In)
18.6 Solving Literal Equations (Type In)
Unit 19 Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides
19.1 Solving Linear Equations (Type In)
19.2 Solving with Integers (No Type In)
19.3 Solving with Integers (Type In)
19.4 Solving with Decimals (No Type In)
19.5 Solving with Decimals (Type In)
19.6 Solving with Large Decimals (No Type In)
19.7 Solving with Large Decimals (Type In)
19.8 Solving Linear Equations with No Solution and Infinite Solutions
Unit 20 Systems of Linear Equations Modeling
20.1 Demo
20.2 Solving Linear Systems using Integers
20.3 Solving Linear Systems using Decimals
Unit 21 Systems of Linear Equations
21.1 Demo
21.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations by Graphing
Unit 22 Graphs of Linear Inequalities
22.1 Demo
22.2 Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Unit 23 Systems of Linear Inequalities
23.1 Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities
Unit 24 Quadratic Models and Area
24.1 Modeling Quadratic Functions as Area
Unit 25 Squares and Square Roots
25.1 Finding Perfect Squares and Square Roots
25.2 Approximating Square Roots
Unit 26 Quadratic Equation Solving
26.1 Solving Quadratic Equations
Unit 27 Quadratic Models and Vertical Motion
27.1 Using the Vertical Motion Model
Unit 28 Exponents
28.1 Writing Numbers as Positive Powers of Ten
28.2 Writing Numbers as Positive Powers of Bases Other than Ten
28.3 Writing Numbers as Negative Powers of Ten
28.4 Writing Numbers as Negative Powers of Bases Other than Ten
28.5 Writing Numbers as Powers of Bases
Unit 29 Scientific Notation
29.1 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation with Whole Numbers and Positive Exponents
29.2 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation with Decimals and Positive Exponents
29.3 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation with Whole Numbers and Negative Exponents
29.4 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation with Decimals and Negative Exponents
29.5 Writing Numbers in Scientific Notation
29.6 Comparing Numbers Written in Scientific Notation
Unit 30 Product Rule for Exponents
30.1 Using the Product Rule with a Coefficient of One
30.2 Using the Product Rule with Coefficients
30.3 Using the Product Rule with Multiple Variables
Unit 31 Quotient Rule for Exponents
31.1 Using the Quotient Rule with a Coefficient of One
31.2 Using the Quotient Rule with Coefficients
31.3 Using the Quotient Rule with Multiple Variables
Unit 32 Polynomial Addition and Subtraction
32.1 Adding Polynomials
32.2 Adding Polynomials with Higher Orders
32.3 Subtracting Polynomials
Unit 33 Quadratics Factoring
33.1 Factoring Trinomials with Coefficients of One
33.2 Factoring Trinomials with Positive Coefficients
Unit 34 Rational Expressions
34.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions
34.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
34.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
Unit 35 Probability
35.1 Finding Simple Probabilities
35.2 Finding Disjoint Probabilities
35.3 Finding Theoretical and Experimental Probabilities
35.4 Finding the Sample Space for Independent Events
35.5 Finding the Sample Space for Dependent Events
35.6 Finding the Sample Space for Independent and Dependent Events
35.7 Finding Compound Probabilities
Unit 36 Measures of Central Tendency
36.1 Finding Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
36.2 Determining Appropriate Measures
36.3 Measuring the Effects of Changing Data Sets
36.4 Finding a Data Value Given a Mean
Unit 37 Pythagorean Theorem
37.1 Finding the Length of the Hypotenuse of a Right Triangle
37.2 Finding the Length of a Leg of a Right Triangle
37.3 Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Unit 38 Distance, Midpoint, and Slope
38.1 Finding Distances using the Pythagorean Theorem
38.2 Finding Distances using the Distance Formula
38.3 Finding Midpoints
38.4 Finding Slopes
38.5 Finding Distances and Midpoints
Unit 39 Linear and Quadratic Transformations
39.1 Shifting Vertically using Verbal Statements
39.2 Shifting Vertically using Graphs
39.3 Shifting Vertically using Equations
39.4 Reflecting and Dilating using Graphs
39.5 Reflecting and Dilating using Equations
39.6 Shifting Horizontally
39.7 Transforming using Verbal Statements and Equations
39.8 Transforming using Graphs
39.9 Using Two or Less Transformations using Tables of Values
39.10 Transforming using Verbal Statements, Graphs, and Equations
39.11 Using Three or Less Transformations using Tables of Values
Unit 40 Exponential Modeling
40.1 Demo
40.2 Modeling Equations with Starting Point of One
40.3 Modeling Equations with Starting Point other than One
40.4 Using Regression Models