Planning and Writing your UCAS Personal Statement Introduction to personal statements A personal statement gives you a chance to tell universities and colleges why you are interested in the courses that you have applied for and what you hope to do after your studies. Personal statements are important because admissions staff often use them to decide whether an applicant is suitable for their course. If you are unsure about personal statements ask your tutor or Careers Adviser in the Guidance Centre for help. The following handout helps you begin gathering your thoughts before putting it into sentences/paragraphs. What should be included in a personal statement? It is up to you what to include in a personal statement, but the following points are often included: Why you have chosen the courses you have listed. What interests you about your chosen subject. What you have gained from your current studies. Any job, work experience, placement or voluntary work you have done, particularly if it is relevant to your subject. Your future careers plans. Your social, sports, or leisure interests. Details of any subjects you are studying that do not have a formal assessment. Involvement in Gifted and Talented or widening participation activities. Details of non-accredited skills and achievement which you have gained through activities such as Young Enterprise, the Duke of Edinburgh Award or Millennium Volunteers Scheme. Any sponsorship or placements you have applied for. If taking a year out, your reasons why. Completing a personal statement It is best to prepare this section beforehand in Microsoft Word so it can be spell checked before cutting and pasting it into the final application. Use font size 12 and Verdana font. You have 47 lines and 4000 characters to use. This contains written examples of a personal statement. Do not be tempted to copy phrases, sentences into your statement as UCAS use plagiarism software which will detect this and will warn universities you apply to. STAGE ONE: GATHERING YOUR THOUGHTS First Paragraph: Your reasons for choosing the course Use your first paragraph to give your reasons for choosing the course. Select from the following and/or add your own reasons: Use this section to record your own reasons in bullet form: First draft I wish to apply for Law based on my own personal enthusiasm for what I consider to be a challenging but genuinely stimulating subject. I would eventually like to follow a career in the Bar and I feel this course will be an excellent preparation. My interest began when I had the opportunity of listening to a guest barrister talk about his work during a visit to my college. I began researching courses and attending university open days for further information and this confirmed Law as my subject of choice. I also enjoy reading about current aspects of Law in the Times and Guardian. Became interested in school Developed from hobby/interest Insight gained through work experience Personal life experience (useful for vocational courses) Required for a career aim Other Explain your understanding of the subject you are applying for with a brief description of why your current course is relevant Example Use this section to record your understanding in bullet form: Interested Law – challenging and stimulating subject Listened to talk by barrister in college inspired Will help towards career aim of working at the Bar Example Covers a wide range of subjects Opportunity to specialise Current course has helped me to prepare for university by developing time management and analytical skills I particularly like the opportunity that law offers by providing a broad introduction to criminal and constitutional law and the legal process, as well as further specialised study in, for example, European Law. STAGE ONE: GATHERING YOUR THOUGHTS Second Paragraph: Your present study at St Helens College Give an overview of what your current course is about Explain which aspects of the course interest you most and why Give examples of any projects that you may have been involved in that may be of interest Relate your study to the course(s) you are applying for Use this section to record your ideas in bullet form: Example A levels Loreto – Law, History, Geography Law – English Legal System Criminal law History – medieval Geography – glaciation Field trip - Scotland Skills Analytical Problem solving Communication Time management I am currently studying three A levels at Loreto College in Law, History, and Geography. Within my study of Law, I have particularly enjoyed the English Legal System and am currently looking forward with anticipation to the examination of Criminal Law. In History, I have enjoyed the study of social life in the medieval period and have found the notion of justice to be somewhat different to the modern day! Likewise I have found Geography stimulating and geomorphology of particular interest especially the impact of glaciation on the landscape. My field course to Scotland gave me the opportunity to observe the impact of glaciers first hand. I feel that the skills I am developing have prepared me for degree study. These include analytical skills and problem solving demonstrated by my investigative course work in Geography; communication skills developed in debates and discussions within Law; and time management required to ensure that work is completed to fixed deadlines STAGE ONE: GATHERING YOUR THOUGHTS Third Paragraph: Work Experience Discuss your work experience and explain its impact on you. Work experience is especially important where it directly relates to future career plans. Try to show any work experience has prepared you for higher education and career plans. You can also illustrate with tasks and responsibilities you undertook and how this developed your skills Use this section to record your ideas in bullet form: Example Good idea of demands of modern day employment Comet – busy Customer service Developed confidence and communication skills I have already engaged in valuable work experience during year eleven. I spent two weeks work experience at Comet Electrical where I gained an insight into the workings of a busy retail company and was offered the opportunity to help in sales. This gave me customer service experience and not only helped my personal confidence but also the development of other key skills including communication and working with others. Fourth Paragraph: Personal Interests/Hobbies Briefly describe your interests and hobbies outside of college. Particularly highlight any interests that imply you are well suited to your chosen career. For example an IT student developing a piece of software. Describe your commitment by explaining the length of time you have been involved with these. Include here any achievements such as Duke of Edinburgh. Use this section to record your ideas in bullet form: Example Music Photograph Duke of Edinburgh I enjoy an eclectic taste in music outside of college and regularly attend local gigs featuring new bands. More recently I have developed an interest in photography and have completed a short introductory course to provide me with the fundamentals of taking well balanced photographs. During year eleven I completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh and particularly enjoyed the environmental work I undertook as part of my voluntary experience. This was particularly rewarding as being a leader of my group helped me gain valuable skills in STAGE ONE: GATHERING YOUR THOUGHTS organising a group of other young people and delegating responsibility. Fifth Paragraph: Concluding Statement A final statement which sums up your personal statement and reflects your hopes and thoughts for the future Use this section to record your ideas in bullet form Example Reflect on subject being of keen interest Draw on course and experience to comment on these helping prepare for university study Express enthusiasm for subject and challenge I am an active and well motivated student who would welcome the challenge of studying at degree level. My passion for Law and the preparation provided by my current study will provide me with a strong foundation to work towards a good degree and beyond. I am a conscientious and determined young person and feel that I will be able to contribute to a wider student life. I would be happy to provide further information if necessary and look forward to your response. STAGE ONE: GATHERING YOUR THOUGHTS FIRST DRAFT: PUTTING YOUR IDEAS INTO SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPHS The ideas you have put together on the previous pages can now form the basis of your first draft. Use each heading to construct a paragraph in sentences outlining your own personal reasons for applying to higher education and the relevance of your current study and experience. When you have completed your first draft show it to your tutor or Careers Adviser who will check for mistakes and may advise on how you could improve the statement. Below are some useful phrases to help you: Sentences starting with “I” I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I enjoy took part in am good at am interested in raised money for organised helped have experience of was thanked for was congratulated on want to learnt to learnt that I am successfully won was chosen to improved wish set up was fascinated by am keen Include phrases like taught me gave me the opportunity to developed skills in communicating managing negotiating work as part of a team work on my own initiative take responsibility for be self disciplined researched confirmed my feelings reinforced my view strengthened my belief confirmed my feelings