Criteria for assessing associate College, sixth form College and School proposals Guidance 16(i) Guidance 16(i) Criteria for assessing associate College, sixth form College and School proposals 1 2 3 The following criteria shall apply to the assessment of Associate College proposals: Is there evidence that the Associate College shares the ethos, mission and values of the University? Have the mutual benefits of the Association been demonstrated? What arrangements are in hand to maximise the benefits of the Association? Is there evidence that the quality of student experience in the Associate College is likely to be comparable to that of a University-based student? Will the Associate College be developing most of its higher education programme(s) in association with the University? Have agreements been reached which ensure that funding for higher education programmes offered in whole or in part by the Associate College is adequate? Is there evidence of existing good working relationships at management and middle management level between the University and the Associate College? and Has a Memorandum of Association been agreed in principle? The following criteria shall apply to the assessment of Associate Sixth Form Colleges: Have the mutual benefits of the Association been demonstrated? What arrangements are in hand to maximise the benefits of the Association? Is a progression agreement with the Sixth Form College in place (including agreed targets) and demonstrating mutual benefits to both the College and the University? Is there evidence of existing good working relationships at management and middle-management level between the University and the proposed Associate Sixth Form College? Has a Memorandum of Association been agreed in principle? The following criteria shall apply to the consideration of Associate School proposals. It is anticipated that a positive response will be required from the majority of these questions for the application to be successful. Have the mutual benefits of the Association been demonstrated? What arrangements are in hand to maximise the benefits of the Association? How will the School promote progression routes to Middlesex University and how will this be monitored? Is a progression agreement and/or progression compact with the School in place (including agreed targets) and does it demonstrate mutual benefits to both the School and the University? Does the School have a post-16 programme which prepares students for progression to higher education? Is there evidence of existing good working relationships at management and middle-management level between the University and the proposed Associate School? Has the School achieved, or planned to achieve, specialist school status and, if so, is the University involved in this? Is the proposed relationship between the University and the School in an area/aspect appropriate to the focus of the agreement? 2013/14 Criteria for assessing associate College, sixth form College and School proposals Guidance 16(i) How will the School assist the University in developing further the Widening Participation agenda? Has the School gained "training partner" status and operated successfully in this role for at least one academic year? Does the School have, or will it develop through the Association, good links with the University's Teacher Education and Professional Development programmes? Has the School achieved Beacon, Training or Partnership Promotion School Status and how will the School's activities in relation to this status be of benefit to the University? Has a Memorandum of Association been agreed in principle? 2013/14