Thursday, 5th March 2015
Junior Doctors’ Training Room, 4th Floor East, 250 Euston Road, London NW1 2PG
The RCP have awarded 6 CPD Credits
Registration and Coffee
Welcome/Introduction to Sleep Disordered Breathing
Dr Himender Makker, Consultant Respiratory Physician, UCLH
Sleep and Sleep Disordered Breathing
How to Take a Good Sleep History
Professor Matthew Walker, Consultant Neurologist, Institute of Neurology, UCLH
How to Recognise Obstructive Sleep Apnoea - Clinical Features and Questionnaires
Dr Fionnuala Crummy, Consultant Respiratory Physician, UCLH
How to Diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – Sleep Studies and Diagnostic Criteria
Robert Royston, Team Leader Clinical Engineering, Research+Development, RNTNEH
Complicated Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Respiratory Failure in Obese-Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Dr Swapna Mandal, Locum Respiratory Physician, St Bartholomew’s Hospital
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Respiratory Failure in Neuromuscular Disorders
Prof Anita Simonds, Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Respiratory Failure During the Post-Operative Period
Dr Maan Hasan, Consultant Anaesthetist, UCLH
Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
CPAP and Non-CPAP Treatments of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: An Overview
Dr Himender Makker, Consultant Respiratory Physician, UCLH
Role of ENT Surgery in the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Mr Bhik Kotecha, Consultant ENT Surgeon, RNTNEH, UCLH
Role of Bariatric Surgery in the Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Mr Andrew Jenkinson, Consultant Bariatric Surgeon, UCLH
Hypersomnolence, Parasomnia and Insomnia
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness due to Primary Sleep Disorders – Narcolepsy and PLMS
Professor Matthew Walker, Consultant Neurologist, Institute of Neurology, UCLH
Sleep Disorders in REM and Non-REM Sleep - Parasomnia
Dr Sofia Eriksson, Consultant Neurologist, NHNN, UCLH
Can Not Sleep – Insomnia
Dr Hugh Selsick, Consultant Psychiatrist, Insomnia Clinic, RLHIM
Close – Dr Himender Makker
Biographies of Speakers:
Dr Himender Makker is a Consultant Respiratory Physician with a special interest in Sleep Disordered Breathing at the North
Middlesex University and University College London Hospitals. His research interest is in “Neuropsychological effects of hypoxia in
OSA”. He organises UCLH sleep medicine Course and sleep study day for NE Thames respiratory SpRs and contributes as a
speaker to the UCL ENT and Neurology Sleep Courses and GP Educational Programs. He is MRCP-PACES examiner for the
Royal College of Physician and was Vice Chairman and member of a Local Research Ethics Committee (2001-2009) and Director
of Research and Development (2001 to 2005) at the North Middlesex University Hospital.
Professor Matthew Walker is Professor of Neurology and has a specific clinic interest in epilepsy, the differential diagnosis of
nocturnal events and neurological sleep disorders. He is one of the Consultants on the video-EEG unit at the National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, which is one of the largest such units in Europe for the diagnosis of paroxysmal events and the
presurgical assessment of people with epilepsy. He had given lectures and held workshops nationally and internationally on
neurological sleep disorders. He has published over 200 book chapters, books and original articles.
Dr Fionnuala Crummy has broad experience in the diagnosis and management of sleep disordered breathing. She has a specific
interest in the impact of obesity on sleep disordered breathing and the respiratory system and has published papers and lectured
on this subject.
Robert Royston Team Leader of Clinical Engineering, Research and Development at the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear
Dr Swapna Mandal is currently a Locum Respiratory Consultant at Barts Health. She has spent 4 years completing her PhD at the
Lane-Fox Respiratory unit and has a sub-specialist interest in sleep and ventilation, with a particular interest in the management of
obesity and ventilation.
Prof Anita Simonds is a Consultant in Respiratory & Sleep Medicine at Royal Brompton Hospital, and Professsor of Respiratory
and Sleep Medicine at NHLI, Imperial College with a research and clinical interest in sleep disordered breathing, and acute and
chronic respiratory failure in adults and children. She has investigated the physiological basis of breathing difficulties during sleep
and carried out trials of ventilatory support in a range of conditions, including neuromuscular disorders. She is lead clinician for
Royal Brompton Centre for Sleep, and is responsible for 7000 patients using CPAP, and 1700 adult and paediatric patients
receiving ventilatory support at home.
Dr Maan Hasan Consultant Anaesthetist, Lead Bariatric Anaesthetist and previously Lead Anaesthetist for enhanced recovery for
colorectal surgery. Appointed at UCH in 2007. Previously at St Mark’s and Northwick Park Hospital. Trained in the Bristol rotation
as Registrar, University of Bristol as researcher, and St Thomas and Great Ormond St hospitals rotation as Senior Registrar.
Examiner for the FRCA (2002 – present) and Editor for CPD Anaesthesia Journal (1999 – present). Recipient of Cutlers prize for
innovation in surgery in 2007 judged by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Mr Bhik Kotecha Born in Kenya, been in UK since 1972; Medical degree 1984: Cardiff; Postgraduate M.Phil., University of
Sussex; Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of England; Fellow of Royall College of Surgeons of Edinburgh; Member of Court of
Examiners for Royal College of surgeons of England; President of Sleep Medicine Section at Royal Society of Medicine, London
2009-2011; Assistant Editor for Journal of Laryngology and Otology; Clinical Lead for Sleep Disorders Unit at Royal National
Throat, Nose & Ear Hospital since 1998 ; NHS Consultant in ENT Surgery at Queens Hospital, Romford, Essex (Barking, Havering
and Redbridge NHS Trust) and Royal National Throat, Nose & Ear Hospital (UCLH) since 1995; Senior Lecturer at UCL since
1995; Associate Professor at AUC, School of Medicine, USA; Lectures nationally and internationally at various Sleep Medicine
related conferences; Published widely in the field – see website for further information:; Appeared
on various TV and Radio programmes to heighten the awareness of problems related to sleep disorders including, BBC breakfast,
BBC World, GMTV, Anglia television and discovery Channel; Awarded Hospital Doctor Team of the Year for Sleep Medicine in
Mr Andrew Jenkinson is a Consultant Bariatric and Upper GI Surgeon at UCLH. His clinical interests include: gastrointestinal
motility, sports hernia, surgery for type 2 diabetes, roux en Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and revisional bariatric surgery.
Dr Sofia Eriksson is a Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. She has a special interest
in neurological sleep disorders. Over the last 5 years she has published several peer reviewed papers on the topic and she has
been invited to give lectures and chair symposia focusing in particular on parasomnias in the UK and also at European meetings.
She is a member of the joint taskforce of the International League Against Epilepsy and European Sleep Research Society for
assessment of sleep related epilepsies.
Dr Hugh Selsick is Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Lead at the Insomnia Clinic in the Royal London Hospital for Integrated
Medicine/UCLH. He also runs the Sleep Group in the Royal College of Psychiatrists.