Kirkland Arts Center Scholarship Application SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION We are pleased to provide you an opportunity to apply for KAC’s Scholarship Programs. Participation gives you access to one free class or workshop a quarter. Applicants must apply at least one month (we are flexible on this) prior to the quarter start date of their desired class in order to be considered for scholarship. Upon receipt we will contact you for a phone interview. We will then let you know as soon as possible if the application is approved. Please type or print neatly in ink. Use additional sheets of paper if necessary. Mail completed application to 620 Market St, Kirkland, WA 98033; attention Education Director, or email to APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLICANT__________________________________________________________________________ IF UNDER 18: NAME OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN___________________________________________________ AGE (IF UNDER 18) _______ NAME OF SCHOOL (IF UNDER 18) ______________________________________________________________ APPLICANT’S ADDRESS _____________________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________________ CITY ______________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP __________________- DAY TELEPHONE ___________________________________ EVENING PHONE _________________________ Class for which aid is requested (in order of preference): 1) _________________________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________ What mediums of art are you interested in (in order of preference)? 1) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ______________________________________________________________________________________ YES Have you ever taken classes at the Kirkland Arts Center? NO If yes, when and what classes? __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Kirkland Arts Center Scholarship Application How will you benefit from taking classes at the Kirkland Arts Center? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ INCOME INFORMATION 1) What is the total annual family income?___________________________(If for youth, please include the income of both parents, if living together. Please be sure to include all sources of income such as child support, income from other members of the household, etc.) 2) Please attach one or more of the following documents: - A copy of the first page of your latest income tax return (1040 form) indicating total annual income. - Any documentation from federal, state, county or local assistance program that verifies family need. 3) How many adults and children are supported by the income indicated? _____________________ 4) Please list any other sources of income (such as child support) and how much is received annually: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please briefly explain your financial situation _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ REFERENCE INFORMATION Please list up to three references. NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY PHONE EMAIL RELATIONSHIP 2 STATE ZIP Kirkland Arts Center Scholarship Application NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE EMAIL RELATIONSHIP NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE EMAIL RELATIONSHIP TERMS AND CONDITIONS Receipt of a scholarship from the Kirkland Arts Center is limited to one per year. Applicants are chosen based upon financial need. Although exhaustive financial records are not required, a failure to provide accurate information will be cause for revocation of all scholarship privileges. Scholarship monies must be used in the same quarter and for the class which they are granted. KAC usually awards partial scholarships and all scholarship recipients are required to contribute at least $20 to each class. Receipt of a scholarship does not guarantee placement in a specified class, and prospective students must register in accordance with registration guidelines. The Kirkland Arts Center reserves the right to cancel any class or workshop, in which case a scholarship recipient may apply funds to a class in the following quarter. In the event of unreasonable conduct, KAC reserves the unconditional right to terminate a student’s enrollment without a refund or reinstatement of scholarship monies. I have read and understood the terms of the scholarship application and agree to these conditions. The information I have provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________________________ DATE _______________________________ QUARTER APPLIED FOR ______________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY DATE ____________ QUARTER ____________ APPROVED ___________ AITLISTED __________ DECLINED ___________ COMMENTS_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3