Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarships

Curtin University of Technology
(Name of Scholarship)
Conditions of Awards 2006
A student must be enrolled full time in a (Doctoral) (Masters) degree at Curtin
University of Technology, be an Australian citizen or Australian Permanent Resident
and not be in receipt of similar funding.
Applicants must hold a Degree from a recognised University, normally of First Class
Honours standard or high Upper Second Class.
Duration of Award
The period of tenure of an award shall be three years for a Doctoral Program. The
University may approve extending the tenure of an award for a Doctoral Program by up
to six months where the research has been delayed due to circumstances beyond the
student's control and related to the research rather than of a personal nature. All delays
must be documented in the Annual Progress Report. Applications must be lodged no
later than 14 days prior to the cease date of the award. The University’s decision on
extension is final and not open to appeal.
Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of
award or undertaken during suspension of the award will be deducted from the
maximum period of tenure.
A review of the academic progress of an award holder shall be conducted each year and
the Graduate Studies Committee shall have the power to determine whether an Award
is to be continued, with or without conditions, or terminated.
Stipend and Allowances
Awards in 2006 shall carry a stipend of $18,837 a year as determined by the
University. The level of the stipend will not be reduced during the period of the award.
The scholarship holder will also receive a Fee Waiver for the duration of the degree up
to the equivalent of four (4) years full-time enrolment.
An Award may be supplemented by other similar awards or by funds placed at the
disposal of the University (generally no more than seventy five percent of the base
stipend). Award holders may enter into contractual arrangements and receive top-up
funding from industry. They may also obtain funds for fieldwork, equipment or other
expenses not covered by the award. Funding for overseas travel costs may be obtained
from other Australian Government awards or any other source.
Conditions of Award
Issued for 2006
An award shall not be affected by payments in relation to long service or recreational
leave, assistance granted for travel associated with research, concurrent assistance from
private enterprise or any other assistance for purposes other than those covered by the
Unless there are exceptional circumstances an award holder is expected to commence
the degree by 31 March in the year in which the Award is granted or the Award will be
withdrawn by the University and re-allocated to another applicant. Awards cannot be
The University will not approve suspensions or overseas research earlier than six
months into the course.
Leave Arrangements
Recreation leave:
Research students are entitled to 20 days paid recreation leave a year calculated on a
pro-rata basis. No more than 20 days recreation leave may be accumulated and leave
must be taken during the tenure of the award. The Supervisor's agreement must be
obtained before leave is taken.
Sick Leave:
The award holder students may take up to two weeks’ paid sick leave a year within the
tenure of their award.
A full time student is permitted to undertake a limited amount of part-time paid
employment during the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday: no more than 8
hours of employment per week throughout the year apart from periods of annual leave
(4 weeks) and the Christmas/New Year closure. Work undertaken must not interfere
with an award holder’s study program.
Paid employment hours include preparation time.
Fractional-time or casual academic-equated appointments will not be permitted unless
there is compliance with 6.1 and 6.2
The University does not require scholarship holders to undertake employment.
Research Overseas
The University may approve students conducting up to 12 months of their research
outside Australia. Approval will only be granted if the research is essential for
completion of the degree.
The University will only approve overseas research if there is adequate supervision, the
student remains enrolled and the work can be credited to the student's postgraduate
Conditions of Award
Issued for 2006
Research at Other Organisations
The University may approve a student conducting substantial amounts of research at
organisations outside the higher education system provided that adequate support,
supervision, training, and research freedom for the student is available at the other
organisation and on the understanding that the University will still be responsible for
the student.
Transfer, Suspensions
The scholarship cannot be taken up at another institution. Students are expected to
complete their candidature at Curtin University.
If students are unable to pursue the Degree they must seek approval in the first instance
from their Supervisor and Head of academic unit for a period of suspension. They
must then seek approval of the relevant Divisional Graduate Studies Committee by
submitting a Leave of Absence form. Students may apply for up to 12 months
suspension during the tenure of the award. If the circumstances are beyond their control
this may be extended to 2 years. If the award holder does not resume study at the
conclusion of a period of suspension or does not make arrangements to extend that
period of extension, the award will be terminated. Periods of study undertaken towards
the degree during suspension of the award will be deducted from the maximum period
of tenure.
The award will be terminated the next pay period after the thesis is submitted to the
Graduate Studies Officer or at the end of the award, whichever is earlier. Awards will
be terminated before this time if, after due inquiry, the University concludes students
have not fulfilled their obligations, met the eligibility criteria or if they are not making
satisfactory progress.
If the student does not resume study at the conclusion of a period of suspension or does
not make arrangements to extend that period of suspension then the award will also be
10. Termination of an Award
10.1 The award will be terminated if, in the opinion of Curtin University, the course of study
is not being carried out with competence and diligence or in accordance with the offer
of award.
10.2 The award will be terminated when the student ceases to be a full time student and
when approval has not been obtained to hold the award on a part time basis.
10.3 The award will be terminated on the completion, death, incapacity, resignation or
withdrawal of the student.
10.4 The award will be terminated if the award holder does not resume study at the
conclusion of a period of suspension, or does not make arrangements to extend that
period of suspension.
10.5 If an award is terminated, it cannot be reactivated unless the termination occurred in
Conditions of Award
Issued for 2006
11. Specific Curtin University of Technology Obligations
11.1 The University has a code of supervision of postgraduate research degrees.
11.2 The University will be fair and equitable in the use of its discretionary powers.
11.3 The right of students to appeal against decisions is recognised. The University will
advise students of appropriate appeal mechanisms for resolution of any disputes, which
might arise during their candidature.
11.4 The University will pay the student all entitlements under the award.
12. Specific Student Obligations
12.1 Students shall diligently and to the best of their ability apply themselves to the
successful completion of the degree.
12.2 The student shall abide by the NH&MRC Codes on Human and Animal
Experimentation, guidelines established by the Australian Government's Recombinant
DNA Monitoring Committee, and rulings of the Safety and Ethics committees of the
12.3 An award holder is required to conform to the regulations (including disciplinary
provisions) of the University.
12.4 Students must provide all reports required by the University including an annual
progress report submitted through the Supervisor. If the University does not consider
that progress is satisfactory the award will be terminated or the student placed on
12.5 The student must advise the Scholarships Officer in writing of any change of address or
change to their enrolment status including advising when they submit their thesis for
examination to the Office of Graduate Studies.
13. Special Awards
13.1 Awards funded from ARC Grants or Centres - if a student transfers without approval of
the Supervisor the funds revert to the grantee or centre.
14. Variation of Conditions
14.1 These conditions may not be varied or waived without the prior consent of the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development) acting on behalf of the University
Graduate Studies Committee.
14.2 Applications for variation or waiver must be submitted in writing to the Scholarships
Officer and carry the endorsement of the Student's Supervisor and the Head of the
appropriate academic unit.
Conditions of Award
Issued for 2006
Do Not Detach
Sign and Return Complete Copy of Conditions
Manager, Scholarships
Office of Research and Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth WA 6845
Dear Ms Giggins
I have read the attached Conditions of Award governing the (Department/School) (Name of
Scholarship) and I agree to abide by the conditions and obligations outlined therein.
I undertake to devote myself full time to my studies throughout the year subject to the
concessions on employment described in Clause 6 of the abovementioned conditions.
I accept your offer of a scholarship award under the conditions specified.
Yours faithfully
Student Number
Scholarship Commencement Date
Enrolment Date
Conditions of Award
Issued for 2006