Interpretation of two-dimensional turbulence spectrum in terms of singularity in the vortex cores Marie FARGE LMD-CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24, rue Lhomond. 75231 Paris Cedex 5, France Matthias HOLSCHNEIDER Centre de Physique Théorique, CNRS Luminy, case 907. 13288 Marseille Cedex, France PACS. 47.25.Cg - Fluid dynamics, isotropic turbulence. Abstract We propose a new geometrical interpretation of two-dimensional turbulence spectrum, supposing the presence of at least one cusp-like axisymmetric coherent structure in the flow. We compute a relation between the spectral slope and the exponent of the singularity. We predict a sensibility of the two-dimensional flow dynamics to the regularity of the initial vorticity field: if it is initially regular, the coherent structures formed will have a flat core, and if it is not regular they will have a cusp-like shape with only the vortex core regularized by dissipation. Introduction A generic behaviour of two-dimensional turbulent flows is the emergence of coherent structures which are observed in both laboratory /8/, /19/ and numerical experiments /12/, /3/, /18/, /10/. The statistical theory of two-dimensional turbulence /16/, /4/ predicts a k-3 energy spectrum, but most numerical experiments indeed observe a steeper slope, around k-4 /3/, /18/, /10/. To explain this discrepancy some adjustments have been made to the statistical theory of two-dimensional turbulence which suppose an intermittency of the enstrophy transfer in the inertial range /17/, /3/, /2/. We propose here a geometrical theory of two-dimensional turbulence based on a local scaling of some coherent structures, which does not refer to any statistical mechanics arguments. This scaling seems to be confirmed by both numerical /6/ and laboratory experiments /19/. 1. Local scaling properties in axisymmetric vortices Consider a rotational invariant solution {=(r), =(r)} of Euler equation describing the time evolution of a perfect incompressible fluid: (1a) ∂/∂t + J() = 0, (1b) = where is defined as the vorticity, the streamfunction, and J the Jacobian We assume that in the reference frame where this vortex solution is at rest, the axisymmetric approximation will always be valid for small values of r. All scaling laws presented herein hold only asymptotically, whereas at infinity it is assumed that all functions are rapidly decreasing. If a power-law behaviour is assumed for (2) ~ r, equation (1b) implies that (3) ~ r+2 + where 0 is an arbitrary constant. By definition of the streamfunction, (4) v ~ r+1 + v0, where v0 is an arbitrary constant. Combining (2) and (3) leads to the function (), defined to be the coherent-structure function: (5) () ~ (-0)/(+2), where 0 is the value of the streamfunction at the center of the vortex. In order to have a finite circulation, r (6) (r) = 2∫ (r')r'dr' ~ r 0 should be restricted to values larger than -2. In order to have a finite total enstrophy, r (7) (r) = 2∫ (r')r'dr' ~ r 0 should be restricted to values larger than -1. In order to have a finite total energy r (8) (r) = 2∫ v(r')r'dr' ~ r 0 should be restricted to values larger than -2. These constraints and (3) imply in particular that is regular, having at worst a cusp-like singularity, which in turn shows that 0, in the limit r 0, is finite. The Fourier transform of the velocity (4) leads to the equation, ∞ (9) v(k) = k-2 ∫ v(r'/k)J0(r') r'dr' ~ k--3, 0 where J0 is the zeroth-order Bessel function. Taking the energy density as (10) v2(k) ~ k--6, and integrating over shells of constant |k| leads to (11) E(k) ~ k-2-5. 2. Experimental identification of the exponent It has been found that coherent structures can be characterized by a point-wise correlation between vorticity and streamfunction , that we have defined as the coherent-structure function (). Results from both laboratory experiments /19/ and numerical simulations /6/ suggest that ~ with <0, which implies a cusp-like shape for the coherent-structure function. Benzi et al. /6/ have shown that for two-dimensional decaying turbulence the coherent structures can be described by a universal axisymmetric function ~ f(r/r0) with r0 a rescaling constant. Benzi et al.'s /6/ figure 6 shows that /(2) scales as r-2, which corresponds to the scaling obtained with our model by combining (6) and (7), scaling indeed independent of . In Benzi et al.'s /6/ figure 7, the asymptotic behaviour (in the limit r 0) of 2 approximately follows a r-1 law. Therefore ~ -1/2, which satisfies the finite energy (8), circulation (6) and enstrophy (7) constraints and leads us to the coherent-structure function () scaling as ~ -1/3, result confirmed by looking at Benzi et al.'s /6/ figure 4. Another reason supporting the singular behaviour of coherent structures can be found in Nguyen Duc and Sommeria's /19/ figure 9, which shows the same type of nonlinear coherent-structure function obtained from experimental data on a two-dimensional decaying turbulent flow in a layer of mercury submitted to a transverse magnetic field. In addition to Nguyen Duc and Sommeria's /19/ comment concerning the fact that the first derivative of the coherent-structure function ∂/∂ reaches its maximum at the vortex core, it is to be noted that the finite energy constraint (>-2) implies -∞<≤1. In consequence, as tends to 0 i.e. in the vortex cores, ∂/∂ is either asymptotically constant (=∞), corresponding to regular coherent structures with a flat core, or diverges, corresponding to singular coherent structures. This is of course true only in the asymptotic region where the axisymetric vortex hypothesis is valid. 3. Interpretation of the power-law spectrum for two-dimensional The scaling exponent ~ -1/2 identified from Benzi et al.'s /6/ numerical results leads us to the prediction that the coherent structures they observe have a cusp-like shape with a singular core. This result seems confirmed by the wavelet analysis of coherent structures which showed that the smallest scales of a two-dimensional flow are confined inside some vortex cores /9/, /10/, /11/. This is also illustrated by visualizing the vorticity field, which shows the cusp-like shape of some of the vortices (Figure 1). Such cusp-like vortices are likely to be stable, because they present a monotonic distribution of vorticity /1/. In a bounded domain, assuming the regularity (at least C1+) of the initial conditions, the two-dimensional Euler flow preserves regularity (C ∞) and boundness (L ∞) for arbitrary finite times /21/, /15/, /7/ and therefore if the initial vorticity field is regular the flow will not develop singular coherent structures. But, if we consider functions L4-for the initial conditions, which turbu then present singularities in the vorticity field although circulation (6), enstrophy (7) and energy (8) are bounded, due to the Lagrangian conservation of vorticity by Euler equation (1) in dimension two it follows that, if N singular points are present in the initial vorticity field, they will remain singular for all times, being only advected by the flow dynamics. If there is some dissipation, we conjecture that those singular points will be the germ for the condensation of the vorticity field into a set of N coherent structures, a number which will then be reduced due to the merging process permitted by viscosity. The vortices thus formed will present a cusp-like shape but their centers will no longer be singular due to the smoothing effect of dissipation. Using (11) we predict that such a singular vortex alone will have an energy power-law spectrum E(k) ~ k-4. This k-4 spectral law is steeper than the k-3 spectrum predicted by the statistical theory of two-dimensional turbulence /16/, /4/, but corresponds to the energy spectrum found in most of the numerical simulations /3/, /18/, /10/. Here the result is obtained without any statistical argument but via a geometrical approach supposing the presence in the flow of at least one cusp-like vortex scaling as r-1/2 (among a set of more regular structures, vortices and vorticity filaments), because the spectral slope is conditioned by the scaling of the strongest singularity supposing all singularities are isolated. In the case of accumulation of singularities /13/, /14/, the spectral slope may be altered due to the fractal properties of the support of the singularities. Such a geometrical interpretation in terms of singularities had previously been devised for two-dimensional turbulence by Saffman /20/, giving also a k-4 spectrum, but the singularities he proposes are not axisymmetric as the coherent structures observed in laboratory and numerical experiments, and correspond instead to a distribution of the vorticity along some fronts which are only observed numerically during the very early time evolution before the emergence of coherent structures. To conclude our analysis of Nguyen Duc and Sommeria's /19/ experiment: we predict that the vortices having a linear coherence law correspond to smooth initial distributions of the vorticity field, while the vortices presenting a nonlinear coherence law have a cusp-like shape and have been created by a condensation of the vorticity field around some singularities that were present in the initial conditions. This conclusion also applies to the interpretation of numerical experiments of two-dimensional turbulent flows: if the initial enstrophy is confined in a limitedband spectrum /5/, then the initial vorticity field is smooth and the structures which may appear in this field during the time evolution would be very regular with flat vortex cores, while if the enstrophy is initially distributed among all the available scales, namely until the cut-off scale as it is the case for most of the numerical experiments /18/, /6/, /10/ in two-dimensional turbulence, then the initial distribution of vorticity will contain some singularities, which will then act as germs for the condensation of the vorticity field into the cusp-like coherent structures we observe after a long time evolution of the flow (Figure 1). This sensitivity of the Euler dynamics to the initial non-regularity of the flow, may impair the quest for a universal behaviour of fullydeveloped turbulence in dimension two. Conclusion In conclusion, we propose a new 'picture' of two-dimensional turbulent flow, in which the spectrum found in numerical experiments is interpreted in geometrical terms without any statistical argument, supposing the presence in the flow of at least one singular coherent structure scaling as r-1/2. We conjecture that these singular points are already present in the initial conditions and that the flow dynamics selects and condenses the vorticity field around them, giving rise to isolated coherent vortices with singular cores in the inviscid limit, or cusp-like vortices with a core smoothed by dissipation otherwise. k-4 Saint-Polgues, 17 April 1990 Acknowledgments We thank Claude Bardos, Uriel Frisch, Robert Kiehn, Robert Kraichnan, Yves Pomeau, Antonello Provenzale, Raoul Robert, Robert Sadourny and Jérôme Sirven for useful comments. The visualization has been done at LACTAMME, Ecole Polytechnique, in collaboration with Jean-François Colonna. References /1/ Arnold V. 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