Scholarship and Awards Committee Meeting Agenda October 7, 3:30 p.m., Knutti 203 Membership: Dawne Burke (E&PS,2010), Clarise Ottley (E&PS, 2011), Geri Crawley-Woods (B&SS, 2010), Yuying Xie. Joey (B&SS, 2011), Heidi Hanrahan (A&H, 2010), Stephanie Robbins (A&H, 2011), Seung-yun Kim (NS&M, 2010), Gene Volker (NS&M, 2011), Sylvia Bailey Shurbutt (Senate) I. McMurran Scholars Society Update: Geri and Monica Lingenfelter, Foundation CEO Geri shared the positive results from a survey about starting this honorary organization. In 2002, the Senate approved the idea, as have the deans recently. Geri and Joey have met with Foundation representatives who likewise want to be part of this project, offering their office for identification, mailings, receptions, and other support as we look toward the 50 year celebration of the McMurran Scholar Award (1961) coming up in 2011. The Foundation estimates some 900 scholars have been identified. Some ideas discussed by S&A are a. McMurran pin for presentation at the spring Convocation and to past scholars b. 50th Reception c. Emeritus association with the Society d. Connecting to Faculty e. Shepherd Magazine Feature: “Where are they now?” (by decade installments) f. Feature “Where are they now?” in Convocation program (4 original McMurran Scholars) g. Connect the 50th celebration to Convocation h. Film Project/historic perspective i. Coffee table book j. Chat room k. News Letter l. Other MVP: S&A Endorsement of McMurran Scholars Society—see attached proposal. II. Faculty Scholarship: A. Brochure, Distribution, Marketing: S&A will try a new approach this year to market the scholarship and encourage donations, specifically for members of S&A to attend school meetings (and department meetings where schools seldom meet) and pitch the scholarship and importance of donating. Around 500 brochures will be printed for distribution in this manner rather than through a mass mailing. Mailing to retirees and to staff will, however, continue. It was suggested that we use an March 1 deadline for gifts going toward the 2010 scholarship, to encourage faculty and others to make a commitment and to allow time to issue the award and to construct the McMurran program with updates on contributors. B. Updating of Senate S&A weblink: We will revise and update the website, including posting a list of McMurran Scholars for each year. Agnes Tabler should have lists. III. McMurran Convocation A. Innovations and Considerations for 2010: We will begin to keep a DVD record of McMurran Convocations in the Scarborough Library. It was also suggested that we hold the spring meeting with McMurran Scholars in Frank so that we can actually run through the line-up and marching in and out of the theater. B. Other: Geri expressed her wish to return to the robes, which were choir robes. The counter argument was made that faculty are in robes and nice street dress might be preferable for scholars. The Music students, from whom we borrowed the robes, no longer uses them, and this is one added detail that would be burdensome as we attempt to simplify yet aim for a meaningful and quality Convocation. The S&A Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. We will continue our communication through email and have a spring meeting to finalize Convocation details and select Last Lecturer honoree. Society of McMurran Scholars The formal organization of McMurran Scholars is proposed to commemorate the upcoming 50th anniversary (2011) of the establishment of this recognition by the faculty under the leadership of Professor William Riley in 1961. This organization will offer venues to students designated as McMurran Scholars to continue to connect with the institution upon graduation. This could include: mentoring of students through internships, co-ops, or structured individual relationships; classroom presentations in their field of study; or other contributions of their time and talents. Graduate scholars could be enlisted to lend support to academic programs and celebrate the academic accomplishments of the institution. Such an organization would also provide opportunities for networking among scholars to support other projects and pursuits of interest to them. At the October 7th meeting of the Scholarship and Awards Committee a motion was passed to endorse the idea of a McMurran Scholars society. This idea was previously endorsed by the Faculty Senate in January of 2002, following an overwhelmingly positive response to a survey of McMurran Scholar graduates conducted in 2001. Currently, more than 900 scholars have been identified and entered into the data base of the Foundation. The Foundation would like to involve the organization in the celebration of Founder’s Day. Suggestions for names of the organization include: Association of McMurran Scholars; McMurran Scholars Fellowship; Society of McMurran Scholars; or simply McMurran Scholars.