U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 71,Iss. 2, 2009 ISSN 1223-7027 DEPENDENCE OF THE ROOTS ON COEFFICIENTS Alina NIŢĂ1, Ana NIŢĂ2 În aceasta notă, se dă o demonstraţie nouă pentru dependenţa continuă a rădăcinilor unui polinom algebric de coeficienţii polinomului şi se discută cazul polinoamelor cu coeficienţi aleatori [1], demonstrând existenţa unor soluţii măsurabile, ordonarea acestora şi dependenţa măsurabilă de coeficienţi [2]. In this note, we give a new proof for the continuous dependence of an algebraic polynomial’s roots on its coefficients and we discuss the case of polynomials with random coefficients [1], proving the existence of measurable solutions and also regarding their ordering and their measurable dependence upon coefficients, by making use of [2]. Keywords : algebraic polynomial, random polynomial, solutions depending on coefficients. 1. Introduction We denote by M n the set of all monic polynomials with complex coefficients of degree n ( n 1), identified with the associated polynomial functions. If P : , P( x) x n c1 x n 1 ... cn is a complex polynomal function, with the coefficients ck ak ibk ,1 k n , then P is identified with the point a1, b1,....., an , bn from 2n . We will consider the lexicographical order in . Let I x1 ,...., xn , y1 ,..., yn | for each i , xi xi 1 and if xi xi 1 , then yi yi 1 , be a set in the space n This set is obviously closed ( in 2n , with coordinates zk xk iyk ,1 k n . 2n ). Example: In 2 4 , I z1 , z2 | x1 x2 or x1 x2 , y1 y2 . 1 Lector, Department of Mathematics, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: nita_alina@yahoo.com 2 Reader, Department of Mathematics, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania 20 Alina Niţă, Ana Niţă 2. The case of algebraic polynomials We define the map F : M n I , that associates to each polynomial P M n , the set of its roots z1 , z2 ,..., zn (lexicographically ordered). Obviously, F is a bijective map , and let G F 1 . Thus, G( z1 , z2 ,..., zn ) the monic polynomial X z1 ....( X zn ) M n , identified with the 2n-dimensional system of the real and imaginary parts of the coefficients. Lemma 1. The map G is continuous. Proof: Using the Viète’s relations, the its coefficients of X z1 ....( X zn ) are symmetric functions on z1 , z2 ,..., zn , therefore continuous. Lemma 2. Let X , Y be two metric spaces , A X and f : A Y a continuous bijective map. Assume that for any x A , there is a neighbourhood U of f(x), such that f 1 U is contained in a compact set. Then the map f 1 : Y A is continuous. Proof: We use the definition of continuity by sequences. For any b Y fixed, let yn b in Y , xn f 1 yn and a f 1 (b) . According to our assumption, there is a neighbourhood V of b and a compact K A such that f 1 V K . Since yn b , xn f 1 V K there is a rank N such that yn V for n N . Then for n N and K being compact , we can find a subsequence xkn in K. The map f being continuous, then ykn f ( ) . But yn b therefore f b ; that is , a and so, xkn a . In order to prove that f 1 is continuous in b, let W be a neighbourhood of f 1 b a . We have to prove that there is a neighbourhood U of b such that 1 f 1 U W ; otherwise , there exists bn B b, such that f 1 bn W . n But bn b and we know that there is a subsequence f 1 bkn a . But f 1 bk n W and so get a contradiction. Lemma 3. Let f : A n is a closed subset. A m be a continuous bijective map, where Dependence of the roots on coefficients 21 a) If A is a compact set, then f 1 is continuous ; b) Moreover , if f 1 is a bounded map ( i.e the image of any bounded set is bounded ) , then f 1 is also continuous . Proof: a) The condition from Lemma 2 is fulfilled. b) For any x A fixed, take a bounded neighbourhood U of f(x). Then the set f 1 (U ) is bounded and its closure is compact (being closed and bounded in n and by applying the Borel-Lebesgue theorem).Using Lemma 2, it follows that 1 f is also continuous. Proposition 1. The map F G 1 is continuous. Proof: Using Lemma 1 and Lemma 3,b) for f G : I M n , A I , it is enough 2n to show that the map F is bounded. For this, let B M n be a bounded subset, then there is M 0 , such that B is contained in the ball B(0, M ) . Let Q B, Q X n c1 X n 1 .... cn , hence ci M for any i. For each not-null root z of Q , we have z n c1 z n 1 ... cn 0 , and so dividing by z n 1 , z c1 c c c c2 ... nn1 and z c1 2 ... nn1 . z z z z Then we have either z 1 or z 1 and so it follows that 1 1 1 z M 1 ... n 1 M 1 z z 1 z 1 hence z 1 M . z Therefore z max 1, M 1 ; it results that the set F(B) is bounded. Corollary. The roots of any algebraic polynomial depend continuously on the coefficients of that polynomial . We add following results : Proposition 2. If the polynomial P X n c1 X n 1 c2 X n 2 ... (1) n cn D (c1 , c2 ,..., cn ) has the complex roots x1 , x2 ,..., xn , then jacobian equals the D ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) Vandermonde determinant x x . 1 j i n i j 22 Alina Niţă, Ana Niţă Proof: We prove this by induction ; for n=2 it is clear and suppose the assertion true for n 1 . By the Viète’s relations, ck Sk x1 ,..., xn ; c0 1 S0 x1 ,..., xn ( the symmetrical polynomials). S k x1 ,..., xn S k 1 x1 ,..., xi 1 , xi 1 ,..., xn . In the above considered xi jacobian , substract the first colum from each of the next columms and use the relation Sk 1 x2 ,..., xn Sk 1 x1 ,..., x j 1 , x j 1 ,..., xn ( x j x1 ) S k 2 x2 ,..., x j 1 , x j 1 ,..., xn , But for 2 j , k n. By developping the obtained determined by the first row and by factoring ,..., d n 1 ) n x1 x j , x1 x j , one gets that jacobian is just DD((dx1 ,,dx2 ,..., xn 1 ) j 2 2 j n 2 3 where d i Si x2 ,..., xn . The proposition follows from the induction hypothesis. Corollary. If the roots x1 , x2 ,..., xn are district and the coefficients c1 , c2 ,..., cn as C 1 functions , then locally n ( n 1) D ( x1 , x2 ,..., xn ) = 1 2 D (cn , cn 1 ,..., c1 ) 1 x x 1 j i n i . j It is enough to apply the theorem of the local inversion theorem. 3. The case the random polynomials Let us now consider a fixed probability field f k : (a, b) , K , P . Let , be functions of C 1 class on the open interval (a, b) and ck p random variables , ck : , 1 k p . Denote F ( x, ) ck . f k x . k 1 The equations F x, 0 generalize both the random algebraic equations (considering f k as f k x xk 1 ,1 k p ) and the random trigonometric equations ( f1 x 1, f 2 x cos x, f3 x sin x, f 4 x cos 2x, etc .). A solution of the equation F ( x, ) 0 , is any function , z such that F ( z ( ), ) 0 a.e. In most cases, there are no measurable (random) solutions. However, we will specify some conditions when this happens. 23 Dependence of the roots on coefficients Let us consider a deterministic polynomial P M n , P( x) x n c1 x n 1 .... cn , ck . For each integer q 1, there are complex numbers c pq , 0 p n, q 1 , such that the identity i cn p z e q p 0 n p p c pq z 0 takes place ; in particular, cnq 1 for any q 1 . Let K be the unit cube from (1) n , K 0,1 and n we fix x x1 , x2 ,..., xn K . For each integer q 1, k 1, , for 1 k n xk n put q (k ) c pq .q k p n , for k n 1 p 0 for q k 0 q k 1 q k , and . (2) q (k ) 0 , for k 0 q We thus obtain two double sequences of complex numbers that depend on x. The following fact is known: for any q 1 , there is q lim q k and k i furthermore, the limit lim q e q dx1....dxn exists and is equal with one of the q K roots of the polynomial P. ( [ 1 ] ) We draw attention to an ordering of a finite number of complex numbers, which will be now taken into consideration. If m 1 is a fixed integer, then there is a function h : m such that for any m distinct complex numbers z1 ,..., zm and for any q h z1 , z2 ,..., zm , i we have z1 z2 ... zm 0, where e q . It’s enough to notice that for each distinct z1 ,..., zm numbers from , there is h depending on 0 h ,the z1 ,..., zm such that for each β with relation z1 ei z2 ei ... zm ei 0 takes place. 24 Alina Niţă, Ana Niţă Proposition 3. Let P( x, ) xn c1 () xn1 .... cn ; , x be a monic polynomial with coefficients random variables defined on . Then there is a measurable function ( random variable) : such that P , 0 a.e. Proof: The coefficients c pq which verify (1) can be chosen as random variables depending on c1 , c2 ,..., cn . Then we can build the sequences of random variables q k , and q k , defined by (2). Expanding the above mentioned result, it results that i z1 ( ) lim q e q dx1...dxn q K is a random variable and furthermore , P z1 , 0 .We then define the function as being z1 . Corollary . Given a random polynom P( x, ) xn c1 () xn1 .... cn , there is an ordering of the solutions of that polynom such that these are random variables (measurable solutions) depending on the coefficients ck . Proof: Using Proposition 3 there is a first solution z1 ( ) . Using induction and applying Horner’s scheme , by considering the random polynomial Q( x, ) xn1 b1 () xn2 .... bn1 where bj c j z1 bj 1 ,1 j n we obtain bn 0 . By the induction hypothesis, let z2 , z3 ,..., zn be the ordered roots of Q, which are measurable functions of bi . Then the roots of P will be z1 , z2 ,..., zn which are measurable functions of ck , because bi depends measurably on ck . REFFERENCE [ 1 ] A. Bharucha – Reid , Random algebraic equations , Academic Press , 1970. [ 2 ] J. Hammeyley, The zeros of random polynomial , Proc . 3 d Berkeley Sympos.Statistics, 2, 89-111 , 1956. [ 3 ] S. Lang, Algebra, Ed.Springer 1997. [ 4 ] N. Radu, D. Ion Algebra , Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti 1991.