ASSESSMENT RECORD FOR DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Course: __________ Student Name: ____________________ Student #: ___________ Instructor: __________ As part of the assessment sequence for the Department of Mathematics, please give your evaluation of the senior’s final exam and classroom performance in the above class. Student's mathematical knowledge #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 (0=unsatisfactory, 1=acceptable but weak, 2=acceptable, 3=good, 4=excellent) Student's mathematical creativity (0=unsatisfactory, 1=acceptable but weak, 2=acceptable, 3=good, 4=excellent) Student’s ability to read and write mathematical proofs (0=unsatisfactory, 1=acceptable but weak, 2=acceptable, 3=good, 4=excellent) Quality of the student’s written mathematics (0=unsatisfactory, 1=acceptable but weak, 2=acceptable, 3=good, 4=excellent) Oral communication of mathematics. (0=unsatisfactory, 1=acceptable but weak, 2=acceptable, 3=good, 4=excellent) If your final exam contained a Definitions and Exercises section please give the candidate’s percentages Definitions Exercises Comments: (Please add any additional comments which you would like to share about this candidate’s work) Department of Mathematics – Spring 2014 Rubrics #2 Creativity 0 – Is consistently unable to employ even standard methods to solve problems. 1 - Is usually able to employ standard methods to solve new types of problems. 2 – Is consistently able to employ standard methods to solve new types of problems. 3 – Has demonstrated an ability to find novel solution methods to problems. 4 – Demonstrates a consistent ability to produce innovative solutions. #3 Reading/Writing proofs 0 – Is consistently unable to reproduce elementary proofs from lectures 1 - Is usually able to reproduce basic proofs from the lectures 2 – Is consistently able to reproduce basic proofs from the lectures. 3 – Has demonstrated an ability to use standard proof techniques to give proofs of results not explicitly given in lectures 4 – Demonstrates a consistent ability to give proofs of results not explicitly given in lectures. #4 Written work 0 – Is consistently unable to use correct mathematical notation. 1 - Is usually able to use correct mathematical notation. 2 – Is consistently able to use correct mathematical notation. 3 – Is consistently able to express mathematics using correct notation together with some explanatory sentences. 4 – Demonstrates a consistent ability to express mathematics using correct notation together with explanatory text. #5 Oral communication 0 – Is consistently unable to use correct mathematical vocabulary orally. 1 - Is usually able to use correct mathematical vocabulary in asking and answering questions. 2 – Is consistently able to use correct mathematical vocabulary in asking and answering questions. 3 – Is consistently able to use correct mathematical vocabulary in asking and answering questions, and has demonstrated an ability to explain conceptual mathematics clearly. 4 – Demonstrates a consistent ability to be able to converse clearly about mathematics using correct vocabulary Department of Mathematics – Spring 2014