1 2012 -2013 Tech Terry Scholars Organization Handbook Table of

2012 -2013 Tech Terry Scholars
Organization Handbook
Table of Contents
About the Terry Foundation
About the Tech Terry Scholars
Statement of Purpose
Organization Constitution and Bylaws
Current Officers
Member Roster
Contact Information
About the Terry Foundationi
Terry Foundation was established in 1986 by Houstonians Howard and Nancy Terry out
of a desire to help young people to help themselves. The Foundation's goal is to strengthen the
State of Texas by identifying Texas high school graduates who have promise of future leadership
distinction and assisting them in developing their future and the future of those around them.
To achieve this goal, The Terry Foundation selects each year an outstanding group of
Terry Scholars who are awarded collegiate scholarships for attendance at the University of Texas
(Austin), Texas A&M University (College Station), the University of Houston (Main Campus),
Texas State University-San Marcos, University of Texas at San Antonio, the University of Texas
at Dallas, the University of North Texas, or Texas Tech University (Lubbock). With principal
selection criteria of demonstrated potential and need, it is the Founders' hope that Terry Scholars
will have a significant impact on the future leadership of the state and nation.
About the Tech Terry Scholars
The Tech Terry Scholars program is a student organization comprised of undergraduate
students who were named as “Terry Scholars” via application and interview process by the Terry
Foundation for Texas Tech University. The organization began in the school year 2011-2012
when the first inaugural class of Terry Scholars was named to the university. There are, at
present, 18 Terry Scholars who are members of the organization. Furthermore, many different
majors and fields of study are represented by the Tech Terry Scholars including: Architecture,
Agricultural Communications, Business, Exercise and Sports Science, Engineering, as well as
pre-professional degrees and several Texas Tech Honors College students.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Tech Terry Scholars is to provide a student organization for current
Terry Scholars at Texas Tech University and for future students who will be named Terry
Scholars in subsequent years. The organization’s aim is to better the Lubbock community in a
variety of ways which will include, but are not limited to, community service, volunteerism,
academic achievement, spirit for athletic events, social events, professional events, and any other
event attended or created by students of the University.
Organization Constitution and Bylawsii
1. The name of the organization shall be Tech Terry Scholars.
2. This organization is an academic student organization at Texas Tech University.
II. Objectives
1. The objectives of the organization shall be:
a. To provide fellowship among members of the Tech Terry Scholars.
b. To promote interest and participation in and representation of student needs in
regard to community service, volunteerism, academic achievement, spirit for
athletic events, social events, professional events, and any event participated
in by students of the University.
c. To provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas for the benefit of
the University community.
III. Membership
1. Only students who have been named a “Terry Scholar” by the Terry Foundation
in Houston, Texas are eligible to be an active members in the Tech Terry
Scholars and may hold office.
IV. Officers
1. The executive officers shall consist of: President, Vice President, 2nd Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer nominated by the members of the Tech Terry
Scholars. Additional members who will serve as officers of the organization will
be known as chairpersons or facilitators and will be held responsible for specific
duties usually needed by the organization for that school year.
2. Elected officers will serve a term of one school year. Executive officers will also
serve a term of one school year unless it is voted by the members of the
organization in the previous school year for an executive officeholder to remain
in office for the next school year.
3. Recall of Officers
a. Officers are subject to recall for malfeasance in office.
b. Recall procedures will be initiated at the request of five active members.
c. A hearing will be conducted at a regular meeting for the presentation of
evidence from all concerned parties.
d. A majority of those active members voting in a recall at the end of the hearing
is necessary to remove any office.
4. The duties of the executive officers shall be as follows:
a. The duties of the President shall be:
A. To preside at all Tech Terry Scholar meetings, appoint
committee members.
B. To apply for renewal as a registered student organization,
with the assistance of the secretary and immediate past
C. To call any special or emergency meetings of either the
executive board or the general membership.
b. The duties of Vice President shall be:
A. To assume the duties of the President in case of the
President’s absence.
B. To assume the office of President in the event of a
vacancy in that office.
C. To serve as chairman of the Scholar Handbook
c. The duties of the 2nd Vice President shall be:
A. To assume the duties of the President in the absence of
both the President and Vice President.
B. The 2nd Vice President shall also serve on the Scholar
Handbook Committee.
d. The duties of Secretary shall be:
A. To keep accurate minutes of the Tech Terry Scholar
meetings and executive committee meetings.
B. To furnish copies of the minutes to all members,
executive committee and organization advisor.
C. To assist the president with registration of the
organization each year.
D. To take roll at all general meetings.
e. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
A. To assess, at the beginning of the term of office, all
policies and procedures related to the Tech Terry Scholar
bank account and to be aware of any changes thereof, and
also to inform the members of the executive board of such
policies and procedures;
B. To keep accurate record of the organization’s budget,
income and expenditures;
C. To prepare financial reports as called by the president;
D. To prepare an annual/semester budget (with the advice
and cooperation of other board members) requiring
majority approval of those members present at a regular
executive board meeting.
E. The Treasurer shall also serve as a member of the
Fundraising Committee.
V. Appointed Officers and Duties
1. Advisor
The advisor to the Tech Terry Scholars shall be appointed by the
Terry Foundation. The advisor may be re-appointed for more than
one term. The duties of the advisor shall be to aid the students in
coordinating the Tech Terry Scholars activities and to foster better
communication between the Terry Scholars.
2. Committee Chairs
The executive board shall appoint, by majority vote of Tech Terry
Scholar members, committee chairs to the standing committees
unless otherwise specified.
VI. Committees
1. Executive officers may appoint standing and ad hoc committees as needed.
2. Officers or members of the Tech Terry Scholars who observe a need for standing
or ad hoc committees not previously observed by the executive officers may
propose a committee to the organization which will then be subject to a vote by
all Tech Terry Scholar members.
3. Committee chairs shall have the right to delegate as many or as few members of
their committee as seen fit by the executive officers.
1. Regular meetings shall be held at a regular time as decided at the beginning of
each semester.
2. Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by the President or a
majority of Tech Terry Scholar members.
3. Agendas shall be provided at least one (1) day in advance and may be obtained
through the President of the organization.
1. A majority of Tech Terry Scholar members constitutes a quorum. In absence of a
quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the issue to a
subsequent date.
2. Passage of a motion requires a simple majority (i.e., one more than half the
members present or most votes wins).
IX. Conflict of Interest
1. Any member of the organization who has a financial, personal, or official interest
in, or conflict (or appearance of a conflict) with any matter pending before the
organization, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from
acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the organization to
voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his seat and refrain from
discussion and voting on said item.
2. Organization members are subject to common courtesy and manners when a
conflict of interest or opinion arises. No attack upon any person, whether verbally
or physically, will be acceptable. The President has the right to excuse abusive
members from the event.
X. Fiscal Policies
1. The fiscal year of the organization shall start on move-in day of the Terry
Scholars until move-out day for the same school year.
2. No financial obligations to the members of Tech Terry Scholars shall be
presented as a due for membership. Membership is free and is only open to
undergraduate students who have been named Terry Scholars.
XI. Amendments
1. These bylaws may be amended by a three-fourths vote of organization members
present at any meeting, provided a quorum is present and provided a copy of the
proposed amendment(s) are distributed to each organization member at least one
week prior to said meeting.
Not-For-Profit Statement
1. The Tech Terry Scholars is a not-for-profit organization.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
1. This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of age, color, ethnicity,
gender, national origin, disability or handicap, race, religion, sexual orientation,
Vietnam Era veteran status, etc. This policy will include, but is not limited to,
membership, organization activities or opportunities to hold office.
Statement of Non-Hazing
1. This organization will not engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any
act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal
degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student
or person attending the institution.
Statement of Compliance with Campus Regulations
1. This organization shall comply with all University and campus policies and
regulations and local, state, and federal laws.
Current Officers
Khaki Scrivner
Vice President
Erin Reid
2nd Vice President
Josh Ballard
Abby Prause
Kelli McQuesten
Committees & Committee Chairs
Advertising/ Tshirt Danielle Coker &
JR Hernandez
Brittany Coop &
Ramon Becerril
Caleb Lightfoot &
Dominique Brady
Jordan Shelton
Public Relations John Hawley
Justin Miller
Austin Taylor
Member Roster
Pradeep Attaluri
Joshua Ballard
Ramon Becerril
Dominique Brady
Konner Clark
Colton Coker
Danielle Coker
Brittany Coop
John Hawley
JR Hernandez
Caleb Lightfoot
Danielle Coker
Kelli McQuesten
Justin Miller
Abby Prause
Erin Reid
Khaki Scrivner
Jordan Shelton
Austin Taylor
Contact Information
For questions about the scholarship or official Terry Foundation procedures and
Mrs. Cheryl Carroll
Honors College
Director of Admissions
Texas Tech University
Box 41017, Lubbock, TX 79409
Phone: (806) 742-1828
For questions about the bylaws of the organization, or meeting procedures:
Khaki Scrivner
President of the Tech Terry Scholars
317A Gordon Hall
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79406
Phone: (806) 316-2917
Information about the Terry Foundation found at http://www.terryfoundation.org/about_foundation/purpose.php
Sample bylaws provided by Estela Kennen at http://non-profit-governance.suite101.com/article.cfm/how_to_write_bylaws_for_nonprofits