(Initial, Interim and Comprehensive)
The process for evaluating associate faculty members is designed to improve instruction,
to enhance student learning and to provide a foundation for recognizing excellent
instruction by associate faculty members. Evaluating associate faculty members is part
of a unified Cochise College effort to encourage and maintain excellence in instruction.
Overview of the Process
The associate faculty evaluation process consists of three phases: initial, interim and
1. Initial Evaluation—all new associate faculty members will complete the initial
phase during their first semester of employment.
2. Interim Evaluation—all associate faculty members will complete the interim
phase each teaching semester.
3. Comprehensive Evaluation—all associate faculty members will complete the
comprehensive evaluation in the fifth teaching semester and during every third
academic year thereafter.
First Teaching Semester
1. Prior to or during the first week of the semester (e.g. during associate faculty
orientation), the instructional manager will meet with the new associate faculty
member(s) either one-on-one or as a group to explain the components of the
evaluation process, providing a copy of all forms to be used during the process.
(NOTE: For this evaluation process, the term instructional manager will be used
to include assistant dean, center director or department chair.)
2. On the first day of class, the instructor will distribute to the students and discuss
the course procedure sheet for each class being taught.
3. By the end of the first week of class, the instructor will submit to the instructional
manager a copy of the course procedure sheet for each class taught.
4. By the end of the second week of class, the instructional manager or designee will
distribute and collect Quick Check Forms in each class for students to complete.
Associate Teaching Faculty Evaluation Process
Version # 5—Dated 7/14/05
Associate Faculty Evaluation Process
5. At mid-semester (eighth week or fourth week), the new instructor will distribute
and collect a Student Feedback Form to every class being taught. This form is for
the instructor’s use and should be used by the instructor to improve teaching.
6. During the semester, the instructional manager or designee will observe every
new instructor in class for a minimum of two 30-minute periods and will
complete the Classroom Observation and Visitation Checklist.
7. Toward the end of the semester (as determined by the institution), the
instructional manager (or designee) will distribute and collect student evaluation
forms for each class taught by a new instructor.
8. Prior to the final week of the teaching term, the instructional manager will
complete the Associate Teaching Faculty Performance Evaluation Form for each
new instructor and will provide a copy to the instructor prior to the
evaluation/review meeting.
9. By the end of the final week of the teaching semester, the instructional manager
will meet with each new instructor to—
a. Discuss observations from the classroom visits and other required
components of the evaluation process
b. Discuss the Associate Teaching Faculty Performance Evaluation Form;
the signed form is forwarded to the Office of Human Resources by the
instructional manager
c. Discuss the outcomes of the evaluation process
10. After the semester is completed, the instructional manager will review the results
of student evaluation forms and will provide a summary evaluation to each
Associate Teaching Faculty Evaluation Process
Version # 5—Dated 7/14/05
Associate Faculty Evaluation Process
(Completed each teaching semester)
Every Teaching Semester
1. On the first day of class, the instructor will distribute to the students and discuss
the course procedure sheet for each class taught.
2. By the end of the first week of class, the instructor will submit to the instructional
manager a copy of the course procedure sheet for each class taught.
3. At mid-semester (eighth or fourth week), each instructor will distribute and
collect a Student Feedback Form to every class being taught. This form is for the
instructor’s use and should be used by the instructor to improve teaching.
4. Toward the end of the semester (as determined by the institution), the
instructional manager (or designee) will distribute and complete student
evaluation forms to each class taught by associate faculty members.
5. After the semester is completed, the instructional managers will review the results
of student evaluation forms and will provide a summary evaluation to each
Associate Teaching Faculty Evaluation Process
Version # 5—Dated 7/14/05
Associate Faculty Evaluation Process
Fifth Teaching Semester and During Every Third Academic Year Thereafter
1. Prior to or during the first week of the semester, the instructional manager will
meet with the instructor(s) scheduled for a comprehensive evaluation either oneon-one or as a group to explain the components of the evaluation process and will
provide copies of all forms to be used during the process.
(NOTE: For this evaluation process, the term instructional manager will be
used to include assistant dean, center director or department chair.)
2. On the first day of class, the instructor will distribute to the students and discuss
the course procedure sheet for each class taught.
3. By the end of the first week of class, the instructor will submit to the instructional
manager a copy of the course procedure sheet for each class taught.
4. By the end of the second week of class, the instructional manager (or designee)
will distribute and collect Quick Check Forms in each class for students to
5. At mid-semester (eighth week or fourth week), the instructor will distribute and
collect Student Feedback forms to each class being taught.
6. During the semester, the instructional manager or designee will observe in class
for a minimum of two 30-minute periods and will complete the Classroom
Observation and Visitation Checklist.
7. Toward the end of the semester (as determined by the institution), the
instructional manager (or designee) will distribute and collect student evaluation
forms for each class taught by the instructor.
8. Prior to the final week of the teaching term, the instructional manager will
complete the Associate Teaching Faculty Performance Evaluation Form for the
9. By the end of the final week of the teaching semester, the instructional manager
will meet with the instructor to—
a. Discuss the classroom observations and other required components of the
evaluation process.
b. Discuss the Associate Teaching Faculty Performance Evaluation Form;
the signed form is forwarded to the Office of Human Resources by the
instructional manager.
Associate Teaching Faculty Evaluation Process
Version # 5—Dated 7/14/05
Associate Faculty Evaluation Process
c. Discuss the outcomes of the evaluation process
10. After the semester is completed, the instructional manager will review the results
of student evaluation forms and will provide a summary evaluation to each
Associate Teaching Faculty Evaluation Process
Version # 5—Dated 7/14/05