Faculty of Architecture Design & Planning UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS APPLICATION FORM SEMESTER 1, 2016 Closing date: 31 January 2016 Cox Richardson Architecture Scholarship For full-time Bachelor of Design in Architecture (or Bachelor of Design in Architecture combined degrees with Law or Engineering) student who has completed the first and second semester design studios. Please read the full Terms and Conditions to determine your eligibility ABN: 15 211 513 464 Cricos: 00026A Before completing this form, check that you satisfy the eligibility requirements and read the conditions of award of the scholarship in which you are interested. Submit one completed copy of this form, and supporting documents for each scholarship you are applying for by Email to: arch.asu@sydney.edu.au ELIGIBILITY CHECKLIST (all fields must be checked) I am currently enrolled in one of the following eligible programs: Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture Bachelor of Design in Architecture and Bachelor of Laws I have successfully completed the required two first years of design studio subjects. Transcripts (original or certified copy only) Personal Statement Portfolio submission I have read the conditions of award and believe I am eligible to apply. PERSONAL DETAILS OF APPLICANT (PLEASE PRINT) TITLE FIRST NAME LAST NAME STUDENT ID NUMBER STREET / SUBURB POSTCODE CITY / COUNTRY STATE EMAIL PHONE (INCLUDING COUNTRY AND AREA CODE) Are you currently holding any Scholarship at this University? YES Award name: Award value: $ NO Page 1 of 3 EDUCATIONAL RECORD DETAILS OF PREVIOUS STUDY (TRANSCRIPTS FOR NON-UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY STUDY MUST BE ATTACHED) Degree Name Year Commenced Institution Name Year Completed Level Achieved ACADEMIC HONOURS (PLEASE PRINT) List any honours, distinctions or scholarships you have gained in your academic career. Specify them even if they are listed on your graduation certificates or transcripts. (Attach an additional pages if necessary). ATTACHMENTS All applications must be accompanied by the following documentation: Personal Statement (no more than one A4 page) for each scholarship you are applying for. This document is used to put forward your case for receiving the scholarship. Topics may include, but are not limited to, why you qualify for this award, past academic achievements, why are you applying for this scholarship, and how the scholarship would be of assistance within your studies. Academic Transcripts. You must provide certified copies of all transcripts detailing previous tertiary study (It is NOT necessary to attach University of Sydney transcripts). Portfolio DECLARATION I hereby give permission to the University to obtain any information required to substantiate this application. I declare that the information supplied in this application is true and accurate. SIGNATURE: DATE: Page 2 of 3 FURTHER ENQUIRIES For further enquiries, please contact Diana Thai on: Telephone: +61 2 9351 3515 Facsimile : +61 2 9036 9532 E-mail: arch.asu@sydney.edu.au For other scholarships offered by the Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning, please refer to: http://sydney.edu.au/architecture/current_students/scholarships.shtml APPLICATION NOTIFICATION We aim to notify you in writing of your application outcome by Tuesday 16 February 2016 Undergraduate Scholarship All terms, conditions and values subject to change without notice COX RICHARDSON ARCHITECTURE SCHOLARSHIP Background The Cox Richardson Architecture Scholarship was established in 2012. The objective of the scholarship is to facilitate structured learning to advance the scholarship recipient’s growth as an architecture practitioner and leader. Cox Richardson contacted the Faculty in 2014 requesting the scholarship be changed so the recipients are students in the Bachelor of Design in Architecture program and related combined degrees to target students earlier in their architecture education. Eligibility Students must be enrolled full time in the Bachelor of Design in Architecture, Bachelor of Engineering Honours and Bachelor of Design in Architecture or Bachelor of Design in Architecture and Bachelor of Laws. Students must have completed the first and second semester design studios to be eligible. Selection Criteria To be eligible for the Cox Richardson Architecture Scholarship students must have an average WAM of distinction or higher across the two first year design studio subjects BDES1010 and BDES1020 (in 2014 only), and BDES1026 and BDES1027 (from 2015 onwards). Students must submit a portfolio and undertake an interview will be assessed by a jury made up of representatives from the Faculty and Cox Richardson Architecture. The scholarship shall be awarded, at the Jury's discretion based on an assessment of: a) Academic merit as indicated by the applicant's performance in the Bachelor of Design in Architecture first year studio subjects BDES1010 and BDES1020 (in 2014 only), and BDES1026 and BDES1027 (from 2015 onwards). In the event that a scholarship place is replaced during the course of the scholarship duration, the replacement will be chosen on the basis of academic performance at University in these subjects. b) Demonstrated interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, communication skills, creativity, innovation and selfmotivation. Page 3 of 3