MINERAL COUNTY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Changing West Virginia state graduation requirements impact Mineral County Programs of Study and the Major Requirements and Major Electives described below. All students must have a fourth social studies class (Civics). All professional pathway students must complete two years of a foreign language, a fourth math and a fourth science. Skilled pathway students must complete a fourth math and those enrolled in technical school programs must complete two of four WVDE defined technical school courses. For the freshman class of 2004-2005 and beyond: Entry pathway students in technical programs must complete four of the WVDE defined technical school courses. Professional Credits ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES 4 4 Skilled Credits Entry Credits 4 4 4 4 4 3/ 4 Social Studies I, II, III, IV (Civics) MATH 4 Entry pathway freshman of 2004 and 2005- 3 credits required. Entry pathway freshman of 2006 and beyond – 4 credits required. Entry pathways: two of three credits must be Algebra or equivalent & one higher. Professional & Skilled Pathways: three of four credits must be Algebra or equivalent & two higher. SCIENCE 4 3 3 Integrated Science 9 and Integrated Science 10 required (Graduates 2008) Integrated Science 9 required (Graduates 2009 and beyond) PHYSICAL EDUCATION……………………….. 1 Unit HEALTH…………………………………………… 1 Unit FINE ARTS……………………………………….. 1 Unit COMPUTER/ TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS.1 Unit CAREER MAJOR COURSE……………………. 1 Unit CAREER MAJOR REQUIREMENTS………….. 4 Units REQUIRED MAJOR ELECTIVES……………… 3 Units The total minimum number of units a student must earn is 27 or 5 less than the total possible during four years of high school attendance. Students transferring from other school systems with varying credit requirements may not have had opportunity for 8 credits per year. As part of the planned educational program, all students are required to select and complete a Program of Studies or a modified Program of Studies as recommended by a school committee and approved by the principal. Completion necessitates selection of a Career Cluster, and a Career Major within the cluster. Each program requires four specific career major courses and three career major electives. Skilled pathway students must include a fourth math among their four major elective courses. Professional pathway students complete their career major classes with state requirements for two foreign languages, a fourth math and fourth science. These courses are sometimes made specific within the program of studies. Professional pathway students then choose the three major electives in order to make their program provide the best preparation for their selected career. Students must complete a Program of Studies or a modified Program of Studies. Students must also complete a Work-Based Learning Experience during grades 9-12. This experience must be related to the selected career cluster, and it must be verified by the school.