2015 ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES RESERVING PLACES ON COURSES You are now able to reserve places for 2015. Please use the booking sheet provided (photocopy as required). Booking sheets can be emailed to STAR@manukau.ac.nz or faxed to (09) 968 8601. All reservations must be made in writing. Student names are not required at the time of reservation but it is imperative that the STAR Office receives names at least two weeks prior to course commencement. Please do not reserve places on courses if you are not confident that you can fill them – this results in students from other schools missing out on courses they are keen to attend. You will note on the timetable that there is a maximum number of students per school, per class – this was a suggestion made by several schools. This will be waivered closer to course commencement if places have not been filled. CANCELLATIONS Cancellations should be made at least 10 working days prior to course commencement. Schools who cancel reservations within 10 working days of course commencement WILL BE INVOICED for fees, unless the STAR Office is able to find a replacement student from another school. VENUES STAR Co-ordinators will be sent an email reminder approximately 1 week prior to course commencement advising where students should meet on the first day of their course. The meeting area will be one of the following: SC = South Campus Meeting area is L Block Reception – accessed via Gate 1. (Baking and Pastry, Computer Aided Design, Engineering and Trades, Nursing (until further notice), Hair styling,) NC = North Campus Reception Area at ND Building – accessed via Gate 11. (Inclusive Education for students with special needs) Reception area at NT Building – accessed via Gate 14. (Culinary & Hospitality Studies – excluding Baking and Pastry, Beauty) Z = Lovegrove Crescent Meeting area is Z Block Reception – accessed via Gate 18. (Creative Arts) MIT Manukau Meeting area is Reception – Level 2 (Business Administration, Logistics) In all instances the students will be met by either the STAR Administrator or the course tutor and taken to their classroom. ATTENDANCE Please ensure that the students you enrol in the STAR courses are able to start on the first day and are committed to attend 100% of the course. Students who are involved in sport or other school commitments don’t always reap the full benefit of courses due to absence and therefore we can not guarantee that students will achieve the unit standard or attendance requirements. Students wishing to leave MIT during class times must report to the STAR Office prior to leaving. Please ensure that your students have access to the required PPE (personal protection equipment) for the Trades courses; ie: Automotive Engineering, Motor Body Trades, Carpentry Construction. Further information on required PPE is covered in the Careers Express under the Trades courses. 2015 DATES FOR INSTITUTE COURSES COURSE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Workplace Administration and Customer Service CREATIVE ARTS Jewellery Jewellery Jewellery Print Media – Pending Approval TBC Print Media – Pending Approval TBC Print Media – Pending Approval TBC Lens Based Media – Pending Approval TBC Lens Based Media – Pending Approval TBC Lens Based Media – Pending Approval TBC CULINARY & HOSPITALITY Baking and Pastry for Café (Pre-Req US 167) Baking and Pastry for Café (Pre-Req US 167) Baking and Pastry for Café (Pre-Req US 167) Café Service Catering for the Café Industry DAY OCC DATES TBA TBA Please contact Cathy Dwyer, Faculty of Business and Information Technology, to register your interest. cathy.dwyer@manukau.ac.nz , DDI (09) 975 4703. Wed 15-SA 28 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb, 4 Mar, 11 Mar, 18 Mar, 25 Mar, 1 Apr Wed 15-SB 22 Apr, 29 Apr, 6 May, 13 May, 20 May, 27 May, 3 Jun, 10 Jun, 17 Jun, 24 Jun Wed 15-SC 22 Jul, 29 Jul, 5 Aug, 12 Aug, 19 Aug, 26 Aug, 2 Sep, 9 Sep, 16 Sep, 23 Sep Wed 15-SA 28 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb, 4 Mar, 11 Mar, 18 Mar, 25 Mar, 1 Apr Wed 15-SB 22 Apr, 29 Apr, 6 May, 13 May, 20 May, 27 May, 3 Jun, 10 Jun, 17 Jun, 24 Jun Wed 15-SC 22 Jul, 29 Jul, 5 Aug, 12 Aug, 19 Aug, 26 Aug, 2 Sep, 9 Sep, 16 Sep, 23 Sep Wed 15-SA 28 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb, 4 Mar, 11 Mar, 18 Mar, 25 Mar, 1 Apr Wed 15-SB 22 Apr, 29 Apr, 6 May, 13 May, 20 May, 27 May, 3 Jun, 10 Jun, 17 Jun, 24 Jun Wed 15-SC 22 Jul, 29 Jul, 5 Aug, 12 Aug, 19 Aug, 26 Aug, 2 Sep, 9 Sep, 16 Sep, 23 Sep (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Fri 15-SA 20, 27 February, 6, 13, (no class 20 March), 27 March Fri 15-SB 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 May Fri 15-SC 31 July, 7, 14, 21, 28 August Fri 15-SA 20, 27 February, 6, 13, (no class 20 March), 27 March Fri 15-SA 20, 27 February, 6, 13, (no class 20 March), 27 March START FINISH TBA TBA 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm (Covers US 167 which is a pre-req for Baking & Pastry for Café) Introduction to Flight Attending Introduction to Flight Attending Introduction to Flight Attending Fri Fri Fri 15-SA 15-SB 15-SC 20, 27 February, 6, 13, (no class 20 March), 27 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 May 31 July, 7, 14, 21, 28 August COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AutoCAD Level 1 AutoCAD Level 1 AutoCAD Level 1 AutoCAD Level 1 AutoCAD Level 2 AutoCAD Level 2 AutoCAD Level 2 AutoCAD Level 3 AutoCAD Level 3 AutoCAD Level 3 Solid Works 1 Solid Works 2 Solid Works 3 HAIR & BEAUTY Beauty Beauty Beauty Hair styling Hair styling Hair styling LOGISTICS (Gateway) Logistics (Gateway) NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES A Career in Nursing A Career in Nursing First Aid ENGINEERING AND TRADES Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Tue/Wed 15-SA 3, 4 March Tue/Wed 15-SB 10, 11 March Tue/Wed 15-SC 17, 18 March Tue/Wed 15-SD 5, 6 May Tue/Wed 15-SA 12, 13 May Tue/Wed 15-SB 19, 20 May Tue/Wed 15-SC 9, 10 June Tue/Wed 15-SA 28, 29 July Tue/Wed 15-SB 11, 12 August Tue/Wed 15-SC 18, 19 August Mon-Wed 15-SA 30, 31 March, 01 April Mon-Wed 15-SB 22, 23, 24 June Mon-Wed 15-SC 3, 4, 5, August (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Mon 15-SA 16, 23 February, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 March Mon 15-SB 4, 11, 18, 25 May, (break), 8, 15, 22 June Mon 15-SC 27 July, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 August, 7 September Mon 15-SA 16, 23 February, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 March Mon 15-SB 4, 11, 18, 25 May, (break), 8, 15, 22 June Mon 15-SC 27 July, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 August, 7 September (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) N/A N/A No classes scheduled for 2015 (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Wed/Thu 15-SA 27, 28 May Wed/Thu 15-SB 19, 20 August TBA TBA Please see enclosed flyer for further information and registration details. (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Fri 15-SA 13, 20, 27 February, 6, 13, 20, 27 March, 24, April, 1, 8 May Fri 15-SB 15, 22, 29 May, 5, 12, 19, 26 June, 3 July, (3 week break), 31 July, 7 August Fri 15-SC 14, 21, 28 August, 4, 11, 18, 25 Sept, (2 week break), 16, 23, 30 October 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 2.30pm 9.00am 2.00pm 9.00am 9.00am TBA 3.00pm 3.00pm TBA 9.00am 9.00am 3.00pm 3.00pm 9.00am 3.00pm Carpentry Construction Carpentry Construction Thu 15-SA 26 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March, 2, (2 week break), 23, 30 April, 7, 14, 21 May – updated Thu 15-SB 4, 11, 18, 25 June, (3 week break), 23, 30 July, 6, 13, 20, 27 August, 3 September – updated Thu 15-SA 12, 19, 26 February, 5, 12, 19, 26 March, 2 April Thu 15-SB 7, 14, 21, 28 May, 4, 11, 18, 25 June Thu 15-SA 30 July, 6, 13, 20, 27 August, 3, 10, 17 September Tue 15-SA 12, 19, 26 May, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 June Tue 15-SB 4, 11, 18, 25 August, 1, 8, 15, 22 September (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Tue 15-SA 3, 10, 17, 24 March 8.00am 3.30pm 8.00am 3.30pm Motor Body Trades OXY – Part One 9.00am 3.00pm Motor Body Trades OXY – Part One 9.00am 3.00pm Motor Body Trades MIG – Part Two 9.00am 3.00pm Motor Body Trades – Refinish 9.00am 3.00pm Motor Body Trades – Refinish 9.00am 3.00pm INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Developing Interpersonal Skills for Community 9.00am 2.45pm and Work Developing Interpersonal Skills for Community Fri 15-SB 6, 13, 20, 27 March 9.00am 2.45pm and Work Personal Presentation for Community and Work Tue 15-SA 19, 26 May, 2, 9, 16 June 9.00am 2.45pm Personal Presentation for Community and Work Fri 15-SB 22, 29 May, 5, 12, 19 June 9.00am 2.45pm Friendships and Relationships Tue 15-SA 28 July, 4, 11, 18, 25 August, 1, 8, 15, 22 September 9.00am 2.45pm Friendships and Relationships Fri 15-SB 31 July, 7, 14, 21, 28 August, 4, 11, 18, 25 September 9.00am 2.45pm Self Care For Good Health Tue 15-SA 20, 27 October, 3, 10 November 9.00am 2.45pm Self Care For Good Health Fri 15-SB 23, 30 October, 6, 13 November 9.00am 2.45pm NB: INCLUSIVE EDUCATION COURSES: Due to high demand, students will now only be able to book on two inclusive education courses per year. If places are available close to commencement date students may be able to enrol in extra courses. Teacher Aides are welcome to attend with individual students but are expected to work collaboratively with MIT staff 2015 DATES FOR TASTER COURSES (For Year 10 Students) COURSE NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES Nursing – An Introduction SPORT & RECREATION Innovative Fitness Fun DAY OCC DATES (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Wed 15-SA 4 November (Maximum of 3 students per school, per class) Wed 15-SA 21 October START FINISH 9.00am 2.30pm 9.00am 2.30pm MANUKAU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 2015 BOOKING SHEET Please ensure student’s legal name is provided when making your booking School Name Contact Person Email Phone No COURSE TITLE DAY DATE Please email completed forms to STAR@manukau.ac.nz STUDENT’S LEGAL NAME