Takeuti’s method of clearing away implicit second-order inferences: If we are wanting to prove by transfinite induction that cuts can be eliminated from a derivation containing at least one operational inference, then we might as well assume, as part of the I.H., that they can be eliminated from the derivation formed by omitting that operational inference If a derivation of contains two mated implicit second-order inferences, then, e.g., , F() can be derived by omitting the right one When a derivation of is so turned into a derivation of , F(), then, by the I.H., the last sequent has a cut-free derivation If ordinal numbers can be so assigned that cut-free derivations have finite ordinal numbers, then we can assume there is a derivation of , F() with a finite ordinal number For any predicate V, we can assume that a derivation of , F(V) exists and has a finite ordinal number F(V), F(), F(), Let this left second-order inference in a derivation be mated with a right one and let the conclusion of the derivation be ; then, by the reasoning on the last slide, , F(V) has a derivation with ordinal < , the inference above can be omitted from the derivation and the formula F(V) removed by a cut instead The trick now is to assign ordinal numbers so that the inference shown above increases the ordinal number of the whole derivation more than the cut which replaces it Solution: define “power” for implicit second-order (left) inferences similarly to cuts and let the conclusion of one have the ordinal 2(O #), O the ordinal of premiss But this works only when a quite stringent limitation is imposed on the derivation as a whole