LESSON 1 Main material : ALGEBRAIC FORM Class/ Grade : VII / 1

Main material
Class/ Grade
: VII / 1
What will we study ?
Standard of Competence
2. To understand the algebraic form, linear equations with one variable (LEOV) and
linear inequalities with one variable (LIOV)
Basic of Competence
2.1 To know the algebraic forms and their elements.
Indicators :
 To explain the definition of algebraic form, variable, constant, factor, term and
like/unlike term.
Activities 1
Introduction to Algebra
A. Main Material
The numbers and operating rules of arithmetic form a part of a very important branch of
mathematics called ALGEBRA.
Where will I ever need algebra?"
The answer is : you need it in any occupational field that requires higher education, such
as computer science, electronics, engineering, medicine (doctors), trade and commerce
analysts, ALL scientists also someone that’s considering higher education, they should
study algebra.
Why do we study Algebra ?
The answer is Algebra lets you develop logical thinking and problem solving skills. It can
increase your intelligence!
Suppose you have 2 apples and 4 bananas, suppose apple is writyen as a and banana is
written as b, so you can write : 2 a + 4 b
In math, 2a + 4b are called Algebraic Form.
Algebraic form is a mathematical sentence involving variable, coefficient and constant.
Variable : the value is unknown, usually stated in an alphabet : a, b, x, y, z, etc.
Coefficient : a number sticking on a variable.
Constant : an exact number.
Coefficient of a
So, we conclude that :
Coefficient of b
 There are 2 terms : 2a and 4b
 There are 2 variables : a and b
 The coefficient of a is 2.
 The coefficient of b is 4.
 The constant is 0
Another example : 2x – 5y + 6
 There are 3 terms : 2x, – 5y, and 6
 There are 2 variables : x and y
 The coefficient of x is 2.
 The coefficient of y is – 5.
 The constant is 6.
B. Student Worksheet
1. Determine the terms, variables, coefficients, and the constant of these following
algebraic forms !
a. 3x – y
b. - 2p + 7 q
c. 4p – 5q +2
d. a – 2b – 3
e. 5 x + 3y + 4
2. Find the coefficient of b !
a. b 2  5b
b. b 2  2b  7
c. a 2  b 2  5a  7b
d. 5ab  9b  8
e. a 2 b  ab 2  2a  5b  9
Activities 2
Like Terms and Unlike Terms
A. Main Material
Look at this algebraic form !
Unlike terms
Like terms
Like terms contain the same variable and have the same power.
Example :
Unlike terms
1). 2a and -a  like terms because the variable is same.
2). 4a2 and –a2  like terms because the variable and the powers is equal.
Unlike terms are terms that don’t have same variable and the power of the variable is not
Example :
1). 2a and 4b  unlike terms because the variable is different.
2). 2x2 and 11x  unlike terms, because the power of its variable is different
Like terms can be added and substracted.
B. Student Worksheet
1. Identify whether like term or unlike term !
a. 2x and 5xy
b. 4xy and -3xy
c. 2a and a2
d. x2y and 5xy
e. -3a3 and 2a
2. Write the like terms of these following algebraic forms !
a. 5 x  2 y  x
b. 3xy  x  xy  2 x
x 2  y 2  2x 2  3 y  5
d. 3mn  m 2  2m 2  4mn  n
x 2 y  xy2  2 xy  5xy2
Activities 2
Evaluating an Expression
A. Main Material
Agebraic forms is also called as algebra expression. Sometimes we need to evaluate the
expression by a certain number.
For example : Ani’s weight is 2 times from her sister that is Tia. If Tia’s weight is 15 kg,
determine Ani’s weight !
Answer :
Ani’s weight =
= 2. 15
= 30 kg
B. Student Worksheet
1. Evaluate these following algebraic forms if x = 2
d.  6x
b. x  5
e. 3x  4
c. 5x
4  5x
2. Evaluate these following algebraic forms if x = 5
b. 3x 2
3. If x = 5 and y = 2, find :
a. 8 x  3 y .
b. 3x – 2y + 5
4. If x = 6, y = - 3, find
a. 5 xy
b. xy  6
5. If p = 7, q = - 4, find
p2  q2
b. 5 p  2q  pq
x2  7
d. 40 – x2