Mensendick School Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher _Gould_________________ Week Of: ____8/16/10_____________ WHOLE Objective Performance Objective Monday Tuesday Wednesday Subject: __Math_______________ Thursday M7S1C1PO1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. PO4. Model and solve simple problems involving absolute value. M7S1C1PO1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. M7S1C1PO1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. M7S1C1PO1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. SW solve a variety of equations adding and subtracting integers on a number line, expressing the answer in both integer value and absolute value. LE will include accurate movement on a number line based on the operation and integers in the problem. Accurate solution to the equations. Written comparision of the solutions integer value vs. absolute value SW prove their solution to addition and subtraction equations using color coded expanded notation. Learner evidence will include… Numbers correctly written in expanded notation Proofs of solutions to equations using color coded expanded notation. SW create a diagram with several objects at different elevations and write/solve a variety of equations involving those objects. Learner evidence will include… a diagram with 12 objects at different elevations (minimum 5 above and 5 below sea level) 10 written math problems comparing objects in the picture Accurate solutions to a partners written problems. SW solve a variety of equations multiplying positive and negative integers and indicate the rule used to get their answer. Learner evidence will include… Accurately solved equations The rule used to determine if the solution is positive or negative. Friday Mensendick School Weekly Lesson Plan End of Lesson Assessment Subobjectives Students will create a diagram with caption showing the relationship between natural numbers, whole numbers, and integers. SW use A and B partners to verbally explain how to add and subtract positive and negative integers SW add and subtract integers on a number line SW create a definition of absolute value and compare it to a partner’s SW solve equations adding and subtracting integers and compare the absolute value to its integer value 15 addition and 15 subtraction equations with both positive and negative numbers. SW solve a variety of equations adding and subtracting integers using “flip squares” SW write a variety of numbers in expanded notation SW explain to a partner how to solve a problem using color coded expanded notation SW prove their solution to a variety of addition and subtraction problems using color coded expanded notation. 20 equations to be solved using color coded expanded notation SW create a diagram with a number line and 12 object at different elevations. SW write 10 written problems comparing objects in the diagram SW solve a partner’s problems for their diagram SW explain to a partner the steps to solving their problems and evaluate a partners steps to solving their problems. 10 questions from a partners diagram/ 20 question quiz on adding and subtracting integers. SW create a non-verbal poster demonstrating the rules that determines if a solution is positive or negative. SW perform a metacognitive model for a partner on how they solved an equation Students will solve a variety of equations multiplying integers and write the rule used to determine if the solution was positive or negative. 20 equations correctly multiplying positive integers.