10/5/10 - University of Montana

ASCRC Minutes 10/5/10
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, C. Henderson, L.
Higgins, S. Greymorning, C. Knight, M. Grimes, P. Muench, J. Staub, L. Tangedahl, E.
Uchimoto, A. Williams, K. Zoellner
Members Absent/Excused:
Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, E. Johnson, S. O’Hare A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Knight called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 9/28/10 were amended and approved.
Questions about the Preceptorship courses arose during the discussion of FIG course.
These courses were reviewed by ASCRC in 2005-2006. The archive information was
sent to committee members. At the time ASCRC was satisfied that the courses had
adequate oversight, but did recommend that departments consider changing the
course titles. Although, the titles were not changed ASCRC does not see a need to
pursue the matter any further.
Business Items:
The Director of the First Year Interest Group (FIG) program, Steve Edwards, was
called out of town due to a family emergency and was not able to collect the
information ASCRC requested. Therefore, the follow-up discussion on the FIG
courses was postponed. One additional item of concern is the academic standing of
students teaching UNC 180.
The Writing Committee was established as an ad hoc committee in 2005 when the
Provost’s Writing Committee was disbanded. The Committee was not given standing
committee status then because of the time it takes to amend the Faculty Senate
Bylaws. Given ECOS’ current comprehensive bylaw revision, now is a good time to
add the Writing Committee as a standing committee. It meets twice a month.
ASCRC reviewed the proposed bylaw / writing committee charge language. It
questioned how the Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Writing Center
given the administrative structure. This responsibility was removed from the charge.
Other minor revisions were suggested. The charge below was approved unanimously
and will be forwarded to ECOS for consideration.
The Writing Committee consists of seven faculty members and two students. One
committee faculty member must also be on ASCRC to serve as a liaison; one
member must be from the English Department; one from the College of
Technology Writing Studies Program; one from the Mansfield Library and one
each from Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, and Professional Schools. The
committee may also have ex officio, nonvoting members representing the Writing
Center, the Composition Program, and the Registrar’s and Provost’s offices.
The primary responsibility of the Writing Committee is ongoing evaluation and
assessment of the appropriateness and effectiveness of writing requirements and
criteria. The Writing Committee acts as an advocate for effective writing,
proposes revisions to the requirements and criteria, and reviews writing course
proposals. The Committee monitors the programs of the Writing Center and the
Writing Proficiency Assessment procedures, results, and appeals.
ASCRC discussed the Residency Requirement language. The following revision was
approved unanimously.
Requirements for the First Bachelor Degree
A first bachelor degree is defined as any bachelor degree earned by a student who
has not previously earned a bachelor degree from The University of MontanaMissoula. Thus, the following requirements below also applies to any student who
previously earned a bachelor degree at another institution and now is seeking a
bachelor degree from The University of Montana-Missoula:
a) A minimum of 30 credits of the required number must be earned from The
University of Montana-Missoula.
b) A minimum of 30 credits of the required number must be earned in study on
The University of Montana-Missoula campus.
c) Of the last 45 credits required for the degree, at least 30 of these must be earned
from The University of Montana- Missoula. Students attending elsewhere on a
University approved exchange may be exempt from this requirement with the
prior written approval of their major department chair or dean.
Requirements for the Second Bachelor Degree
In regard to residency requirements, a second bachelor degree is defined as any
bachelor degree earned by a student who previously had earned a bachelor degree
from The University of Montana-Missoula.
A minimum of 20 credits of the required 30 credits must be earned in study on
from The University of Montana-Missoula campus.
There is still concern that the last courses taken may not be upper-division courses in
the major which is the intent. However, departments define program requirements
and sign off on students graduation applications, so it is presumed adequate controls
are in place. ASUM is considering the Montana Tech upper-division course
requirement model. It may work on a resolution in the future.
The numbering scheme for the procedures was modified and approved (below).
The cross-listing conundrum was discussed. Registrar Johnson has talked with other
campuses and no one has the perfect solution. Banner is limited to 4 characters for
the rubric and 5 for the number. Courses with general education letters use all the
number fields. Although the Commissioner Office indicates campuses may cross-list,
it has not provided the means. A procedure is needed to allow cross-listing when the
course has not been vetted by common course numbering. Faculty are concerned that
without cross-listing students will not be able to find courses, so there needs to be a
viable search mechanism. Next week Registrar Johnson is attending the system-wide
Registrar’s meeting. He will bring up the issue. It would be helpful if there was a
system-wide solution.
The Committee will meet next in two weeks on October 19, unless there is a
compelling reason to meet next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM.
ASCRC Procedures Numbering Outline
Curriculum review (201)
201.10 Certificate Program Guidelines
201.20 Course Number Reuse
201.30 Criteria for Evaluating Curriculum Changes
201.30.1 Adding new courses
201.30.2 Curriculum Subcommittee Responsibilities
201.30.3 Editorial Catalog Changes
201.30.4 Requesting Reconsideration of a Rejected Curriculum Proposal
201.40 Cross-Listing
201.50 Dormant Courses
201.60 Online Courses, Principal of Quality
201.70 Reserved Course Numbers
201.80 Special Topics courses
General Education (202)
General Education Framework
General Education Course Criteria and Learning Outcomes
Writing Course Guidelines
One-time only General Education Courses
General Education, Guidelines for review
Graduation requirements (203)
203.10 AP/CLEP Credit
203.20 Credit Maximums: Study/Career Skills
203.30 Declaration of Major Policy
Drop Add Policy
Graduation Appeals Committee
Majors Policy
Minors Policy