Computer Applications ____________________________________________________________________ Web Address: Data Typing Computer programs are designed to manipulate different kinds of DATA. VisualBASIC for example handles 10 different data types. BOOLEAN Handles TRUE or FALSE values BYTE A single ANSI character (Code 0 to 255) CURRENCY Decimal fractions, such as Euros and cents DATE An 8-character date DOUBLE Double-precision floating point numbers with 14 decimal places INTEGER Whole numbers from –32,768 to 32,767 LONG Whole numbers approximately +/- 2 billion SINGLE Single precision floating point numbers in range +/-1E-45 to 3E38 STRING A sequence of zero or more characters from the keyboard enclosed in apostrophes VARIANT Automatically converts from one type to another, as needed The arithmetic operations you can perform in VisualBasic are: Operator Operation + * / ^ Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Exponentiation e.g. 2^3 = 8 INTEGERS A whole number represented by a sequence of digits optionally prefixed with a plus sign (+) or minus (-) sign. An unsigned integer is considered the same as that integer with a leading plus i.e. 325 & +325 are identical. Every negative integer MUST begin with a minus sign. Leading zeros are insignificant –0026 same as –26. No commas or non-digits characters allowed. L.Kissane Page 1 06/02/2016 Computer Applications INTEGER CONSTANTS Values that do not change during program execution. VALID 0 137 -2516 +17745 INVALID 5,280 16.0 --5 7- Floating Point data The above rules for integers also apply to floating point numeric data values except real values also carry a decimal point. Data Typing in VisualBasic The most common types of variables and constants in VisualBASIC are string, integer and currency. If the data is to be used in a calculation then it MUST be numeric (usually integer or currency); if it is not used in a calculation, it will be string. Use currency as the data type for any decimal fractions in business applications. Examples: Contents Data Type Reason RSI number Pay Rate String Currency Not used in calculation Used in calculation. Contains a decimal point Hours worked Phone No Quantity Currency String Integer Used in calculation Not used in calculation Used in calculations, contains a whole number Naming Rules Programmer’s responsibility to identify (name) every variable, named constant, module, form etc. Names must be from 1 to 255 characters long Consist of letters, digits or underscores – no spaces or keywords e.g. PRINT, NAME, VALUE etc. Identifiers must be meaningful - do not use X,Y,Z or A,B,C Precede each identifier with a lowercase prefix specifying type followed by a capitalized word of the name e.g. curPayRate, strRSIno, strPhoneNo, intQuantity L.Kissane Page 2 06/02/2016 Computer Applications L.Kissane Page 3 06/02/2016 Computer Applications Constant Identifiers The purpose here is to establish a constant (i.e. unchanging value) to a data constant. Takes the form Const Identifier [Identifier as Datatype] = constant Where identifier is a valid user-defined identifier and constant is a valid data type from the above list E.g. Const Speedlimit as Integer =55 Here 55 is the value of the integer constant identifier speedlimit and will always be 55. PRINT (speedlimit) would cause integer 55 to be displayed. You declare named constants using the keyword Const in VisualBASIC. You give the constant a name, a data type and a value. Once this is declared its value cannot be changed during program execution. Advantages: Code is easier to read e.g. programmers should NOT use ‘magic numbers’ that suddenly appear without explanation e.g. popchange = (0.1758 – 0.1257) * population If these numbers need to be changed, someone must search through the program to determine what they represent and locate all places where they appear. Using constants this only has to be done once! Examples Const sngBirthRate as Single = 0.1758 Const strCompanyname as String = “R ‘n R – for Reading ‘n Refreshment” Const curSalesTax = 0.08 Assigning values Strings must be in double quotation marks Numeric constants may contain only (0-9), a decimal point and/or a sign (+ or - ) No commas, currency symbols or suffix String literals may contain letters, digits and any special characters including quotation marks for preservation e.g. “He said, “”I like it!”” produces the string he said, “I like it!” L.Kissane Page 4 06/02/2016 Computer Applications Intrinsic Constants These are system defined constants. These are stored in library and available for use in VB programs e.g. 8 VB colour constants VbBlack VbRed VbGreen VbYellow VbBlue VbMagenta VbCyan VbWhite Declaring Variables in VB Use Dim statement (which is short for Dimension a store space in memory) e.g. Dim Identifier [ As DataType] e.g. Dim strCustomer as String Dim intTotalSold as String Dim sngTemperature as Single etc. When you declare a variable the amount of memory reserved depends on its data type e.g. Type Boolean Byte Currency Date Double Integer Long Single String Variant L.Kissane Memory Allocated in Bytes 2 1 8 8 8 2 4 4 10 + 1 byte for each character in string For numbers 16 bytes, for characters 22 bytes +1 per character Page 5 06/02/2016 Computer Applications Variables in VisualBasic A variable is a symbolic name(identifier) for a memory location whose contents may be established or changed during program execution. Differences between constant identifiers and variables Values of all constant identifiers have been defined by the time program execution begins but none of the variables have values Value of a constant identifier cannot be changed during program execution Variables can have any number of values Suppose length is a constant identifier that has an integer value and distance is an integer variable then distance = length is OK but length = distance is not! Arithmetic in Visual BASIC Arithmetic is evaluated in Visual Basic using simple arithmetic expressions e.g. 3+4*2. What is the result? If the addition is done first, the result is 14. However, if the multiplication is done first, the result is 11. The order of precedence in arithmetic solves the problem. Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. Negation Exponentiation Multiplication & Division Addition & Subtraction Parentheses should be used where necessary to clarify the meaning of an expression. When there are no parentheses, the arithmetic operations are performed in the following order: In the () ^ */ +- event of ties the leftmost operation is carried out first e.g. Inner to outer, left to right Left to right in expression Left to right in expression Left to right in expression Arithmetic expressions can appear in PRINT statements within a picture box control or assignment statements, e.g. (a) Picture1.Print (arithmetic expression) (b) variable := arithmetic expression Picture1.print (25+132) X=25 +132 L.Kissane or (157 will be displayed)or (x will hold 157 from now on assuming X is an integer) Page 6 06/02/2016 Computer Applications Arithmetic Rules: Integer expression is only valid within a given range( shown earlier) Symbols used for addition/subtraction are same symbols used as signs on numbers Minus sign in front symbolises negation which requires only 1 operand e.g. –5 means ‘the negative of 5’ Must use ‘*’ to symbolise multiplication and it cannot be implied as in arithmetic e.g. 6(-25) or (-25)6 must be show as Picture1.print 6 * (-25) Zero divided by any non-zero integer produces integer zero. An attempt to divide any integer by zero results in a fatal error! In programming you can perform calculations with variables, with constants and with the properties of certain objects e.g. the Text property of a text box which in Visual Basic actually hold strings of text. These MUST be converted using the VAL function e.g. IntQuantity = Val(txtQuantity.Text) CurPrice = Val(txtPrice.Text) Formatting Data using Pre-Defined Functions When you want to format data for display, either on the printer or screen use the formatting functions:- FormatCurrency FormatNumber FormatPercent FormatDateTime Examples Variable Value Function Output CurBalance sngAmount mcurTotal curBalance curCorrect curCorrect 1275.675 .9 1125.67 1234.567 .75 .75 FormatCurrency(curBalance) FormatCurrency(sngAmount) FormatNumber(mcurTotal,0) FormatNumber(ccurBalance,2) FormatPercent(curCorrect) FormatPercent(curCorrect,1) €1,275.68 €0.90 1,1126 1,234.57 75% 75.0% L.Kissane Page 7 06/02/2016 Computer Applications You can format an expression as a date or a time. The expression may be a string that holds a date or a time value, a date variable, or a function that returns a date. The named formats use Windows regional settings. Examples: LblstartDate.Caption=FormatdateTime(sample,vbShortDate) LblStartTime.Caption=FormatDateTime(“28/02/99”,vbLongdate) Named Format VbShortDate VbLongdate L.Kissane Returns dd/mm/yy Day of Week, Month, Day, Year Page 8 Example 28/02/99 Sunday, February 28,1999 06/02/2016 Computer Applications L.Kissane Page 9 06/02/2016