LESSON 5 POLYNOMIALS Definition A polynomial p is a function of the form where p( x ) a n x n a n 1 x n 1 a n 2 x n 2 a 2 x 2 a 1 x a 0 , where n is a positive integer. The a i ’s can be real or complex numbers for i 0 , 1, 2 , 3 , . . . . , n and a n 0 . NOTE: In this class, we will restrict our discussion to polynomials with real (number) coefficients. Notation: The coefficient a n is called the leading coefficient and n is called the degree of the polynomial. COMMENT: Any polynomial is a “continuous” function. The concept of continuity will be defined in calculus. The continuity of a polynomial implies that its graph can be drawn without lifting your pencil. Thus, there are no points missing in the graph, and there are no jumps or breaks in the graph. In general, the graph of any continuous function can be drawn without lifting your pencil. COMMENT: The graph of any polynomial is “smooth.” The concept of smooth will also be defined in calculus. The smoothness of the graph means that there are no sharp turns in the graph. Definition A real or complex number z is called a zero or a root of the polynomial p if and only if p ( z ) 0 . Theorem If z a b i is a zero (root) of a polynomial with real coefficients, then the conjugate z a b i is also a zero (root) of the polynomial. Proof Recall the following properties for conjugates. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 z w z w 1. 2. By mathematical induction, z1 z 2 z 3 z n = z1 z 2 z 3 z n zw z w 3. 4. By mathematical induction, z 1 z 2 z 3 z n = z 1 z 2 z 3 z n zn z 5. 6. n If a is a real number, then a a . n n 1 a n 2 x n 2 a 2 x 2 a1 x a 0 . Let p( x ) a n x a n 1 x Since z is a zero (root) of the polynomial, then p ( z ) 0 . We want to show that p( z ) 0 . p( z ) 0 a n z n a n 1 z n 1 a n 2 z n 2 a 2 z 2 a1 z a 0 0 an z n an 1 z n 1 a n 2 z n 2 a 2 z 2 a1 z a 0 0 an z n an 1 z n 1 an 2 z n 2 a 2 z 2 a1 z a 0 0 a n z n a n 1 z n 1 a n 2 z n 2 a 2 z 2 a1 z a 0 0 an z n an 1 z n 1 an 2 z n 2 a2 z 2 a1 z a 0 0 p( z ) 0 . Thus, z is a zero (root) of the polynomial. Note, since the coefficients of the polynomial are real numbers, then a i a i for i 0 , 1, 2 , 3 , . . . . , n . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 NOTE: This proof is easier to read (and type) if we make use of summation notation p( x ) a n x n a n 1 x n 1 a n 2 x n 2 a 2 x 2 a 1 x a 0 = n i 0 n i 0 n a i x i . Then p( z ) 0 ai z i 0 n i 0 i 0 n a ai z i 0 ai z i 0 i 0 n i 0 ai z i i zi 0 0 p( z ) 0 . Theorem Let a be a real number. Let p be any polynomial. Then the following statements are equivalent. 1. x a is a zero (root) of the polynomial p 2. p( a ) 0 3. x a is a factor of p ( x ) 4. ( a , 0 ) is an x-intercept of the graph of y p( x ) Definition Let p be any polynomial. If ( x z ) m , where m is positive integer, is a factor of p ( x ) , then x z is called a zero (root) of multiplicity m. Theorem Let p be any polynomial. Let a be a real number. If ( x a ) m is a factor of p ( x ) , then 1. if m is odd, then the graph of y p( x ) crosses the x-axis at the x-intercept (a, 0) , 2. if m is even, then the graph of y p( x ) touches the x-axis at the x-intercept ( a , 0 ) but does not cross the x-axis. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Theorem (The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) An nth degree polynomial has at most n zeros (roots). If you count the multiplicity of the zero (root), then an nth degree polynomial has exactly n zeros (roots). Theorem An nth degree polynomial has at most n 1 local extremum points (turning points). Information about local extremum points can be obtained using calculus. Theorem If a and b are real zeros (roots) of a polynomial and a b , then the polynomial has at least one local extremum point whose x-coordinate is between a and b. Now, we will look at the behavior of a polynomial for numerically large numbers. Recall that the mathematical symbol means implies. For example, x 2 3 x 3 . That is, x 2 3 implies x is positive square root of 3 or x is negative square root of 3. The mathematical symbol means approaches. For example, x 5 means that x approaches 5. Real Number Line: Then x means x approaches positive infinity. That is, x grows positively without bound. Also, x means x approaches negative infinity. That is, x grows negatively without bound. Now, consider p( x ) a n x n a n 1 x n 1 a n 2 x n 2 a 2 x 2 a 1 x a 0 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 for numerically large values of x positive or negative. In order to do this, we will need to rewrite p ( x ) . Factoring out x n , we obtain that an x n an 1 x n 1 an 2 x n 2 a2 x 2 a1 x a0 p( x ) x n n n n n = xn x x x x x n an 1 an 2 a2 a1 a0 x n a n 2 n 2 n 1 n x x x x x As x or x , we have that a2 xn 2 0, a1 xn 1 0 , and a0 xn an 1 x 0, an x 2 2 0, . . . . , 0. n Thus, we have that p( x ) a n x for numerically large values of x positive or negative. , a n 0 p ( x ) Thus, as x , , a n 0 p ( x ) and as x , , n is odd and a n 0 , n is even and a n 0 , n is odd and a n 0 , n is even and a n 0 Theorem (Leading Coefficient) If the leading coefficient of a polynomial p is positive, then p( x ) as x . If the leading coefficient of a polynomial p is negative, then p( x ) as x . That is, the sign of the leading coefficient tells you the sign of the infinity that p ( x ) approaches as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Theorem Let p be a polynomial whose degree is even. 1. If p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . 2. If p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . That is, for an even degree polynomial p, p ( x ) approaches the same signed infinity as x and x . Theorem Let p be a polynomial whose degree is odd. 1. If p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . 2. If p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . That is, for an odd degree polynomial p, p ( x ) approaches different signed infinities as x and x . Definition A function f is said to be even if and only if f ( x ) f ( x ) for all x in the domain of f. A function f is said to be odd if and only if f ( x ) f ( x ) for all x in the domain of f. COMMENT: The graph of an even function is symmetry about the y-axis, and the graph of an odd function is symmetry through the origin. Examples Find the zeros (roots) and their multiplicities. Discuss the implication of the multiplicity on the graph of the polynomial. Determine the sign of the infinity that the polynomial values approaches as x or t approaches positive infinity and negative infinity. Use this information to determine the number of local extremum points (turning points) that the graph of the polynomial has. Determine whether the polynomial is even, odd, or neither in order to make use of symmetry if possible. 1. f ( x ) 2 x 3 72 x Zeros (Roots) of f : f ( x ) 0 2 x 3 72 x 0 2 x ( x 2 36 ) 0 2 x ( x 6 ) ( x 6 ) 0 x 0 , x 6 , x 6 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Since the factor x produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor x 6 produces the zero (root) of 6 , its multiplicity is one. Since the factor x 6 produces the zero (root) of 6, its multiplicity is one. Zero (Root) Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 6 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 6 , 0 ) 0 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 6 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 6 , 0 ) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of f ( x ) 2 x 3 72 x is 2 > 0, then f ( x ) as x . x : The degree of f ( x ) 2 x 3 72 x is 3, which is odd. Since f ( x ) as x , then f ( x ) as x . The polynomial is odd: f ( x ) 2 x 3 72 x f ( x ) 2 ( x ) 3 72 ( x ) 2 x 3 72 x ( 2 x 3 72 x ) f ( x ) Thus, the graph of f is symmetry through the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 y y x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 6 , 0 ) . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the origin. In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose xcoordinate is between 6 and 0. Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 6 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 0 and 6. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about the x-coordinate of these two local extremum points. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has two local extremum points (turning points). 2. g( x ) 6 x 3 7 x 2 Zeros (Roots) of g : g ( x ) 0 6 x 3 7 x 2 0 x 2 (6 x 7) 0 x 0 , x 7 6 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Since the factor x 2 produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is two. 7 Since the factor 6 x 7 produces the zero (root) of , its multiplicity is 6 one. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 0 2 Touches the x-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 7 6 1 Crosses the x-axis at Zero (Root) 7 ,0 6 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of g ( x ) 6 x 3 7 x 2 is 6 > 0, then g ( x ) as x . x : The degree of g ( x ) 6 x 3 7 x 2 is 3, which is odd. Since g ( x ) as x , then g ( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd: g ( x ) 6 x 3 7 x 2 g( x ) 6 ( x ) 3 7 ( x ) 2 6 x 3 7 x 2 Thus, g ( x ) g ( x ) and g ( x ) g ( x ) . Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 y y 7 6 7 6 x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). Since the graph touches at the origin, then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at the origin. Since the graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point 7 , 0 , then there is another local 6 extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 0 and 7 6 . We would need calculus in order to obtain information about this x-coordinate. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has two local extremum points (turning points). 3. h( x ) 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 To solve for the zeros (roots) of this polynomial, you we need to recall a technique of factoring called “factor by grouping.” Zeros (Roots) of h : h( x ) 0 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 0 16 ( 3 2 x ) x 2 ( 3 2 x ) 0 ( 3 2 x ) ( 16 x 2 ) 0 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 (3 2 x )(4 x )(4 x ) 0 x 3 , x 4, x 4 2 3 Since the factor 3 2 x produces the zero (root) of , its multiplicity is 2 one. Since the factor 4 x produces the zero (root) of 4 , its multiplicity is one. Since the factor 4 x produces the zero (root) of 4, its multiplicity is one. Zero (Root) Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 4 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 4 , 0 ) 3 2 1 Crosses the x-axis at 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 4 , 0 ) 4 3 ,0 2 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of h( x ) 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 is 2 0 , then h( x ) as x . x : The degree of h( x ) 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 is 3, which is odd. Since h( x ) as x , then h( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd: h( x ) 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 h( x ) 48 32 ( x ) 3 ( x ) 2 2 ( x ) 3 = Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 48 32 x 3 x 2 2 x 3 Thus, h( x ) h( x ) and h( x ) h( x ) . Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y 3 2 y x 3 2 x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 4 , 0 ) . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point 3 , 0 . In 2 order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 4 and 3 . Then the graph must cross the 2 x-axis at the point ( 4 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 3 and 4. 2 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 We would need calculus in order to obtain information about the x-coordinate of these two local extremum points. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has two local extremum points (turning points). 4. p( x ) 5 x 3 20 x Zeros (Roots) of p : p( x ) 0 5 x 3 20 x 0 5x( x 2 4) 0 x 0 , x 2i NOTE: x 2 4 0 x 2 4 x 4 2i Since the factor x produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor x 2 4 produces the zeros (roots) of 2 i , the multiplicity of each zero (root) is one. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 0 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 2i 1 No implication 2i 1 No implication Zero (Root) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of p( x ) 5 x 3 20 x is 5 > 0, then p( x ) as x . x : Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 The degree of p( x ) 5 x 3 20 x is 3, which is odd. Since p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . The polynomial is odd: p( x ) 5 x 3 20 x p( x ) 5 ( x ) 3 20 ( x ) 5x 3 20 x ( 5x 3 20 x ) p( x ) Thus, the graph of p is symmetry through the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y y x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the origin. If the graph had a local extremum point (turning point) for some x 0 , then it would have to have a second one in order to pass through the origin. Because the graph is symmetry through the origin, the graph would have to have two local extremum points (turning points) for x 0 . Thus, the polynomial would have four local extremum points (turning points). Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Thus, the graph of the polynomial has no local extremum points (turning points). 5. q( x ) 54 45 x 12 x 2 x 3 This polynomial can not be factored using the Factor by Grouping technique. In Lesson 7, we will learn a technique for factoring this polynomial. At that point we will discover that 54 45 x 12 x 2 x 3 ( 6 x ) ( x 3 ) 2 Zeros (Roots) of q : q( x ) 0 54 45 x 12 x 2 x 3 0 ( 6 x ) ( x 3) 2 0 x 6 , x 3 Since the factor 6 x produces the zero (root) of 6, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor ( x 3 ) 2 produces the zero (root) of 3, its multiplicity is two. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 3 2 Touches the x-axis at ( 3 , 0 ) 6 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 6 , 0 ) Zero (Root) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of q( x ) 54 45 x 12 x 2 x 3 is 1 0 , then q( x ) as x . x : Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 The degree of q( x ) 54 45 x 12 x 2 x 3 is 3, which is odd. Since q( x ) as x , then q( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y y x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). Since the graph touches at the point ( 3 , 0 ) , then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at this point. Since the graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 6 , 0 ) , then there is another local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 3 and 6. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about this xcoordinate. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has two local extremum points (turning points). Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 6. q( t ) t 3 16 t 2 64 t For this problem, it will be helpful to recall the following special factoring formula: a 2 2ab b 2 (a b) 2 Of course, we also have that a 2 2 a b b 2 ( a b ) 2 Zeros (Roots) of q : q( t ) 0 t 3 16 t 2 64 t 0 t ( t 2 16 t 64 ) 0 t ( t 8 ) 2 0 t 0 , t 8 Since the factor t produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor ( t 8 ) 2 produces the zero (root) of 8 , its multiplicity is two. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 0 1 Crosses the t-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 8 2 Touches the t-axis at ( 8 , 0 ) Zero (Root) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the t-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the t-axis. t : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of q( t ) t 3 16 t 2 64 t is 1 > 0, then q( t ) as t . t : The degree of q( t ) t 3 16 t 2 64 t is 3, which is odd. q( t ) as t , then q( t ) as t . Since The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as t and as t . y y t t The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). Since the graph touches at the point ( 8 , 0 ) , then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at this point. Since the graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the t-axis at the origin, then there is another local extremum point (turning point) whose t-coordinate is between 8 and 0. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about this tcoordinate. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has two local extremum points (turning points). 7. f ( x ) x 3 2 x 2 9 x 18 NOTE: The expression grouping. x 3 2 x 2 9 x 18 can be factored by Zeros (Roots) of f : f ( x ) 0 x 3 2 x 2 9 x 18 0 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 x 2 ( x 2) 9( x 2) 0 ( x 2)( x 2 9) 0 x 2 , x 3i Since the factor x 2 produces the zero (root) of 2, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor x 2 9 produces the zeros (roots) of 3 i , the multiplicity of each zero (root) is one. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 2 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 2 , 0 ) 3i 1 No implication 3i 1 No implication Zero (Root) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of f ( x ) x 3 2 x 2 9 x 18 is 1 > 0, then f ( x ) as x . x : The degree of f ( x ) x 3 2 x 2 9 x 18 is 3, which is odd. Since f ( x ) as x , then h( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 y x Since the degree of the polynomial is 3, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 2 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial could have no local extremum points (turning points) or it could have two local extremum points (turning points). There is not enough information from the zeros (roots) and the graph is not symmetry to the y-axis nor the origin. We need calculus in order to get information about the local extremum point(s). 8. g ( x ) 3 x 4 5 x 3 12 x 2 Zeros (Roots) of g : g ( x ) 0 3 x 4 5 x 3 12 x 2 0 x 2 ( 3 x 2 5 x 12 ) 0 x 2 ( x 3 ) ( 3 x 4 ) 0 x 0, x 3 x 4 3 Since the factor x 2 produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is two. Since the factor x 3 produces the zero (root) of 3 , its multiplicity is one. Since the factor 3 x 4 produces the zero (root) of 4 , its multiplicity 3 is one. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Zero (Root) Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 3 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 3 , 0 ) 0 2 Touches the x-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 4 3 1 Crosses the x-axis at 4 ,0 3 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of g ( x ) 3 x 4 5 x 3 12 x 2 is 3 > 0, then g ( x ) as x . x : The degree of g ( x ) 3 x 4 5 x 3 12 x 2 is 4, which is even. Since g ( x ) as x , then g ( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 y y 4 3 4 3 x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 3 , 0 ) . Then the graph must touch the x-axis at the origin. In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose xcoordinate is between 3 and 0. Since the graph touches at the origin, then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at the origin. Then the graph of the polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point 4 , 0 . In order 3 for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 0 and 4 . We would need calculus in order 3 to obtain information about the x-coordinate of two of these local extremum points (turning points). Thus, the graph of the polynomial has three local extremum points (turning points). 9. h( x ) x 4 29 x 2 100 NOTE: The expression x 4 29 x 2 100 is quadratic in x 2 . Thus, it factors like a 2 29 a 100 , where a x 2 . Since a 2 29 a 100 = Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 ( a 4 ) ( a 25 ) , then x 4 29 x 2 100 ( x 2 4 ) ( x 2 25 ) . Zeros (Roots) of h : h( x ) 0 x 4 29 x 2 100 0 ( x 2 4 ) ( x 2 25 ) 0 x 2 , x 5 Since the factor x 2 4 produces the zeros (roots) of 2 and 2, the multiplicity of each zero (root) is one. Since the factor x 2 25 produces the zeros (roots) of 5 and 5, the multiplicity of each zero (root) is one. Zero (Root) Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 5 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 5 , 0 ) 2 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 2 , 0 ) 2 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 2 , 0 ) 5 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 5 , 0 ) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of h( x ) x 4 29 x 2 100 is 1 > 0, then h( x ) as x . x : The degree of h( x ) x 4 29 x 2 100 is 4, which is even. Since h( x ) as x , then h( x ) as x . The polynomial is even. Thus, the graph of h is symmetry about the y-axis. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y y x x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 5 , 0 ) . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 2 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 5 and 2 . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 2 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 2 and 2. Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 5 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose xcoordinate is between 2 and 5. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about the x-coordinate of these three local extremum points. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has three local extremum points (turning points). 10. f ( x ) 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 The expression 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 is quadratic in x 2 . Thus, it factors like 16 u 2 56 u 49 , where u x 2 . Since 16 u 2 56 u 49 = ( 16 u 2 56 u 49 ) = ( 4 u 7 ) 2 , then 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 = (4 x 2 7) 2 NOTE: We used the special factoring formula a 2 2 a b b 2 ( a b ) 2 to factor 16 u 2 56 u 49 since 16 u 2 56 u 49 = ( 4 u ) 2 2 ( 28 u ) 7 2 . Zeros (Roots) of f : f ( x ) 0 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 0 (4 x 2 7) 2 0 4 x 2 7 0 x 7 2 Since the factor ( 4 x 2 7 ) 2 produces the zeros (roots) of 7 2 and 7 2 , the multiplicity of each zero (root) is two. Zero (Root) 7 2 7 2 Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 2 Touches the x-axis at 7 ,0 2 2 Touches the x-axis at 7 ,0 2 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of f ( x ) 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 is 16 0 , then f ( x ) as x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 x : The degree of f ( x ) 16 x 4 56 x 2 49 is 4, which is even. Since f ( x ) as x , then f ( x ) as x . The polynomial is even. Thus, the graph of f is symmetry about the y-axis. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y 7 2 y 7 2 x 7 2 7 2 x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). Since the graph of the continuous polynomial touches the x-axis at the point 7 , 0 , 2 then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at this point. Then the graph must touch the x-axis at the point 7 , 0 . 2 In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose xcoordinate is between 7 2 and 7 2 . Since the graph touches at the point Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 7 , 0 , 2 then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at this point. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about the x-coordinate of the local extremum points (turning points) whose x-coordinate is between 7 2 and 7 2 . Thus, the graph of the polynomial has three local extremum points (turning points). 11. p( x ) 15 2 x 2 x 4 NOTE: The expression 15 2 x 2 x 4 is quadratic in x 2 . Thus, it factors like 15 2 a a 2 , where a x 2 . Since 15 2 a a 2 = ( 5 a ) ( 3 a ) , then 15 2 x 2 x 4 ( 5 x 2 ) ( 3 x 2 ) . Zeros (Roots) of h : p( x ) 0 15 2 x 2 x 4 0 (5 x 2 )(3 x 2 ) 0 x i 5, x 3 Since the factor 5 x 2 produces the zeros (roots) of i 5 and i 5 , Since the factor 3 x 2 the multiplicity of each zero (root) is one. 3 , the multiplicity of each zero produces the zeros (roots) of 3 and (root) is one. Zero (Root) 3 3 i i 5 5 Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 3 , 0 ) 1 No implication 1 No implication Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 3 , 0) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of p( x ) 15 2 x 2 x 4 is 1 0 , then p( x ) as x . x : p( x ) 15 2 x 2 x 4 is 4, which is even. p( x ) as x , then p( x ) as x . The degree of Since The polynomial is even. Thus, the graph of p is symmetry about the y-axis. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y 3 y 3 x 3 3 x The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 3 , 0 ) . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 3 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) 3 . Since the graph of the whose x-coordinate is between 3 and polynomial is symmetry about the y-axis, the x-coordinate of this local extremum point is 0. If the graph had a local extremum point (turning point) for some x 3 , then it would have to have another one in order to pass through the point ( 3 , 0 ) . Because the graph is symmetry about the yaxis, the graph would have to have two more local extremum points (turning points) for x 3 . Thus, the polynomial would have five local extremum points (turning points). So, there are no local extremum points (turning points) for x 3 nor for x 3 . The same argument shows that there are no local extremum points (turning points) for for 0 x 3 x 0 nor 3. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has one local extremum points (turning points). 12. q( x ) 8 x 3 14 x 4 Zeros (Roots) of q : q( x ) 0 8 x 3 14 x 4 0 2x 3 (4 7x) 0 x 0, x 4 7 Since the factor x 3 produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is three. Since the factor 4 7 x produces the zero (root) of 4 , its multiplicity is 7 one. Zero (Root) 0 Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 3 Crosses the x-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 4 7 Crosses the x-axis at , 0 4 7 1 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of q( x ) 8 x 3 14 x 4 is 14 0 , then q( x ) as x . x : q( x ) 8 x 3 14 x 4 The degree of is 4, which is even. q( x ) as x , then q( x ) as x . Since The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Thus, the graph of the polynomial is not symmetry with respect to the y-axis nor the origin. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y 4 7 x Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the origin. Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point , 0 . In order for this to 4 7 happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose xcoordinate is between 0 and 4 . If the graph had a local extremum point 7 (turning point) for some x 0 , then it would have to have another local extremum point (turning point) in order to pass through the origin. Since there is no symmetry in graph, this is possible and the graph would have three local extremum points (turning points). The same argument would be true for 0 x 4 4 and for x . We need calculus in order to get information 7 7 about the local extremum point(s). Thus, the graph of the polynomial has one or three local extremum points (turning points). 13. f ( x ) 54 27 x 2 x 3 x 4 NOTE: The expression grouping. 54 27 x 2 x 3 x 4 can be factored by Zeros (Roots) of f : f ( x ) 0 54 27 x 2 x 3 x 4 0 27 ( 2 x ) x 3 ( 2 x ) 0 ( x 2 ) ( 27 x 3 ) 0 Recalling the difference of cubes factoring formula: a 3 b 3 (a b)(a 2 ab b 2 ) Thus, 27 x 3 ( 3 x ) ( 9 3 x x 2 ) = ( 3 x ) ( x 2 3 x 9 ) Thus, ( x 2 ) ( 27 x 3 ) 0 ( x 2 ) ( 3 x ) ( x 2 3 x 9 ) 0 x 2 , x 3, x 2 3x 9 0 Using the Quadratic Formula to solve x 2 3 x 9 0 , we have that Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 x = b b 2 4a c 2a 3 9 (1 4 ) 2 = 3 9 4 (1) 9 2 3 3 3 = 2 = = 3 3 3i 2 9 [1 4 ( 1) ] 2 3 Since the factor x 2 produces the zero (root) of 2 , its multiplicity is one. Since the factor 3 x produces the zero (root) of 3, its multiplicity is one. Since the factor x 2 3 x 9 produces the zeros (roots) of 3 3i 3 3 3i 3 and , the multiplicity of each zero (root) is 2 2 one. Zero (Root) Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 2 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 2 , 0 ) 3 1 Crosses the x-axis at ( 3 , 0 ) 1 No implication 1 No implication 3 3i 2 3 3 3i 2 3 Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. x : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of f ( x ) as f ( x ) 54 27 x 2 x 3 x 4 is 1 0 , then x . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 x : The degree of f ( x ) 54 27 x 2 x 3 x 4 is 4, which is even. Since f ( x ) as x , then f ( x ) as x . The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as x and as x . y x Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). The graph of the continuous polynomial must cross the x-axis at the point ( 2 , 0 ) . Then the graph must cross the x-axis at the point ( 3 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose x-coordinate is between 2 and 3. If the graph had a local extremum point (turning point) for some x 2 , then it would have to have another local extremum point (turning point) in order to pass through the point ( 2 , 0 ) . Since there is no symmetry in graph, this is possible and the graph would have three local extremum points (turning points). The same argument would be true for 2 x 3 and for x 3 . We need calculus in order to get information about the local extremum point(s). Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Thus, the graph of the polynomial has one or three local extremum points (turning points). 14. g ( t ) 3 t 4 24 t 3 48 t 2 Zeros (Roots) of g : g ( t ) 0 3 t 4 24 t 3 48 t 2 0 3 t 2 ( t 2 8 t 16 ) 0 3 t 2 ( t 4 ) 2 0 t 0 , t 4 Since the factor t 2 produces the zero (root) of 0, its multiplicity is two. Since the factor ( t 4 ) 2 produces the zero (root) of 4, its multiplicity is two. Multiplicity Implication for the Graph of the Polynomial 0 2 Touches the t-axis at ( 0 , 0 ) 4 2 Touches the t-axis at ( 4 , 0 ) Zero (Root) Recall: If the multiplicity of the zero (root) is odd, the graph of the polynomial crosses the x-axis, and if the multiplicity of the zero (root) is even, the graph of the polynomial touches the x-axis. t : Use the Leading Coefficient Theorem. Since the leading coefficient of g ( t ) 3 t 4 24 t 3 48 t 2 is 3 > 0, then g ( t ) as t . t : The degree of g ( t ) 3 t 4 24 t 3 48 t 2 is 4, which is even. Since g ( t ) as t , then g ( t ) as t . The polynomial is neither even nor odd. Here is the information about the zeros (roots) of the polynomial and the graph of the polynomial as t and as t . Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 y y t t The Drawing of this Sketch Since the degree of the polynomial is 4, then the graph of the polynomial can have at most 3 local extremum points (turning points). Since the graph of the continuous polynomial touches the t-axis at the origin, then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at the origin. Then the graph must touch the t-axis at the point ( 4 , 0 ) . In order for this to happen, there must be a local extremum point (turning point) whose t-coordinate is between 0 and 4. We would need calculus in order to obtain information about the t-coordinate of this local extremum point (turning point). Since the graph touches at the point ( 4 , 0 ) , then there is a local extremum point (turning point) at this point. Thus, the graph of the polynomial has three local extremum points (turning points). COMMENT: It appears that the graph of the polynomial g is symmetry about the vertical line t 2 . If we introduced a new xy coordinate system, whose origin is at the point ( 2 , 0 ) in the ty coordinate system, we would have that the point ( 2 , 0 ) ( t , y ) in the original ty coordinate plane is the point ( 0 , 0 ) ( x , y ) in the new xy coordinate plane. Thus, we have that x t 2 , or t x 2 . Thus, g ( t ) 3 t 4 24 t 3 48 t 2 = 3 t 2 ( t 4 ) 2 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 h( x ) g ( x 2 ) 3 ( x 2 ) 2 ( x 2 4 ) 2 = 3 ( x 2 ) 2 ( x 2 ) 2 = 3[ ( x 2 ) ( x 2 ) ] 2 = 3 ( x 2 4 ) 2 The polynomial h is an even function since h( x ) 3[ ( x ) 2 4 ] 2 = 3 ( x 2 4 ) 2 h( x ) Thus, the graph of the polynomial h is symmetry about the y-axis in the xy-plane. y y t,x t 2 15. h( x ) x 4 14 x 2 49 16. p( x ) 20 x 4 13 x 3 53 x 2 8 x 12 17. q( x ) 27 x 5 64 x 2 18. f ( x ) 150 x 3 6 x 5 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 19. g ( x ) x 5 17 x 3 16 x 20. h( x ) 162 x 2 x 5 21. p( t ) t 5 18 t 3 32 t 22. f ( x ) x 5 4 x 3 8 x 2 32 23. g( x ) 9 x 4 4 x 5 24. h( x ) 8 x 5 48 x 3 Examples Find a polynomial p that has the given zeros (roots) and multiplicity. 1. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 4 1 2 3 1 In order for 4 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 4 must be a factor of p. In order for 2 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, 3 x 2 must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 4 ) ( 3 x 2 ) , where a is any nonzero real number. Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 Since ( x 4 ) ( 3 x 2 ) = 3 x 2 2 x 12 x 8 = 3 x 2 10 x 8 , then p( x ) a ( 3 x 2 10 x 8 ) Answer: p( x ) a ( 3 x 2 10 x 8 ) , where a is any nonzero real number 2. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 3 1 5 1 5 1 In order for 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 3 must be a factor of p. In order for 5 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 5 must be a factor of p. In order for 5 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 5 must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 3 ) ( x 5 ) ( x 5 ) , where a is any nonzero real number. Using the special product formula ( a b ) ( a b ) a 2 b 2 , we have that ( x 5 ) ( x 5 ) = x 2 25 . Thus, ( x 3 ) ( x 5 ) ( x 5 ) = ( x 3 ) ( x 2 25 ) = x 3 25 x 3 x 2 75 = x 3 3 x 2 25 x 75 Thus, p( x ) a ( x 3 3 x 2 25 x 75 ) Answer: p( x ) a ( x 3 3 x 2 25 x 75 ) , where a is any nonzero real number Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 3. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 2 1 4 2 In order for 2 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 2 must be a factor of p. In order for 4 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x 4 ) 2 must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 2 ) ( x 4 ) 2 , where a is any nonzero real number. Using the special product formula ( a b ) 2 a 2 2 a b b 2 , we have that ( x 4 ) 2 x 2 8 x 16 . Thus, ( x 2 ) ( x 4 ) 2 = ( x 2 ) ( x 2 8 x 16 ) = x 3 8 x 2 16 x 2 x 2 16 x 32 = x 3 10 x 2 32 x 32 Thus, p( x ) a ( x 3 10 x 2 32 x 32 ) Answer: p( x ) a ( x 3 10 x 2 32 x 32 ) , where a is any nonzero real number 4. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 1 1 6 1 7i 1 7i 1 In order for 1 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 1 must be a factor of p. In order for 6 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 6 must be a Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 factor of p. In order for 7 i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 7 i must be a factor of p. In order for 7 i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x 7 i must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 1 ) ( x 6 ) ( x 7 i ) ( x 7 i ) , where nonzero real number. a is any We will use the special product formula ( a b ) ( a b ) a 2 b 2 for ( x 7 i ) ( x 7 i ) . Thus, ( x 7 i ) ( x 7 i ) x 2 49 i 2 . Since i 1 , then i 2 1 . Thus, ( x 7 i ) ( x 7 i ) x 2 49 i 2 x 2 49 . Since ( x 1) ( x 6 ) x 2 6 x x 6 x 2 5 x 6 , then ( x 1 ) ( x 6 ) ( x 7 i ) ( x 7 i ) = ( x 2 5 x 6 ) ( x 2 49 ) = ( x 2 49 ) ( x 2 5 x 6 ) = x 4 5 x 3 6 x 2 49 x 2 245 x 294 = x 4 5 x 3 43 x 2 245 x 294 Thus, p( x ) a ( x 4 5 x 3 43 x 2 245 x 294 ) Answer: p( x ) a ( x 4 5 x 3 43 x 2 245 x 294 ) , where a is any nonzero real number 5. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 5 4 2 2 3i 1 2 3i 1 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 In order for 5 4 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( 4 x 5 ) 2 must be a factor of p. In order for 2 3 i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x ( 2 3 i ) must be a factor of p. In order for 2 3 i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x ( 2 3 i ) must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( 4 x 5 ) 2 [ x ( 2 3i ) ][ x ( 2 3i ) ] , where a is any nonzero real number. Since [ x ( 2 3 i ) ][ x ( 2 3 i ) ] = [ ( x 2 ) 3 i ][ ( x 2 ) 3 i ] , then using the special product formula ( a b ) ( a b ) a 2 b 2 , we 2 2 have that [ ( x 2 ) 3 i ][ ( x 2 ) 3 i ] = ( x 2 ) 9 i . Using the ( a b ) 2 a 2 2 a b b 2 , we have that special product formula ( x 2 ) 2 x 2 4 x 4 . Thus, ( x 2 ) 2 9 i 2 = x 2 4 x 4 9 = x 2 4 x 13 . Using the special product formula ( a b ) 2 a 2 2 a b b 2 , we have that ( 4 x 5 ) 2 16 x 2 40 x 25 . Thus, ( 4 x 5 ) 2 [ x ( 2 3i ) ][ x ( 2 3i ) ] = ( 16 x 2 40 x 25 ) ( x 2 4 x 13 ) = 16 x 4 64 x 3 208 x 2 40 x 3 160 x 2 520 x 25 x 2 100 x 325 = 16 x 4 24 x 3 73 x 2 420 x 325 Thus, p( x ) a ( 16 x 4 24 x 3 73 x 2 420 x 325 ) Answer: p( x ) a ( 16 x 4 24 x 3 73 x 2 420 x 325 ) , where a is any nonzero real number 6. Zero (Root) 8 Multiplicity 5 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 1 2 3 11 7 4 6 2 In order for 8 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 5, ( x 8 ) 5 must be a factor of p. In order for 1 2 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 3, ( 2 x 1 ) 3 must be a factor of p. In order for 11 to be a zero (root) of 7 multiplicity 4, ( 7 x 11) must be a factor of p. In order for 6 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x 6 ) 2 must be a factor of p. 4 Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 8 ) 5 ( 2 x 1) 3 ( 7 x 11) 4 ( x 6 ) 2 , where a is any nonzero real number. Answer: p ( x ) a ( x 8 ) 5 ( 2 x 1) 3 ( 7 x 11) 4 ( x 6 ) 2 , where a is any nonzero real number 7. Zero (Root) Multiplicity 7 3 1 7 3 1 i 5 1 i 5 1 In order for 7 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, 3 x 7 must be a factor of p. In order for 7 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 1, 3 x 7 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 In order for i 5 must be a factor of p. multiplicity 1, x i 5 must be a factor of p. In order for i zero (root) of multiplicity 1, x i to be a zero (root) of 5 to be a 5 must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( 3 x 7 ) ( 3 x 7 ) ( x i any nonzero real number. 5 )( x i 5 ) , where a is We will use the special product formula ( a b ) ( a b ) a 2 b 2 for ( 3 x 7 ) ( 3 x 7 ) . Thus, ( 3 x 7 ) ( 3 x 7 ) 9 x 2 49 . We will use the special product formula ( a b ) ( a b ) a 2 b 2 for ( x i 5 ) ( x i 5 ) . Thus, ( x i 5 ) ( x i 5 ) x 2 5i 2 . Thus, ( x i 5 )( x i 5 ) x 2 5i 2 x 2 5 . Thus, ( 3 x 7 ) ( 3 x 7 ) ( x i 5 )( x i 5 ) = ( 9 x 2 49 ) ( x 2 5 ) = 9 x 4 45 x 2 49 x 2 245 = 9 x 4 4 x 2 245 Thus, p( x ) a ( 9 x 4 4 x 2 245 ) Answer: number 8. p( x ) a ( 9 x 4 4 x 2 2 4 5) , where a is any nonzero real Zero (Root) Multiplicity 3 2 3 2 i 2 i 2 Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320 In order for 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x 3 ) 2 must be a factor of p. In order for 3 to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x 3 ) 2 must be a factor of p. In order for i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x i ) 2 must be a factor of p. In order for i to be a zero (root) of multiplicity 2, ( x i ) 2 must be a factor of p. Thus, p ( x ) a ( x 3 ) 2 ( x 3 ) 2 ( x i ) 2 ( x i ) 2 , where a is any nonzero real number. Since ( a b ) n a n b n , then ( x 3 ) 2 ( x 3 ) 2 = [ ( x 3 ) ( x 3 ) ] 2 = ( x 2 9 ) 2 = x 4 18 x 2 81 and ( x i ) 2 ( x i ) 2 = [ ( x i ) ( x i ) ] 2 = ( x 2 1) 2 = x 4 2 x 2 1 Thus, ( x 3 ) 2 ( x 3 ) 2 ( x i ) 2 ( x i ) 2 = ( x 4 18 x 2 81) ( x 4 2 x 2 1) = x 8 2 x 6 x 4 18 x 6 36 x 4 18 x 2 81 x 4 162 x 2 81 = x 8 16 x 6 46 x 4 144 x 2 81 Thus, p( x ) a ( x 8 16 x 6 46 x 4 144 x 2 81) Answer: p( x ) a ( x 8 16 x 6 46 x 4 144 x 2 81) , where a is any nonzero real number Copyrighted by James D. Anderson, The University of Toledo www.math.utoledo.edu/~anderson/1320