Some Ideas: - Fort Bend ISD

Some Statistics Project Ideas
Is whether or not a student is right of left handed associated with him/her
being enrolled in a right or left brained school or department?
Are there differences in drinking habits between men and women or
freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors?
Is there a relationship between playing an instrument and GPA?
Who has the best deal on french fries, Wendy's, Arby's, Burger King or
Is there an association between gender and addictive habits (alcohol use,
illegal drug use, tobacco use, caffeine use, or working out)?
Does playing an instrument a child improve SAT scores?
The wording of a question: Is there a different response rate to using
"capital punishment" as compared to using "the death penalty"?
Is there a relationship between eating breakfast and GPA?
Are skittles colors equally distributed?
Do freshmen prefer fast food to cafeteria food?
Is the proportion of left handed desks equal to the proportion of left
handed students on campus?
Does smoking cigarettes affect one's gpa?
Does having a car increase a student's academic performance?
Are males more likely to have fake I.D.'s than females?
Are males and females workout habits the same?
Is there a correlation between the player’s age on a major league baseball
team and being successful?
Do students feel it is ok to use cell phones in the library? and how does
this compare to the proportion that would answer their cell phone?
Do "blondes" have lower GPA's?
How does temperature affect energy use?
How do international student's GPA's compare to their American peers?
Are Biology students more likely to not have a religion and have modern
views and philosophies of life than Physics students?
Are the proportion of marhmallows the same in Lucky Charms and
Marshmallow Treasures (generic brand)?
In the NFL, does having the best "team stats" predict the likelihood of
winning the superbowl?
Is there a relationship between the number or hours of regular sleep and
Is there a relationship between amount of alcohol consumed/amount of
marijuana consumed/number of days of exercise and GPA?
Is there a relationship between having cable TV in a dorm room and
Do athletics affect a varsity athlete's GPA?
Is there a difference between the proportion of males or females that
travel on spring break?
Do men and women choose difference ATM machines?
Is there a difference between the proportion of men and women that are
registered to vote?
Is a name brand detergent more effective than an economy brand?
Do letters arrive more quickly via U.S. mail if they have zip codes than
if they don’t?
Does the location of a car dealership have any effect on the number of
foreign cars sold vs. the number of domestic cars sold?
Is there any correlation between temperature and the number of
Is there a correlation between sugar content of breakfast cereals and
shelf location? (bottom, middle, or top)
Is there a difference in the average number of words per sentence among
People, Time, and Newsweek magazines?
What percent of CSU students can name the two U.S. Senators from
Ohio, and how does this compare with the percentage of students who
are registered to vote?
Do most students gain weight when they go to college?
Is there a relationship between a student’s GPA and where he or she sits
in class – towards the front, middle, or towards the back?
Is there any correlation between the price of a brand new textbook and
the number of pages?
Is there a home field advantage in the World Series?