EMERGING LEADER STREAM APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Instructions: Please give attention to each section of the application, including the checklist. Fill out the application on your computer and email the completed application to admissions@arrowleadership.org. A hard copy should also be printed out and mailed along with a non-refundable $100 application fee (payable by check or credit card). If you have any questions, please call 1-877-262-7769 or email admissions@arrowleadership.org. Fees Application Checklist Completed Application for Admission Reference Forms: one supervisor, and a spouse (if married) Signature provided where required Application Fee – A $100 application fee must be included with your application payable to Arrow Leadership. This fee is non-refundable. Photo - Please attach or email a photo of you and your family, if applicable Email completed application to admissions@arrowleadership.org Mail or fax a copy of your signed application (including spousal signature if applicable) Application Deadlines You are applying for the next available class of the Emerging Stream of the Arrow Leadership Program. The deadline will be one week prior to the last selection committee meeting. Contact the Arrow office or check our website regarding the class and residential dates for which you are applying. The assessment process normally requires 3 months of time prior to the first residential experience. Selection Committee Every application is carefully screened by a selection committee, which confidentially reviews each applicant for suitability as an Emerging stream participant. If your application is complete and has gone to the selection committee, you will be contacted via letter or email as to its status. www.arrowleadership.org The cost of the program is $9,000 (Arrow Leadership raises funds to offset the actual program costs), which includes all shared-room retreat accommodations, excellent meals, leadership development training, 360 degree assessment center, multi-layered mentoring plus ground/water transfers to and from airport. The total for the twenty month program is payable in five installments. The only remaining expenses are your airfare and books. Confirmation Fee Once accepted into the program, a confirmation fee of $500 is required. This payment reserves your place in the class and covers some of the costs associated with assessment materials and review. It is non-refundable, non-transferable and is credited towards your overall program fees. Please visit our website for ideas and suggestions on garnering support to assist in the cost of your development. Academic Credit The Arrow Program can be taken as credit towards some M.A, M.Div., or selected D. Min degrees. Tuition for other programs is in addition to the Arrow Leadership Program. Contact the Arrow office or visit the Arrow website for further details. Confidentiality Arrow treats your personal and confidential information with the utmost care and security. Your information will not be passed on to any other source, and we will treat personal contact information as confidential for the purpose of participation and communication during the Emerging Leader Stream of the Arrow Leadership Program. Your personal information is required so that Arrow can communicate with you directly. Assessment materials and correspondence may be confidential in nature, and we respect your privacy. Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 1 of 16 Contact Information If you have any questions, please contact us: USA Arrow Leadership P.O. Box 1243 Blaine, WA 98231-1243 Canada Arrow Leadership Unit D, 2609 Progressive Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 6H8 Phone 1-877-262-7769 Fax (604) 864-6493 Email admissions@arrowleadership.org Website www.arrowleadership.org www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 2 of 16 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Mr. NAME Mrs. Miss Ms. Dr. First / Given name: ______ Other surnames: Preferred name: Street address: City: State/Province: Home phone: WORK Other Last / Family name: Middle name(s): HOME Rev. Country: Home fax: Position Title: Zip/Postal Code: Home email: Organization: Street address: City: State/Province: Work phone: Country: Work fax: Zip/Postal Code: Work email: Work Website: Personal cell phone: BIRTHDATE & CITIZENSHIP I wish to receive Arrow correspondence at: Work Home Birth date (YYYY-MM-DD): _____ Age: Sex: Female / Male Citizenship: Do you have a current passport? Yes / No *Arrow recommends that you ensure you have a passport that does not expire until at least six months following the last residential component of your Arrow program. MARITAL & FAMILY STATUS CLASS DESIRED Married Single Children: Name: _Age: Name: Age: Divorced Name: Widowed Spouse's Name: __Age: Name: Age: Name: Name: Age: Age: 36th Class – Begins June 2013 38th Class – Begins June 2014 ADDITIONAL Jacket size: INFORMATION S M L XL XXL PROGRAM CONNECTION How did you hear about the Arrow Leadership Program? CREDIT Are you interested in Masters or Doctor of Ministry credit?* *See note on checklist for details Who, if anyone, recommended that you apply? www.arrowleadership.org Yes Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application No Page 3 of 16 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION CONTINUED CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Size of Ministry Staff and Church (if applicable): Job Title: Briefly describe this ministry role: Ordained Licensed to the ministry Where: By Whom: Denominational Affiliation: Name of Home Church (for those in para-church ministries): Are you currently under investigation/discipline by your church, denomination or civil authorities? Yes* No *If yes, please elaborate further on a separate page. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE List all relevant employment history (most recent first): Organization/Ministry Location Position/Responsibilities Dates EDUCATION Post-Secondary Education Institution Location Grad Year Degree/Major List relevant seminars or other training programs you have attended in the last 5 years: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 4 of 16 LEADERSHIP AND MINISTRY SKETCH 1. Briefly describe your personal faith conversion experience: 2. Why do you want to participate in the Arrow Leadership Program? (Note: If you are applying for the intentionally multi-ethnic US focused-class, please also briefly outline why you are interested in being part of an intentionally multi-ethnic and urban focused class.) 3. Describe some of your future goals in leadership: 4. State your current vision statement (if applicable): 5. Briefly describe your present ministry in evangelism: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 5 of 16 LEADERSHIP & MINISTRY CONTINUED 6. Give an example of a leadership failure in the last 12 months and how you grew from this experience: 7. Briefly describe a significant achievement in leadership in the last 3 years: 8. Briefly describe your greatest leadership challenge in the last six months: 9. Do you currently have a mentor relationship with an older mentor? Yes No If “Yes,” please describe the nature and length of this relationship: 10. Do you currently meet with a group of peers for ministry and personal growth? If “Yes,” please describe the nature and length of this group: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Yes No Page 6 of 16 PERSONAL HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE The Arrow Leadership Program views leadership holistically and desires to know more about your personal well-being. Please select one number for each of the following statements based on the past year only: 1 = Never 2 = Rarely I have difficulty getting along with others I can’t control my children I have sexual problems I make mistakes Others would characterize me as angry I feel abandoned by God I have the same thought over and over I am confused about life I feel like hurting myself I worry about having a nervous breakdown I get really angry at times (ie. under stress) I have thoughts about committing suicide I get bored I have outbursts of anger My feelings are often hurt I use illegal drugs I wonder if others are out to get me I lack close friends My spouse is unhappy I have significant problems at work 1 2 3 = Sometimes 3 4 5 4 = Frequently 5=Always I have a drinking problem I have financial stress I need other people I am angry with God I feel anxious or uptight I feel depressed or sad I feel guilty a lot I can’t stop worrying I don’t enjoy life I wish I could quit I have crisis in my life It’s hard to expose flaws in my life My child has been hurt in some way I don’t feel needed I don’t like to be touched Others consider me a workaholic My children are not doing well I have failed to stop an addiction I have little energy I choose other priorities over self-care 1 2 3 4 5 Please take time to explain all scores 3 and higher Year of last physical with a doctor: Medications you are taking: Any major surgery, hospitalization or other health concerns: Please check the following that apply to you: Present Past Stomach Trouble Present Past Hot Flashes Present Past Blurry Vision Fainting Spells Allergies – Food Dizziness Change in appetite Allergies – Other Headaches Shake or tremor Snoring High blood pressure Can’t sleep/Over sleep Tired a lot Type II Diabetes Waking up at night Other physical problems: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application ______________ Page 7 of 16 CONSENT FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING One key component of the Arrow journey is the assessment process. In this confidential and proven process, Arrow uses a number of well-respected assessment inventories to provide opportunity for each leader to foster greater selfunderstanding and self-awareness of their personality, giftedness, strengths, growth areas and blind spots. There are four phases in Arrow’s assessment process: Phase 1 – Gathering Data In addition to each leader providing self-assessment (filling out the inventories on themselves), we ask each leader to identify a feedback group of five people who provide confidential 360 degree feedback. This group includes: the leader’s supervisor, a peer, their spouse or an opposite gender person, and two followers. Data is gathered through the use of secure on-line surveys or inventories that Arrow provides via email. Each feedback group member then follows the direction provided and offers confidential, honest and objective feedback. Arrow also invites (though does not require) spouses to further participate in the assessment process by filling out two self-assessment inventories (16 Personality Factors – 16PF and Myers-Briggs Type Inventory - MBTI). Arrow makes this invitation to spouses out of respect and support for the marriage relationship and with the goal of deepening understanding between husband/wife. Phase 2 – Providing Assessment Overview and Training During residential one, Arrow’s assessment specialist overviews the assessment process with the entire Arrow class. Phase 3 – Assessment Debrief During residential one, each leader receives their own confidential assessment binder as well as the assessment binder for their spouse (if married and participating). After reviewing the assessment feedback, each leader then meets one-on-one with Arrow’s assessment specialist during residential one for a personal consultation and also debriefs the assessment feedback with their leadership partner (on-site mentor). Phase 4 – Spouse Feedback After residential one, the returning Arrow leader will provide their spouse (if married and participating) with their own assessment binder. This binder provides background information on the 16PF and MBTI inventories as well as the spouse’s assessment feedback. We encourage the returning Arrow leader and their spouse to schedule time together to review the assessment feedback. One value-added option is to book Arrow’s assessment specialist for a one-hour phone debrief post-residential one. Thirty minutes of this time would be with the Arrow spouse and thirty minutes with the Arrow participant and their spouse to discuss what the assessment may mean for their marriage and service together. This valuable service is available, upon request, for $100. I, the undersigned, voluntarily consent to be administered among others, the Arrow Leadership Profile Questionnaire, Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Myers Brigg Type Inventory (MBTI), Sixteen Personality Factor Inventory (16PF), and Spiritual Gifts Inventory as part of my comprehensive Arrow Leadership Assessment. I understand that these test results are considered confidential, and disclosure to parties beyond Arrow Assessment Team will only be allowed with my written permission, I take these tests at my own risk, and will not hold Arrow Leadership or any other party responsible for emotional distress that may result from the assessment procedure or results. Printed Name Signature Date: **If sent electronically, please mark “X” to represent electronic signature.** www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 8 of 16 THE ARROW COVENANT Acceptance into the Emerging Stream of the Arrow Leadership Program infers participation in a 20-month holistic and intentional leadership development journey with up to 24 other leaders. To ensure a quality experience for all participants and to protect the integrity of the program, every participant must agree to active participation in every aspect of the program. If selected, you will become a member of a carefully screened cohort of leaders with whom you will learn and grow in community. As a member of this cohort, you will have the opportunity to participate in three residentials, enjoy monthly mentor meetings, work through personal and group assignments, and connect regularly with a cluster of other leaders. Ongoing engagement and participation within the program is expected of every participant. Arrow Leadership reserves the right to “pause” or suspend any participant from the program who violates the terms of this covenant or who, at Arrow’s discretion, needs to focus his/her time or energy on specific development or discipleship priorities in his/her life. Are you aware of and in agreement with Arrow's Statement of Faith in the Lausanne Covenant?* *The statement can be found on our website. If you are NOT in agreement, please elaborate on a separate page. Yes No Do you commit to full participation in all three residential experiences? Yes No Do you commit to an open and honest 360 assessment process? Yes No Do you commit to make yourself available to participate in monthly mentoring meetings? (10 meetings required between residentials) Yes No Do you commit to meet between residentials with a regional peer cluster group? (Approximately 8-12 hours total) Yes No Do you commit to the timely completion of all individual and group assignments? Yes No Do you commit to pay for the entire Emerging Leadership Stream experience? Yes No Do you understand that withdrawal from the program will require a payment of 50% of all remaining fees? Yes No Christian leaders (both men and women) from around the world participate in this transformational leadership development program. While Arrow will promise to preserve your confidentiality and privacy, you will be asked to participate openly within a safe and confidential community. Arrow requests that each leader will actively preserve and protect the confidentiality and privacy of one another. Your signed application constitutes consent and agreement with this policy. Each leader will be assigned a leadership partner who will journey with the leader over the course of the Arrow Program. Leadership partners and select staff from Arrow will be given access to the leader’s Assessment material and will collaborate together as an Assessment and Development Team for the benefit and development of each leader. The Arrow Leadership Program has been developed over years of intensive research and development. Arrow values the free exchange of ideas, learning and expertise. As a result, Arrow will provide open and transparent organizational learning, research and development. This practice is designed to enhance the leader’s learning and personal development. It is expected that the principles, ideas and information provided during the Arrow Leadership experience are transferable and will be put into practice by graduates. Many graduates utilize the concepts, theories and strategies of Arrow Leadership within their own teams and organizations. However, the development of programs that match or mimic the majority of the Arrow Leadership experience requires dialogue and permission from the board of Arrow Leadership. In most cases, Arrow will be glad to assist, consult and support such endeavors. Arrow requests that graduates refrain from the wholesale utilization of the theories, practices and approaches to leadership development created by Arrow in the development or establishment of a leadership development program that would promote itself to a similar clientele or constituency as Arrow. Your signed application constitutes consent and agreement with this policy. For promotional purposes, videos and photographs are taken at all residentials and activities. Your signature constitutes permission for Arrow Leadership to use your likeness in promotional materials. Applicant Signature: www.arrowleadership.org Date: Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 9 of 16 PAYMENT INFORMATION Payment and Fee Information: 1. 2. 3. 4. Application fee - $100 (not a part of program fee) – non-refundable Confirmation fee - $500 (sent in at time of acceptance of program) – non-refundable Initial payment of $2500 Four payments of $1500 scheduled over 20 months A complete payment schedule will be provided with your acceptance package. Penalty for late payment is 8% (per annum) up to six months. If payment is further than 6 months in arrears, it is Arrow’s practice to suspend the leader from participation in the program. In the case of emergency, deferral is a provision. APPLICATION FEE Please find enclosed a $100 check made payable to Arrow Leadership Please charge the $100 application fee to the following credit card: Name on Card: VISA MasterCard Expiration: Card # CVD: __(3-digit security code on back of card) Signature: PROGRAM FEES Which payment option is preferable? Post-dated checks as per payment schedule Sign up for monthly pre-authorized debit withdrawals Charge my credit card as per payment schedule Invoiced according to payment schedule on 30-day terms Credit Card Information for Program Fees (complete only if paying by credit card): Check here to use the same card as listed above Name on Card: VISA MasterCard Expiration: Card # CVD: (3-digit security code on back of card) Signature: ADDITIONAL FEES Spouse or Key Supporter participation at final two days of Residential Three: $350 (Includes program, accommodations, food and graduation banquet) www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 10 of 16 Thank you for your willingness to serve as a reference and feedback group member for an Arrow applicant. This sheet is designed to provide you with some information about Arrow. For additional info, please see www.arrowleadership.org. ARROW’S HERITAGE AND FOCUS The primary objective of the Arrow Leadership Program is to develop Christian leaders in churches and Christian organizations so that they might be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus. Building our model from the foundation of Jesus as the ultimate leader of leaders, we believe Christian leadership is so much more than charisma, a title of influence, or a position of power. Christian leadership starts with God’s call, requires godly character and engages specific competencies. Designed for proven Christian leaders (25-40 years old) who are serving in church, denominational or parachurch ministry, this stream focuses primarily on personal, pastoral and ministry leadership. THE ARROW LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The key components of the Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Stream include: Four Residentials over Two Years Personal 360 Degree Assessment Process Four Layers of Mentoring Academic Standing with Major Seminaries YOUR PARTICIPATION Step 1 – Your Reference Arrow is a challenging and transformative experience. It isn’t for everyone. Therefore, we take considerable care praying and thinking about who to invite to participate in the program. Your reference is a key part of our discernment process. Please be as detailed and honest as you can. If you would like assistance or have particular concerns that you would like to talk through with us, please call 1.877.AN.ARROW. Step 2 – Assessment Feedback Group If the applicant is accepted to the Arrow Leadership Program, they have indicated that they would like you to serve as part of their 360 degree feedback team. This means that prior to the first residential you will be asked to provide honest and confidential feedback on several 360 degree assessments. These assessments will be sent to you via email. Step 3 – Prayer Team Since prayer is a critical component of Arrow’s leader development process, we invite you to pray regularly for your leader’s development. To aid you in prayer, we will send you a prayer e-guide prior to each of the four residentials. www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 11 of 16 CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM: SUPERVISOR *Please see our privacy policy online at www.arrowleadership.org Please send completed form to: admissions@arrowleadership.org or fax to 604.576.5629 APPLICANT Last Name, First name: REFERRER Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Rev. Dr. Other Last Name, First Name: Phone: __________________ Email: ___________________________________ Mailing address: City: State/Province: Position: Zip/Postal Code: How long have you know the applicant? As a ministry supervisor, I support the applicant’s desire to participate in the Arrow Leadership Program. Please respond to the following questions: 1. What are the applicant’s greatest strengths? 2. What do you perceive to be the applicant’s areas for needed growth? 3. Please rate the applicant (1 = low, 5 = high) and comment on the following areas: a. Evangelism 1 2 3 4 5 b. Heart for God 1 2 3 4 5 c. World-wide ministry focus 1 2 3 4 5 d. Leadership Potential 1 2 3 4 5 e. Teachability 1 2 3 4 5 Is there anything else we should know? Name: Date: ___________________ Signature: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 12 of 16 Thank you for your willingness to serve as a reference and feedback group member for an Arrow applicant. This sheet is designed to provide you with some information about Arrow. For additional info, please see www.arrowleadership.org. ARROW’S HERITAGE AND FOCUS The primary objective of the Arrow Leadership Program is to develop Christian leaders in churches and Christian organizations so that they might be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus. Building our model from the foundation of Jesus as the ultimate leader of leaders, we believe Christian leadership is so much more than charisma, a title of influence, or a position of power. Christian leadership starts with God’s call, requires godly character and engages specific competencies. Designed for proven Christian leaders (25-40 years old) who are serving in church, denominational or parachurch ministry, this stream focuses primarily on personal, pastoral and ministry leadership. THE ARROW LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The key components of the Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Stream include: Four Residentials over Two Years Personal 360 Degree Assessment Process Four Layers of Mentoring Academic Standing with Major Seminaries YOUR PARTICIPATION Step 1 – Your Reference Arrow is a challenging and transformative experience. It isn’t for everyone. Therefore, we take considerable care praying and thinking about who to invite to participate in the program. Your reference is a key part of our discernment process. Please be as detailed and honest as you can. If you would like assistance or have particular concerns that you would like to talk through with us, please call 1.877.AN.ARROW. Step 2 – Assessment Feedback Group If the applicant is accepted to the Arrow Leadership Program, they have indicated that they would like you to serve as part of their 360 degree feedback team. This means that prior to the first residential you will be asked to provide honest and confidential feedback on several 360 degree assessments. These assessments will be sent to you via email. Step 3 – Prayer Team Since prayer is a critical component of Arrow’s leader development process, we invite you to pray regularly for your leader’s development. To aid you in prayer, we will send you a prayer e-guide prior to each of the four residentials. www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 13 of 16 CONFIDENTIAL REFERENCE FORM: SPOUSE *Please see our privacy policy online at www.arrowleadership.org Please send completed form to: admissions@arrowleadership.org or fax to 604.576.5629 APPLICANT Last Name, First name: REFERRER Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Rev. Dr. Other Last Name, First Name: Phone: __________________ Email: ___________________________________ Mailing address: City: State/Province: Position: Zip/Postal Code: How long have you know the applicant? Please respond to the following questions: 1. What are the applicant’s greatest strengths? 2. What do you perceive to be the applicant’s areas for needed growth? 3. Please rate the applicant (1 = low, 5 = high) and comment on the following areas: a. Evangelism 1 2 3 4 5 b. Heart for God 1 2 3 4 5 c. World-wide ministry focus 1 2 3 4 5 d. Leadership Potential 1 2 3 4 5 e. Teachability 1 2 3 4 5 Is there anything else we should know? Name: Date: Signature: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 14 of 16 SPOUSE REFERENCE CONTINUED *PLEASE NOTE THAT SPOUSES ONLY ARE ASKED TO ALSO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TWO PAGES. IF YOU ARE FILING OUT THIS REFERENCE AS AN OPPOSITE GENDERED FRIEND, YOUR QUESTIONS ARE NOW COMPLETE. THANKS! As a spouse, please answer the following: What are the strengths and weaknesses of your family life in your opinion? YOUR ROLE AS A SPOUSE Arrow Leadership’s systems approach to leader development sees the spouse’s role as an important component of the leader’s life and leadership. Spouses are therefore invited (though not required) to: participate as a member of the leader’s 360 assessment team, complete a portion of the assessment tools focused on their own assessment and attend a portion of the fourth residential experience, including the graduation ceremony. Whether or not you choose to be part of each of these components, we consider it important that you are in support of your spouse’s participation in the Arrow Leadership Program. Please indicate your support below: Yes, I support my spouse’s participation in the Emerging Stream of the Arrow Leadership Program. I understand that I will be invited to: participate in the assessment component of the program and attend the last two days of residential four, as well as the graduation ceremony. I wish to participate in the voluntary assessment component: Yes No The following page provides information about Arrow Leadership’s assessment process including how you, as a spouse, can take part. You will find it helpful to you in making your decision. If you have chosen to complete the voluntary assessment component, please complete and return along with your reference form. Any comments or questions? Name: Date: Signature: www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 15 of 16 SPOUSAL CONSENT FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING One key component of the Arrow journey is the assessment process. In this confidential and proven process, Arrow uses a number of well-respected assessment inventories to provide opportunity for each leader to foster greater selfunderstanding and self-awareness of their personality, giftedness, strengths, growth areas and blind spots. There are four phases in Arrow’s assessment process: Phase 1 – Gathering Data In addition to each leader providing self-assessment (filling out the inventories on themselves), we ask each leader to identify a feedback group of five people who provide confidential 360 degree feedback. This group includes: the leader’s supervisor, a peer, their spouse or an opposite gender person, and two followers. Data is gathered through the use of secure on-line surveys or inventories that Arrow provides via email. Each feedback group member then follows the direction provided and offers confidential, honest and objective feedback. Arrow also invites (though does not require) spouses to further participate in the assessment process by filling out two self-assessment inventories (16 Personality Factors – 16PF and Myers-Briggs Type Inventory - MBTI). Arrow makes this invitation to spouses out of respect and support for the marriage relationship and with the goal of deepening understanding between husband/wife. Phase 2 – Providing Assessment Overview and Training During residential one, Arrow’s assessment specialist overviews the assessment process with the entire Arrow class. Phase 3 – Assessment Debrief During residential one, each leader receives their own confidential assessment binder as well as the assessment binder for their spouse (if married and participating). After reviewing the assessment feedback, each leader then meets one-on-one with Arrow’s assessment specialist for a personal consultation and also debriefs the assessment feedback with their leadership partner (on-site mentor). Phase 4 – Spouse Feedback After residential one, the returning Arrow leader will provide their spouse (if married and participating) with their own assessment binder. This binder provides background information on the 16PF and MBTI inventories as well as the spouse’s assessment feedback. We encourage the returning Arrow leader and their spouse to schedule time together to review the assessment feedback. One value-added option is to book Dr. Whitman for a one-hour phone debrief post-residential one. Thirty minutes of this time would be with the Arrow spouse and thirty minutes with the Arrow participant and their spouse to discuss what the assessment may mean for their marriage and service together. This valuable service is available, upon request, for $100. I, the undersigned, voluntarily consent to be administered the Sixteen Personality Factor Inventory (16PF) and MyersBriggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as part of my spouse’s comprehensive Arrow Leadership assessment. I understand that the results of this test will be shared with my spouse as part of his/her assessment, and will be made available to me after the first Arrow residential. I understand that these test results are considered confidential, and disclosure to parties beyond the Arrow Assessment Team will only be allowed with my written permission. I take these inventories at my own risk, and will not hold Arrow Leadership or any other party responsible for any emotional distress that may result from the procedure or results of these inventories. Spouse’s printed name Spouse’s signature Date: ** If sent electronically, please mark “X” to represent electronic signature.** www.arrowleadership.org Arrow Leadership Program – Emerging Leader Stream Application Page 16 of 16