Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock Model design The model presented for the mammalian circadian clock was designed based on the information contained on Figure S1. This figure contains the same elements as Figure 1 in the main text and additionally all parameters and variables indicated on the equations. The model comprises two major compartments, the nucleus (light grey) and the cytoplasm. There are 20 species represented, including, 5 genes (highlighted in blue boxes); their corresponding cytoplasmic proteins and cytoplasmic protein complexes (indexed “C” and highlighted in violet boxes) and nuclear proteins and nuclear protein complexes (indexed “N” and highlighted in yellow boxes). Dead-end orange lines represent transcription inhibition reactions, green arrows other reactions (transcription, translation, import/export, phosphorylation/dephosphoryplation, and complex formation). The dashed horizontal line visually divides the model into two large subunits: the RBR loop and the PC loop. All parameters and variables are given in, Table 2A, 2B and 2C. All time units are given in hours and concentration units are given as arbitrary units (a.u.). It should be noted that arbitrary units cannot be compared across different publications according to IUPAC rules [1]. The network in Figure S1 can be translated into the following set of ordinary differential equations: CLOCK/BMAL dx1 kf x1 x7 kd x1 x1 d x1 x1 dt (1) Rev-Erb dy3 V3 max dt x1 1 g kt 3 PC 1 ki3 w v v x1 x1 kt 3 kt 3 v d y 3 y3 (2) 1/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock Ror dy 4 V4 max dt x1 1 h kt 4 PC 1 ki 4 q p p x1 x1 kt 4 kt 4 p d y4 y4 (3) REV-ERBC dz 6 k p 3 ( y3 y30 ) kiz 6 z 6 d z 6 z 6 dt (4) dz 7 k p 4 ( y 4 y 40 ) kiz 7 z 7 d z 7 z 7 dt (5) dx5 kiz 6 z 6 d x 5 x5 dt (6) dx6 kiz 7 z 7 d x 6 x6 dt (7) RORC REV-ERBN RORN Bmal n dy5 V5 max dt x6 1 i kt 5 d y 5 y5 m n x5 x 6 1 ki 5 kt 5 (8) 2/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock BMALC dz8 k p 5 ( y5 y50 ) kiz 8 z8 d z 8 z8 dt (9) dx7 kiz 8 z8 kdx1 x1 kfx1 x7 d x 7 x7 dt (10) BMALN Per b dy1 V1max dt x1 1 a kt1 d y1 y1 c b b PC x1 x1 1 ki1 kt1 kt1 (11) Cry e dy 2 V2 max dt x1 1 d 1 kt 2 d y2 y2 f e e f1 PC x1 x1 x5 1 1 k k k k i2 t 2 t 2 i 21 (12) CRYC dz1 k p 2 ( y 2 y 20 ) kdz 4 z 4 kdz 5 z5 kfz 5 z1z 2 kfz 4 z1z3 d z1 z1 dt (13) dz 2 k p1 ( y1 y10 ) kdz 5 z 5 kd phz3 z 3 kfz 5 z 2 z1 kphz 2 z 2 d z 2 z 2 dt (14) PERC 3/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock PERC* dz 3 kphz 2 z 2 kdz 4 z 4 kd phz3 z 3 kfz 4 z 3 z1 d z 3 z 3 dt (15) PERC*/CRYC dz 4 kfz 4 z1z 3 kex 2 x 2 kiz 4 z 4 kdz 4 z 4 d z 4 z 4 dt (16) dz 5 kfz 5 z1z 2 kex 3 x3 kiz 5 z 5 kdz 5 z 5 d z 5 z 5 dt (17) PERC/CRYC PER*N/CRYN dx 2 kiz 4 z 4 kex 2 x 2 d x 2 x 2 dt (18) dx3 kiz 5 z 5 kex 3 x3 d x 3 x3 dt (19) PC x2 x3 (20) PERN/CRYN PER/CRYpool 4/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock List of Variables Variable [a.u.] x1 x2 x3 PC x5 x6 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8 Table 1. List of Variables Name CLOCK/BMAL PER*N/CRYN PERN/CRYN PER/CRYpool REV-ERBN RORN Per Cry Rev-Erb Ror Bmal CRYC PERC PERC* PERC*/CRYC PERC/CRYC REV-ERBC RORC BMALC 5/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock List of Parameters Parameters Name Value Degradation rates for nuclear proteins or nuclear protein complexes [hour-1] CLOCK/BMAL 0.08 dx1 * PER N/CRYN 0.06 dx2 PERN/CRYN 0.09 dx3 REV-ERBN 0.17 dx5 RORN 0.12 dx6 BMALN 0.15 dx7 -1 Degradation rates for mRNAs [hour ] Per 0.3 dy1 Cry 0.2 dy2 Rev-Erb 2 dy3 Ror 0.2 dy4 Bmal 1.6 dy5 -1 Degradation rates for cytoplasmic proteins [hour ] CRYC 0.23 dz1 PERC 0.25 dz2 * PERC 0.6 dz3 * PERC /CRYC 0.2 dz4 PER /CRY 0.2 dz5 C C REV-ERBC 0.31 dz6 RORC 0.3 dz7 BMALC 0.73 dz8 Reaction rates for complex formation/dissociation CLOCK/BMAL-complex formation [hour-1] 2.3 kfx1 -1 CLOCK/BMAL-complex dissociation [hour ] 0.01 kdx1 * kfz4 1 PERC /CRYC-complex formation [(a.u.hour)-1] * PERC /CRYC-complex dissociation [hour-1] 1 kdz4 -1 kfz5 1 PERC/CRYC-complex formation [(a.u.hour) ] -1 PERC/CRYC-complex dissociation [hour ] 1 kdz5 -1 Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation reaction rates [hour ] PERC-phosphorylation rate 2 kphz2 *PERC dephosphorylation rate 0.05 kdphz3 -1 Transcription rates [a.u.hour ] Per 1 V1max Cry 2.92 V2max Rev-Erb 1.9 V3max Ror 10.9 V4max Bmal 1 V5max Table 2A. List of Parameters 6/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock Parameters Name Activation/inhibition rates [a.u.] Per-activation rate kt1 Per-inhibition rate ki1 Cry-activation rate kt2 Cry-inhibition rate ki2 Cry-inhibition rate ki21 Rev-Erb-activation rate kt3 Rev-Erb-inhibition rate ki3 Ror-activation rate kt4 Ror-inhibition rate ki4 Bmal-activation rate kt5 Bmal-inhibition rate ki5 Transcription fold activation (dimensionless) Per a Cry d Rev-Erb g Ror h Bmal i Production rates [hour-1] PERC kp1 CRYC kp2 REV-ERBC kp3 RORC kp4 BMALC kp5 Import/Export rates [hour-1] PERC*/CRYC kiz4 PERC/CRYC kiz5 REV-ERBC kiz6 RORC kiz7 BMALC kiz8 PER*N/CRYN kex2 PERN/CRYN kex3 Table 2B. List of Parameters Value 3 0.9 2.4 0.7 5.2 2.07 3.3 0.9 0.4 8.35 1.94 12 12 5 5 12 0.4 0.26 0.37 0.76 1.21 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.02 7/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock Parameters Name Hill coefficients of transcription (dimensionless) Per-activation b Per-inhibition c Cry-activation rate e Cry-inhibition f Cry-inhibition f1 Rev-Erb-activation v Rev-Erb-inhibition w Ror-activation p Ror-inhibition q Bmal-activation n Bmal-inhibition m Exogenous RNA [a.u.] y10 Per y20 Cry y30 Rev-Erb y40 Ror y50 Bmal Table 2C. List of Parameters Value 5 7 6 4 1 6 2 6 3 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 8/9 Text S1 A. Relógio et al. Tuning the Mammalian Circadian Clock References 1. Olesen H (1995) Properties and units in the clinical laboratory sciences. I. Syntax and semantic rules (recommendation 1995). International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC). Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 33: 627-636. 9/9