Fall 2012 APPEAL FORM FOR FINANCIAL AID REINSTATEMENT The Higher Education Act and Federal regulations require that a student maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be eligible to receive financial aid funds. Colleges are required to determine if students are meeting SAP so that their academic standing is consistent with graduation requirements. The Alamo Colleges apply this policy as required to all aid applicants. Students who do not meet SAP requirements (see description on reverse side) are placed on financial aid “Suspension”. This form provides the process a student must follow (see below & reverse side) to appeal a suspension and request financial aid eligibility reinstatement. NAME: _____________________________________________________ Banner ID#_________________________ Last First Anticipated Graduation or Transfer date: _____________________________ Semester requesting aid reinstatement: _____________________________ Appeals may be submitted for one or both of the reasons listed below. Please choose the reason(s) that apply to you. Failure to submit the required documentation for the reason selected below will result in the denial of your appeal. Death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstance. Meet with your academic advisor to obtain a Success Plan. Attach it to this appeal along with your written statement and documentation (death or birth certificates, doctor and hospital statements) that support your situation. Additional information is provided on reverse side. A student who has exceeded the maximum number of attempted hours allowed (99), must attach a written statement to explain the reason(s) for exceeding the attempted hours limit, and meet with the academic advisor to obtain a Degree Plan. The Degree Plan must list all courses completed, the courses still needed, and the semester when student will finish degree requirements to graduate. If the GPA and/or the 67% course completion requirement was not met, the student must also follow the process described above. Additional information is provided on reverse side. Submit the appeal form, Success Plan, written statement with documentation, and Degree Plan (if needed), directly to the Financial Aid Office at the College where you plan to enroll. Appeals are accepted during the following time frames: Enrollment Period: Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Appeals Accepted: May 1 through June 28, 2012 September 17 through October 31, 2012 No Summer Appeal Process I understand that the appeal review process takes up to twelve (12) weeks for a final determination, but may take longer depending on volume of appeals, and the time of year. I also agree to be prepared to pay registration expenses in the event this appeal is denied or not reviewed prior to the payment due date. The appeal committee decision is final, but a student may reappeal a denial after successfully completing one semester of at least six hours enrollment. I further acknowledge that: When my appeal is reviewed, I will be considered for but not guaranteed approval for loans and/or grants. If approved, eligibility will be reinstated as Probation Status for one semester and progress will be reviewed again at the end of the semester. If SAP is not met or progress not made according to the Success or Degree Plan, all financial aid eligibility will again be suspended. Make Copies of your entire Appeal packet before submitting Student Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ APPROVED: DENIED: College Official: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ The Alamo Colleges do not discriminate on the basis of national origin, sex, age, or disability with respect to access, employment programs, or services. Inquiries or complaints should be brought to the attention of: Associate Vice-Chancellor of Employee Services, Title IX Coordinator. (210)485-0200.- Employee Services Department 201 W. Sheridan, Bldg A. San Antonio, TX 78204- The Alamo Colleges value an inclusive environment that reflects the diversity of our students, employees, and the community we serve. SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) REQUIREMENTS At the Alamo Colleges The Alamo Colleges Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards, as revised effective July 1, 2011 are: 1. Maintain a minimum 2.0 overall GPA, and 2. Successfully complete 67% of all course work attempted, and 3. Complete the program of study within 99 hours of attempted course work, (including hours attempted at other colleges). Student compliance with SAP is evaluated annually after the spring semester ends. Students who meet SAP are classified as Good Standing. Students who do not meet SAP lose financial aid eligibility and are placed in Suspension status. The statuses and the appeal process are defined below. GOOD STANDING: A student who meets all three SAP requirements is considered to be in Good Standing. Students in Good Standing may participate in all financial aid programs provided they meet all other eligibility criteria, subject to the availability of funds. SUSPENSION: Students are placed on Suspension if at the end of the spring semester they do not meet all SAP requirements. Students whose prior status was “probation” (see below) are placed back on suspension if they are not able to bring their performance up to minimum SAP requirements, or if they were not able to comply with the terms of the Success Plan or Degree Plan. A student placed back on suspension may re-appeal that status after successfully completing one semester of at least six hours enrollment. Students on suspension may continue to enroll but at their own expense until the SAP standards are met. APPEAL PROCESS: Students who lose financial aid eligibility due to death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, other special circumstances, or for exceeding the maximum number of attempted hours allowed (99) may appeal. Student must meet with an academic advisor to agree to and complete a Success Plan that details how the student will comply with SAP requirements by the end of the semester or by a specific point in time. The student must also submit a written statement explaining the reason(s) for failing to meet SAP, and if applicable for exceeding 99 attempted hours. The statement must also explain what has changed in their situation to enable them to meet SAP by the end of the semester. Submit with the appeal form the Success Plan and Degree Plan (if over 99 attempted hours) signed by the academic advisor, students statement, and any other documentation such as death or birth certificates, and doctor and hospital statements. PROBATION: If an appeal is approved, the status is changed to Probation and eligibility is reinstated for one semester only, (subject to any limitations imposed, and/or to individual program requirements). Academic performance is evaluated after the semester ends to determine if SAP and/or terms of the Success/Degree Plan was met to allow for eligibility to be continued for the following semester of enrollment. CONTINUATION OF ELIGIBILITY - PROBATION to ACADEMIC PLAN: Student progress and the Degree Plan (if required) is reviewed after each semester to evaluate whether SAP requirements are met. If SAP is met and student follows the approved plan, financial aid eligibility continues through the end date established by the Counselor/Advisor. Students who did not meet SAP and/or who did not follow the Degree Plan are placed back on suspension. A student may not re-appeal after being suspended from Academic Plan status. Students on suspension may continue to enroll but at their own expense.